Last Update 7/26/2024  (Français Texte) by Tim Bernard  

Original site with all of my writings and videos    Updated 7/26/2024

     Articles & Archives

 For secular news stories go to my site; Big Sky Free Press,

updated 7/26  www.BSfreepress.netBig Sky Free Press for Phones

Others Writings, Videos and Prophecies    updated     7/25

An Intro to 27 Years of Walking Through the Gauntlet  

Marie Julie Jahenny Remedies for Our Times

[English Audio] - Father Savvas Agioritis: What is to Come for Those Who are Inoculated with covid 1984 jab

Tell Bishops to Stop Enabling the Illegal Invasion of Our Nation

Heaven's Peace Plan - The First Five Saturdays asked by Our of Fatima.


Saint James the Greater, Apostle

Saints Joachim and Anne’s Story

St. James’ courageous martyrdom has inspired the conversion and pilgrimage of many

July 25, 2024, Our Lady appeared to the visionary Marija and delivered the following message for the world “I have chosen YOU”

Bishop Strickland: High-Ranking Prelates are Leading Souls to Hell

Archbishop Aguer: Spiritual joy is not a naive happiness that downplays the reality of evil

The “Universal Call to Holiness” Was Always There

Hildegard of Bingen: O Fire Of The Holy Spirit, Comforter | O ignis Spiritus paracliti

New Priestly Seminary for the Roman Rite in Tanzania, Supported by Bishop Schneider


‘Some definite service’: How an English diocese is unleashing growth

Bishop Attacked and Left Tied Up on the Side of the Road

Jerusalem’s Latin Patriarch tells Christians to heed ‘call’ to live in Holy Land despite continual conflict

Nun: “We women are by no means excluded from Eucharistic adoration”

Deacons by deceit: What happened in a Nigerian diocese this month?

Vatican says Latin Mass parishes in Virginia diocese must offer Latin Novus Ordo once a month instead

The Problem Is "The Internet" - FSSP Superior General NO

Philippine Catholics praying country remains world’s only State – excluding Vatican – not to legalise divorce

Texas Judge Temporarily Stops Horrific Dehydration and Starvation of 28-Year-Old Woman

Texas Catholic church cancels funeral date for Margo Naranjo after learning she’s not dying

The big Hollerich-Caritas scandal - 61 million euros embezzled

Bishop quits as Belgian Church’s point man on abuse

Pope Pius XII Wanted the Catholic Church’s Most Depraved Clerical Sex Predator to Be “Treated” 

Now the Chaldean Catholic Church also officially rejects the blessing of homosexual couples

JD Vance’s Catholic conversion inspired by St Augustine – and the wreckage of the modern age

Science, Pseudoscience…and Miracles

U.N.: Nicaragua Banned Nearly 8,000 Catholic Events in a Year, Tortured Priests

The Values That Made Western Society Great Came From The Bible

“All Men are Created Equal”: University of Oregon Loses Key Motion in Free Speech Case

New ‘God’s Gang’ cartoon tries hard to explore interfaith dialogue and relations – but fails

Spanish-Catholic portal criticizes “the ultra-heterodox German diocese of Essen”

Fatima shrine rules out removal of Rupnik mosaic amid growing pushback against his art

The Grey Wolves of Modernist Ambiguity

Ben Carson gives perfect defense of pro-life position in powerful Tucker Carlson interview

Great-grandmother days away from federal prison: ‘I know what God has called me to do’

Woman Devastated by Abortion Helps Other Post-Abortive Women Find Healing in Christ

HORRIFIC: Men allegedly covered up woman’s botched abortion death, then drowned her children

Army’s “Apology” For Calling Pro-Life Americans Terrorists Just Makes It Worse

Landlord again attempts to evict Virginia abortion facility owned by ‘Abortion Queen’

Radical abortion, LGBT activists attack showing of pro-life film ‘Baby Olivia’ in Italy

Richmond City Council Votes to Turn School Building Into Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz

Authorities uncover more victims of Canadian man who sold suicide kits online

This Ex-Gay Christian Campaigns for Therapy Freedom

‘Transgender’ YouTube celebrity leaves ‘MrBeast’ channel over pedophilia allegations

District Takes Down ‘LGBTQ Resources’ Link to Org With Transgender Surgery Information After Daily Signal Exposé

U.S. Olympic Soccer’s Tierna Davidson Blasts Christian Teammate for Criticizing Trans Movement

President of Italian Bishops Praises "Queer Family"

‘Truly humiliating moment’: Three drag queens help carry Olympic torch to Paris

Women’s soccer team in Sydney has 5 biological male players — and they’re undefeated.      7/26


WATCH: Jonathan Roumie Reads the Bread of Life Discourse

Saint Christina, Virgin and Martyr

St. John Boste

Saint Sharbel Makhlouf’s Story

Saint Apollinaris of Ravenna, Bishop and Martyr

St. Apollinaris endured torture and martyrdom to spread Christianity at the command of St. Peter

Saint Brigdet of Sweden: Co-Patroness of Europe

St. Bridget of Sweden

Saint Bridget, Sweden’s Charitable Bibliophile

How love can be strengthened by Holy Communion

The Eucharist Is the Source and Summit of Catholic Higher Education

Was the Congress a ‘revival’?

Round-up: How secular media reported the Eucharistic Congress

10 Things to Know About the 2024 International Eucharistic Congress in Quito, Ecuador

FSSPX Celebrates Mass in Colombia's Most Important Marian Basilica


Lila Rose Recalls Life-Changing Encounter With Jesus Christ in the Eucharist

The Grey Wolves of Modernist Ambiguity

Chaldean bishops praise Iraqi prime minister for reinstating patriarch but decry ‘agony of Christians’ in country

The war catastrophe and the persecution of the Church are the events of the secrets already foretold in Fatima

Diocese of Gary ‘able to dream’ after $150 million gift for Catholic schools

Quebec’s Cardinal Lacroix returns to ministry after Vatican sex abuse investigation ends

25% Less: Vatican Imposes a Novus Ordo per Month

Chicago church engages the community with “driveway Masses”

‘A first shelter’ - Priest’s ministry helps Cuban refugees in Spain

Bishop Strickland: Catholics have a duty to ‘expose treachery’ of prelates ‘leading souls to hell’

Rumours and Facts about the Document against Holy Mass That Wasn't Published

No, Pro-Life Laws Have Not Worsened Public-Health Outcomes for Women

Little Flower’s Carmelite community faces ‘profound changes’

Chaldean Cardinal Rejects "Blessing" of Homosexual Couples

Elevation Church collects over $100M in tithes, offerings in 2023 as attendance soars

Two Cities in America

Church in Paris Set on Fire, Excrements on the Floor

Knights of Columbus Covers Rupnik Art at John Paul II Shrine Pending Sex-Abuse Investigation

Nigeria: Four Men Fraudulently Obtain Diaconal Ordinations

Abortion Pill Reversal is a Medically Valid Process That Saves Babies From Abortions

After birth at 22 weeks, micro-preemie finally heads home: ‘A baby miracle’

A Woman Says That An Angel Showed Her 4 Major Things That Are Going To Happen In 2025

Heavily Catholic state in Austria cannot find any doctors to commit abortions

Kamala Harris Tried to Shut Down Pregnancy Centers, Raided a Pro-Life Leader’s Home

No Matter How Hard She Tries, Kamala Harris Can’t Hide Her History Of Abortion Extremism

Kansas Supreme Court Reaffirms Total Devotion to Unfettered Abortion 

Police deployed as abortion activists hurl insults and condoms at ‘Baby Olivia’ screening in Italy

Kamala Harris Can’t Name a Single Abortion Limit She Supports

Breaking: Turkey Declares Hijab Mandatory, 'Commandment of Allah,' 

How should faithful Catholic parents respond if their child comes out as homosexual?

New Hampshire bans body mutilating trans surgeries for under-18s, boys from girls' sports

New Hampshire’s GOP governor signs 3 bills to roll back transgender agenda, vetoes fourth

Court fight over same-sex marriage aims to bring down landmark ruling that made it legal

UNWOKE: Microsoft ditches its “business critical” DEI team as the WOKE WAVE begins to unravel

Police: Delaware Catholic School Teacher Sent Nudes to Student via Snapchat

'I Lost My Son': Musk Says He Was Tricked Into Approving Puberty Blockers           7/24


The Eucharist brings together

‘To love and serve the Lord’ - The Eucharistic Congress concludes

Saint Mary Magdalen, Peniten

Mary Magdalene’s Marvelous Metanoia

3 Honors given to St. Mary Magdalene, according to Aquinas

Saint Lawrence of Brindisi’s Story

Saint Lawrence of Brindisi’ Bible and Cappucino

Saint Victor of Marseille, Soldier and Martyr

Friars come to the rescue during a hitch in a huge procession

‘Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament’ — The Eucharistic Congress, Days 3 and 4

The Wages of Vatican II in Italy: Without priests or faithful, the Diocese left behind by the enemy of the Latin Mass, Abp. Viola, is crumbling

Vatican grants two-year extension for Latin Masses in Diocese of Arlington

Priests are shepherds we need, chosen by and mystically united to Christ

New Catholic priests in the US are embracing theological orthodoxy, eschewing progressivism

Crisis Afoot? Go to the Roots

For God's sake: 'lay down your weapons'!

Jorge Luis Borges: Something Alarms Me about Father Bergoglio

African seminarians warned to reject ‘revisionism’ and ‘detach from materialism’

America Needs a Prayer Meeting

AMAZING: How Father Altman got Trump the statue of St. Michael the Archangel

'Cultural erasure': Azerbaijan destroys Armenian churches, heritage sites after Nagorno-Karabakh war

Those Who Feel Eternity: Truth and the Intellectual

"Bicycle Service" in a Bavarian Church

Highest numbers of resignations in Hamburg, Berlin and Limburg!

Vatican to investigate Peru bishop over claims of affairs with multiple women

Newly published Document: Vatican Officials Took Homosexuality of Marcial Maciel Seriously

Vatican’s Archives Shed Light on the Legion of Christ Scandal

Vatican: Cross-examination in London real estate case ended that lost 100 million euros

@father_rmv..likely Democratic nominee..believes Catholics are unfit to serve on our nation’s courts..Kamala Harris’s Anti-Catholic Bigotry | National Review

Catholic priest in Ireland disallows pro-abortion politician from receiving Communion

She instantly regretted taking the abortion pill. That’s when a Sidewalk Advocate offered help.

Colorado Planned Parenthood plans to close because it can’t find medical staff

Lawmakers outraged after army training slides list pro-life groups as terrorists

U.S. Army Secretary admits presentation calling pro-lifers terrorists has been in use for 7 years

Another state in Mexico has decriminalized abortion

Abortion Cheerleader Kamala Harris Would Impose Abortions Up to Birth on All 50 States

EXCLUSIVE: Top Pediatrician Promoting Trans Procedures for Texas Kids Now High Ranking NIH Official

UK report debunks claim that halting puberty blockers increases suicide in gender-confused youth

Outed Priest Sues Gay Dating App Over Alleged Privacy Violations        7/22


Saint Arsenius the Great, and the Silent

Saint Vincent de Paul, Founder

St. Margaret of Antioch

Saint Apollinaris’ Story

Saint Jerome Emiliani, Founder

Saint Mary MacKillop’s Story

The existence of God can be known through His creation

Researchers make sensational discovery in Jerusalem's Church of the Holy Sepulchre

FULL TRANSCRIPT: Archbishop Viganò addresses Traditional Eucharistic Revival event

Cardinal Sandoval Sends Letter to Pope in defense of Traditional Latin Mass

Why the Attempt to Ban the Latin Mass Is Failing

Roman Rite: Arlington Carmelites Turn to Suspended Priests for Mass

Vatican grants two-year extension for Latin Masses in Diocese of Arlington 

‘The Body of Christ’ - The Eucharistic Congress, Day 2

Wrongly Parked Car: Police Stop Eucharist

Can the Blessed Sacrament revive the American Church?

Teach Your Kids the Mass: Part 2

Living the Catholic Life

A Miracle: A Bishop Who Didn't (!) Betray His Priest

Beloved French Priest Accused of Sexual Assault

Nigerian bishops warn about EU agreement that could force abortion upon Africa

Bishop Strickland: "Silent shepherds" betray Christ through their apathy

Cardinal Parolin visits war-torn Ukraine

A Nanny-Church to Match the Nanny-State

A new Mount Carmel in Oxfordshire: the young friars following St. Teresa of Ávila

Chaldean Catholic bishops call for unity

Catholic bishop warns communism is ‘imminent’ in Mexico, says government rigged election

Tucker Carlson, Franklin Graham credit God with Trump's survival: 'God is among us'

Amsterdam: Tucho Reaffirms Negative Verdict

BREAKING: Massive Fire Engulfs Dallas Area Church Led by Trump Supporter Pastor Robert Jeffress (VIDEO)

A Bishop Blesses New (!) Mosaics by Father Rupnik

Globalists are attacking Africa’s families, but this Catholic man is pushing back

Godless: View Co-Host Joy Behar Bashes Trump For Mentioning God, Says His Bandage “Should Have Been Over Mouth” (VIDEO)

Bethany Christian Services: Meet the Organizations Exposing the Truth About Adoption and Supporting Families In Need  

The Ominous Resurfacing of ‘Christian’ Antisemitism

Little girl born at 24 weeks reunites with nurses who cared for her in the NICU

Premature Baby Born at 22 Weeks Heads Home. “He’s a Miracle”

Foster parents sue US state of Vermont

Young widow whose husband died on their honeymoon has delivered their baby boy

97% of Women Who Visit Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers Have a Positive Experience 

Doctors said our lives would be ruined if we didn’t abort him. They couldn’t have been more wrong!

Italy Offers Women 1,000 Euros a Month if They Reject Abortion, Keep Their Baby

Pro-life advocate Mark Houck raided by FBI now seeking JUSTICE

Here’s Something the Media Won’t Tell You: Pro-Abortion Candidates are Losing

The media’s favorite diversion tactic about ‘taxpayer-funded abortion up to birth’

Satanic Pro-Abortion Sculpture in Houston is Beheaded

Switzerland Promotes New Suicide Pod for People to Kill Themselves

Parents Objecting To Pornographic Materials In Schools Are Facing The Tyranny of Cancel Culture From The FBI On Their Doorstep To Being Fired After LGBTQ Smear Campaigns

Catholics rally to pray the rosary outside Knights of Columbus hall as LGBT 'prom night' was going on inside

The Stonewall Riot Hoax

CDC, Pfizer affiliate sponsor pro-LGBT public school event for fifth-graders           7/20


The Agony of Abraham

Saint Camillus of Lellis, Founder

Saint Camillus de Lellis’ Story

St. Frederick

Saint Alexis of Rome, Confessor

Saint Francis Solano’s Story

The Witness of the Carmelites of Compiègne – Le Temoinage des Carmelites de Compiègne

Our Lady of Banneux and the Prayer to the Virgin of the Poor to alleviate suffering

On the Feast of Our Lady's Humility, I Don't Accept the 'New Face' of the Catholic Church

Archbishop Viganò: We must pray for those misled by ‘usurper Bergoglio’

‘I am the living bread’ — The Eucharistic Congress, Day 1

Cardinal once jailed by communists criticizes Vatican's 'silence' about China's persecution of Catholics

Schneider: Already Pius X Was Not Vigilant Enough in the Appointment of Cardinals

Bishop Barron’s ‘10,000 Holy Hours’ prayer campaign cruises past 7,000 mark

A Nanny-Church to Match the Nanny-State

Grave Injustice: Traditional Priests Stripped Of Faculties, Kicked Out Of Diocese

Cardinal Sandoval Implores Francis Not to Suppress Roman Rite

What happens when bishops call the USCCB ‘duplicitous’?

Woman shoots man in church as faithful gathered to pray rosary  

How To Pray for the Enemies of Holy Mother Church

Great Is the Mercy of God

Jesus Christ Is Donald Trump’s Security Detail

CL: The Bergoglians Rebel Against Bergoglio

The Catholic running mate with the Hindu wife

Nicaragua: Ortega's regime closes Radio Maria

The Enemy of the Holy Mass: Vittorio Viola

Parents Sue Vermont for Denying Them Adoption License Because of Their Christian Views

Physician warns of chilling links between ‘brain death’ and organ harvesting

WATCH: Abortion survivor shares powerful story of hope and forgiveness

Parents are more likely to abort babies diagnosed early with heart defects… unless they get this

The Media Hides How the Abortion Pill Hurts Women

Refusal of Communion to minister over abortion vote causes rift in Irish Church

Poland is One of the Only Countries in Europe to Protect Babies From Abortions

High school shuts down ‘well-being center’ run by Planned Parenthood after parental outrage

The media says no one supports ‘abortion after birth.’ Yet, language in some laws might allow it.

There are no new doctors for abortions in Tyrol

Congressional committee demands answers on Army briefing that labeled pro-lifers ‘terrorists’

Planned Parenthood pushes abortion pill regimen beyond FDA-approved limit: report

Poland: A Former Organiser of World Youth Day Arrested for Sexual Abuse

Thomas More Society slams new California law forcing schools to hide ‘gender transitions’ from parents

Cardinal Gracias: "Francis Especially Concerned About Homosexuals"        7/18


Our Lady of Mount Carmel

St. Carmen

Saint Bonaventure, Doctor of the Church

The Seraphic Doctor: Saint Bonaventure

Saint Kateri Tekakwitha’s Story

Saint Anacletus, Pope and Martyr

Saint Camillus de Lellis: The Great Revolutionary of Charity Towards the Sick

The Revival, the Eucharist, and the Pew data

WATCH: Why Have Catholics Lost Faith in the Real Presence?

By an Inch: Trump, JP II and Fatima

Archbishop Viganò suggests assassination attempt on Trump due to his anti-globalist stance

The Pope as the Custodian of Tradition

What Do You Mean There’s No More Wine?


New Zealand bishop expels traditionalist order

Famous Mexican Producer Defends the Mass: Many Mexicans Long for Roman Rite

Women at the Foot of the Cross and Beyond

US bishops, Vatican call for prayers and peace after Trump assassination attempt

Miraculous? Donald Trump’s bloody ear and the prayer that preceded it

Fr. Charron (He Was There!) & Bishop Strickland React to TRUMP Assassination Attempt

EU economic deal pushes ‘secularistic ideologies’ on Africa, Nigerian bishops warn

Religion is essential for the good of every person, family and state. Here’s why

Eucharistic Congress: ‘We’re ready’ for Indianapolis security

Switzerland: Church Desecration Becomes a Matter of Habit

Francis, McCarrick, and Illusions of Change…

Christian democracy in Europe: An interview with Catholic historian Charles Coulombe

From now on, revenues from church taxes will decrease

‘Parishioners Are Devastated’: Police Charge Taxi Driver With ‘Hate Crime’ After 42-Year-Old Landmark ‘Jesus Child’ Statue Beheaded at New York City Catholic Church

Trump appoints a devout Catholic as his running mate: JD Vance

Harrison Butker responds to tennis legend Serena Williams after she insulted his Catholic beliefs

Second Vatican Council: Only Four Survivors Left

Canada’s anti-Christian media treats evangelicals like a leper colony

She knew she was adopted… but learning she was an abortion survivor changed everything

Allyson Felix and Pampers co-create nursery for athlete moms at Paris Olympics

Heroic Priest Denies Communion to Pro-Death Politician

Texas gives millions to pregnancy resource centers – and here’s why

Minnesota Pro-Life Advocates Stop Democrat Measure for Abortions Up to Birth

Krytia Freeland’s ‘Free’ Contraceptives

NYC plans to stop treating bodies of 2nd and 3rd trimester aborted babies as ‘human remains’

It's about time the US joins other countries and move away from gender treatments for children

Trudeau’s government is sinking millions into pro-LGBT groups as you get poorer

Report; John Deere trains staff to snitch on those who object to men using women's restrooms      7/16


What does the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist mean?

Saint John Gualbert, Founder

Saint John Jones’ and Saint John Wall’s stories

Louis and Zelie Martin’s Ecclesia Domestica

Read St. Thérése of Lisieux’s profound offering of herself

Vatican honours Our Lady of Walsingham with new national feast day

How Irenaeus would have reacted to the digitalization of our lives

Orange Day and Saint Oliver Plunkett, the Last Martyr of the Protestants

How the Rule of St. Benedict helped establish Christendom

2 Months with the Eucharist: Now what?

WATCH: Why Have Catholics Lost Faith in the Real Presence?

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Issues A Grave Warning About Pope Francis

Is John XXIV Already Under Way?

The Time Is Now

How Kenya’s Catholics Faced Backlash Following Fiducia Supplicans

Synod on Synodality: Guiding Document Skirts Hot-Button Topics, But Does It ‘Open The Door’ To Big Changes?

Process Theology: The Issue with Fiducia Supplicans

Rouen: Cathedral to reopen today after fire in crossing tower

Archbishop’s Excommunication Fuels Revolt Against Rome

EXPOSED: Jaw-dropping financial and sexual corruption in the Church

Pope to preside over interfaith meeting at Indonesian mosque

Teach Your Kids the Mass: Part 1

Christians in occupied Jerusalem see marked surge in Israeli settler attacks

Satanic statue beheaded at University of Houston.

Bishop Defends for Obscenity that Demeans Our Lady and Every Birthing Mother

For Innsbruck Bishop Glettler, Linz's scandalous painting is a 'kind of corrective' to previous Marian figures

New film shares story of Texas church members who adopted 77 children

Communism is ‘Imminent’ in Mexico, Bishop Says

Poll Shows Majority of Catholics Oppose Church's Pro-Migration Stance -

BREAKING: Senator Chuck Grassley Releases Shocking Records Confirming HHS Placed Children to Sponsors Linked to MS-13 Gang

Globalists are attacking Africa’s families, but this Catholic man is pushing back

Archbishop of Canterbury and wife chose life for daughter despite pressure to abort

Polish Parliament Rejected Bill to Legalize Evil of Abortion – By Only Three Votes

Wisconsin Supreme Court unanimously rules for pro-lifer’s free speech near Planned Parenthood

After Massive Criticism, Fort Liberty Walks Back Slide Claiming Pro-Life Groups are Terrorists

Are Pro-Lifers Helpless Now, with Nowhere to Go?

The Truth About Abortion In America

Three People Show Up to ‘Biden For President-Reproductive Freedom’ Rally at Pennsylvania State Capitol with Legislators

Illinois college town’s new Planned Parenthood punctures young woman’s uterus

The Fraud Triangle: Why Wouldn’t People Who Kill Babies Also Steal Elections?

Modern liberalism misuses Islam to undermine Christianity in the UK

France’s Recent Elections and New Islamic Yoke

France: Muslims Celebrate Defeat of the French Right By Marching in the Streets, Calling for Death to the Jews

OMG: Disney Internal Documents Show Promotion of Pride Events for Children That Involve Fully Naked Men on Bikes (VIDEO)

Forbidden Fruit and the Classroom: The Huge American Sex-Abuse Scandal That Educators Scandalously Suppress

Baltimore Megachurch Launching Investigation After Dozens Allege Childhood Sex Abuse

Why are transgenders so prone to violence.

John Deere sponsored LGBT ‘pride’ event for children as young as 3         7/12


Saint Pius I, Pope and Martyr

Pope Benedict on Saint Benedict

St. Benedict of Nursia

Saint Benedict and His Option

Saint James, Bishop of Nisibis

Saint Bellarmine on Trial: Setting the record straight

A Sixth Century Saint Still Speaks to Us


Statue of the Child Jesus Beheaded at Catholic Church in New York City

BREAKING: 1000-Year-Old Notre Dame Cathedral in Normandy Has ‘Caught Fire’ – Authorities Say Possible ‘Religious Attack’

Watch: Black Smoke Billowing Out Of Rouen Cathedral In France 

The fight for tradition after Vatican II is as old as the council itself

'The beauty of the Mass in the extraordinary form evangelizes'

Pope’s Restrictions Spark Resurgence of Interest in Traditional Mass Among Youth

Holy Mass: Archbishop of San Francisco Opposes Ban

You Did Not Irretrievably Botch Your Life.

Beware the DDF’s Mystical Ruse


Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter has elected Father John Berg as its new Superior General

Syria: Very Unusual Novus Ordo Priestly Ordination

Bishops reject priests’ challenge to liturgy ultimatum

Bible lessons for all students in the US state of Oklahoma

Mom of 3 tries to block 'Abortion is Healthcare' protester with her body as USCCB monstrance goes by in MIssouri

French Cardinal: Strange Decoration

‘Crushingly poignant’: Iraqi crosses damaged by ISIS added to Westminster Cathedral exhibition

Day of Remembrance of the Wolyn Massacre

25th Anniversary of Ordination: Priest Celebrates as Techno DJ in Ibiza

Nicaragua’s Ortega regime shuts down Radio Maria as anti-Catholic persecution continues

The Jesuits Come Home to Roost

Knights of Columbus to cover Rupnik art

Christian persecution continues in Gaza as death toll climbs

Sostituto Peña Parra: "I Knew About the False €5 Million Invoice" and that "It Was Not Honest"

Australian bishop attends bail hearing over sex abuse charges

Pro-life activists help block anti-life, anti-family proposals at Western hemisphere summit

Ominous Signs In Our Godless Nation, Most Christians Have Become Strangers And Foreigners In This World Now Ruled By Satan With Most Christians Persecuted, Hunted & Martyred Until Jesus Returns

Mom says her ‘baby boy is alive today’ because of her state’s pro-life laws

Read this pro-life rescuer’s powerful courtroom speech prior to FACE Act sentencing

‘Joy and gratitude’: Couple set to welcome second set of twins by embryo adoption

The government should not hinder women from choosing abortion pill reversal

U.S. Army Presentation Lists Pro-Life Organizations as Terrorist Groups

Mom flown from Idaho to Utah for pregnancy complications wakes to learn they dismembered her son

Senate Republicans Block Democrat Bill for Abortions Up to Birth Nationwide

Her mother’s dark secret and her own miscarriage cemented her compassion for women in crisis

New York City is Dumping Rule That Requires Burial for Babies Killed in Late-Term Abortions

Don’t Be Fooled: The Abortion Industry’s Goal Isn’t to Protect Women’s “Health”, It’s Unrestricted Abortion

Pro-life organizations in Florida are mobilizing to defeat ballot initiative that seeks to legalize unrestricted abortion in the state

My daughter, miscarried at 14 weeks, taught me that every human being has value and purpose

Surrogates have more than double the risk of pregnancy complications than natural mothers: study

Planned Parenthood, Big Abortion Will Spend $100 Million Over 10 Years to Promote Killing Babies 

Planned Parenthood blatantly advertises abortion pill weeks past FDA-approved limits

Damaging effects of assisted suicide culture reach far beyond the clinic doors

Hospital Staff Told Woman With Spina Bifida to Kill Herself Instead of Getting Treatment

France’s Recent Elections and New Islamic Yoke

Modern liberalism misuses Islam to undermine Christianity in the UK

UK Labour MP Who Urged Islamic Grooming Gang Victims to 'Stay Silent for Diversity' Sworn in on a Quran

Persecuted ex-Space Force commander calls for eliminating woke ideology from U.S. military

Texas Supreme Court rules in favor of Christian judge who refuses to officiate same-sex weddings on religious grounds 

Ripple Effects: Federal Judge Rules Taxpayers Won’t Pay for Medical Mutilation

Senate Judiciary Committee Votes Against Biden Judicial Nominee Who Can’t Say if Chromosomes Determine Sex

CDC joins Pfizer affiliate in sponsoring pro-LGBT public school event for fifth graders  

Toronto police refused to arrest NAKED Pride parade perverts because “it’s not in the best interest of the community”

Francis Appointed Homosex Propagandist for Ex-Synod’s Study Group on 'Controversial Issues'

Hospital worker: California is pushing radical ‘LGBTQ+’ training on state employees

Report: U.S. Military Hides Push For Trans Surgeries, Queer Exploration Among Soldiers’ Kids

Woke Pastor Reveals Support for “Ethical Non-Monogamy”’ and . . . “Threesomes”?

Has the Influence of the Tranny Movement Peaked?

Why 'Queers for Palestine' support those who want to kill them      7/11


Saint Maria Goretti, Virgin and Martyr

St. Veronica Giuliani

Saint Augustine Zhao Rong’s and Companions’ Stories

Myriads of Martyrs for China

Saint of the Day Quote: Martyrs of Gorkum

Why did Sts. Louis and Zelie have their wedding at midnight?

Archaeologists uncover 1,500-year-old depiction of Moses receiving the Ten Commandments

Objective Beauty of the Traditional Latin Mass Evangelizes

The movement for the Latin Mass is about far more than nostalgia  

Vatican Bans Latin Mass in Marian Shrine for Thriving Spanish Walking Pilgrimage

Monsignor Eleganti: Liturgical Changes Were Brutal and Excessive

‘Traditionis Custodes’ 3 Years On: Pope Francis’ Latin Mass ‘Motu Proprio’ Has Generated Division, Not Unity

How the Catholic Church Adopted the ‘Heresies’ of Jan Hus, a Reformer It Burned at the Stake

The Ghost of Synods Past: The First Synod of Arles

The Four Virtues Needed in this Church Crisis

Material Poverty, or an Impoverished Spirituality?

Holy Family parish school hit by Israeli military in Gaza  

Francis in Trieste: Priest Denies Communion in Hand

Mel Gibson to Archbishop Viganò: 'You are a modern day Athanasius!'

Montichiari: Tucho Approves Castrated Version of an Apparition

Evangelical drug lord blamed for four Brazilian parishes inexplicably closing their doors

11 Christians sentenced to combined 90 years in prison in Vietnam go missing

Despair? The Pope of the "Poor" Uses the Methods of the Rich 

‘I didn’t lie’ but ‘I was not honest,’ Peña Parra tells UK court

The largest Polish Catholic open-air youth festival has started again

A new chapter for the Augustine Institute

“Eco-Theology”: The Latest Leftist Disease That’s Infecting Christianity

Is Germany’s church tax ‘miracle’ over?

Vatican issues text underpinning controversial Synod on Synodality October meetings

Keeping up Christian appearances in a hypocritical world of illusory performances

Dying FrancisChurch: - Since Monsignor Touvet de facto replaced Monsignor Rey as Bishop of Fréjus-Toulon, not a single seminarian has entered the diocesan seminary this year.

New ‘Instrumentum Laboris’ Focuses on How to Implement Goals of Synod on Synodality

That All May Be One

Liberal bishops throw tantrums over cuts to pro-abortion CCHD program

Oregon Blocks Mom From Adopting Children Because of Her Christian Faith

Woman Harmed by Abortion: They Don’t Care About Women, Just Selling Abortions

Pro-life group sounds alarm as Ireland sees ‘colossal’ increase in abortions

Republican Party Committee Adopts Platform Saying 14th Amendment “Guarantees” Right to Life

The GOP’s ‘Pro-Life’ Party Platform Does Nothing To Protect Unborn Babies

Vandals associated with Antifa and Jane’s Revenge reach settlement with Miami pregnancy center

Massachusetts Runs Ads Telling People to Not Visit Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers

Canadian hospice society provides ‘Guardian Angels’ to protect patients from euthanasia

Canada Euthanizes Over 15,000 People as Deaths Increase 15% 

UK woman admits to murdering son in effort to legalize assisted suicide

Luxury car exec threw newborn baby from window to her death, feared motherhood would ruin career

Cross-dressing fired Biden official escapes jail time for third case of stealing airport luggage

Trans Kids Are The New Fashion Accessories Among Hollywood’s Most Deranged Moms

Planned Parenthood Exploits More Children With Trans Hormones Than Anyone

Cologne City Deanery takes part in the LGBT event 'Cologne Pride'

Italian priest to ‘bless’ homosexual activist ‘couple’ after civil union ceremony             7/9


Saint Pantænus, Doctor of the Church and Apostle to the Indies

Saint Thomas More, Martyr

St. Maria Goretti

John Paul II’s Homily on the Hundredth Anniversary of Maria Goretti

Saint Goar, Priest and Hermit

Saint Palladius, Apostle of the Scots

St. Grimbald

Saints Cyril and Methodius, Apostles to the Slavic Nations

Origen and the Problem of Posthumous Condemnation

Four tips for happy holiness with St. Philip Neri

More priestly ordinations in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina


Fr. Nix: "[Cardinal] universal consensus..Clement..rather than [Pope] Urban. Antipope Schism..universal acceptance..does not withstand the test of history.”

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Is Found Guilty of “Schism” and Excommunicated by Marxist Pope Francis

Excommunicated Archbishop Warns Marxist Pope and Globalists Conspiring to Destroy the Church

@ElizabethYore Good question! Viganò Ousted from the Church While Sex Predator is Welcomed From

Viganò to Bishops: ‘If You are Silent, the Stones Will Cry Out’

New Abbot of Norcia: “Let's Be Prepared for a Long Winter in the Church”


Do you need to be a canon lawyer to know what heresy is? We are obliged separate ourselves from a heretic, not pledge obedience to him.

Conquer the Demons of Sadness

Sister Eulalia Is the Only One Left

Immerse yourself in the new renaissance of artistic Catholic creativity

Dicastery for Divine Worship forbids the Traditional Mass in the Basilica of Covadonga, the closing Mass for the largest Traditional Catholic pilgrimage in Spain

Facts from France: No New Seminarians in Toulon

Former Vatican auditor Libero Milone renews legal battle over wrongful dismissal

Elvis Presley and the Miracle of the Rosary

'We are looking to Jesus' - Holy Qurbana at the Eucharistic Congress

Catholic church in Oregon allows Buddhists monks to lead 'meditation' before the altar 

Church of England Scrambles to Defend £1 Billion for Slavery Reparations

Bishop of Linz Asked to Participate in Penitential Rosary Because of the Abomination in His Cathedral

Fico praises Orban and emphasizes Slovakia's Christian roots

Scandalous connection between Pope Francis and Theodore McCarrick?   

Candace Owens Reveals the Shocking Satanic Origins of NASA

Silk sheets and a fighting bull - schismatic Poor Clares racked up €45k in debt

Keeping up Christian appearances in a hypocritical world of performance

Faithful Catholics prayerfully protest sacrilegious ‘Pride Mass’ at New Jersey church


Irish pro-life bishop Doran: “Killing changes the character of society”

Pro-Life Family Tours Abortion Hot Spots Across The Eastern Seaboard

After two abortions, she shares her testimony to help others heal

FAZ: Abortion seekers must endure criticism

Pro-Life Group Helps Peru Save Babies From Abortions

Three More Pro-Life Activists Sentenced for Tennessee Abortion Clinic Protest

Queensland orders mass purge of sperm donations amid fertility industry controversy

J.D Vance: I Support Access to the Abortion Pill Mifepristone

FBI Targeted Pro-Life Americans, Now It’s Eliminating Conservative Agents

Dutch couple dies in dual euthanasia… and neither had a terminal diagnosis

Christian educator in Ireland spent more than 400 days in prison over refusal to use transgender pronouns

School Board President Takes Stand on Girls’ Sports After Tranny Runner Win: “We’re Excluding Girls”

'Satan has overplayed his hand,' Abby Johnson says of Planned Parenthood's gender business

Disney Plus Actress Tatiana Maslany: Parents Have No Rights When It Comes to Transitioning Children [VIDEO]

California Courts ‘Sealed My Case to Hide Their Corruption’ as Ex-Wife Seeks ‘to Castrate My Son,’ Father Warns

Toronto Catholic school board staff attend city’s grotesque ‘Pride’ parade

Another Federal Court Rules Against Teen’s ‘Only 2 Genders’ T-Shirt

3 Ways Feminism Laid the Groundwork for Transgenderism 

Gay Is Queer and Queer Is Gay

Activist Judge Blocks Law Protecting Minors From Filth Online               7/8


St. Elizabeth of Portugal

Saint Anthony Zaccaria’s Story

Blessed Peter of Luxemburg, Bishop and Cardinal

Chanting the Lord’s Prayer in Scotch Gaelic

To the “Catholic Clergy” Who Said “It’s OK” to Take “the Vaccine.”

Cardinal Müller Reaffirms: Top Vatican Official Thinks "No Mass better than Latin Mass"

Catholic Bishops Join Forces with Social Justice Warriors to Prop Up Scandal-Plagued Charity

Roman Rite: "Francis Doesn't Understand that We Are No Longer Stuck in the 1960s"

Has the Nicaraguan Church been bullied into silence?


Bishop Strickland calls for instant removal of all Rupnik art after Lourdes' bishop delays

Appeal to priests: Resist ‘blessings’ for homosexual ‘couples,’ even to the point of shedding blood


When Francis' beloved Gay New Ways claims, ‘The Church Can’t Operate Without Gay Priests,' it's a reminder of how much the Church needs to operate without gay priests

Mexican Priest Brings "Possessed Doll" to Eucharist

Over 200 Christians arrested in Eritrea in past twelve months

As Christians continue to be killed in Nigeria, the West remains largely silent

Buenos Aires Has Seven (!) Auxiliary Bishops

MUST WATCH: Residents of Idaho Town Parade Crosses After Chamber of Commerce Banned “Religious Symbols” from Parade

Seeking ‘well-being’ instead of God as our goal will lead to hell

Rupnik art dispute more complicated than it appears, argues art historian  

Croatian Catholics revolt against the controversial Virgin Mary statue in Linz!

Obscenity to Remain in Linz Cathedral until 16 July

Can A Nation Stand When Its Spiritual Foundation Is Broken Down?

‘God had a plan for my life:’ Abortion survivor shares powerful story

Nebraska Pro-Life Measure Gets Over 200,000 Signatures for November Ballot

Delegate: Trump Campaign To Gut Pro-Life Platform Provisions And Make Abortion A ‘State Issue’

Pro life groups are now openly threatening Trump.

Kaminski: New version of the Pregnancy Conflict Act endangers the foundations of democracy

22 Pro-life Evangelicals Contest UK Elections to Battle Abortion Genocide

7 ways Planned Parenthood misleads women through deceptive marketing

Canadian health care providers repeatedly pressured woman with cerebral palsy to choose death

Pro-life, pro-family advocates rejoice after Malawi court rejects same-sex ‘marriage’

Mississippi District Judge Orders Nationwide Stay on Title IX Gender Identity Revisions

@JhWesten Satan’s hand can be clearly seen in the evil of transgenderism, which is a refusal to conform to the order that has God has created.

Florida police arrest 18-year-old who allegedly did burnouts on LGBT ‘pride’ street mural

Focusing on LGBT 'inclusion' in the military is compromising American national security

The connection between pornography and prostitution is too clear to ignore

Pride Month Goes Out with a Whimper

Child Prostitution Bill Amended Again by Commiefornia Lawmakers

Texas Supreme Court upholds ban on transgender surgeries for minors           7/5


Saint Bertha, Widow, Abbess

St. Elizabeth of Portugal

Independence Day, Pier Giorgio and Elizabeth of Portugal


Flashback: Return to Tradition's Anthony Stine - Single Bishop Could Solve The Francis Problem: An Open Letter To Courageous Bishops: "Aquinas... explicitly taught from the deposit of Faith a single Bishop has the power to expel anyone if certain condition is met even a superior"

"Holy Mass Built Western Civilisation": Monsignor Cordileone Praises British Celebrities's Letter

Cardinal Müller: Vatican official prefers empty churches to cathedrals full of people who reject New Mass

Disappearance of Traditional Mass would impoverish the world both spiritually and culturally

EXPLOSIVE: Cardinal Müller reveals senior Vatican official thinks no Mass at all is better than Latin Mass

Card. Müller: “When a pictorial representation of the birth of Jesus offends believers”

A Mystery? Security Cameras Did not Work When Cardinal Pell Died

Nick Donnelly: "What is the truth about Cardinal Pell's suspicious death?" & Flashback: Did Parolin Threaten Nuncios that they might end up like Pell & was the Mafia Involved?

Two US bishops: Authorities threaten religious freedom with gender-ideological regulations

The day the Syro-Malabar 'liturgy war' didn’t end

Heterodox priest group denied table at USCCB’s Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis

FSSPX: No Consecration of New Bishops

Rome Takes Historic Step Towards ‘Full Communion’ with Conservative Anglicans

Why the Vatican hasn’t settled with Libero Milone

Prosecutor investigates: Was Philippos beaten to death because he wore a cross around his neck?

Uganda names school after extraordinary teenager who offered her battle with cancer to Christ

Beneath the madness: U.S. ripped apart by all-out religious war

The Beast: Worldcoin digital ID ecosystem buildout continues with next wave of grants

A Message Of Wisdom To All Those NEEDED In The Battlefield Of Spiritual Warfare For The Hearts And Minds Of Our Young: NEVER Give Up - Ask The Lord And HE Will Direct Your Path

Indian Franciscan Sisters Worship a Hindu Idol

‘Christians Should Stand Up’: What the Left Fears Most, and Why We Need It So Badly

BioLogos: The Deceptive Agenda to Undermine Biblical Truth With Evolutionary Mythology

Video exposes the disturbing creation of the fetal cell lines used by the medical industry

Blueprint for Life unites pro-life leaders to advance the ‘next phase of the pro-life movement’

22 Pro-life Evangelicals Contest UK Elections to Battle Abortion Genocide

Pro-life father of 11 avoids prison time sought by Biden DOJ

CNN’s Jim Acosta cuts off pro-life leader who warned about risks of ‘no-test’ abortion pill

“Pastor” Claims Jesus Would Bless the “Loving Kindness” of “Those Who End Pregnancies”

Couples left without answers after fertility clinic destroys embryos

States With No Abortion Limits Often Hide the Number of Babies Killed

California Planned Parenthood calls 911 on three occasions for injuries but won’t give information

The 'Left' Has Turned 'Science' Into A 'Revolutionary Action Committee' With A Propaganda Army And A Totalitarian Edict In Line With The Perversion Of The 'New World Order'

Faithful Catholics verbally abused by LGBT activists while protesting sacrilegious ‘Pride Mass’

Big Pharma makes huge profits from the transgender movement – and their vaccines could be causing it

Gender-confused ex-McDonald’s worker awarded 7,000 euros after bosses called him by legal name

GROOMER ISLAND: Canadian university to sponsor drag classes for kids at anti-family summer camp on remote island

Judge blocks Biden’s pro-LGBT Title IX rules in 4 more states, bringing total to 14

A Francis’ Friend: James Martin SJ blasphemes with Homosexual "Madonna"

‘Transgender’ male wins Miss Maryland pageant, causing outrage among female contestants

Disney Drag Queen Marketing Executive Admits That Exposing Children to Degenerate “LGBTQ Content” Is an “Unspoken Thing”

Dementia Joe’s Cross-Dressing Dress Thief Scores a Sweetheart Deal

Over fifty people arrested, nine of them minors in violent rioting after Pride Parade         7/4


Saint Leo II, Pope

St. Thomas

Thomas, Apostle and Empiricist

St. Thomas teaches us an important spiritual lesson

Saint Heliodorus, Bishop of Altino

Padre Pio: “Satan Will Come To Rule A False Church”…Vatican Exorcist Fr. Armoth: “Padre Pio was tormented by one issue – the coming of the “Great Apostasy”.

Catholic Church Approves First Millennial Saint

The Holy Spirit is very present on Eucharistic Pilgrimage

How Jesus is the hidden celebrant of every Mass

FULL TEXT: Cardinal Müller’s homily for ordination of new Latin Mass priests

Card. Müller: “When a pictorial representation of the birth of Jesus causes offense among believers”

Ecclesiology and Liturgy are a United Front

UK cultural grandees urge Vatican to keep TLM in new ‘Agatha Christie’ letter

Flashback: Alone it is Bishop Gracida against Francis in the Greatest Church Crisis in History & the Historic Gracida Open Letter

On the Subject of Miracles

Conference commemorates 800 years since St. Francis’ stigmata

St Peter's Basilica: Elderly Canons Are Forced Out

Cardinal Zen: “I am accused of criticising ‘Fiducia supplicans’…”

This faithful priest was canceled for preaching Church doctrine on salvation

What’s behind Venezuela’s new archbishop appointments?

Lourdes shrine taking action on Rupnik art though not removing it yet

Pope Preaching Universalism? Heaven is for ‘Everyone, Everyone, Everyone’

400,000 Germans Quit Catholic Church as Talks Between Vatican, Synodal Way Continue

Napa Inst. Keynote Catholic Bill Barr Laughs Out Loud with Neil Cavuto After Steve Bannon Is Sent to Prison

Anonymous Catholic: "Why I Decapitated the Obscenity of Linz"

Arrested for Reading the Bible: Armenian Christian Sentenced to 10 Years in Iranian Prison

Catholic Georgetown to offer ‘gender-inclusive’ housing in fall

Linz Episcopal Vicar explains: 'No church contribution money was used for this'

The Bible isn’t silent about human life or abortion. Here’s how we know.

Arkansas Awards $1 Million to Pregnancy Centers That Help Moms and Save Babies From Abortion

Pro-Life Father of 11 Avoids Prison Time Sought by Biden DOJ

Governor Glenn Youngkin Vetoes Bill to Replace “Mothers” With “Birthing People”

On Abortion, Trump and Biden Both Got It Wrong

Post-Roe V. Wade: Where Americans Stand On Abortion

Virginia Planned Parenthood staffer laughs casually as woman suffers abortion injury

Iowa Supreme Court Chief Justice: There is No Right to Kill Babies in Abortions

Dems, pro-abortion organizations turn to ballot initiatives to enshrine abortion rights into state constitutions

Woman learns she might have 700 siblings due to sperm donor’s deception

At Least 116 People Dead In India After Stampede At Religious Event

Marvel’s ‘She-Hulk’ Star: Parents Should Not Be Allowed to ‘Control How a Child Identifies’

“We See Everything”: OnlyFans Is Drowning in a Flood of Child Pornography Complaints

Nickelodeon features drag queen in latest LGBT Pride grooming video for kids

A New York Parish Stages "Homosexual Eucharist" on Plastic Boxes                 7/3


Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Feast of the Magnificat

Here’s why July is dedicated to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ

Litany of the Precious Blood

St. Bernardino Realino

Saint Oliver Plunkett’s Story

Lay-driven coalition launched to help ‘restore belief’ in the Real Presence of the Eucharist

‘Helena’: Meet the remarkable woman who found the True Cross

First Millennial to be canonized: "Cyber-Apostle" Acutis

Cardinal Müller: Dicastery for Divine Worship Concerned About Chartres Pilgrimage

Why the Mass is not a play that reenacts the Last Supper

Bishop Strickland: Remember that the gates of hell shall not prevail against Christ's Church

No Ordination because of Latin Mass: Bishop Responds to "Real Ordeal" with Empty Words

Richmond bishop halts only Latin Mass in Charlottesville while awaiting new dispensation from Rome

U.S. Bishops Limit Internet in Seminary – Against "Traditional-Minded" Seminarians

Secrets of Medjugorje Investigation Revealed in Bombshell Report

Blessed Anna Caterina Emmerich: The Medjugorje Prophecy- “Madonna on the Hill Dressed in Armor”

Two paths, one pilgrimage: Meet a Protestant and a grandmother on Eucharistic pilgrimage

Bishop Strickland urges Catholics to oppose 'blasphemies' and corruption from Church hierarchy

Cardinal Zen: Tucho Should Have Pursued a Different Career

Cardinal Zen slams Michael Lofton, defends rejection of homosexual ‘blessings’

Calling Chris Ferrara: Bergoglio needs a defense attorney!

Investigative Reporter Gene Gomulka is starting an investigation into sex abuse allegations against Francis including an email "sent to 367 priests of the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires"

“St. Michael the Archangel – Be Our Protection Against Wickedness and Snares of the Devil” – Local Priest Prays for Steve Bannon and America As War Room Host Reports to Prison (VIDEO)

France: Welcome Demons!

Is Germany’s synodal council entering ‘development hell’?

New Catholic Eva Vlaardingerbroek: Just because some bureaucrats have decided against the will of the people that we should suddenly be a minority on our own continent, doesn’t mean we should let it happen.

Angel Studios’ New Film Brings Message of Adoption, Hope to Big Screen

‘Pride’ versus Catholic schools: It’s a full-scale assault and is focusing on our children

A 'sculpture of ugliness' in Linz Cathedral - the figure's head was sawed off on Monday!

False Flag Operation? Obscene Statue in Linz Beheaded

Zuckerberg: Warns AI Companies 'Trying To Create God', But He Will Save Us 

TWISTED: Woman to serve longer prison time for “offending” migrant men who gang-raped a minor

InfoVaticana: In this pontificate, “polarization is undeniably increasing”

Hindu Nationalists Persecute Christian Charities, Including Mother Teresa’s Nuns

WATCH: Former Vatican Auditor Exposes Vatican Financial Corruption

Vatican budget black hole swallows Peter’s Pence

Pastor shot in face speaks out after charges dropped against suspect

Catholic Health System Says It Will Kill Babies in Abortions

“Catholic” Democrat Bob Casey Launches Pro-Abortion Campaign Ad

Irish teacher released after 400+ days in jail over refusal to use transgender pronouns

Tennessee Law Allowing Death Penalty For Pedophiles Goes Into Effect - Only Democrats Oppose It

Megan Rapinoe, Who Demands Trans Athletes Be Allowed to Compete Against Women, Goes Mum When Reporter Presses Her

Pullmann: We Were Told Queer Politics Would Change Nothing. Now Men Publicly Flash Little Kids

SACRILEGE: New York Priest Celebrates ‘Pride Mass’ on LGBT Flag Outside of Gay Monument

Fr. James Martin appears alongside blasphemous images of Our Lady while attending ‘LGBT Catholic’ event

Violent Brawls Erupt at NYC’s Washington Square Park After Pride Parade

PRIDE: SF Police Refuse To Stop Perverts Having Sex In Front Of Children          7/2


Most Precious Blood of Jesus

Saint Junipero Serra’s Story

Peter and Paul’s Eschatological Battle

Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles

Saint Peter was freed from prison to not escape death but to embrace it

May We Become Co-Workers of Saints Peter and Paul

First Martyrs of the See of Rome

Saint Irenaeus, Doctor of the Church

Nazi martyr priest Metzger will be beatified on 17 November

Bishop Strickland: Banning the Latin Mass would be an 'unjust law' many faithful couldn't obey

Cardinal Burke’s Position: Respect Papal Office Even If a Pope Is Failing

Cardinal Burke Condemns Joe Biden’s Reception of Holy Communion, Calls it a ‘Sacrilege’ (Video)

Archbishop Viganò: I accuse Bergoglio of heresy and schism

Christian community in Gaza now under ‘real’ risk of complete ‘disappearance’

The Francis Effect in Argentina: the Seminaries Are Drying Up

German Synodal Way: Vatican demands changes to controversial new Church body

Change the Name, Keep the Heresy: German Bishops Resume Vatican Talks

Do Near-Death Experiences Confirm a Biblical Worldview?

Ring dem Bells: an ancient, important and holy Christian custom

“When I watch this video, I get goosebumps”

Inspiring True Story About Adopting Difficult-to-Place Foster Kids Hits Big Screen July 4

USCCB memo clarifies JPHD layoffs

Why Every State Needs to Follow in Oklahoma’s Footsteps Teaching all Children the 10 Commandments

Police Dept. Ordered to Remove Bible Verses 

Rector of Linz Cathedral Defends Obscene Statue - really?

Rupniks remain on Vatican site despite O’Malley appeal

Joe Biden Wants to Put This Father of 11 in Prison for 11 Years for Protesting Abortion

Iowa Supreme Court Upholds 6-Week Abortion Ban

Trump says he’ll get jailed pro-lifers ‘back to their families’ on his ‘first day’ in office

Countering the myth that emergency abortions are banned in Idaho

Abortion Activists Who Vandalized Pregnancy Center Will be Forced to Pay Settlement

Pennsylvania shows 17% jump in abortions… and Planned Parenthood wants more

Jim Acosta Cuts off Pro-Life Guest in Second CNN Interview-Dump This Week

Trump is Right: Democrats Have Supported Late-Term Abortions and Infanticide for Decades

Abortion pills remain after the Supreme Court’s ruling, but so does the fight for America’s soul

Embattled Australian fertility company accused of using wrong sperm to impregnate patients

FOIA Finds Catholic Charities Colluded with City of Chicago to House Illegal Immigrants

Shocking: Haitian Who Entered US on Biden’s ‘Parole Program’ and Was Indicted For Raping Disabled Child in Massachusetts Freed on Paltry $500 Bail

Today in History: Christians ‘Place Their Hope in the Lord Jesus Christ’ and Defeat Islam

Muslims in France Warn: ‘Islam Is the Future for the West’

Texas Supreme Court Upholds Ban on Child Sex Changes – Majority of Eight to One 

Crooked Hillary Is Coming for the Kids: Here’s the Failed Presidential Candidate’s Next Endeavor

Dell Shareholders Reject Free Market Proposal to Stop Donating to LGBTQ Agenda

AI Chatbot Claims to Be Human on Call With 14-Year-Old Girl, Urges Her to Upload Photos of Herself to Shared Cloud

Georgia Children Are on Frontlines of Intensifying “Transgender” Culture War – More Must Be Done to Protect Them

Montana Judge Strikes Down Law Clarifying There Are Only 2 Sexes

The Brew: There’s No Debating It, They’re Nuts: Interior Dept. Bans Real Sex Terms While SCOTUS Judge Won’t Say ‘Woman’ in Abortion Decision

Author JK Rowling Hits Back at Actor David Tennant and Brands Trans Activists with an Apt Nickname: ‘Gender Taliban’

Biden Regime vs. Sex Change Age Restrictions           7/1


Our Lady of Perpetual Help, (1863)

Our Lady of Perpetual Help, and Saint Cyril’s Defense of Mother and Son

St. Cyril of Alexandria

Saint Ladislas I, King of Hungary

Blesseds Vasyl Velykchovskyand Nykyta Budka: Hidden Ukrainian and Canadian Heroes

'THANK YOU, LORD', then Father Gaston Hurtubise died

Mystery from Medjugorje: Did Our Lady Just Reveal that the Secrets are Imminent and that Russia and Fatima are the Key? “This is the decisive issue”

Insecure Narcissism or Greatness in Christ?

Young Aussie Catholics defy Pope, choose Latin as rift grows in Australia's biggest church

Trump-aligned Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Facing Persecution By Vatican For Upholding Truth In The Face Of Great Confusion Under The Pontificate Of Francis

Bishop of Regensburg "Forbids" FSSPX Ordinations

Africa calling: Westerners must accept that Catholicism’s centre of gravity is shifting  

German Church Statistics 2023: 20 million 'Catholics', but only 1.26 million attend Holy Mass

More than 400,000 Catholics left Church in Germany in 2023

Pope Francis Laments ‘Mother Earth Violated and Devastated’

Nuns of Belorado Expel the False Bishop

Liberals HOWL as USCCB Cuts Staff of Scandal-Plagued Social Justice Operation

Nihilism: Tucho Begins an "Anglican Dialogue" Without Canterbury

Oklahoma high court rules against Catholic school ‘evangelising’ with public dollars  

These rape survivors and their children are ‘exceptions’ to pro-life laws, and deserve to be heard

Supreme Court Ruling Leaves Idaho Abortion Ban in Place to Protect Unborn Babies

DEBUNKED: Study claiming Texas’ pro-life law caused more infant deaths is meant to mislead

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Life Act’ Would Outlaw Federal Dollars Going to Abortions

LISTEN: Planned Parenthood staffers laugh on 911 call for woman bleeding after abortion

Supreme Court Punts Biden’s EMTALA Abortion Expansion To Leftist Lower Court

Supreme Court Inadvertently Releases 'Idaho Emergency Abortion' Opinion

German Family Minister and states in favour of legalising abortion – with the exception of Bavaria

Delaware’s lone bishop implores governor to veto assisted suicide bill  

While the Vatican itself is only 109 acres, 1,063 acre rural Vatican property 20 miles from Rome to become an ugly, devastated, and pointless solar farm?

Texas Children’s Hospital whistleblower says doctors committed Medicaid FRAUD while performing illegal transgender surgeries on minors

Dissident Religious Sisters Flout Church Teaching With Blasphemous “Pride Month Prayer Service”

‘Christians Against Trumpism’ Co-Founder Arrested for Soliciting Sex from 15-Year-Old Boy

The Ruth Institute Celebrates Ex-Gay Visibility Month by Amplifying the Voices of People Who Emerged from a Dark, Painful World. Part 3 of 7

LGBTQ+ Activists Erupt In Fury After ‘Homophobe’ Makes U.S. Olympic Women’s Soccer Team

Trudeau gov’t to make all bathrooms in Parliament buildings GENDER NEUTRAL

SURPRISE! Biden's Trans HHS Secretary Just Did Something REALLY Creepy. 

LGBTQQIAAP2S+ Crowd Fear Being Ignored During Showdown

Holy Georgetown U. Offers Gender-Neutral Housing to All Incoming Students              6/27


Saints John and Paul, Martyrs

St. Anthelm

Blessed Raymond Lull’s Story

The Perpetual Virginity of St. Joseph?

This symbol is a hidden guarantee of Our Lady’s triumph over the enemies of Christ

'My dear children, peace is in danger and the family is under attack'

A radiant church dedicated to Mary’s 1st apparition, a bilocation

‘Contemporary for 1,000 Years’: Pannonhalma Abbey Is a Jewel of Hungary’s Medieval Religious Heritage

Give Your Time to God

Helplessness, Prayer, and Renewal: Nehemiah’s Guide

Vatican Document against Holy Mass Was Drafted By A Small Circle

Traditionalist SSPX group distances itself from Viganò and schism comparisons

Traditional monk rebukes heterodox Vatican professor’s attack on the Latin Mass

Details of the New Document Prohibiting Masses in the Roman Rite

The Church and her sacraments offer a remedy to the demonic darkness enveloping our world

WATCH: Would Saint Thomas Consider Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò a Schismatic?

US archbishop calls for calm amid increasingly fraught political atmosphere  

Coptic Bishop Warns West Against Islam: ‘You Are Up Next… My Story Is Your Story’

Potential pitfalls of Catholic Parish Summit’s evangelising spirit

London trial opens in Mincione vs Vatican lawsuit

Return the Ten Commandments to the Public Square

MIRACLE! St. Michael statue on Donald Trump’s bedside table: Fr. Altman tells the story

The Sign Of The Devil Has Appeared In New York City

At Climate Change Conference, Archbishop Paglia Calls for ‘New Planetary Humanism’

Vatican communications head slammed for downplaying Rupnik case: ‘We’re not talking about abuse of minors’

Take a Hammer and Chisel to Rupnik’s Mosaics

Tranny Criminal Get a Free Pass for Targeting Churches While the Traitor Joe DOJ Goes After Christians

Teacher Who Took Student out of School for Secret Abortion Is Fired

Trudeau Liberals called out for targeting pro-life MPs on anniversary of Roe v. Wade reversal

Radical Abortion Activists are Spending $140 Million for Abortions Up to Birth Nationwide

Devastating toll to self-esteem that pro-choice sloganeers rarely discuss  

Michigan Judge Blocks Two Pro-Life Laws That Helped Women, Saved Babies From Abortions

The Toronto Catholic school board is engaged in a witch hunt against a pro-life trustee

Democrats’ War on Pregnancy Centers Shows They’re Pro-Abortion, Not Pro-Choice

"As a father of five with small children, this is more than annoying and unacceptable for me"

The Ruth Institute Celebrates Ex-Gay Visibility Month by Amplifying the Voices of People Who Emerged from a Dark, Painful World. Part 2 of 7

St. Louis Archdiocese Encourages Clergy to Attend Meeting of Pro-LGBT, Women’s Ordination Priests

EXCLUSIVE: Miss Maryland Contestants Push Back After Male Winner Steals Their Crown

Unsealed Court Documents Show Top Gender Medical Organization Twisting Science for Politics, Colluding With Biden-Harris Regime Official

Woke LEGO: Toy Company Offers Drag Queens and Furries for “Pride” Month

Rachel Levine Opposed *any* Age Limits for Trans Procedures

Cities' Sidewalks Transformed by LGBTQ+ Rights Campaign's Agenda -         6/26


Saint Prosper of Aquitaine, Doctor of the Church

St. William of Vercelli

Saint William of Monte Vergine

Blessed Jutta of Thuringia’s Story

Saint of the Day Quote: Saint William of Vercelli

The Unique Holiness of St. John the Baptist

Bicentenary of first sermon by one of the greatest preachers in modern times: St John Henry Newman

Discovered: New Miracle – Young Jesus and the 12 Birds of Clay

How St. Clare saved couple from potential wedding disaster

The Priceless Gift of Blessed Jacques of Ghazir

Schneider: Excommunication of Viganó "Will Increase Divisions"

Viganò’s Astonishing Transformation from Vatican Insider to Alleged Schismatic

Bergoglio under the banner of Antichrist, Viganò under the banner of Christ

Sr. Emmanuel reveals what she knows about the Medjugorje Secrets: “It will be a dramatic time… Evil will show its claws and its fierce face.”

Institute of Christ the King’s Superior received by Pope in Audience today (Updated with communiqué: no news is good news)

Another Holy Mass Axed?

Ordinations increase in France as country continues to buck secular trends

Vignettes of Uganda

Breakaway Spanish nuns excommunicated

‘Terrorists’ Kidnap Third Priest This Month in Nigeria

Great Is the Power of Repentance

Modern artist’s “Holy Hearts” embodies efforts to reach culture

The Pope’s Right-Hand Man

Bugnini’s Ring of Power

Why does Buenos Aires have so many auxiliary bishops?

When the Vatican Gets It Wrong

The Masonic Plan to Destroy the Catholic Church with Ecumenism

Holy See hosts United Nations panel to discuss abolishing surrogacy

Archdiocese of St. Louis releases report on clergy’s use of slaves  

Biden accused of betraying Christians dying at hands of Boko Haram

The Fellow in the Picture Is a Bishop

Scientific American: Homeschooling Parents Need to Undergo Background Checks!

Vatican Prefect Ruffini: “Who am I to judge the Rupnik stories?”

Despite Liberal Media Lies, The 'Minds' Of The Democrat Party Are Anti-Religious, Racist Ideologues With A 'President' Who Is Another Type Of RINO - Religious In Name Only

Overturning Roe v. Wade is Saving Approximately 200,000 Babies From Abortions Each Year 

Micro-preemie born at 24 weeks goes home after 147 days in NICU

Jordan Peterson: Abortion, not gun violence, is the leading killer of children in America

5 biggest lies the abortion industry has told since Roe v. Wade was overturned

US Bishop Burbidge: Protecting the unborn from abortion is ‘the civil rights task of our time’

Democrats Want Abortions Up to Birth in All 50 States

Planned Parenthood Making $40 Million Election Push On Abortion

Planned Parenthood Will Use Your Tax Dollars to Lie to You About Abortion

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee issues directive mandating hospitals to provide “emergency” abortions regardless of upcoming Supreme Court ruling

Kamala Harris Cites God to Defend Killing Babies in Abortions 

Canadian family sues Catholic hospital over refusing to administer physician-assisted death

“Kidnappings and murders are becoming more and more normal, and Islamist terrorists are gradually gaining ground.”

The Ruth Institute Celebrates Ex-Gay Visibility Month by Amplifying the Voices of People Who Emerged from a Dark, Painful World. Part 1 of 7

DOJ Lawsuit Over Banning Sex Changes for Kids Doesn’t ‘Hold Water,’ Legal Expert Says

WATCH: Judge Nominated By Biden Confronted For Defending Pedo As ‘A Person Who Has A Lot Of Good In Him’

These 63 Companies Celebrate ‘Pride’ in LGBTQ Consumers       6/25


Nativity of Saint John the Baptist, Prophet

Pope Benedict and the Birth of the Baptist

Saint Thomas More’s Story

Saint Etheldreda, Queen and Abbess

Our Lady Ta’ Pinu: an Oasis of Hope from the Island of Gozo for the Whole World

Francis: Better No Priest than a Priest of the Roman Rite

In Defense of Archbishop Viganó

EXCLUSIVE: Archbishop Viganò confirms he has not and will not attend Vatican ‘schism’ trial

Anarcho-Tyranny Comes to the Vatican: Scapegoating the ‘Deplorable’ Abp. Vigano

Fréjus-Toulon: The Screws Are Being Tightened

Vatican communications prefect: Removing Rupnik art ‘not the Christian response’

Vatican comms chief defends Rupnik art remaining on website

Parolin helps US bishops on Viganò, church/state drama in Italy, and a new real estate deal

A Precursor of Bergoglio: Bernard Besret

Summary justice? What is an ‘extrajudicial process’ means in canon law

Why France’s Catholics are turning to Marine Le Pen  

Parental Rights Leaders Highlight Threats to Kids

Poll Confirms Trump Supporters Appreciate Biblical Values, Biden Supporters Don’t

How we treat people in prison is a reflection of society and ourselves as followers of Christ

Riley Gaines has perfect response to homosexual Democrat’s rant about her opposition to pro-LGBT bill

Australia introduces controversial mind control Ministry aimed at controlling and changing men’s behavior

Women Share How Dobbs Saved Their Babies From Abortions

30,000 Protest ‘Barbaric Practice’ of Abortion in Rome March for Life

Taking It to the Streets: There’s No Excuse for Christian Apathy on Abortion  

Exclusive Interview: Nashville Hitmaker Teams with 18-Year-Old Singer for Pro-Life Anthem

5 biggest lies the abortion industry has told since Roe v. Wade was overturned

Two Years After Repeal of Roe v. Wade, North Carolina Abortion Law Among Strictest in Nation

Abortion increased nearly 25% in Northern Ireland last year

Massachusetts opens a new war against heretics who oppose the sacrament of abortion

Two years after Roe’s fall, why do churches remain silent as abortions continue?

Federal Judge Calls Limited Stop to Biden Rule Forcing Employers to Grant Abortion Leave

Three people plead guilty to vandalizing Florida pregnancy resource centers

Mob Lynches Tourist in Pakistan for ‘Blasphemy’

Extremist Hindu Nationalism Targets Christians and Other Religious Minorities in India

From Fringe Heresy to Dominant Orthodoxy: How the Homosexuality Cult Hijacked America

The LGBT lobby’s ultimate goal is to redefine the family. This lawsuit is just more proof

Head of LGBTQ Democrats in Maryland Busted Trying to Groom a 14-Year-Old Into His “F****t” [VERY EXPLICIT VIDEO]

Ontario Court Awards Transgender (Bio Male) $35,000 After Women’s Salon Refuses “Male Waxing Services”

Creator of Disney’s ‘Acolyte’ Says It’s ‘Really Reductive’ to Call All-Female Witch Coven ‘Lesbians’ Just Because They Make Babies Together

LEGO Celebrates LGBTQIA Pride Month with Drag Queens and Furries             6/24


Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, Jesuit Seminarian

Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, Bent Iron, and Summer’s Solstice

Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Saint of the Day Quote: Saint Eusebius of Samosata

Vatican to endorse key figure in China’s Catholic history

How the Our Father ends with a reference to Satan

Prayer and fasting can help prevent the outbreak of war 

Sermon for the “Final” Mass in St Patrick’s Cathedral, Melbourne – 19th June, 2024 - The Prophetic Words of Cardinal Pell in 1992

Vatican Denies Archbishop Permission to Celebrate Latin Mass at Australian Cathedral

On Wednesday, the last Mass of the Extraordinary Form was celebrated in Melbourne Cathedral

Viganò: My defense against schism is the same as Archbishop Lefebvre’s

....Viganò May Have More Ammunition up his Sleeve

Catholics hold Rosary rally to resist LGBT 'pride,' thank Bishop Strickland for opposing drag nuns

Old Man from Medjugorje Issued Six Prophecies That Would Happen Before the Permanent Sign – All but ONE have come true.

“Seeing this great kingdom unfold in the world”

Syro-Malabar bishops break ranks over liturgy ultimatum

Priest: Pope Francis is waging a 'war against the Church' at every turn

Francis Discards the Psalms

Meet the Gay Designer Making the Pope’s Vestments

Cardinal Parolin says infamous Vatican-China deal will be renewed at end of 2024

Cardinal Parolin on Viganò: "I Always Appreciated Him as a Great Worker"

Unique Film Breaks Down Communication Barriers to Share Gospel with the Deaf

Is this massive religious organization unknowingly working to bring about the Antichrist?

The Month of June Proves that the World Hates You  

The decline and fall of marriage – the last days

African Archbishop: "My Father Was a Polygamist"

The largest donation to Catholic schools in US history

Sainthood cause progress for mum who refused cancer treatment to save unborn child

This Little Girl Had a Dream About Jesus Everyone Needs to Watch [VIDEO]

Devotional: Getting Closer to God

Ben Carson Encourages Faith, Shares Personal Stories at Road to Majority Conference

Polish football fans protest against removal of crosses from Warsaw City Hall

Kentucky baby is 50th to be saved by a Safe Haven Baby Box

Federal court temporarily blocks Biden from forcing Catholic employers to pay for abortions

Premature baby who fit in only Build-A-Bear clothes discharged from hospital

Massachusetts Unanimously Passes Bill That Would Legalize Sale Of Babies By Pregnant Mothers

Multiple families claim surrogacy business scammed them out of thousands

More Than 1,000 Muslims Die During This Year’s Hajj Pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia

Victory: Oklahoma Supreme Court Vacates Protective Order Against Street Preacher Who Criticized Gay Marriage, Denounced Drag Show

Texas Whistleblower Nurse Claims FBI ‘Threatened’ Her After Exposing Child Sex-Change Operations

“Queering” the Catholic Church

Pride Month 2024: How Did We Get Here?

‘Transgender’ inmates are continuing to sexually assault female prisoners      6/21


Saint Silverius, Pope and Martyr

St. Vincent Kaun

Saint Paulinus of Nola’s Story

Saint of the Day Quote: Irish Martyrs

Polish priest martyred by the Communists after WWII beatified in Krakow

Miracles in Malta, thanks to Mary

Our Lady is preparing us for new times and her TRIUMPH … Visionary: “At the moment of death God gives us light to see ourselves as we really are”  

The Traditional Latin Mass: Third rail of the Eucharistic Congress?

Archbishop Cordileone to offer Traditional Latin Mass during National Eucharistic Congress

Can the Vatican Ban the Latin Mass? Catechism Says “No”

Louisiana Passes Law Requiring Ten Commandments Displayed in All Public Classrooms

Bad and Good Catholic Art

It’s Good to Preach to the Choir

Francis is in SCHISM from ALL Valid Popes in History who Reject his Sacrilege of Communion for Adulterers: “[No] Catholic worthy of the name can be in communion with this ‘Bergoglian church,’ because it acts in clear discontinuity and rupture with all the popes of history and with the Church of Christ,”

Viganò charged with schism, calls Vat II and Pope Francis ‘cancer’

EXCLUSIVE: Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Summoned to Vatican to be Excommunicated

Bishop Eleganti rebukes German bishops’ call to reinterpret Vatican I on papal primacy

PiusX: New Announcement

At War With The World

Spanish nuns accused of schism must appear before tribunal

Biden is a 'cafeteria Catholic,' Cardinal says in rebuke

Unique Film Breaks Down Communication Barriers to Share Gospel with the Deaf

Catholic parishes in Lebanon suffering as country sucked into Israel-Gaza war  

3 young Buenos Aires priests named bishops

‘Why wear distinctive clerical dress?’ – One of the Herald’s chaplains answers your questions  

More Israelis requesting copies of the New Testament after Oct. 7, Messianic Jewish group says

Transgender people in religious life/consecrated life? US bishops prepare a statement

Vatican doubles down on courtship of China

Dutch bishop: Fiducia Supplicans too much ‘in tune with zeitgeist’

Spanish newspaper: Jesuits covered up crimes of priest who abused more than 100 girls

Sex Abuse Questions the Bishops Still Won’t Answer

Pope Francis’ Feel-Good Gospel Fans The Flame Of Radical Gender Ideology

Fr. James Martin's pro-LGBT group publishes article connecting 'Pride Month' to Sacred Heart

Five Syro-Malabar bishops question threat to excommunicate priests who defy Mass change

Moving Crews Train to Become Heroes in the War on Human Trafficking

More Than Half of Jesuit Catholic Universities Promote ‘Pride Month’

NYC 'Bling Bishop' Lamor Whitehead sentenced to 9 years in prison for financial crimes

Catholic Bishops Join Forces with Social Justice Warriors to Prop Up Scandal-Plagued Charity  DISGRACE

Chastity Project’s Jason Evert: ‘Chastity frees you to love’

Family Saves Abandoned Newborn Baby 

Anti-Family Culture Leads to Low Birth Rates

Kansas Should be a Warning to America: Don’t Allow Abortions Up to Birth 

Vatican advocates international ban on surrogacy

Federal Court Rules Biden Can’t Force Christian Groups to Fund Abortions

Jordan Peterson calls abortion 'hands down' the biggest cause of death for children

Comedian says she wasn’t prepared for the grief and guilt that followed her abortion

No More Michigan Abortion Reporting

Notorious Illinois abortion business injures another woman

Islamized Sweden: Parks Transformed Into Mecca

Growing case of kidnappings of Christians in Nigeria: ‘Where is the outrage?’

Canada Wants to Force All Medical Institutions to Euthanize Patients

Trudeau repeats lie that ‘unmarked graves’ were found at Church-run residential schools

Yes, Parents Should Know If Their Child Is Gay

'There will be a reckoning': Hospital sex scandal reaching 'point of crisis'

Ripple Effects: Texas Beats Title IX Rewrite, Billboards Tell the Story of Those Almost Aborted

Cultural shift? US and Canada now show decreased support for the LGBT agenda

Transgender Suspect At-Large Following Double Homicide — Perpetrator Considered “Armed and Dangerous”

TikTok Shuts Down Ads for Bold Feminist Sportswear Brand

‘Pride’ Parades Are Nothing But Massive Humiliation Rituals              6/20


Consubstantial with the Father

Saint Juliana Falconieri, Virgin

St. Romuald

Romuald’s Eremetical Reform

Saint Paulinus of Nola’s Story

Saint Joseph’s Perpetual Virginity and the Apocrypha

Join Rosary novena to Immaculate Heart of Mary to stop WWIII and restore peace

Melbourne: Cathedral Was Packed for 'Last' Mass (Pictures)

"Cyber-Apostle" Acutis soon to be holy

How the IOR became the Vatican’s most bankable institution

Why Does the Nuncio in France Hate the Holy Mass So Much?

“What is new is that church institutions are also participating in the attempt to silence Christians”

Priest gets one-year sentence in French prison for molesting 7 underage boys

The UK ordinariate is getting a bishop. But what exactly is it?

Cardinal O'Malley's Former Episcopal Vicar to "Marry" a Man 32 Years His Junior

More Reasons for Kids Not to Have a Cell Phone

No Excuse For Being Clueless - When Supposed Christians Do Not Even Know What A 'Rainbow Flag' Represents, It Is A Judgement Against Churches That Are Not Truly Teaching 'God's Word' 

Is AI a demonic, transhumanist Trojan horse?

Preborn Is the New Black, and In Vitro Fertilization Is the New Atlantic Slave Trade

Poland’s left-liberal government hits hospital with hefty fine for refusing to perform abortions

Massachusetts launches $1 million campaign to attack pro-life pregnancy centers, promote abortion

Australia Launches Controversial Ministry To Reprogram Men

At Least 80 Christians Killed In Targeted ISIS Massacre In The Democratic Republic of the Congo

Sharia Police and Hatred of Jews: How Primary Schools are Becoming Islamized

Riley Gaines headlines summer bus tour to keep women’s sports free from ‘transgender’ men

Doctor INDICTED for blowing lid on illegal LGBT child “transition” scheme at Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston

Biden Regime Sends FBI to Intimidate Nurse Who Blew the Whistle on Texas Children’s Hospital’s Child Sex-Change Program (VIDEO)

NFL Team Sponsors 'National Gay Flag Football League'       6/19


Saint Ephrem, Doctor of the Church

Sainthood cause for Adele Brise, whom Mary told to catechize ‘this wild country,’ will move forward 

Virgin Mary statue begins ‘crying tears of blood’ in ‘divine message’

5 Eyewitnesses Describe Seeing The Miracle Of The Sun

St. Gregory Barbarigo

Saints Marcus and Marcellianus, Martyrs

Ephraim’s Mission of Beauty

Venerable Matt Talbot’s story

God and Science

Boy Becomes Hero of Homosex March in Vilnius (Video) best 10 seconds

Justice Alito's wife expresses desire to fly 'Sacred Heart of Jesus' flag to counter LGBT pride flags

Thousands join Eucharistic Pilgrimage at site of US Marian apparition (Photos)

LOOK: Boston Celtics coach Joe Mazzulla wears pro-God t-shirt after winning NBA title

Bishop Eleganti: Papal primacy must not be defined by ecumenical ‘negotiations’ with non-Catholics

US belief in Real Presence higher than previously thought

FSSP Ordains 7 New Priests

On the road to Chartres: the annual Pentecost pilgrimage has lessons for the wider Church  

Quimper: The Faithful Take to the Streets

Catholicism in Uganda

101-year-old Bishop Gracida and Bishop Strickland offer exorcism prayer for the world

Andrea Grillo: An astonishing interview of the main lay ideologue behind Traditionis Custodes and the desire to ban the Traditional Mass

Archdiocese in Kerala, India, refuses to follow decree from Syro-Malabar Major Archbishop requiring them to face God at Mass

Fire, water, and scuffles: Indian Catholics defy liturgy ultimatum

4 archdioceses celebrate biggest ordination classes in years with joy, prayer, packed Churches

Cardinal Sarah: African Church gave heroic witness against ‘grave error’ of homosexual ‘blessings’

Iraq’s historic Christian heartland recovering from ISIS occupation  

The Synodal Church is Shaping-Up to be Protestantism in Union with a Bishop of Rome

Monsignor Schneider: Fiducia Supplicans Allows Blessing of Abomination

UN Complaint over Pope Francis 'Wiretap'

Faggopope Is Back To Normal

Francis’ Friend and Former Adviser Seen In Sauna for Homosexuals

Eyewitness claims Fr. Thomas Rosica spent 2 hours in homosexual bathhouse

Mincione files UN human rights complaint against Holy See

Editorial: Harrison Butker’s courage highlights a reality of the Catholic Church in the US today

The War On Christians Is Real  8  min.

More Arson Attacks on French Catholics

Candace Owens claims media is ignoring a global 'Christian holocaust'

British Christians often experience hostility, study says

Pakistani Church leaders demand swift action after lynch mob murder of elderly Christian

Protect the Children Part 14: Maintaining a Permanent Parental Overwatch

Abbess Christiana Reemts OSB: “People used to believe...”

More Reasons for Kids Not to Have a Cell Phone

Some Catholic Schools Are Just Safe Rooms for Kids Whose Parents Are Scared of Violent Crime … Not That There’s Anything Wrong with That

‘The Truth About Sex’: How contraception harms individuals and society

God Created Fatherhood and We Need More Men to Step Up to Become Good Dads

President of the Polish Bishops’ Conference took part in the March for Life in Gdansk

My Father Adopted 10 of Us, He Showed What Real Love Is

Southern Baptists Vote to Oppose ‘Willful Destruction’ of Life through IVF

Americans split on morality of destroying frozen embryos created via IVF: poll

Pro-Life Physicians Prepare to Counter Misleading Medicalization of Induced Abortions

Scotland lawmakers approve ‘most extreme abortion buffer zone law in the world’

Report: More Than 171,000 Women Went Out of State for Abortions in 2023

Washington governor to force hospitals to commit ’emergency’ abortions for ‘health’

Colorado’s Democrat governor signs bill expanding state assisted suicide law

25-year-old Muslim man with 10-year-old fiancée talks benefits of marrying a child

Colorado Supreme Court begins hearing Jack Phillips’ case for refusing to bake ‘gender transition’ cake

'Star Wars' spinoff pushing LGBT ideology panned by viewers, loved by critics

Boys Take Track & Field Titles from Girls in Five States

Burn an American flag? No problem. Deface an LGBT flag? PRISON TIME       6/18


Saint Avitus, Abbot

St. Emily de Vialar

Saint Julitta and her son Saint Cyricus (or Quiricus), Martyrs

Saint Marguerite d’Youville’s Story

Saints Vitus, Modestus, and Crescentia, Martyrs

Saint of the Day Quote: Saint Botulph

Who would you put on your saint super team? (Photo Gallery)

Waiting for Better Times: Last Latin Mass at Melbourne Cathedral

Bishop Strickland: Christians need to be ‘salt and light’ for the world ‘like never before’

Liturgical Extremism: Francis to Ban All Latin Masses

‘Getting to know Jesus’: Eucharistic pilgrims share life on the road

Rejection of the Roman Rite is "Practical Atheism" - Cardinal Sarah

Switzerland: Capuchins Close Olten Convent Founded in 1646

Claiming Religious Freedom, US Bishop Concerned Their Illegal Immigration Gravy Train Is In Jeopardy

Catholic Priests Are the Sleeper Cells in Rome’s Homosexual Revolution

Bee: "'See, if you just dress in a big white robe & wear a giant cross necklace, everyone will totally think you're Catholic,' explained the Pope. 'I met this Chinese refugee the other day who was actually Catholic, he comes upSee, if you just dress in a big white robe and wear a giant cross necklace, everyone will totally think you're Catholic,' explained the Pope. 'I met this Chinese refugee the other day who was actually Catholic, he comes up to me and asks why I handed over the Chinese Catholic church to the Communist Party, and I was like, 'HA! I got you so good!'"

Burke: There Is no Such Thing as 'Non-Liturgical Blessings'

Bishop Strickland: Those who wish to change God’s commandments don’t actually live them

The Problem of Blessing Same-Sex Couples and Its Consequences for the Doctrine and Life of the Catholic Church

Pope Francis faces UN investigation over alleged illegal wiretappings in embezzlement scandal

The Antidote To A Lukewarm Spirit Is To Wholeheartedly Follow The Lord

The Grace of Fatherhood

Easily integrating religious practices into everyday life

Candace Owens vs Piers Morgan: 'I want every single person in the world to declare Christ is King'

France: Persecution of the Church Is Going Well

America’s 1st president was an ally to Catholics

Turkish Constitutional Court confirms: The expulsion of nine foreign Christians was legal

Australian Archbishop decries erosion of religious freedom, growth of abortion and euthanasia

The Masses Are Being Deceived… We Must Speak Up And Share Biblical Truth

A New German Bishop: Priests Are "Currently" Needed for Eucharists

Is Anyone Surprised? U.S. Bishops Vote To Continue Scandal-Plagued, Soros Founded CCHD

America Has a Fatherhood Crisis, Statistics Show

California: Catholic School Expels Entire Family After Patriotic Speech

Leading Dublin church cancels concert by gay choir over concerns about ‘Pride’ affiliation

San Diego Becomes First U.S. Diocese to File Bankruptcy TWICE Due To Sexual Abuse Claims

Polish bishops: ‘No one has the right to decide on the life of another human being’

South Carolina Abortions Drop 80% as Heartbeat Law Saves Thousands of Babies

Massachusetts House Unanimously Passes Bill to Allow Women to Sell Their Babies to Highest Bidder

If We Want to End Abortion, We Need Stronger Fathers

Iowa pregnancy center helps mother save unborn baby with abortion pill reversal program

Massachusetts launches new attack ad campaign against pregnancy help centers

Democrats Support Unlimited Abortions Up to Birth

Supreme Court rules doctors suing FDA over removal of abortion pill safety measures lack standing

Late-term babies who survive abortions in Canada are still being left to die

Michigan will no longer report abortion statistics, as part of its extreme Reproductive Health Act

Today’s Eugenics: A Child’s Life Should Not Be Exterminated Because Of A Disability

Today in history: Christian Spain breaks free from the ‘cruel sword’ of Muslim rule

ISIS kills dozens of Christians in DRC; churches close after latest attacks

Spain: A Priest Refuses Communion to Homosexual Concubines

Canada’s 2nd annual LGBT ‘Pride’ flag walkout day was a roaring success

President Pretending To Be Catholic Meets Pope Pretending To Be Catholic

Francis Was "Star Guest" at a Homosex-March in Rome

Vast Majority of People Will Grow Out of Transgenderism Within 5 Years        6/17


Saint Basil the Great, Doctor of the Church

St. Methodius I

Saint Albert Chmielowski’s Story

Saint of the Day Quote: Saint Mark of Lucera

Why Carmelites celebrate St. Elisha on June 14

Justice Alito’s wife caught on hidden mic praising Sacred Heart of Jesus, attacked by media

US bishops must re-commit themselves to ‘Eucharistic revival’

Mary — for a church of miracles, joy and strength

Nuncio to USCCB: Eucharistic encounter can transform wounds

Flow-Chart For Salvation-Emergencies

How to make reparation for your sins and those you love

Pope endorses Artificial Intelligence  Not Wise Just Like Take the Shot

Alleged Abuse Victims Blast Archbishop Bernard Hebda

‘Celibate Gay’ Seminarians: “The fact of the matter is, if a man is running around discussing his erotic appetites, and defining himself by his sin by calling himself “gay”, then chastity is long-since in the rear view mirror.”

“New Beginning” formally turns to Rome regarding Synodal Committee “If it turns out that these are genuine breaches of duty by bishops... all believers could feel encouraged to ignore church instructions..."

Francis Wants an Ecumenical Recognition of a "Papacy Without Content"

Priest: ‘Ordinary Christians will not survive the times’

Bradley out as Steubenville administrator

An Austrian Diocese Hands a Parish Church to "Holy Hydra"

Archbishop Aguer: Church leaders are failing to offer solutions to cultural and spiritual crises

A Priest Born on Flag Day

The People-Pleasing Vatican

Turkey’s highest court upholds expulsion of 9 foreign Christians for 'missionary activities'

Bishops request USCCB study after transgender hermit announcement

A Crime Against Humanity So Horrifying That I Don’t Even Have The Words To Describe It

The Polish Bishops’ Conference publishes an important ProLife pastoral letter

Fathers, Rise to Your Greatness

Ben Watson: If Men Step Up as Fathers, Babies Will be Saved From Abortions

Today’s Eugenics: A Child’s Life Should Not Be Exterminated Because Of A Disability

Lila Rose and law professor Helen Alvaré discuss how focusing on adults’ desires hurts children

Joe Biden’s Policies are Responsible for Abortion Pill Killing and Injuring Women

Evangelical Seminary Toying with Idea of Permitting Same-Sex Relationships

'Grand Tour' Presenter Stands Ground After Calling Rows Of Pride Flags "Oppressive"

Catholic schools in the Philippines are capitulating to LGBT ideology

Biden Rule Extending Title IX to Trans Students Blocked in More GOP States

Trans Christian school shooter's leaked diary reveals anti-Christian, perverse, pro-LGBT sentiments

Why do drag queens never want to read stories to the elderly?

U.S. Special Forces Navy SEALs engage in LGBT Pride prancing on social media as the rest of the world looks on and laughs

Florida Restrictions on Gender-Affirming Care Ruled Unconstitutional

Woke Disney Hopes ‘Inside Out 2’ Will Snap Year-Long Losing Streak     6/14


What You Need to Know About the June 13 Fatima Apparition

Saint Anthony of Padua, Doctor of the Church and Miracle-Worker

St. Anthony of Padua, Come Around — Something’s Lost and Can’t Be Found

Our Lady of Akita’s powerful message to the modern world

Feast of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus: “The Divine Heart guards and loves them by living with them, as they live and abide in Him”

‘Jesus Thirsts’ movie showcases the miracle of Christ’s Real Presence in the Eucharist

Vienna: Poster Campaign for the Month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Living In Fellowship with the Holy Spirit

Pride Month vs. the Hammer of Heretics

‘The Bishop of Rome’: A brief guide for busy readers

Power of Prayer: Washington Archdiocese Celebrates Largest Priestly Ordination Class Since 1960

Canonical Process Absolves Imprisoned Priest

Pope Francis meets with Fr. James Martin, reportedly affirms his LGBT activism

Francis Wants an Ecumenical Recognition of a "Papacy Without Content"

‘Doing nothing is not an option’ - The complicated landscape of the European ‘Catholic vote’

Former US SSPX district superior sentenced to 1-year in prison for molesting multiple underage boys

Boston slum lord archdiocese setting up community with affordable housing [lucrative gov't-backed housing project]

US Bishops: Francis Is Authoritarian, Ruthless Divider

Vatican Hosts Summit On Protecting Human Life From “Climate Change” With Pro-Abortion Governors 

The Collapse Of Societies Is First-And-Foremost The Result Of Rejecting God

Protect the Children Part 12: How to Organize and Run a Successful School Board Campaign

Europe’s top human rights court upholds Hungary's ban on assisted suicide in landmark ruling

Desperate Father Forced to Give Up Saving His Autistic Daughter From Killing Herself 

African men pushing back against Western lies about fatherhood, abortion

Indiana Sees Incredible 98% Drop in Abortions Thanks to Abortion Ban

Mary Ann Glendon: Scholar, Ambassador and Friend of the Unborn

Pressured to abort one baby with spina bifida and one with Trisomy 18, they trusted God instead

Democrats Try to Shut Down Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers

PURE EVIL: Clinton Judge Mocks 75-Year-Old Pro-Life Activist’s Catholic Faith as She Sentences Her to Prison For Peacefully Protesting Abortion Clinic

Planned Parenthood Covers Up Evidence That It Traffics Teens to Other States for Secret Abortions

Supreme Court unanimously rejects challenge to FDA's approval of abortion drug mifepristone

Some politicians want to make contraception a ‘right’. Others have good reason to oppose it.

Republicans block Dem-backed legislation that makes it illegal for states to restrict access to contraception, sterilization procedures

European Court of Human Rights Rules There’s No Right to Assisted Suicide

Every third primary school student in Vienna is Muslim

Caught in the Crossfire: Israeli Christians Face Hezbollah’s Relentless Attacks

Report: Catholics in Mozambique Reveal Extent of Muslim Violence and Murders for Professing Their Christian Faith

Christians Suffering Shortages of Medicines in Lebanon

Iraqi Court Orders Christian Woman And Her Children to Convert to Islam

Pro-LGBT group’s bid to cancel Canadian Evangelical Christian event over “hateful” Biblical views falls short

Foster Parents Sue Vermont After State Revokes License for Rejecting Gender Ideology

Pro-LGBT group’s annual report warns about decrease in woke laws across US over past year

Argentina's President Milei finally abolishes Gender Ministry

High School Used $10K Grant to Hand Out “Chest Binders” at Pervert Pride Parade, Stock Library With Degenerate “LGBTQ” Books

Former Child Star Sparks Outrage Over Lewd Acts at All-Ages Pervert Pride Festival in LA [VIDEOS]

Catholic schools in the Philippines are capitulating to LGBT ideology

Pervert ‘Pride’ Month Features U.S. Debut of New Sexually Transmitted Ringworm       6/13


St. John of Sahagun

Saint Barnabas, Apostle

Blessed Jolenta of Poland’s Story

St. Anthony prayed to God when he lost his favorite book

St. Catherine’s Letter to Cardinals Under an Antipope

Our Lady of Akita’s powerful message to the modern world

Archbishop of Sydney Warns of 'Law War' against Christians

Some up-and-comers?

Bishop Strickland leads procession through city streets with relics of Eucharistic saints

Justice Alito’s wife says she wants ‘Sacred Heart of Jesus flag’ to counter LGBT flags: report

India: Priests Who Celebrate with their Back to God Excommunicated

Bishop Davies: “We are witnessing an almost catastrophic decline of the institution of marriage”

What to expect from the USCCB’s revised pastoral framework for Native Catholics

Archbishop urges caution about reported Marian apparition

 Pope Francis SLAMS conservatism

Bergoglio Out Of Control, Censorship Is Activated

Pope Frociesco Smells "Homosexual Air" in the Vatican

Auxiliary Bishop Mutsaerts: Fiducia Supplicans ‘in accordance with the spirit of the times’

Report reveals widespread harassment of UK Christians in every part of society

False Comedian Tells Children in Francis' Presence that "There Is Only Heaven"

O'Connell Street & Manhattan: Passersby pray the rosary together

The COVID Panic and Vax Killed Three Million People. Many Faith Leaders Played a Role in That.

Truth vs Heresy: Examining God’s Special Relationship With His Chosen People

Trudeau again says nothing after another church suspiciously burns to the ground in Canada

How One Man Transformed Over 200 KKK Members   

Martin Mosebach: Catholic Art Shows Eyeless Dolls

Bishops' CCHD review is matter of dollars and sense

Catholics Urge Prelates to Axe Church’s Social Justice Charity Over Widespread, Gross Abuses

Somali Muslim refugee-turned-missionary: US churches must do more to reach growing Islamic community

How did Catholic Mexico end up electing a pro-abortion, pro-LGBT globalist as president?

Texas Abortion Ban Saves Tens of Thousands of Babies, Zero Women Have Died

Arkansas is Creating a Memorial to Honor the 65 Million Babies Killed in Abortions

Doctor Told Mom, “If You Continue to Carry This Baby, You’re Going to Die.” Mom and Baby are Doing Great Now

Bill in Brazil aims to equate abortion and homicide

Pro-abortion senators: Laws protecting preborn humans are ‘horrific’ and an ‘assault’ on women

Democrats Claim Women Can Only Succeed by Killing Their Babies in Abortions 

The chilling story of how eugenic theory, and later IVF, was pioneered in Britain

Transhumanism: Covid Injections And The Internet Of Bio-Nano Things, Part 4

Poll: Only 19% of Dementia Joe Voters Say Society Benefits From Marriage, Having Children

Castration and artificial wombs: Elites push transhumanism at annual Hay Festival

3 Christians executed by Islamic extremists in Nigeria

Monster Who Murdered 3-Year-Old and Mom Smirks at the Camera as Charges Are Read

Oklahoma Gov. Stitt signs Women’s Bill of Rights into law to protect biological females from WOKE MOB

Doctors, Medical Groups Call For Focus On Mental Health In Gender-Confused Children

Doctors Sign Declaration Calling for the “Immediate Stop” of Gender Procedures for Children

Washington Teens Charged With ‘Felony Vandalism’ For Leaving Skid Marks on LGBT Pride Mural – Face Up to a Decade in Prison!

‘Concerned for My Daughter’s Safety’: 2 More Minnesota School Districts Issue Transgender Guidelines Allowing Boys in Girls’ Spaces

Idaho bar sparks OUTRAGE from LGBTQ+ supporters over promo offering free beers for straight men this Pride Month

Lime Scooters disables riding over LGBT pride display after teens charged with felonies

Meta deletes Instagram post about event exposing dangers of transgenderism for ‘violating local law’ 

Biden launches massive “pride” media campaign blitz to attract LGBTQ+ voters

Pride Month for Criminals

This Just In: “Pride” Inanities

Most Americans Say Transgenderism Is a Political Distraction        6/12


Our Lady Seat of Wisdom, Our Lady of Combermere and the Immaculate Heart

Saint Margaret, Queen of Scotland

Saint Joachima’s Story

St. Michael of the Saints and the Mystical Exchange of Hearts

St. Getulius

Saint Columbkille, the Irish Apostle to Scotland

Saints Primus and Felicianus, Martyrs

Blessed Nicholas of Gesturi

Why the Sacred Heart says “Thy Kingdom Come”

“The Mystery of the Lord’s Bodily Presence in the Sacrament of the Altar”

How the Church Hierarchy Silenced “Germany’s Fatima” – the Hidden Truth about Heroldsbach!

Fatima and St. Margaret Mary’s visions of the Sacred Heart are providentially connected

France: One to Zero for Our Lady

The beautiful (and dramatic) way the Lebanese army honors Mary

“Painted by angels from Heaven” …The Great Rock Miracle of Our Lady of Las Lajas. Truly a Wonder of the World

Romans thank Mary for saving them 80 years ago (Photos)

It’s time to put ‘Boomer Catholicism’ out to pasture and embrace the fullness of tradition

Don Pietro Leone: Is Pope Francis Pope, and If Not, What Then?

How the Church Hierarchy Silenced “Germany’s Fatima” – the Hidden Truth about Heroldsbach!

Bishop Strickland: Cooperating with evil means we are ‘playing with fire’

No Rest for the Wicked

Rigidity, or Immovable Faith?  

After Eight Years in Exile Fr William Graham Is Credibly Innocent

Impure Thoughts and Morose Delectation

Bishop Strickland: Pope Francis’ record on sex abuse gives ‘artillery’ to enemies of the Church

Liturgical life of the Germans is stranger than many may think

Time to rethink US approach to who it sends to Vatican as envoy

Persecuted Cuban Priest: The Gospel of Christ Can Help Deliver Nation from Evil

Diocesan Delegation Arrives: Nuns Call the Police

The Bible and the Big Bang

'False impression of unanimity' Germany

Understanding Norms for Discerning Alleged Supernatural Phenomena  

The Unique Joys and Challenges of Being a Jewish Believer in Jesus in the 21st Century

Ancient book containing earliest versions of 2 books of the Bible up for auction

“What the Devil Wants Most”: Filmmaker Mikki Willis Exposes the Fight for Your Soul

Public Celebration Of Sin: The Episcopal ‘Church’ Shows Pride In Their Apostasy

Canada: Arsonists destroyed another church

5 Christian Denominations That Have Embraced Sodomite Degeneracy

Bethany Christian Services: Mothers Speak Out  

Alexa PenaVega felt ‘supernatural peace’ after stillbirth: ‘God was just telling us… I am here for you’

Pastor: Christians Have an Obligation to Save Babies From Abortion

Premature baby begins career as NICU nurse in the same hospital that cared for her

No Women Have Died Because of Abortion Bans Since Dobbs

Jailed pro-lifer Will Goodman: It is an honor to be in prison to witness against the abortion holocaust

Study author: Out-of-state abortions up 50% in Washington… so more abortion businesses are needed

WHO Partners With Radical Pro-Abortion Group to Push Abortion Worldwide

Euthanasia is out of control in Netherlands.

A Prayerful Response to Pride Month

Louisiana Gov. Signs Bill Requiring Transgenders to Use Restrooms by Biological Sex

Pro-LGBT group attempts to cancel massive Canadian Evangelical Christian event

A Catholic Gender Studies Program?

Drag Queen Spreads His Legs for a Child at Pervert Pride Fest

Teens Arrested After Scooters Leave Marks on ‘Pride’ Crosswalk        6/10


The Sacred Heart Over America

Consecration to the Sacred Heart with the help of Mary

Saint Claude, Archbishop

St. Willibald

Blessed Franz Jägerstätter’s Story

Saint Robert of Newminster, Abbot

Dappled Things shares new art for the Sacred Heart (Photos)

The Once and Future Christendom

Cardinal Sarah Calls On African Theologians to Resist Western Woke Ideology

Traditionalism, the Charismatic Renewal and the End of Christendom

"And quietly he whispers to you personally: What am I worth to you?"

Expiatory Church of the Sacred Heart on Mount Tibidabo

1500+ Catholics call on University of Notre Dame to rescind award given to pro-abortion Joe Biden

In New Synodal Document, U.S. Bishops Rejoice at Creating a Safe Harbor for Everyone Except Catholics

Bishop "Sincerely" Apologises after "Blasphemy" [against Buddah]  ???

British bishop: “Catholics must end culture of death when voting”

Discernment Rules on Secular Decisions

Brother of ‘Vatican girl’ says new papal-ordered inquest is a ‘farce’

Buenos Aires Cathedral: Supper Theology Leads to Snack Bar Cathedral

Uganda: Four million celebrate Martyrs' Day in Africa

Today in history: King St. Louis XI scores major victory for Christians over Islamic jihad

SPLC Changes Number of ‘Radical Traditional Catholic Hate Groups’ in Latest ‘Hate Map’ After FBI Backlash

Federal judge rules Colorado unlawfully excluded Catholic preschools from state program.."the two parish schools 'give priority to Catholic families seeking to ensure their children receive a Catholic education'"

Eucharistic pilgrimage aims to avoid Rupnik at JPII shrine

New imposed ruler of Communion and Liberation movement releases 17-page ManiFrancisFesto

Former Boston College High School Priest Charged in Connection with Rape of Student

Vatican employee arrested for allegedly trying to sell stolen manuscript

Christianity and Altruism

Couple Banned From Adopting Because They’re Conservative Christians Win First Battle in Court

Empathy Comes Firsthand for Director of This Home for Unwed Mothers

Meet the homeschooling Catholic mother of 12 who established Ethiopia’s first infant daycare

Charleston Diocese aims to bring organization to spiritual direction ministry

Dear Pierre Poilievre: Stop cowering to the left on abortion and the LGBT agenda

A grieving father holds his son after a late abortion: ‘I cried all night in torment’

Arkansas reports zero abortions in 2023, down from 3,000+ three years ago

Baby Born Weighing 1.5 Pounds Defies the Odds, Goes Home After 9 Months in NICU

Planned Parenthood falsely claims killing unborn babies is ‘healthcare,’ shuts down replies

New Billboards Expose How People Survived Abortion or Were Pressured to Have Abortions

Democrats Attack Republicans . . . for Not Being Willing to Force Nuns to Buy Birth Control

BuzzFeed’s attempt to discredit ‘Baby Olivia’ prenatal development video is the weakest yet

Leftists Can’t Say They Support Women When They Defend Sex-Selection Abortions

Parents panic after learning they have weeks to recover embryos in Greek fertility scandal

Disabled Canadian man reveals he’s been offered EUTHANASIA multiple times by hospital staff

‘I have no hatred for the assassin’ – Slovak PM Fico appears for first time since assassination attempt, forgives shooter and advocates for peace in Europe in powerful new message

Woke Culture Declares War on Beauty: Morbidly Obese Female Wins Miss Alabama and a MAN Wins Miss Maryland USA

As Miss Maryland And A Military PR Rep, This Man In A Dress Will Interact With Kids

College Offers “Gender Affirming” Program Will Teach Trannies How to Cough and Sneeze Like the Opposite Sex

Google Snubs 160,000 Men Who Landed at Normandy 80 Years Ago, Instead Celebrates ‘Lesbian Chicana Activist’ on D-Day

Christian foster couples sue Vermont for revoking their licenses because they oppose LGBT ideology

From Profits to Pandering: How Government Turned Universities and Businesses into DEI Bureaucracies

Trans Athlete Complains about Lack of 'Sportsmanship' after He 'Wins' Female Championship 

Biological man feels like a woman and wants to go to the women's gym

Sodomite Commiefornia Democrat Senator Says Gender-Confused Children Are “Our Kids”

Canadian Cancer Society bows to LGBT mob, apologizes for referring to cervix by actual name

Walmart faces social media backlash over “Pride Always Collection” for Pride Month

Washington City Says No to Raising “Pride” Flag

Pride Parades: Not Safe for Work, Not Safe for Kids

Biden Targets Whistleblower For Exposing Sex-Change Operations On Minors.                 6/7


Saint Boniface, Bishop, Martyr

Boniface, Belloc and the New Paganism

The Sacred Heart and the Eucharistic Revival

The Lord’s Prayer is a prayer of trust in God’s goodness

Bishop Strickland: Pause and listen for the beating of Our Lord’s Sacred Heart

Who is Our Lady of Divine Love, linked to World War II?

Inside Budapest’s amazing St. Stephen’s Basilica (Photos)

Archbishop Chaput: On the Power of the Powerless

Archbishop Viganò: Bergoglio’s goal is to normalize sodomy

Why Purgatory Is Necessary – Part 2

Priest, 45, Killed in Colombia

Bishop in Pakistan: Stop abuse of blasphemy law

Chicago Augustinian Order Paid $2 Million Settlement Over Rape Accusations Against Priest But Left His Name Off Sex Abuser List

Narrow-Minded Francis Criticises "Dogmatic Narrow-Mindedness of Church"

Cardinal Sarah calls on African theologians to resist Western woke ideology

New Faith: German Bishop Believes that Some People Born in the "Wrong" Body

Priests are the Sleeper Cells in Rome’s Homosexual Revolution

Massive parish theft calls for more internal control, expert says

It’s Not Surprising America Is A ‘Post-Christian’ Nation When You Look At The State Of Our Pulpits

Religious freedom advocates demand Egypt release Christians jailed for using Facebook

No Hong Kong Mass for 35th anniversary of Tiananmen Square

Baby girl born in speedy delivery at parents’ favorite seafood restaurant

Merrick Garland’s KGB Is Keeping America Safe From Pro-Life Grandmas 

Republicans Block “Right to Contraception” Bill That Promotes Abortion, Trans Surgeries on Kids

Granddaughter of actor Ricardo Montalban plans to continue family’s legacy of ‘speaking up for life’

African, Middle Eastern countries call out WHO director Tedros for promoting abortion activist group

A Grieving Father Holds His Aborted Son After a Late-Term Abortion 

Pro-life group blasts Trudeau administration for implying that women must use contraception and have abortions to become successful

Melinda Gates is Spending $1 Billion Promoting Abortion, But She Claims to be a Faithful Catholic

Scotland hits new record high for abortions in 2023, nearly 10% spike in one year

Witches drump Tomato soup on Jason Evert after he talks to them about chastity

Canada’s 2nd annual LGBT ‘pride’ school walkout protest a success: pro-family group

Millions March in Uganda for the Martyrs, Victims of Homosexual Lust

Memo to California Progressives: Sex With Children Is a Serious Crime

World’s largest children’s books publisher releases radical ‘LGBTQIA+’ guide targeting K-12 children

Pope Francis again welcomes group of ‘transgender’ males, homosexuals at Vatican audience

U.K. nurses sue National Health Service for siding with transgender employee over allegations of sexual harassment in changing room

The Rainbow Illusion

Is ‘Pride 2024’ a huge flop in Maine?                6/6


Saint Francis Caracciolo, Founder

Blessed Angeline of Marsciano’s Story

Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich had visions of a Freemasonic attack on the Church

The Eucharistic miracle along the Camino de Santiago

‘He goes everywhere’ - National Eucharistic Pilgrimage, Philly-style

Pray the Litany of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Viganò Told: “Keep Your Mouth Shut”

Expelled Carmelite Nun Founds Autonomous Monastery

Early photos show the 18th-century renovation of Notre-Dame

Taking stock of the thuribles and ‘accidents of grace’ that descended on central London

Corpus Christi: When the Train Stopped for Christ in the Blessed Sacrament - A Sermon by Fr. Richard Cipolla

Francis Writes to Homosexual Ex-Seminarian: "Continue Your Vocation"

The shortage of priests corresponds to a shortage of believers

Prominent Jesuit Says Why the Jesuits Are Going Downhill

WATCH: Candace Owens reveals what drew her to the Catholic Church

Record 'profits' for WYD 2023, but transparency may be biggest legacy

Homosexual Activist Bergoglio Writes Another Preface

Vienna: Teacher forbids students from reading from the Bible

Protect the Children Part 8: How to Pressure Your School Board to Get the Right Results

Trump Is Converting America's Nuns

Jaco Booyens on How Christians Can Remain Vigilant without Compromise

Is America Becoming An Anti-Christ Nation?

WHO passes invalid health regulations that must be rejected

What’s behind the latest killing of a Christian in Pakistan?

Conceived in rape, Mark is grateful his birth mother chose life

Chastity speaker Jason Evert has been targeted by ‘witches,’ had tomato soup dumped on him

Indiana Abortions Drop 98% as Abortion Ban Saves Hundreds of Babies

Elderly pro-lifer’s husband begs court for mercy as judge sentences ailing wife to prison

West Virginia Abortions Drop 98% as Abortion Ban Saves Babies

Should Those Who Commit Abortion Be Punished?

More pro-life groups and pregnancy centers sue New York’s Attorney General

Quebec’s first March for Life draws 1,500 Canadians in defense of the unborn

Indiana Abortions Drop 98% as Abortion Ban Saves Hundreds of Babies

Mexico's woke new president Claudia Sheinbaum is strongly pro-abortion and pro-LGBT

Talk on Euthanasia and MAiD

‘I was offered assisted dying over cancer treatment’ In Canada, a broken healthcare system is killing patients

Sodomite Charity Penned a Tribute to a “Gay Rights” Pioneer Who Claimed That Pedophiles Were Being Oppressed

LGBT activists attack Italian pro-life group’s headquarters for second time in 10 days

‘Your Children Will Love Us. And Your Children Will Join Us!’ – LGBT Activist 

Maxime Bernier chides Trudeau for shoving 'this nonsense' of 'pride season' 'in our face'

How Bob Iger, DIE Policies, and Wokism Broke Disney’s Trust With America

Study finds suicide risk 12 times higher following genital mutilation

11 NFL Teams So Far Decline To Bow To Pride Month Messaging                       6/4


Corpus Christi and the Poetry of Thomas Aquinas

Saint Clotilda, Queen of France

St. Charles Lwanga and Companions

Saints Marcellinus and Peter’s Story

Saint Justin of Naplouse, Martyr

Pope St John Paul II and the Eucharist

Australia: Over 15,000 participants in Corpus Christi procession “Walk with Jesus” in Syndey

Spectacular Corpus Christi Procession in London (Video)

10 Common Eucharistic practices to guard against routine

Hail Mary - Hala Madrid!

Keep Your Mouth Shut

Colorado high school senior with Down syndrome makes history as commencement speaker

Notre Dame Alumni Demand University Rescind Award Given to Joe Biden

Vatican official says 77% of cases sent to discipline office are about child abuse

Catholic days continue to shrink

Hope For America in the Heartland

Archbishop Aguer: Vatican-established ‘University of Meaning’ is fraught with potential dangers

Slowly but Surely: Francis Has Begun Corrupting Poland

Catholic Priests Are the Sleeper Cells in Rome’s Homosexual Revolution

Pope Francis Names 3 Pro-Gay Prelates to Vatican Doctrinal Office

Abuse Allegations: A FSSPX Priest Arrested

WATCH: More Than 450 Sue Archdiocese Of Baltimore Over Sexual Abuse

Former Finnish government minister once again standing trial for tweeting Bible verses

Poll Shows Majority of Americans Supported Harrison Butker’s Pro-Life, Pro-Family Message

Student temporarily denied diploma after urging classmates to follow Christ at graduation ceremony

After 25 foster families, this 11-year-old has finally found a forever home

Why Are Young Women Are Leaving Religion in Record Numbers?

Special report: Pilgrimage industry on its knees in Holy Land  

Reclaiming ‘Pride Month’: June 2 is ‘Ex-Gay Visibility Day’

Texas Supreme Court upholds Human Life Protection Act after legal challenge

Another Elderly Pro-Life Activist Sentenced for 2020 D.C. Abortion Clinic Protest

Research Confirms 95.9% of Abortions are Killing Babies as Birth Control, Just .4% for Rape

Within 10 Days: Anti-Life Violence against Pro-Life Organisation

House Democrat PAC launches $100 million campaign to promote abortion

The federal government has no comprehensive data on so-called “sidewalk nuisances”

‘Pregnant man’ becomes ‘abortion doula’ to assist others who want to kill their babies

Church teaching and IVF: it’s all about human dignity – buttressed by love, support and information

Children ‘Piled Up and Shot’: Gruesome Details Emerge of Islamic Genocide of Black Africans in Darfur Sudan

France: Zambian asylum seeker will not serve jail time for sexually assaulting 13-year-old daughter of his friend – The victim has since tried to kill herself twice

Citizens Succeed in Keeping Rainbow Flag Off Public Buildings in Los Angeles Suburb

Protect the Children Part 7: How to Effectively Engage Your School Board for Change

Famous soccer player suspended by the French football league for taping over LGBTQ+ logo

Judicial Watch Receives Records Detailing U.S. Air Force Drag Events Paid for By Taxpayers

Woke Defense Department Mistakenly Posts LGBT Pride Graphic for PTSD Awareness Month

In preface to latest book, PervPope Francis tells Fr. James Martin, who defends the rights of men and priests who prefer anal and oral sex with other men, that the Bible is a love letter

Next Stage: Tucho "Allows" Homosexual Pseudo-Marriages

Woke Hollywood’s Weekend BO Collapses 66% over Last Year

Philadelphia Sets Drag Queen Story Time World Record With Only 263 Attending           6/3


Prayers before the Eucharist by holy children

Mary, Queen of the Earth

St. Mechtildis

Pope John Paul II’s and the Visitation

The Story of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Saint Petronilla, Virgin

"So God created man in his own image"

Sainte Jeanne d’Arc, the Mighty Maid of Orleans

St. Joan of Arc - Living Divine Mercy  with Fr. Chris Alar, MIC

Fontgombault Sermon for Corpus Christi: "Communion after communion, our hearts resemble more and more Christ’s Heart."

Scenes of heroic piety impress priest during Eucharistic exposition in New York  

Fr. Donald Calloway "A Perpetual Eucharistic Revival"

John Paul II Shrine mum on Rupnik art ahead of Eucharistic procession

Contemplating Corpus Christi through Raphael’s ‘Stanza della Segnatura’  

Tragic accident at the Corpus Christi procession: a Swiss man dies

Do you know Our Lady of Bliss?

EXCLUSIVE: Archbishop Viganò won’t ‘elaborate further’ for now on Pope Francis abuse accusations

Spain: Socialist Regime Bans the Rosary Again

Diocese of Buffalo to Merge a Third of its Parishes

Cardinal Parolin: NATO arms in Russia will lead to ‘uncontrollable escalation'

Archbishop Aguer: Vatican-established ‘University of Meaning’ is fraught with potential dangers

Papa Frocesco: An Italian Bishop Confirms What Everyone Knows

The reality of ‘gay’ seminaries and what’s behind Pope Francis’ ‘faggotry’ remark

Vatican faces backlash for inviting DRAG ARTIST to perform during inaugural celebration of World Children’s Day

Nigerian priest released a week after kidnap

Catholic priest in Poland participates in ecumenical ceremony to bless homosexual ‘couples’

Hong Kong cardinal: Tiananmen massacre left ‘deep wound’

Vatican official says 77% of cases sent to discipline office are about child abuse

Germany: Presiding Bishop Attacks Francis Three Times, Wants 'Positive View' on Sexual Sins

Money rules the German church world!

Kenyan doctor condemns WHO for sterilizing African women with vaccines

Kentucky High School Student DENIED Diploma After Honoring Jesus During “Off-Script” Graduation Speech

Second Jewish School Hit With Gunfire: Alarming Rise of Violent Antisemitic Attacks in Canada Since...

Catholic Experts: Evil new Vatican DeathAcademy book has “misleading and confusing theological and medical information that contradicts established Church teachings on contraception and assisted reproductive technologies.”

Pakistan’s religious minorities enduring modern-day slavery in brick kiln industry

Pro-Life Leader Mark Houck Going After Joe Biden After Biden Tried to Put Him in Prison

Report: Pro-life pregnancy centers provided over $367M in services in 2022

'You Will Not Surely Die': Transhuman Scientists Buy Into Devil's First Lie

Doctors pressured us to abort at every visit, until one spoke words of hope we’d never forget

Texas Supreme Court Unanimously Rejects Challenge to Abortion Ban, Babies Can Continue Being Saved

Former ‘Top Model’ Leah Darrow was told her preemie wouldn’t survive. 29 days later he’s still fighting.

Report: Democrat PAC Plans $100M Abortion Blitz to Take House in November

Abortion Pills are Releasing Dangerous Chemicals, Remains of Aborted Babies in Our Water 

Netherlands euthanizes healthy 29-year-old woman to cure depression, anxiety 

Louisiana Catholic Men Stand-Up to the ‘Pride’ Infiltration of Their Small Town this June

Jesuit Father James Martin: Church Would Be ‘Immeasurably Poorer’ Without Gay Priests

Ben Carson: We Have to Protect Our Children From the Leftist Sexual Agenda 

California Democrat State Senator Blasts Her Own Party for Protecting Child Predators in Explosive Speech (VIDEO)

GERMANY: Women's Gym Fined 1,000 After Denying Balding Trans-Identified Male Access to Showers

Another Californian diocese files for bankruptcy due to volume of abuse lawsuits      5/31


St. Joan of Arc

Saint Felix I, Pope and Martyr

Saint Mary Magdalene of Pazzi, Carmelite

St. Maximinus of Trier

Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat’s Story

Saint Cyril, Child Martyr

Saint of the Day Quote: Saint Ursula Ledóchowska

At the moment of Adoration we are all on the same level, on our knees before the Sacrament of Love

Bishop Schneider blesses the construction of traditional Carmelite monastery in Florida

Viganò Accuses Francis of Being a Homosexual

BREAKING: Archbishop Viganò accuses Pope Francis of ‘the same abuses’ as Cardinal McCarrick

Nuncio to Kenya says secular West is ‘self-absorbed’ and has ‘lost its vigour’

“It’s fantastic and it’s noticeable that countless lives are being changed here.”

A template for change? Zero tolerance by the numbers

US Bishops Complain about Autocratic Behaviour of Roman Curia

New clash shows strains in Germany’s ‘synodal coalition’

Nearly 40% of Christians prefer not to tell people about their faith: survey

G.K. Chesterton as Catholic Apologist

Lebanese swimming instructor built floating rosary

Russell Brand Reflects on the Impact of His Baptism After One Month as a Christian

Christian convert in Somalia attacked by knife-wielding Muslim relatives, loses family

Pope’s World Day for Children features drag dancer and Candace Owens’ firing over ‘Christ is King’

Father James Martin says he knows ‘hundreds’ of homosexual priests: ‘They’ve been my mentors’

Connecticut claims religious exemptions to mandatory child vaccinations somehow pose a threat to public health

The ‘Drip-Drip’ Genocide of Christians

UK Silent Prayer Arrests Prompt International Embarrassment

Planned Parenthood Loses Bid to Silence Pro-Life Protestors

South Carolina judge upholds six-week “heartbeat” abortion ban

Rolling Stone pushes more propaganda in attempt to portray pro-lifers as violent

Democrats Can’t Win on Economy or Immigration, so They’re All-in on Killing Babies

Catholic university and bishops sue Biden admin for adding abortion to pregnant workers law

Melinda Gates Plans to Donate $1 Billion to Abortion and Gender Justice to “Help” Girls

Vacationing for the purpose of cheaper IVF is the new global fertility market trend

Letitia James Loses First Legal Battle After She Tries to Shut Down Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers

Paralyzed then drowned: Veteran exposes the terrifying method used to euthanize people in Canada

Sisters file complaint after ‘non-terminal’ mother was ‘fast-tracked’ for euthanasia

Germany Minimizes the Horror of Child Porn

South Carolina governor signs ban on transgender procedures for minors

Clash in the Netherlands: ANTIFA Targets Feminists Advocating for Safety from Men Identifying as Women

Rep. Paul Gosar blasts Biden admin for funding gender transition procedures for underage family members of government employees

Protect the Children Part 5: Understanding Your School Board’s Current Composition

Documentary Details Female Sexual Assault Survivor’s Story of Being Incarcerated With Trans Inmate

Creating A Mentally Ill Nation As Grooming Entities, Including Disney and Nintendo, Are Driving So-Called 'Transgender' Children, Teens And Adults To Suicide And Brutally Gruesome Murders

NATO is a global criminal cabal pushing pedophilia and trans agendas under the threat of economic sanctions and kinetic bombings

Australian LGBT activist seems to promote bestiality to high schoolers. Will Canada follow?

Lola is an Oregon Track State Champion

Transgender surgeon promotes castration of teenagers as “an adventure for young people”         5/29


Saint Germanus, Bishop of Paris

Bl. Margaret Pole

Venerable Pierre Toussaint’s Story

Saint Augustine of Canterbury, Archbishop

Saint Bernard of Montjoux, or Menthon

The Holy Eucharist and the Hint of an Explanation

Record number of French military baptized at Lourdes

Why young people love the Chartres pilgrimage  

Rome Today Isn’t What It Was

Archbishop Viganò: 'Bergoglio is one of the main activists of the hellish LGBTQ + agenda'

Has the Pope finally completely lost the plot? He cannot carry on governing the Church like this.

Vatican Apologizes for Catholic Missionaries in China, Calls on Communist “Bishops” to Rule the Chinese Church

Resignation of Mgr Mestre: No, it Wasn't Sex, It Was Much Worse

Why did the Pope's favorite suddenly resign? More details.

Catholic leaders beg US bishops to cancel agency funding Marxist, pro-abortion, pro-LGBT groups

Addressing Homosexuality in Uganda, Part I

@holysmoke..@dianemontagna..JUST IN: #Vatican..statement..#PopeFrancis’ comments..“get all the queers out of the seminaries, even those only semi-oriented”. Statement

Transvestite Performs at Francis' World Children’s Day'

Bad odour of the shepherds from the Church Francis left behind

When the Priest Decided Which Parishioners Could Receive the Eucharist

Catholic Cardinal Condemns “Killing Unborn Children” in Abortions: “History Will Judge Us”

Pagan Prayer in Roman Basilica: Francis "Very Happy"

Melinda Gates Spending $1 Billion to Push Abortion Worldwide

‘Hands off the cross’ – Polish football fans target Warsaw Mayor Trzaskowski over decision to remove crucifix from government buildings

Finnish Supreme Court to hear case of politician charged with ‘hate speech’ for citing Bible

Final Decision on Bible Club After 7 Months of ‘Anti-Christian Hostility’

Bring ‘Em Back! Part 15  

Backlash against Harrison Butker shows ‘hatred for Catholic morality’: Newman Society president

The assault on Polish Catholics: It’s time to resist ideological extremism

Principal at Catholic middle school censures student’s patriotic, MAGA-themed speech

Jet-Setting Archbishop of Canterbury Accused of Climate ‘Hypocrisy’

Catholic Priest Promotes Video Claiming “God Made Biden”

Live Action’s ‘Truth About Sex’ series exposes ‘Four Big Lies About Sex’ that people believe

Harrison Butker Defends His Pro-Life, Pro-Family Commencement Speech: “I Do Not Regret At All”

Pro-life ministry is educating students across US on fetal development

Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers Sue New York AG Letitia James For Trying to Shut Them Down

Mother horrified her presumed missing son was killed at euthanasia business

'Groom These Women': The Persecution of Christians, April 2024 

Fiducia Supplicans is ‘Crowning Achievement’ of ‘LGBT Lobby’ in the Church

“They’re out to Get Us”: Degenerate “Pride” Crosswalk Keeps Getting Damaged by Burnouts

Missouri High Schoolers Asked If They Understand Difference Between Gender, Sex Assigned at Birth 

Newsom weakened California's anti-pedo laws: Now pedos are advertising to children on utility polls in front of schools

New Brunswick premier bans ‘sex-ed’ group from schools after presentation on porn, immoral sex acts

‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’ Contestant Shocks with Costume Depicting Trans Double Mastectomy

Nintendo introduces ‘transgender’ character in US remake of Paper Mario video game

Disney’s Hulu to Stream Gay Dating Show ‘I Kissed a Boy’ for Pride Month

Trans Runner Takes Girls Title in 400-Meter Dash at Washington State HS Championships         5/28


Saint Bede the Venerable, Father of the Church

St. Augustine of Canterbury

Canterbury’s Augustine, Who Made England Catholic

Saint Philip Neri’s Story

Saint Gregory VII, Pope

O Lux Beata Trinitas

The Solemnity of the Holy Trinity In the Words of the Saints

4 Saints who served in the military

A New Miracle in Lourdes?

Co-editor of the Catholic Herald raises questions about the Vatican's new standards on apparitions

The Polish Model and the Mysterious Encounter with Padre Pio… Only at Medjugorje did she begin to understand.

Pilgrimage to Chartres: Tens of thousands travel to celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass

George Weigel: Francis Betrays the Legacy of John Paul II

29 members of Opus Dei were ordained priests in Rome

Guns and Rosaries: dynamic, orthodox Catholicism in Chicago and the United States

He was a soldier in Iraq and became a “Soldier of Christ”

‘Listen, teach, send’ - The USCCB's draft plan for young people

Archbishop Aguer: Pope Francis’ Vatican has ‘adopted the ideology of the French Revolution’

Lots of Exorcism These Days

Fernández Attempts to Mend Relationship with Coptic Church in Wake of Disastrous Fiducia Supplicans

‘Dark day’ for Pakistan’s Christians after mob attack

Meet the modern-day ‘devil’s advocate’ in the process of canonization

“On the contrary, we see that Azerbaijan’s genocide against the Armenians is being rewarded”

Who’s responsible for ending the Syro-Malabar liturgy impasse?

English Bishop Bans "Pride" Celebrations in Catholic Schools

Male drag ‘artist’ puts on disturbing performance for kids at [Francis's] Vatican’s World Children’s Day

Murder of American missionaries was ‘incredibly brutal.’

Forced ECT has brought me much suffering: I am offering it up for an end to abortion

Hate Crime Charges DROPPED, No Jail Time for Christian Vet Who Beheaded Satan Statue at Iowa Capitol

Francis’s beloved MonsterArtist Fr. Rupnik’s co-author, Matasa Govekar, still very influential at VaticanNews

Theologian Carl Trueman discusses ‘What is a human?’ with Lila Rose

Former Miss Nevada, abandoned as baby, meets birth mother for the first time

Remembering the 'Little people': Forty years ago, kids in Milwaukee found 11 aborted babies in a dumpster

Louisiana Governor Signs Bill to Stop Predators From Forcing Women to Have Abortions

England and Wales report record 252,122 abortions, 58% surge in elective late-term abortions

Woman Goes Viral With Video Claiming “My Fetus Dancing Right Before It Was Aborted”

State Dept: ‘Atheism Grant’ May Have Been Misused

Transhumanists: The scientists who want to become gods

Protect the Children Part 3: Three Things Your Local Public School May Be Teaching Your Children That You Don’t Want Them to Learn

BOYCOTT INCOMING: Walmart Promotes Pride Merchandise as Target Scales Back Following Backlash

Menopause in your 20s? Young girls are not being warned about this side effect of ‘transitioning’                     5/27


The Greatest Apparition in History! Fr. Chris Alar Finally Makes it to Einsiedeln!  19  min.

Our Lady, Help of Christians

St. David I of Scotland

Saint Faustina Experienced a Warning from the Judgment Seat of God

Saint Mary Magdalene de’ Pazzi’s Story

Saints Donatian and Rogatian, Martyrs

How St. Cristóbal Magallanes and Companions can inspire us

Blessed Louis-Zepherin, a Model Bishop for Canada

Missouri State Rep. Ben Baker’s Daughter and Son-in-Law Killed By Gang in Haiti

The miracle that makes Carlo Acutis a saint

“I am the Lord your God, and there is none besides: and my people shall not be confounded forever”

Problems with the Vatican’s new norms for vetting supernatural phenomena  


Traditional Youth Movement Juventutem Turns Twenty

"Another Cookie": Priest Stops Violent Lesbian from Stealing Holy Communion

Hero Priest Arrested After Trying To Prevent Desecration of the Holy Eucharist

Cardinal Fernández battles to fix rift with Copts over gay blessings document

Arlington nuns turn away Vatican-appointed superior

Vatican Reverses Dismissal of Mother Gerlach

Will Cardinal John Henry Newman soon be elevated to Doctor of the Church?

Alone Bishop Gracida openly proclaimed "Resist!" & Actively Works towards the Removal of Francis

National Park Service changes course, will allow Knights of Columbus Memorial Day mass

Australia records sharp drop in Mass attendance  

'Synodal Church OR how to play Catholics (not only in Austria) for fools

Bishop Lohse Responds to Michigan AG Report on Clergy Sex Abuse in His Diocese

Spanish nun: schismatic monastery has become ‘a cult’

Evangelizing on wheels: Priest leads motorcycle pilgrimages

Christian Nurse Wins Victory Against CVS After It Fired Her for Her Religious Beliefs

Harrison Butker challenges students to be 'unapologetically Catholic' and strive for sainthood

Jesuit Journal Joins Atheists in Trashing Harrison Butker

Catholic monk comes out as transgender with diocese's permission 

The rise of the “nones” may be done

Pro-Life Activist Biden Put in Prison is Mistreated, Denied Medical Care

Theologian Carl Trueman discusses ‘What is a human?’ with Lila Rose

Huge Kansas Abortion Biz Stops Killing Babies After 10 of 16 Abortionists Resign

Dear Florida, Don’t Fight the Abortion Referendum Nicely

DOJ Puts Pro-Life Grandmother Behind Bars for Trying to Stop Abortions

Canadian pro-lifer arrested Thursday on why she continues her work: ‘Answering the call of the unborn’

New York court rules Catholic Church must pay for abortion coverage

England and Wales report record 252,122 abortions, 58% surge in elective late-term abortions

California Gov. signs law allowing Arizona abortionists to evade state’s pro-life law

The Fall Of 'The Family' And Our Society's War Upon Babies And Children Foreshadows The Vicious Collapse Of Civilization: Ending The Administrative State's War Upon Motherhood - Human Extinction Has Become The 'Cultural Zeitgeist' Of 2024

Palestinian mom is happy after her son stabbed a 13-year-old girl to death

Campaign Life Coalition has announced that the dates for Canada's second protest of annual National 'Pride' Flag Walk-Out Day have been extended to begin May 31 and last through June 4.

Exclusive: Meet the Christian California Teacher Standing Against Trans Policies Despite Firing

Protect the Children Part 2: How Schools Are Indoctrinating Your Kids with Pornographic Books

Second pastor at Living Word Church charged with sex crimes

Second pastor at Living Word Church charged with sex crimes

Man indicted after creating thousands of AI-generated child sex abuse images         5/24


Saint Julia, Virgin, Martyr

St. John Baptist de Rossi

Saint Gregory VII’s Story

Saint Joan Antide Thouret, Foundress

Santo subito - Canonization of "Cyber ​​Apostle" Carlo Acutis

Saint of the Day Quote: Saint Euphrosyne of Polotsk

Did Christ’s Nature Change at His Baptism?

Harvard intends to keep relic of St. Sebastian

“This is My Destiny” - Fantastic Sermon delivered during the Chartres Pilgrimage

Medjugorje: Concrete Cross On Mt Krizevak Filmed Pulsating, Spinning & Changing Colour!

Over 10,000 Irish Catholics joined national Rosary campaign to mark Fatima feast

Man builds incredible giant floating rosary on the Mediterranean Sea

The 1968 Rite of Episcopal Consecration: Valid?

Tucho "Fully Supports" (sic) the Coptic Statement against "Fiducia Supplicans"

Cardinal Koch: the Arian heresy is “not simply a thing of the past”.

Two Catholic priests kidnapped in Nigeria within a week

Holy Humour

Pope Offers Pan-Religious Blessing and Proposes Global Eco-Finance

Catholic Service Group Sues NPS for ‘Religious Discrimination’ After Denying Memorial Day Mass

Joe Biden Shuts Down Catholic Mass at National Park

Father Kapaun’s March Through the Valley of Death

Young French politician Maréchal on the Whitsun pilgrimage Paris – Chartres

Christian politician facing third trial for Bible tweet submits defense to Finland's Supreme Court

Jason Evert’s chastity talks were targeted by ‘witches,’ but Our Lady had bigger plans

California Catholic School Bars 13-Year-Old Student from Delivering ‘Patriotic Speech’

Pastor of daubed Vienna church: “Annoying and disrespectful”

EXCLUSIVE: Diocese bans celebration of ‘Pride month’ in Catholic schools

After setting record for baptisms in California, pastor wants to baptize America, then the world

Nationwide support for..Butker shows that people are hungering for the truth & Butker Is Right on the Latin Mass National Review.."Traditional Latin Mass is out of favor with the current pope but very much a banner cause for certain young Catholics"

GUEST OPINION: Harrison Butker isn’t out of step with women, his critics are

Parolin’s ‘no diplomacy’ diplomacy for a Chinese Church

Kentucky Reports 0 Abortions as Abortion Ban Saves Babies

Pro-Life Group Sues Joe Biden for Trying to Put Pro-Life Hero Mark Houck in Prison

Federal judge upholds South Carolina heartbeat law in blow to Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood Condemns Arkansas for Helping Pregnant Women

Record High 252,122 Babies Killed in Abortions in UK

Just who or what is the Lucis Trust summoning on ‘World Invocation Day’?

Niger: Christians flee after introduction of Sharia law

Attack on 'infidels' planned: Fourteen-year-old arrested in Austria

Christian Escapes Sharia: Islamic State Survivor Ruth Robert's Pro-Life Crusade and Warning to Canada...

Dutch Lawyer Faces Prosecution For Social Media Post Slamming Mass Migration

Trans-identified male athlete booed after defeating girls in 200-meter race

Soccer player from Monaco faces discipline after he covers LGBTQ message on jersey, refuses to be part of anti-homophobia photo op 

TikToker Warned by Police He Might be Committing a Hate Crime For Making Fun of LGBT Car 

WATCH: Silenced Jesuit vs. Lavender Mafia: What Happened?

Transgender inmate charged with rape while in custody at a women’s facility       5/23


Celebrating the feast of Jesus Christ the High Priest

Saint Rita of Cascia, Widow

Saint Rita of the Mission Impossible

2 Virtues that St. Rita can teach the 21st century

Saint of the Day Quote: Saint Bobo

10 Patron saints for professional careers (Photo gallery)

Lebanon: The Largest Rosary in the World

From Skeptic to Promoter: Dominican Friar Explains the Power of the Rosary

Catholic priest: Cardinal Fernández wants to ‘cancel’ Marian apparitions and the supernatural

USA: National Eucharistic Pilgrimage has begun - 10,000 km for the New Evangelization

What’s Missing in the Eucharistic Revival

Is Italy’s ‘in persona episcopi’ experiment for diocesan mergers ending?

‘A very simple life’ - Gower Abbey finds its new normal

Candace Owens joins Chartres Latin Mass pilgrimage: ‘Something I will never forget’

WATCH: NGOs Like Catholic Charities Working With Federal Government To Enable Illegal Invasion Of Our Nation

The Serbian Orthodox Church in Austria will form an independent diocese in the future

Hervé’s Way: The story of a one-legged pilgrim

Why Cuba is getting worse for the Catholic Church

Peoria Diocese to Reduce the Number of Parishes in the Diocese by Half

Synod Cardinal AGAIN Falsely Claims Catholic Teaching on Male-Only Priesthood ‘Can be Changed’

Germany Will Reduce Sentences For Possession of Child Misdemeanor & "Why is Pope Francis blind to Germany' producing bishops?"

A Hierarchal Society Devoid of Jesus Christ: Examining the Beguiling Cult of Freemasonry

Christian Escapes Sharia: Islamic State Survivor Ruth Robert's Pro-Life Crusade and Warning to Canada...

Diocese of Lexington doubles down on referring to female 'hermit' as 'he,' 'Brother'

Profanation: Lesbian Provocation Staged at Spanish Marian Shrine

Gaza Christians are “tired” but determined to stay, says cardinal

Abby Johnson talks Trudeau, crisis in the Church, and her new film on the abortion industry

BREAKING: Pro-life rescuer Heather Idoni sentenced to 24 months, denied home detention despite stroke

The story of Clementine’s abortion went viral. Now her father’s fighting to give her a funeral

Abortions Are on the Rise, Planned Butcherhood Proudly Reports

Colorado and South Dakota Will Vote on Ballot Measures for Abortions Up to Birth

There Can Never Be Peace on Earth for as Long as Islamic Sharia Exists

U.S. Government’s Negligent Security Alert for 'LGBTQI+ Pride Month' Fails to Address the Real Threat: Islam

States Lead a Happy Title IX Revolt

The LGBT Apostasy

UMC megachurch won't host same-sex weddings despite denomination's rule changes

Why the madness of preferred pronouns does not deserve to be tolerated

America, Israel, and the Philippines Are the “Queerest” Countries on Earth

Court Docs: Trans Beat Girls in Track Events over 700 Times in WV

Why the madness of preferred pronouns does not deserve to be tolerated

Michigan School Executive Bans the Terms ‘Boy’ and ‘Girl’ Among Staff           5/22


The Lord’s Prayer can help remind us of our call to holiness

Saint Cristóbal Magallanes and Companions’ Story

The pilgrim bridge St. Roman Adame Rosales, the news, and a priest of courage

Father Magallanes’ Mexican Martyrdom

Saint Hospitius, Recluse

St. Eugene de Mazenod

Saint Andrew Bobola, Jesuit, Martyr

St. Isaac Jogues: A man of faith and courage

Blessed Władysław Bukowiński – sacrificial priestly life in the service of God and his Church

‘A very simple life’ - Gower Abbey finds its new normal

These Pentecost martyrs were strengthened by the Holy Spirit

Saint of the Day Quote: Blessed Hyacinthe Marie Cormier

Born weighing just 14 ounces, premature baby heads home from hospital

Cardinal Burke: Apocalyptic Situation in Church, Caused by Clergy

USA: National Eucharistic Pilgrimage has begun - 10,000 km for the New Evangelization

An Ordinariate for Traditional Catholics? An interview with Father de Blignières

Against Arbitrary Liturgy

Three Broken Canons in the New Code

Study: Young German Priests Reject German Synod

Destroying Our Connection to God with Gene Editing Injections   4  min.

Bring ‘Em Back! Part 14

Abuse Survivor to Archbishop Lori: ‘Do You See Me Now?’

Bus Nun Sister Linda Yankoski Implicated In ‘Deplorable’ Child Migrant Facility

Müller: Oligarchs Want to Replace Christendom with Atheism

Pope Francis’ 60 Minutes interview is a classic exercise in Modernist deception

Attorney & World Net Daily contributor Lively: "No Doubt that Obama did in fact Orchestrate the Vatican [Benedict] Coup, a[n]..Obama/Francis Partnership"

Cardinal Tagle to serve as Pope’s special envoy to US National Eucharistic Congress

"We Are All Fundamentally Good": Francis Again Contradicts Christ

Government FrancisBishop of Shanghai to Vatican Conference: The Church must have a Chinese point of view, respect Chinese culture and develop alongside Chinese society! The Francis wants you to be good citizens, dammit!

US Supreme Court warns of restrictions on freedom of religion and freedom of speech

Francis: "No" There Will Be No Deaconesses in the Church

Pope Francis, Cardinal Parolin to join key CCP-appointed bishop for Sino-Vatican conference

Those Who Feel Eternity: Thoughts on Beauty, Truth, and Goodness

“Terrifying”: British Police “Weaponize Their Authority” Seeking to Root out Christian Council Member

Pro-Life MP Who Faces “Hate Speech” Charges for Quoting Bible Defends Herself in Court

Universities Breed Evil  

If American Institutions Were Morally Neutral, Harrison Butker Wouldn’t Have Struck A Nerve

Two infants surrendered ahead of Arkansas Safe Haven Baby Box blessing

Premature Baby Born at 22 Weeks, Size of Her Father’s Hand, Celebrates Her First Birthday

‘Brain death’ is a convenient fiction for the organ harvesting industry

Pro-life organizations and individuals sued by Biden Department of Justice

Lauren Handy’s Attorney: “We Will Vigorously Pursue an Appeal”

Framed by the FBI? No evidence that Catholic man who died in federal custody shot at building

Pro-Life Doctor Complains That Medical Schools are Increasingly Pro-Abortion

MADD knows parents can influence kids against risky behavior. So does Planned Parenthood.

Mom Warns About Assisted Suicide After Her Son is Secretly Euthanized

Protect the Children Part 1: Why You Need to Protect Your Kids from Administrators at School

Court Rules Schools Can Force LGBT Ideology On Kids Against Parents’ Religious Objections

Body Integrity Dysphoria (BID): What it is and why Catholics need be aware of it

DOJ Charges Man for Using AI to Generate Child Porn

Canada rapidly criminalizing anyone who opposes transgenderism      5/21


The Holy Trinity: Part I

St. Bernardine of Siena

Saint Theophilus of Corte’s Story

Saint Peter Celestine, Pope

Saint John I’s Story

Popes Saint John I, and John Paul II

Saint Venantius of Camerino, Martyr

Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church

“Je veux voir Dieu – I want to see God”

Pentecost Monday and the impossibility of improving upon something or Someone already perfect

How to celebrate Mary, Mother of the Church on a Monday

20'000 Young Pilgrims in Chartres! Francis' Traditionis Custodes Cannot Stop the Future

Why US Catholics are Planning Pilgrimages in Communities Across the Nation

Archbishop Viganò: False shepherds are working with Freemasonry to eclipse the Church

Challenging liberal Christianity: Jesus gave very clear warnings about losing ‘saltiness’

Bishop Strickland: Catholics will never attain true unity if it's not grounded in Christ

Journey to the only Carthusian monastery of the US

Archbishop of Islamabad: "We need more schools"

Christian teacher fired for defying transgender agenda wins $360,000 settlement from school

Bus Nun Sister Linda Yankoski Implicated In ‘Deplorable’ Child Migrant Facility

Shepherds of Souls or Keepers of Secrets?

Pope Francis Repeats His Abu-Dhabi Nonsense

Counterfeit Christianity: Satan Does More Harm by Imitation Than Outright Opposition

Catholic diocesan hermit approved by Kentucky bishop comes out as transgender

Latest Hilarious Take From The Babylon Bee: “Satan Asks Democrats To Tone Down All The Evil” (VIDEO)

Hell’s Fury for Harrison Butker

Minnesota Amendment Dies That Would Have Made Abortions Up to Birth a Constitutional Right

Globalist World Health Organization to Grant Special Privileges to Baby Murder Industry

Pro-Life Advocate Joan Andrews Bell Leaves Sentencing Singing ‘Ave Maria,’ Receives Standing Ovation

Joe Biden Issues Proclamation Celebrating Abortion, Promoting Abortions Up to Birth

Woman blames abortion injury which compromised her fertility on pro-life laws

Liberal nuns affiliated with Benedictine College denounce Harrison Butker’s pro-family speech

Owner of three surrogacy agencies arrested for fraud

Pregnant Mother in Los Angeles County Abandons Baby Girl in Store’s Shopping Cart

Moms for Liberty Awarded $70K in Lawsuit Settlement After Being Kicked Out of California Library

Her Daughter Was Harassed By a Boy on the Girls’ Team. Now, She’s Speaking Out to Save Title IX

The Dominoes Are Falling Fast On Marxist ‘Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion’ Programs

Warsaw mayor orders removal of crucifix, use of transgender ‘pronouns’ at city hall

CEO of Boy Scouts of America Alternative: ‘Saddened’ by Scouts Name Change

Court of Appeals: Maryland Parents Can’t Opt-Out K-5 Kids From Public School LGBTQ Curriculum

New Study Finds 12-Fold Higher Suicide Risk For People Who Had Gender Surgery

‘Queer Planet’: NBCUniversal To Debut Series About Gay And Trans Animals

Tranny Waltzes to Win at Oregon Girls’ Track and Field Championship, Crowd Boos       5/20


One fruit, many flavors: The work of the Holy Spirit

Saint Paschal Baylon, Franciscan

Saint Paschal Baylon’s Humility and Joy

Spain: Very Expensive to Pray the Rosary

9 Symbols of the Holy Spirit used by the Church

Prelate Cisek preaches at the grave of John Paul II: “A lukewarm faith is too weak to overcome the world."

National Eucharistic Pilgrimage kicks off this weekend from four points

Spanish Poor Clares announce break from Catholic Church

Bishop Strickland, Archbishop Cordileone defend Harrison Butker amid onslaught of media attacks

Unfortunate Norms: Vatican Cannot Find Anything "Supernatural" Anymore

Vatican issues new norms on alleged visions, refusing to rule on supernatural origin of events

This church needs you. For Christ did not call you to the church in vain

Cardinal Hollerich and synodal inevitability

What Is Covenant Prayer?


Some of Francis' Workers Are Unhappy

Rouen: Police shoot gunman who tried to set fire to synagogue

Palestinian insider shares the grim truth of what's happening to Christians in Gaza 

Austrian Bishops: Lack of False Deaconesses Is Life-Threatening Problem of the Church

Like leakers in the supreme court or cocaine in the White House they’ll never find out who did it 

Harrison Butker steps to the front – whether he realizes it or not. Butker is now a key leader of the Catholic Remnant.

The NFL’s Condemnation Of Harrison Butker Exemplifies The Left’s Anti-Christian Bigotry

AmericaMag sneers: Harrison Butker’s commencement speech and the danger of a Catholic ‘dead traditionalism’

State castration of child rapists denounced by Madagascan bishops

We Now Live In 'Bizarro World,' Where Black Is White, Right Is Wrong, Up Is Down, Boys Are Girls, Good Is Bad, And WE Are The Problem For Noticing

Fired Christian Teacher Wins $360K in Lawsuit vs. California School District for Anti-Religious Bias

Father Pushing for Change After 10-Year-Old Dies by Suicide  

Parents Are Winning Education Revolution With School Choice, Corey DeAngelis Says

Holding Back a Reply Can Be a Holy Moment?

The profound religiosity of Franz Joseph Haydn

Successive Bishops Covered Up Abuse In German Diocese

The Lazy Lies and Libels of the Catholic Left

Former Chilean Priest Found Guilty of Sex Abuse and Rape

The disturbing reality of how Christians are treated in the Holy Land

Tracking & Surveillance: A Perversion Of The Governing Authority God Has Established

Do synod reports show a real consensus on women deacons?

You Are Not Your Brain

Baby Survives Abortion After Abortion Pill Fails, Pro-Life Pregnancy Center Helps Mother and Child 

Live Action debuts ‘The Truth About Sex’ series with the story of a world-changing ‘revolution’

South Carolina Judge Rejects Planned Parenthood Demand to Strike Down Heartbeat Law

Gruesome details of the persecution of pro-life Americans in prison

Actress Sophie Turner considered abortion, then changed her mind: ‘I just knew I had to have her’

Predators Use Abortion as Tool of Control, Killing Women Who Refuse to Have One

Abortion-Funding Charities Sponsor Vatican’s Climate Change Summit, Underway Now

Opposition to Pro-Abortion WHO Pandemic Treaty Grows as World Health Assembly Approaches

Celebrity abortion stories illustrate how swiftly ‘choice’ can become ‘obligation’

Democrat Attorneys General form pro-abortion group to attack pregnancy help centers

Colorado Middle School Requires Teachers to Show LGBTQ+ ‘Day of Silence’ Video to Students

New York’s St. Francis Xavier Redefines ‘Acceptance’ in the Catholic Church

Preferred Pronouns Are Now Mandatory

Queer Black 'Doctor Who' Gets Terrible Ratings.            5/17


Saint Simon Stock, Superior General of the Carmelite Order

Saint Margaret of Cortona’s Story

Saint John Nepomucene, Priest and Martyr

Saint Brendan the Navigator

Saint Brendan, Abbot of Clonfert 

Saint of the Day Quote: Saint Andrew Bobola

Forgiveness Makes You Invincible

Where did the Brown Scapular of Our Lady come from?

Fifth-grader launches interfaith prayer club, gets green light after school administrators violate First Amendment

Tired of Sick & Dark: Former Disney Insiders Changing Hollywood w/ Davy Liu & Meri Crouley

Australian archbishop accused of ‘hate speech’ for defending Catholic teaching on gender, abortion

Controversial Chinese bishop to speak at Vatican conference  

Fr Francis Wahle: A priest who escaped the Nazis

Catholic priest: ‘Synodality’ aims to destroy the Church by ‘restructuring’ it into an NGO

The Whisky Priest and Jairus’ Daughters

A Pilgrim or a Tourist Approach to the Bible

Dominicans issue save-the-date for 2024 Rosary Pilgrimage

Perpetrators of abuse on electoral list for Brussels Archbishop's Priests Council. More evidence that modernists have never been serious about dealing with abuse.

Washington bishops vs. state AG: Who has a point?

Mexican Diocese Wins Case Against Transvestite

Islamic Extremist Applauded for Antisemitic Rant at the Vatican

Pastors Remain Silent as Canada Perpetrates a Mass Anti-Christian Hate Crime

How Christians are fighting back against the EU’s radical left-wing agenda

Taylor Swift Sunday Service Packs German Church to Overflowing   

The Devil’s Stairway to Transhumanism Began with Feminism, Includes Transgenderism

‘Baby Olivia’ goes to the UN, with impassioned speech celebrating International Day of Families

Abby Johnson: Prayer and activism are the keys to making Canada a pro-life nation

Couple was asked to consider aborting their second baby after older son was diagnosed

‘Fundamental right to live’: Indian Supreme Court rejects plea for abortion of over 27-week-old baby

Hundreds gather in Parliament Square to protest against ‘abortion up to birth’ as vote looms  

Joan Andrews Bell: We don't expect or seek justice when it is denied to the unborn

Abortion-Funding Charities Sponsor Vatican’s Climate Change Summit, Underway Now

Kansas governor Laura Kelly vetoes prenatal child support bill

A Few Not So Good Men

Canadian Euthanasia Doctor Who Has Killed 400 People Giggles as She Discusses Killing

The Muslim Persecution of Christians Is a Censored Pandemic, Part 2

UK pediatrician who led review of child ‘transitions’ says US medical groups ‘misleading the public’

HILARIOUS! Missouri Secretary of State Candidate Burns Pornographic Children’s Books and Posts on Social Media in EPIC Video

California priest who called for removal of Archbishop Cordileone declares he’s homosexual

Gender-confused performers use Eurovision contest as a platform to mainstream the LGBT culture

Preferred Pronouns Are Now Mandatory  

Female athletes PUSH BACK against transgender inclusion in women’s sports        5/16


Saint John Baptist de LaSalle, Founder

St. Dymphna

Saint Isidore the Farmer’s Story

St. Isidore the Farmer’s great love of the Eucharist

Isidore the Farmer and Rerum Novarum

Sts. Peter, Andrew, Paul and Dionysia, Martyrs

6 Creative ways to celebrate Pentecost this Sunday

Medjugorje: 4 SIGNS THAT SOMEONE IN YOUR LIFE IS SENT BY THE DEVIL’ ‘It is a very, very difficult moment in the world right now – Our Lady is worried’

Archbishop Viganò: Globalist ‘extermination plan’ serves Satan’s goal to kill both body and soul

French seminarians impress with 700-year-old Latin hymn

'We must live in such a way as to prepare ourselves for heaven'

Two more priests detained in Belarus

It’s 3 O’Clock Somewhere…

PHOTOS — ‘A Move of God’: More Than 2,000 Gather for Baptisms Across the U.S., as ‘People Are Wanting Hope’

Spain: Whole Convent of Poor Clares Joins a Sedevacantist Group

The Mysterious and Little Known Apparition of Our Lady to 15 Orphans Near Medjugorje

Blind priest: I’ve won more souls for God without my sight

Louisiana Catholic parishioners stop armed teenager from entering First Communion Mass

Texas bishops publish new guidelines for use of wine at Mass in prisons

Diocese Bans Priests from Speaking to Media Activists ("Journalists")

Harrison Butker praises Latin Mass, slams Joe Biden, US bishops in commencement speech

A disturbing amendment to the Criminal Justice Bill is a clear threat to the Seal of Confession

Jerusalem’s wall: The ruins in the City of David archeological site could PROVE the Bible was TRUE

‘It’s Shocking’: Town Attacks Church for Providing Temporary Shelter

Vatican invites Gavin Newsom, other pro-abortion, pro-LGBT Democrats to speak at climate event

Erection on the Cross? No Blasphemy Off-Limits

Catholic wedding rate in Ireland drops 9% in two years

UK actress and disability advocate rails against assisted suicide with new documentary

Justice Samuel Alito Tells Students to Defend Freedom of Speech and Religious Liberty

Did you know there was a time in America when Catholics were banned from having weapons? Might we be close to it happening again?

Pro-lifer John Hinshaw: I accept my imprisonment to expiate the ‘great guilt’ of pro-abortion judge

Family celebrates as 22-week micro-preemie goes home from hospital after 6 months

RFK Jr. supports ABORTION “even if it’s full term”: Decision should be left to the mother rather than the state, he says

Catholic universities invite speakers to campus who call Church’s pro-life stance ‘barbaric’

The Muslim Persecution of Christians Is a Censored Pandemic, Part 1

The Same Pagan “gods” Are Fooling Millions Today . . . Just Under Different Names

Mary Margaret Olohan describes how parents are pressured to allow their children to transition

Second LGBT ‘pride’ school walkout to take place across Canada after last year’s success against radical LGBT teaching

Behind-The-Scenes Recordings Reveal What Top Gender Doctors Really Think About Sex Change Procedures 

Canada's intelligence agency classifies opponents of LGBT gender ideology as a 'violent threat'

The Boy Scouts and Mounties Had A Good Run

“A trans woman is a woman. Period!” – Really?             5/15


St. Matthias

Saint Michael Garicoits, Founder

St. Isidore the Farmer’s great love of the Eucharist

Saint Pachomius, Abbot

Saint of the Day Quote: Saint Carthach the Younger

The missionary-monk Vietnam wants to recognize a saint

Feeling Stressed or Having Difficulties at work? 5 Catholic Saintly Helpers for Home and Work

New film contemplates 12 masterpieces depicting ‘mystery of Christ’ at National Gallery

Fontgombault Sermon for the Ascension of the Lord, 2024: "Each man is called to kindle his own lamp."

Prayer for Peace: Thousands at Living Rosary around Budapest

Brooklyn diocese: 'Vos estis' finds Chappetto allegations 'unfounded'

Falsely Accused: US Bishop Cleared Of Absurd Charges

5 reasons why Catholics should NEVER receive Communion in the hand

Catholic priest: Dignitas Infinita a ‘faithless’ document with little to say about salvation

What Is Causing This? “Demographic Winter Is Coming” As Fertility Rates Plummet All Over The Globe

East Anglia diocese applauds UK Government lifting cap on Catholic schools

How Chiara Corbella’s witness will continue helping mothers in need

Fiducia Supplicans: A Spanish Diocese Concludes that One Violation Has Violated the Other Violation

'Baby Lasagna': 'With God I Regained Myself'

Willie Robertson of Duck Dynasty is a Gospeler. His New Book Shows How You Can Be One, Too

Finnish lawmaker charged for sharing Bible verse against homosexuality urges Christians to continue sharing the truth

Church and communism: Thoughts on a confession from Pope Francis

Catholic bishops urge Congress to spend $20 BILLION on programs that could INCREASE illegal immigration because they will get a nice cut of that $

Nun And Priest Die Trying To Save The Eucharist From A Church Fire    3  min.

“Catholics Shall Have No Weapons.”

“Catholics Shall Have No Weapons…..Now it begins to make sense why the FBI admitted in 2023 to targeting Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) Catholics.”

Louisiana Parishioners Stop Teen Dressed in Black and Armed With Rifle as He Enters Church Filled With Families (VIDEO)

The Bane of Change

Very good summary of the Rupnik scandal that will blacken forever the name of Pope Francis when history is written.

Historic German church hosts worship service featuring Taylor Swift music

In-Depth: How Do We Contend With The Rising Deception Darkening Minds All Around Us?

The Antichrist Is a Nice Guy

Will the Antichrist be a man, political movement, or world power?

Kenyan doctor: WHO pandemic treaty aims to ‘maim and kill’ and ‘establish a one-world government’

Doctors pressured this UK mother to abort one twin. She’s so glad she didn’t listen.

‘Say no to abortion up to birth’: What’s at stake for the UK this 15 May

Sentencing began today for pro-life activists, with Lauren Handy receiving nearly 5 years

Pro-lifer John Hinshaw sentenced to one year in prison in DC FACE Act case

March for Life Colombia sees tens of thousands participate in 114 cities

Couple Refuses Doctor’s Suggestion to Have Abortion Just Because Their Son Had a Rare Diagnosis

Jailed pro-lifer Heather Idoni denied essential heart medication following stroke

New Study Shows Abortion Linked to More Mental Health Disorders for Women

‘Why Wasn’t She Enough?’ Grieving Father Declares the Personhood of Aborted Daughter

DePaul University hosts lesbian leader of heretical ‘Catholics for Choice’ pro-abortion group

Joe Biden Putting Peaceful Pro-Life Americans in Prison is a Horrible Travesty of Justice

House Dem: Abortion Is ‘Most Profound Kitchen Table Issue’

New Study Reveals FDA Relied on Cherrypicked Data to Approve Dangerous Mail-Order Abortion Drugs

Canadian politician sparks pro-abortion outrage over Mother’s Day tribute

FACT CHECK: Did pre-Roe abortion law force Florida rep to carry stillborn baby for months?

The ‘Eugenics’ Mindset Is Alive and Well 

Rise in parents engaging in sex-selection during IVF has the fertility biz booming

Judges Increasingly Interfere in Marital Life

9-Year-Old White Christian Child Savagely Beaten on Minnesota School Playground Because “She Wasn’t Muslim”

Vatican offers FrancisIndulgences for giving money to illegal 'migrant invaders

Former French Intelligence Officer Warns of 'Catastrophic' Islamization of European Societies...

Despite claims of 215 ‘unmarked graves,’ no bodies have been found at Canadian residential school

America unleashes on woke Scouts: Backlash is so intense, disgraced group tucks tail and runs

Chicago Priest: Sorry For "Choice of Words" in Homosexual "Blessing"

Chicago Father Joseph S. Williams apologizes for same-sex FrancisBlessing that was 'too weddingy'

Mission Accomplished: The Rainbow Seamless Garment Is Suffocating the Church, as Intended

Trudeau government has spent $10 million promoting DEI in the military as recruitment flounders

Target won’t sell ‘pride’ clothes for children after backlash, and LGBT activists are outraged

Target Retreats From LGBTQ Merch After Yearlong Profit Bloodbath

Peru Recognises Transvestitism as a Mental Disorder

Homosexual blessing becomes pseudo-wedding in Spain                  5/14


Our Lady of Fatima (1917)

St. John the Silent

Saint Robert Bellarmine, Doctor of the Church

Saint Ignatius of Laconi’s Story

Saints Philip and James, Apostles

Saint Leopold Mandic’s story

How St. Thomas Aquinas helps us resist ‘weaponized’ laws

Saint Imelda, Virgin

One of the original photographs of the miracle of the sun | Lady of fatima

Satan’s decisive battle against the Virgin…”Through the Holy Rosary we will save ourselves” Feast of Our Lady of Fatima-   May 13, 2024

Bishop Strickland pens prayer for public servants to be recited on the 13th of each month

The Church's NEWEST Servant of God, Fr. Gobbi & His Astounding Prophecies About the Times Ahead

The Akita Prophecy: The hidden 3rd secret of Fatima? “They were stern words”

What’s Missing in the Eucharistic Revival

Crocodile Tears: Vatican Official Cries over Novus Ordo Decadence

God-Speed: Are ‘Micro Services’ The Cure That Can Help Church Attendance Grow?

Catholic Rural Life marks a century and plans to sow spiritual seeds for another 100 years

Australia’s bishops endorsed an Aboriginal liturgy. What’s that?

Liturgy: Francis' Polemics Miss the Point

New York's St. Francis Xavier redefines acceptance in the Catholic Church

Fall of a high and mighty Jesuit

Fiducia Supplicans: Another Homosex-Blasphemy in a Church

Catholic priest: Dignitas Infinita a ‘faithless’ document with little to say about salvation

Bring ‘Em Back! Part 13

East Anglia diocese applauds UK Government lifting cap on Catholic schools

Louisiana first Communion Mass disrupted by gunman

School Makes Tremendous Reversal on Prayer Club

Nigerian diocese suspends activities at high school after terrorist attack

‘Bully Organization’: FFRF Forces Florida Elementary School to Disband Christian Club

Washington AG Says Seattle Archdiocese Not Cooperating with Clergy Sexual Abuse Investigation

"Father always had two nuns with him". Rupnik was already cause of comment 30 years ago. Family and home town respond to allegations.

Secret Deposition Reveals How A Child Molester Priest Was Shielded By His Church

Vatican museum employees threaten to sue

Homsex-Schism Overshadows Anglican Meeting in Rome

FBI’s sinister anti-Christian ‘PATCON’ program is the internet’s best kept secret. Until now

Legal Team Warns County Anti-Christian Activists Are Using ‘False Arguments’

Church Hate Propaganda in Canada: They Spent $8m and Found NOTHING

Helping Mothers and Saving Babies — a Tale of Three Heroes

Mother rejects abortion – child develops well after birth

‘Running for two’: Mom wins half-marathon while 23 weeks pregnant

High School Shuts Down Pro-Life Club for Being “Too Political”

“D.C. Nine” group of jailed pro-life activists could be sentenced up to 11 years in prison

Poland's bishops reiterate church's position on abortion

Remember Francis’ "Don’t Breed Like Rabbits"? Now He Wants "More Babies"

NPR uses pro-abortion nun to smear the Catholic Church and promote abortion to birth

Dallas church with link to Planned Parenthood faces backlash after opening pro-abortion pregnancy resource center

US abortion laws are ‘far more permissive’ than most of the world: report

Leo Hohmann: Patrick Wood Explains Link Between Global ‘One Health’ Initiative, Gaia Worship and Technocracy

German Protestants turn away from Christ towards the veneration of Taylor Swift

CFRs: Friar laicized after ‘inappropriate sexual relationship’

Most Americans See No Moral Or Spiritual Good In AI  

MIT eliminates DEI statements from faculty hiring process because “they don’t work”

Switzerland’s Non-Binary Nemo Wins Eurovision 2024 Contest – Then Breaks the Trophy on Stage

Mission Accomplished: The Rainbow Seamless Garment Is Suffocating the Church, as Intended

South Carolina Passes Ban on Transgender Surgeries for Children and “Secret Transitions’ at Schools

Leftist male politicians in Mexico are identifying as women to fill electoral gender quotas

Killing the Boy Scouts

Deconstructing America With Evil and Deceit            5/13


Saint Antoninus, Archbishop of Florence

Father Damien’s Sacrifice

St. Damien of Molokai

The Doubter Who Defended Damien of Molokai

Saint Isidore of Madrid, Confessor

Here are all the Old Testament prophets who have feast days

How St. Thomas Aquinas helps us resist ‘weaponized’ laws 

Saint of the Day Quote: Blessed Ivan Merz

Novena to the Holy Ghost, Second Day – The Gift of Fear

Reflections on Mercy

5 Key saints to call on to become the best parent

How to hold the toilet brush correctly

No Surprise: Tucho Falsifies John Paul II in "Dignitas Infinita"

Priest plunges school into darkness to save children from marauding gunmen

“You have to get up from your sofa.”

The #1 Vocation Killer

Synodal Cancellations - by Archbishop Héctor Agüer


Crocodile Tears: Vatican Official Cries over Novus Ordo Decadence

Bishop Strickland: ‘I am not and have never been a sedevacantist’

Bear Grylls assists in baptism of Russell Brand in River Thames: 'Privilege'

Ukraine: Catholic Priests Have to Go to War

CFRs: Friar laicized after ‘inappropriate sexual relationship’

Mob attacks 15 Catholic students while praying in Indonesia; local Muslims try to protect them

Even Secularists Are Noticing… There’s A Spirit Active In The World—And It’s Evil

The Discovery Of ‘Mass Graves’ Of Indigenous Canadian Children Was Actually A Massive Hoax

Twin newborns set to receive life-saving treatment after media exposure

'Biden's Fruits' - Pro-life activist under house arrest is not allowed to attend Sunday mass

Pro-life maternity home named after St. Gianna Molla offers young mothers daily Mass, material support

Former constitutional judge Steiner: Plans to weaken the protection of life are clearly unconstitutional

The Missing Link in Planned Parenthood’s Latest Annual Report: A 640K+ Secret

Colorado Amendment Would Create a “Right” to Kill Babies in Abortions

Even Babies With ‘No Chance Of Survival’ Deserve A Shot At Life

Misleading study claims ‘anti-abortion’ laws could ‘increase risk’ of violence against pregnant women

'Today I think we would have been happy about the pregnancy'

Pro-LGBT Minneapolis parish hosts homosexual man’s ‘cabaret’ about his dead ‘husband’

Raising Kids Right in a Transgender World

Riley Gaines Promotes Docuseries Highlighting Trans Policies in California’s Prisons

Females who protested participation of male athlete can continue to compete: Judge

‘Talk About Losing Your Way’: Christians Respond To Boy Scouts’ Decision To Drop ‘Boy’ From Its Name

Bombshell Study Reveals ‘Remarkably Weak Evidence’ to Support Gender Transitioning for Children

Stories of Young People Whose Bodies Were Sacrificed on Altar of ‘Gender Ideology Cult’

Trans Activists Sabotage Hotline For Girls To Report Creepy Men In Their Bathrooms

Oh, Mamma! Barron Joins the Fray, Trans Witch Teaches Kids About Dating

Trans Runner Obliterates Female Competition In Portland Interscholastic Semi-Finals        5/10


Ascending to the Father

Saint Gregory Nazianzen, Doctor of the Church

St. Pachomius

Saint John of Avila’s Story

Ascension and Novena to the Holy Ghost – First Day 

Archbishop Wilson leads over 10,000 school children in a rosary

The Popes and the feast of Our Lady of Pompei

Australia: Bishops Approve an Aboriginal Eucharist

Beware Of Papabile Who Can Be Blackmailed

Diocese was justified in firing gay teacher, rules federal appeals court

'Be assured: I am with you always, even to the end of the world'

Gaza: Archdiocese Distances itself from its own Archbishop

Extraordinary treatment of a layman by the Pope. Layman sues Bishop in civil court.

"Human Fraternity" 2024: Vatican Foregrounds Homosex Propagandist

New Notre Dame ethics center sees pushback

Is Homeschooling the Ideal?

Cardinal Marx: ‘Global, Synodal Church’ Without ‘Purely Clerical Rule’ Is ‘In The Making’

Germany: An Archdiocese Sells Heavy Metal Noise as "Church Service"

Bishop Paprocki: Biden ‘mocks our Catholic faith’ by using sign of the cross to promote abortion

Bishop Sherrington ‘alarmed’ by proposed amendments on abortion

Pro-Life Proup Praises Missouri Governor Mike Parson for Signing Bill Defunding Planned Parenthood

EXCLUSIVE: Jailed pro-lifer pens heartfelt poem about freedom while awaiting sentencing

Liberal Media Calls Having Babies a “Far Right Conspiracy,” But We Know Children are a Gift From God

Why are fertility rates in Israel climbing as most other countries plummet?

North Dakota home named after St. Gianna Molla offers young mothers spiritual, material support

Canadian doctor could lose his license for counseling a pregnant woman against seeking an abortion

Catholic College Will Honor Abortion Advocate, Allow Him to Give Commencement Speech 

Denmark set to expand abortion and allow it for minors without parental consent

Planned Parenthood’s latest report shows the sickening truth about its atrocities against the unborn

Rabidly Pro-Abortion Nun Will Give Commencement Speech at This Catholic University

Biden-Harris administration issues new ‘privacy’ rule to protect abortionists

Robert Kennedy Jr Confirms He Supports Abortions Up to Birth: “Even if It’s Full Term”

Bad Joke: Church Turns into Cinema for Horror Film Parody

Irish non-binary ‘witch’ makes Eurovision final with song aimed to ‘make everybody join witchcraft’

Female student athlete, teacher association challenge Biden admin. over Title IX rule changes

We Are Surrounded By Madness - From 'Furry' Conventions In 18 Different States In 2024, To The Nonsensical Claim Of 81 Genders, We Have Literally Turned Into An Insane Nation  

Feds to employers: Honor preferred pronouns, bathrooms of transgender employees or be liable for HARASSMENT and DISCRIMINATION

Woman Student Under Investigation for Recording Man in Women’s Restroom

In Lockstep with the Oligarchs: An Austrian Diocese Invents Five Genders (sic)

How Gender Ideology Breeds Toxic Law  

German Bishop Attacks Church Teaching On There Being Only Two Sexes               5/9


Apparition of Saint Michael the Archangel, Monte Gargano, Italy (492)

St. Peter of Tarantaise

Saint Peter of Tarentaise’s Story

Saint of the Day Quote: Blessed Miriam Teresa Demjanovich

Blessed Catherine of Saint Augustine, Foundress of Canada

Indonesia: Students Attacked While Praying the Rosary (Video)

This is Why it is Time to become an Apostle of Mary’s Love: “Be humble and fearless, persevering and strong in faith”

Midwest Catholicism Is Humble, Yet Powerful — Just Like Mary

Where Are Unaccompanied Alien Children Going After Crossing Border?

The Sacred Line of St. Michael the Archangel

Vatican sets new standards for assessing Marian apparitions

The Popes and the feast of Our Lady of Pompei

Fr. Joachim Heimerl: How the Church is Being Destroyed by Ecclesiastical Atheism and Hatred of the Faith

Ghana's Bishops Advocate Mandatory Conversion Therapy For Homosexuals

“From the beginning of our son’s journey to the priesthood, I was filled with a great sense of peace”

First deaf, speech-impaired priest in India happens

Arlington Nuns File For Restraining Order Against Catholic Officials

Carthusian Monastery Goes Green

Former flight attendant’s beatification takes flight

Beware Of Papabile Who Can Be Blackmailed

Under 1% of Catholics agree with denomination's teaching on sanctity of life issues: report

Did Republicans Just Let In An Anti-Christian Trojan Horse?

Bus Nuns lose holy court battle with Smith & Wesson

Catholic Academics Call for Pope Francis to Resign or Be Removed, Citing ‘Unprecedented Crisis’

A Great Blessing Made Manifest in the Form of a Heavy Cross

Even Secularists Are Noticing… There’s A Spirit Active In World—And It’s Evil

Clowns: Francis Receives Climate Activist Disguised as Tribal Leader

Annual SBC profile reveals resurgence in baptisms, worship: 'Reasons to celebrate'

Insurance Company Backtracks, Will Cover Cost of Lifesaving Care for Newborn Twins

One-in-15-million odds: Texas couple welcomes identical quadruplet girls

Elderly jailed pro-lifer allowed to see doctor, released from 20-hour lockdown after LifeSite report

Attempted ‘fact check’ of pro-life Minnesota ad unwittingly affirms the ad’s claims

Judge Hands NY Democrats Massive Loss, Axes Abortion Rights Measure

Abortion pill pharmacy outreach near Baylor University reaches 100, inspires student

March for Life addresses ‘soul of medicine’ being lost in Ireland amid ‘soaring’ abortion rates

Mohammed Most Popular Baby Boy’s Name in Berlin and Hamburg

Holocaust Against The Unborn: How IVF Modernizes Ancient Eugenic Practices Of Selective Breeding

European psychiatrists warn against ‘experimental’ and harmful transgender medicine

Planned Parenthood Pushes Taxpayer-Funded Sex-Ed Despite Past Failures

Woke Takeover Complete Boy Scout Movement Now Trans-Friendly ‘Authentic Self’ Group ‘Boy’ Erased from ‘Boy Scouts’… Now ‘Scouting America’

‘We Will Not Stand By’: Florida Sues Biden Admin to Block New Trans Health Care Rule

Maxime Bernier calls out Conservative Party for its silence on 'far left' pushing LGBT agenda in Canada

Pope responds with 'open heart' to Vatican document criticism from parents of LGBTQ children

Transgender convicted of murder and rape files lawsuit demanding to be released into general population of women’s prison

Sign of the Times: Drag Queens Take Over National Mall, Create Spectacle at Lincoln Memorial and White House

Satanic Non-Binary Witch Claims Kids Love Eurovision Song             5/8


Saint Stanislaus, Bishop of Cracow, Martyr

St. Rose Venerini

Saint François de Laval and the Conversion of Canada

Pope St. Gregory the Great on legitimate cursing

The Second Commandment by St. Alphonsus Liguori


Christianity Is Being Erased From France

Will Our Lady of Fatima be cancelled on May 17th by the very men she warned about?

‘Veritatis Splendor’ priests expected to leave Tyler diocese

Celebrating Latin Mass on an Altar Is Forbidden - Sitting on It Is Allowed

Two Ascensions? Do I celebrate 'Ascension Thursday' or 'Ascension Sunday'?

Priest shot dead in South Africa; Catholic bishops there decry ‘pandemic’ of murder

Montanus and the Problem of Hearing the Holy Spirit

"The bishops have either not read the Basic Law..."

Toledo Archbishop Prohibits Priest's Media Activity

Chicago priest 'blesses' lesbians as 'holy spouses' in blasphemous ceremony, cites Pope Francis

Creepy Kissy's new FrancisNorms "will be the first time that the Vatican’s doctrinal office has issued a general document on apparitions in four decades"

With pistol and knives to St. Peter's Square: priest arrested

The First Invalidly Ordained False Deaconess In The World

Some questions are anathema to human nature and should not be asked  

Vatican meeting on 'human fraternity' seeks 'answers' for the future but is silent on faith

Catholics Organize Demonstration Against ‘Drag’ Brunch at VA Public High School

Baltimore FrancisCatholic U commencement speakers include ecumenism expert, a Black LadyGeneral, and a former Obama staffer

‘I have called you by name’: the importance of Christian names in a world of gender ideology

Did the Secretive Pro-Francis & Pro-Amoris Laetitia Opus Dei put Pro-groomers Roberts, Kavanaugh & Barret in the Supreme Court?: [Roberts, Kavanaugh & Barret] Supreme Court Blocks Florida Law that Protects Children from Sexually Explicit Drag Shows.."6-to-3 vote, with Justices Thomas, Alito, and Gorsuch dissenting"

How Western Media Cover for and Enable the Muslim Persecution of Christians

Over 24,000 Unaccompanied Alien Children Released to ‘Unrelated Sponsor’ Under Biden Admin

Man claims God told him to shoot pastor during service but gun jammed

Abortion Politics and the ‘Will of the People’

Biden Officials Block Pro-Life Advocate on House Arrest From Attending Church

Wisconsin woman killed by ex-boyfriend after saying she wouldn’t abort their child

Letitia James is Wrong, Abortion Pill Reversal is Saving Babies From Abortions

Flashback: Children tell police they found ‘little people’ disposed of inside dumpster

US among 8 nations to allow abortion up to birth: ‘In company of brutal communist countries’

They Talk About “Reproductive Health” Instead of Abortion Because They Can’t Defend Killing Babies

So much is at stake in next week's sentencing of the 'DC Nine' jailed pro-lifers

Florida’s Amendment 4 would actually allow unlimited abortion. Here are the facts.

Canada is Euthanizing Its Poor and Disabled People

Deception Is The Driving Force Behind The Division Crippling America

Why We Need to Read the Cass Report on Gender Ideology

DeSantis declares Florida WILL NOT COMPLY with new Biden rule forcing schools to recognize LGBTQ-identifying students

Trans Runner Wins Women’s Events, Would Have Finished Last in Men’s Division

UK Bans Gender-Neutral Bathrooms for New Buildings and Rebuilds

United Methodist Church Repeals Biblical Rules on Homosexuality

UMC drops decades-old ban on ordaining LGBT clergy without debate              5/7


Saint Pius V, Pope

Saint Hilary of Arles’ Story

St. Dominic Savio

Saint of the Day Quote: Saint Dominic Savio

Saint John before the Latin Gate

Saints Marian and James’s Story

Saint Monica, Widow

Blessed Marie-Leonie Paradis

Requiem for Traditionis Custodes: Roman Rite Is Alive

Priest: Hatred of the Latin Mass is inspired by ‘hatred of everything that is Catholic’

May the Fourth and The Shroud of Turin

GOD IS REAL: The Miracle of the Shroud of Turin -- Dr. Jerome Corsi  56  min.

It's the onlly way that works: Fr. Donald Kloster Publicly Challenges Bishops To Defend Sacred Tradition

Bishop Strickland: Lack of belief in Eucharist is ‘devastating’ to Church, ‘blasphemous’ to God

"I can’t believe [100 years old Bishop] Gracida...looks like a 75 year old!": Bp. Gracida Voices Deep Support for Bp. Strickland (Video)

‘To find your people’ - How Catholics are building intentional communities

Prominent Catholics urge bishops, cardinals to declare Francis has ‘lost the papal office’ if he refuses to resign

Twenty Catholic Scholars Expose Francis’ Crimes


US bishops criticise new federal regulations for advancing ‘ideological view of sex’

No Joke: Vatican Praises Traditional Teachings and Rituals of Buddhists

Associated Press: “Across the U.S., the Catholic Church is undergoing tremendous change.”

Medjugorje and the time of tribulation – Visionary Mirjana: “Our Lady’s messages prepare us for what is to come.”

Pope Francis Joins the Climate Cult, Siding with Western Elites Against the Global Poor

Climate Apostle Francis: States Must Coerce Citizens

How Pope Francis opened the Vatican to transgender sex workers

Is the UK about to get more Catholic schools?

Brazil’s Largest Basilica Inaugurates Huge Rupnik Artwork

The Germany needs new councils

Here’s Alice Cooper Dropping Truth Bombs About Jesus Christ [VIDEO]

Archdiocese of Nairobi "Allows" Polygamous Wedding

Sacrilege in Bogata. Woman gives Communion to her dog.

Teen with Down syndrome crowned Miss Delaware Teen USA

Archbishop Wojda: “We must stand up for our Christian identity (on abortion)”

90% of Americans Disagree With Joe Biden’s Position Supporting Abortions Up to Birth

Florida’s six-week “heartbeat” abortion ban took effect on May 1 after a year of legal battles

NPR Praises Catholic Nun Who is Pushing Abortions Up to Birth

New York state budget funnels $36M to abortion businesses as AG sues pregnancy centers

Arizona Democratic Gov. Katie Hobbs repeals state’s near-total abortion ban

Planned Parenthood-linked church launches abortion-promoting ‘pregnancy center’

Biden DOJ’s treatment of jailed pro-lifers meets international definitions of torture

Play tells of experiments on Puerto Rican women, tied to Planned Parenthood founder

Modern artist dresses up as Virgin Mary and desecrates an altar.

DEI’s Demise: University of North Florida Closes Divisive Department

US Military Academy Introduces Woke Curriculum with Courses on Deconstructing Patriotism, Cross-Dressing in the Military, Gender Norms, and Representation in the Ranks

‘Federal Overreach’: Lawsuit Aims to Stop Biden’s Title IX Rule Change

Canadian schools are secretly ‘transitioning’ children, calling social services on ‘unaffirming’ parents

United Methodist Church Repeals Biblical Rules on Homosexuality

European psychiatrists warn against ‘experimental’ and harmful transgender medicine

Canada Constructing $13M ‘National 2SLGBTQI+ Monument’ in Ottawa 

Quebec’s ban on gender-neutral bathrooms in schools is good news

Male ‘Trans’ Student Assaults Girl in New York High School Bathroom        5/6 


The Finding of the Holy Cross, (326)

St. James the Lesser

Saints Philip and James’ Story

What happened to St. Philip the Apostle after Pentecost?

Ascension Day: God perfects man in his dignity

St. Athanasius Was Catholic — He Knew Sola Scriptura Was False

Saint of the Day Quote: Saint Pope Alexander I

MAJOR STATEMENT: The Crimes and Heresies of Pope Francis, Their Causes and Effects, and the Action to Be Taken

Join in praying 50,000 Rosaries to bring our loved ones home

Bishop Joseph Strickland | ‘I don’t want any part of a church that ignores sin & the Cross’

The Sunday Readings and Catholic Doctrine for May 2024

5 Ways Carlo Acutis is an essential influence for today’s children

Pope Francis hints at new ‘understanding’ of papacy during meeting with Anglican leaders

Bishop Seitz Gets Pope Francis’ Protection on Illegal Immigration

Asian Cardinal Witnesses to Oppressive Climate at Francis' Synod

Priest shot dead in South Africa; Catholic bishops there decry ‘pandemic’ of murder

Did you know St. Peter’s sword is stored in Poland?

French professional volleyball player becomes priest

EXCLUSIVE: Lutheran bishop on trial for ‘hate speech’ in Finland urges Christians to defend marriage

Big Families, Wide Sidewalks, and Frogs

Tucho Spills the Beans: Fiducia Supplicans was Issued to Prevent Derailment of the Synod

Archdiocese of New Orleans Suspected of Child Sex Trafficking, Warrant Shows

The Antichrist and Catholic Teaching: What YOU Need To Know

What is Causing Our Fertility Crisis? Catholic Experts Weigh In

7 Numbers That Clearly Reveal The Direction That America Has Chosen

Germany: Record resignations from the Protestant Church

Blasphemy Scandal: First Reaction from the Archdiocese of Chicago - and Then?

UMC removes rule that homosexuality is ‘incompatible with Christian teaching’

AI priest named Father Justin says it’s OK to baptize a baby using Gatorade

Bad News For Baby Killing Supporters: Top Issues For Americans Include Inflation And Illegal Immigrations, With Only 3% Listing Abortion , Showing Democrats Have Milked It Dry

‘Succession’ Star Brian Cox: Religion Causes ‘All Kinds of Horror,’ Bible ‘One of the Worst Books Ever’

BILD: 'The Islamists are becoming more and more numerous - and the government is doing NOTHING about it'

Calls from politicians to ban calls for the caliphate are becoming louder

Babies Like This Won’t be Killed in Abortions in Florida Because of the New Heartbeat Law

Kansas Republicans override Democrat governor’s vetoes of four pro-life laws

Grandmother welcomes four grandchildren by three different children… on the same day!

Mother confirms: Abortion ban if heart beat saved her son's life

Joe Biden is Pressuring Pro-Life Guatemala to Stop Protecting Babies From Abortions

Learning she was an abortion survivor sent her on a life-affirming mission

When Abortion Zealotry and Hostility to Conscience Collide

Planned Parenthood is Using Your Tax Dollars to Push Its Abortion Agenda Worldwide 

39,000 UK women suffered DIY abortion complications over five years: report

CNN Covers for Biden Staffer Kristen Clarke, Radical Abortion Activist Who Lied Under Oath

Congressional witnesses claim China is sequencing DNA for forced organ harvesting

America is 1 of Just 8 Countries Worldwide That Allows Abortions Up to Birth 

WA no elementary school won’t permit prayer club after approving LGBT ‘pride’ club

Quebec’s ban on gender-neutral bathrooms in schools is good news

Master’s degree in Catholic Women’s and Gender Studies the first of its kind

"Trans Woman" Murderer Wants to Be Housed in Women's Prison General Population       5/3


Saint Joseph the Worker

Work Made Light in Saint Joseph

Saint Athanasius, Bishop, Doctor of the Church

Saint of the Day Quote: Saint Joseph Luu

10 Fascinating facts about Padre Pio

Regime News Agency: Catholics Take Over Church in the USA

Why is the Our Father called the “Lord’s Prayer”?

Holy Land Cardinal criticises anti-Israel protests on US university campuses

Sant’Onofrio al Gianicolo: A look inside Cardinal Pizzaballa’s new titular church

Archaeologism Part II: Not Real Archeology

Bishop Makes Bold Stand Against Censorship in the Wake of Wakeley Church Stabbing 

Irish Catholics to stage 560 Rosary rallies across nation to combat ‘rise of Satanism’

Next Conclave: The Homosexual Activists Among the Cardinals

Staff become Catholics after new programme in schools

This National Day of Prayer, Let’s Ask the Father to Heal Our Land

Renowned Catholic Bishop Drugged, Kidnapped in Mexico

Francis Calls Papacy "Controversial and Divisive"

Pope Francis and the ‘Metropolitan Model’

Russell Brand ‘baptised’ while making oblique Catholic references

After Nude Video: Priest Removed

Modernists make a mockery of the Church on the Day of the Stealth Priestess. Red Nose Day

Frighteningly Jolly NYC Cd. Dolan to bless dirt next to a food pantry

Prof. Riccardo Wagner: Catholic Day program has zero hits for the keyword “new evangelization”

Homosex-Propaganda: Transvestites "Must Be Accepted and Integrated” - Pope Francis

Five Ways to Pray for America

The Demise, and Rise, of the ‘Book’

Canadian Muslims organize “Million Person March” to banish gender ideology and child mutilations

Florida preemie born at 29 weeks goes home after nearly a year in NICU

Pro-Life Advocate Suffers Stroke After She’s Placed in Solitary Confinement for 22 Days

Legitimacy of Grief Related to Abortion

Supreme Court hears oral arguments on whether the Biden administration can force doctors in emergency rooms to perform abortions

New Biden HHS rule makes it more difficult to investigate people who violate state abortion bans

New York AG Letitia James Declares Total War on Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers

Canada is being held hostage by a pro-abortion party with only 7 percent of electable seats

Word for Sunday/ARD: Evangelical pastor promotes “decriminalization” of infanticide

Parents of Girls Banned for Refusing to Compete Against Boy Sue School District

Catholics Protest ‘Blasphemous’ Rihanna Cover Photo as ‘Horny Nun’

Another Letter: Francis Encourages Homosexual Propaganda

Connecticut archbishop who supports ‘female deacons’ defends transgender pronoun use

Maxime Bernier mocks Toronto Police for wrapping their cars in LGBT flag colors as crime runs rampant

Employers Must Honor Preferred Pronouns, Bathrooms For Employees Identifying As Transgender: Feds

Trans student writes out 'hit list' of 45 students, school blows it off and takes side of the offender

Iraqi Parliament passes law criminalizing same-sex relations and transgenderism

Kansas Ban on Child Sexual Mutilation Fails After Two RINO Traitors Flip Their Votes

Appeals Court Says States Must Fund Transgender Surgeries

Trans Water Polo Player To Compete In Women’s National Championships      5/2


Saint Pius V: Between Heaven and Earth

St. Pius V, Pope

Pope St Pius V and His Relationship with Valletta, Malta’s Capital City

Saint of the Day Quote: Saint Erkonwald

Archaeologism Part I: The Synod of Pistoia

Rely on the salvation that comes from God

Francis Cuts Catholic College from Its Life Line

Verso l’canonization? What’s going on with Pier Giorgio Frassati?

Captain of French volleyball champions entering traditional Catholic order to discern priesthood

The Ongoing Decline in Priestly Vocations

“Looks like an introduction to Marian studies from pagans for pagans”

Bishop Seitz expresses 'grave concern' over scapegoating of migrants in 2024 election he overlooks the Human Trafficking and Invasion by Our Enemies

Synod asks pastors to share stories, see how God is at work

Is the Archdiocese of New York Pushed into Bankruptcy?

Who will be the rainbow cardinals at next papal conclave [Who won't?]

New Australian, British clergy abuse reports indicate safeguarding having mixed results

The Bishop of Trier OR how low can you sink as a Catholic bishop in Germany?

Why is Cardinal Ambongo facing a legal threat?

Spanish Bishop Can Condemn Biden’s Blasphemy – So Why Can’t Most U.S. Bishops?

French priest will not be prosecuted after calling homosexuality a ‘weakness’ on Instagram

The scandals haunting Pope Francis Scheming cardinals are sharpening their knives

Cardinal Marx: New Church Already In the Making

Pro-LGBT Jesuit parish in California shows where Pope Francis' synodal agenda is heading

Germany: Day of Deaconesses With Clown Dance

Heretical German bishop says abortion is a ‘sensitive’ issue, will not participate in March for Life

Eduardo Verástegui: Saving God’s Children

Catholic Bishop Slams Biden: Invoking Jesus Christ to Support Abortion is Sacrilegious Talk Talk Talk

The Great Depopulation Era Is Now

FrancisVatican: Everything is great about Holy UN Sustainable Development, except birth control

Francis Praises Runaway Sister Who Was a Regime Artist

New on the stock exchange: A 'Catholic' MSCI World ETF

Now It’s the United States That Gets Caught Persecuting Christians

Satanic Temple Seeks to Introduce Ministers in Oklahoma Public Schools if “Chaplain Bill” Becomes Law

Catholic students, theologians, ministers write an open letter to Pope Francis

In-Depth: How Our Culture Is Forcefully Opposing The Biblical Worldview

Japan's future in jeopardy as abortion pill hastens severe demographic crisis

If You Want People To Have Babies You're Now "Far Right"

EXCLUSIVE: Jailed pro-lifer paraded into courtroom fully shackled ahead of Michigan FACE Act trial

First mother set to graduate from college program supporting pregnant students

EXCLUSIVE: Jailed pro-lifer says she was kept in solitary confinement for 22 days with lights on 24/7

“Decriminalize abortion? A threat to democracy”

Couples accuse IVF clinic of knowingly implanting deceased embryos

EU’s abortion vote is a ‘radical attack’ on life, says Pope’s top deputy

Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Just Kill Babies in America, It’s Overturning Pro-Life Laws Worldwide

Abortion activists want to reverse Honduras’ pro-life laws by overturning its sovereignty

Pro-life speaker met with ‘bloody baby dolls,’ arson threats at UNC Greensboro

DEFIANT: Dallas church opens pregnancy center with abortion resources

Gender wars come for the Australian Left

Landmark shift against gender ideology: Sex defined as biological sex

Can We Fix a Culture That’s Hostile to Raising Children?

Germany Has Gone Insane, Now Allows BABIES to Change Their Gender

‘Crying out for justice’: Female athletes sue NCAA over ‘dangerous’ transgender policies

18-Year-Old Men Can Share Cabin With Preteen Girls at Oregon Outdoor School if Doing so Makes Them “Feel Safer”

LGBTQ Iraqis fear dark days ahead after anti-gay law

'Shocking and severe': Biden sued for creating new definition for 'sex'          4/30


St. Catherine of Siena Doctor of the Church

7 Extraordinary facts about St. Catherine of Siena (Photos)

Catherine of Siena, Mystic, Doctor and Reformer

5 Ways Catherine of Siena can inspire the modern woman

Saint Louis Mary de Montfort, Doctor of Mary

Saint Peter Chanel’s Story

Saint Peter Canisius, Doctor of the Church

A hymn from St. Hildegard with real medieval instruments

Christ’s Kingdom, Come!

The Easter Mysteries, Pentecost and the Mystic Way

3 Reasons It’s Good to Be a Catholic: A Reflection from a Recent Convert

The church of Pastor Jacques Hamel, who was murdered by terrorists in 2016, is becoming increasingly popular

Attacked Bishop Returned to His Church

Bishop Strickland implores us to remain in God's 'wondrous love' and never abandon the Church

Two Weeks After Being Viciously Stabbed, Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel Returns With Fiery Sermon [VIDEO]

Cardinal Müller: The State Is Not Above Nature

Tensions With Insurers Mount in Archdiocese of Baltimore Bankruptcy Case

Priest accuses former Knoxville Bishop Stika of ‘threatening whistleblowers’ amid abuse lawsuit

Monster Bishop protected by Pope. Full text of explosive document from 2019.

The scandals haunting Pope Francis Scheming cardinals are sharpening their knives

After over a decade of Francis governance. Now top Jesuit expert says Church is exemplary in abuse prevention but weak in dealing with it

Cincinnati priests compete to meet parishioners in home blessing challenge

Jesuit Sex Abuse Scandal In Bolivia Could Be Used To Repress The Church

Bring ‘Em Back! Part 11

Goodbye and Good Riddance to CCHD Czar 

Guilt by association is everywhere now and is the antithesis of Christ’s message

German State Security Officer Raises the Alarm: Christian Children Converting to Islam Out of Fear of Muslim Students

From his mansion on Biscayne Bay, illegals-grifting Miami Archbishop 'honored' with new housing project named "Wenski Groves"

Cardinal Ravasi: Christ Was a "Layman"

False Humility, Inflated Reasoning, and the Fleshly Mind

Vatican showcases art at Venice Biennale but does not mention Jesus. Pope visiting tomorrow.

State Department Sacrifices India’s Persecuted Christians on the Altar of Hindu Nationalism

Sidewalk Counseling Group Has Saved over 22,000 Babies From Abortion

Tennessee governor signs ‘Baby Olivia’ prenatal education bill into law

Kansas House Overrides Gov Laura Kelly’s Vetoes of Two Pro-Life Bills

Missouri lawmakers send bill defunding Planned Parenthood to governor for signature

America’s fourth leading cause of death is abortion at the hands of Planned Parenthood

USA: Democrats want abortion nationwide until birth

Abortion Advocates Vandalize Church With Graphic Pro-Abortion Messages

Proposed Scotland law could make anorexic teens eligible for assisted suicide

Islam Is Growing in the Western World 

European and British Muslims are calling for a new caliphate

Egypt: Islamist Mobs Attack Christians, Set Fire To Homes

Hordes of Muslims March Through Hamburg, Demanding a Caliphate in Germany and Media to Abide by Sharia (Video)

Chaos Erupts at Michigan Town Board Meeting After Minister of Satanic Temple Named ‘Luis Cypher’ Delivers Satanic Invocation (VIDEO)

“Crying out for Justice”: Female Athletes Sue NCAA Over “Dangerous” Tranny Policies

LGBT activists, dissident Catholics throw Michigan parish into chaos by ousting priest, shaming parishioners

The Biden Administration Has Redefined ‘Sex.’ What Does That Mean for Schools?

Transgender activists are pushing for the END of science because it doesn’t support their false narratives

Florida, Oklahoma Reject Biden’s ‘Illegal’ And ‘Unconstitutional’ Title IX Rewrite

Author of U.K. report about child sex change procedures being TARGETED by trans activists

Snow White’s Evil Queen Being Played by Transgender Biological Male at Disney World Resort in Florida (VIDEO)

Medical associations silent after review finds weak evidence for recommending puberty blockers to kids

New Jersey College Cancels ‘Bring Your Child to Work Day’ Drag Queen Story Hour After Staff Complaints

Debate over self-ID laws reflects how divided Europe has become on transgender issues      4/29


Our Lady of Good Counsel

Saint Pedro de San José Betancur’s Story

Saints Cletus and Marcellinus, Popes and Martyrs

St. Zita

Saint Louis Mary Grignion de Montfort’s Story

Saint Peter Canisius, Doctor of the Church

Pictures! Look at Notre Dame’s restored interior

She Saw Her Angel Almost Continuously… but what they didn’t tell you… – Fr. Mark Goring, CC


Archbishop Viganò: The soul of the Catholic people is summed up in the Rogation Days

On the 55th Anniversary of the Novus Ordo: "The Problem with Judging a Book by its Cover" -- by Fr. Richard Cipolla

The Sola Scriptura Shell Game

Cardinal Müller slams rising 'totalitarianism' in NatCon interview: 'We are not slaves of the state'

Religious Orders: Decline In Numbers

CCHD head resigns; program facing financial woes

Demonic Exorcism Stories Deliver Terrifying Warning About the Dangers of the Occult

Visiting the domain of an antipope: the Palmarian pontiff

To take all thought captive so that it obeys Christ!

How to see penance as something positive

‘Our power is prayer’ — Gaza’s pastor on 6 months of war

Four German bishops opt out of controversial ‘Synodal Council’  

Meet Rome’s youngest priest

EWTN Register: Did Church-crushing Francis Just Endorse ‘Parish Shopping’?

Cardinal Parolin: There will be no U-turn in the Church

Buckle-Up: Pope Asks Laity to Prepare for Synod’s ‘Prophetic’ Stage

Pope Francis’s Decade-long Reign Removes Church From Crucial Moral Debates

Francis tells Italian Catholic Action to be "athletes and standard bearers of synodality,” says there are three types of hugs

Pope Francis: ‘Deniers of climate change’ are ‘foolish’

"The Colour of Love", the Art of Mercy by scandalous artist protected by Pope Francis

Michigan Fr. Thomas Held resigns after letting openly gay Author read to children

Welcome to the Reign of Gay, Ecclesiastical Edition

Netherlands: Homosexual to Become Priest Next Year

Pro-LGBT bishop inspired by Pope Francis to commit diocese to net-zero emissions by 2030

Why a life without prayer leads us away from God

Why Would Candace Owens Convert to Catholicism?

Russell Brand announces baptism after months-long spiritual journey: 'Taking the plunge'

Protecting Babies From Abortion is One of the Top Issues for Christian Voters

8 Pretty pairs of saintly names for twin baby girls

A seismic shift in Colorado’s abortion landscape

Missouri Legislature Defunds Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz

Couples accuse IVF clinic of knowingly implanting deceased embryos

This Catholic University Claims Its Student Health Insurance Plan Doesn’t Cover Abortions

UK government’s funding spree for overseas abortions continues apace  

FBI Director Christopher Wray Targeted Pro-Life Protests, But Not Monitoring Pro-Hamas Protests

Permanent sterilization is rising among young Americans… and it started before Roe fell

Pro-life group downgrades Toronto Catholic school board chair for ‘betrayal of Church teaching’

Media applauds Gavin Newsom’s unrealistic and maliciously false pro-abortion ads

New York Attorney General Letitia James Trying to Shut Down Every Pro-Life Pregnancy Center

Warning: How Long Before Muslims Win Their Fight To Have an Islamic Political Party in the UK (Video)

Moral theologian: Fiducia Supplicans was 'significant endorsement' of the LGBT agenda

The Case That Could Finally Bring an End to Sodomy-Based “Marriage” Will Soon Be One Step Closer to the Supreme Court

Brave Girl Makes Woke School Board PANIC With Genius Stunt: ‘This Is America!’

‘Transgender’ sexual predators are being enabled by the LGBT agenda

We Won't Live By Your Wokeness

SICK: Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs Vetoes Bill Preventing Biological Males From Showering With Females in Public Schools, Says “I Will Not Sign Legislation That Attacks Arizonans”

Wisconsin Bird Group Teaches Fourth Graders All About The ‘Gender Fluid’ Wild Kingdom

Genital Mutilation Surgery Is the Lobotomy of the 21st Century

Even notorious leftist Bill Maher is calling out the LGBT grooming of children                         4/26


Saint Mark, Evangelist 

Grave robbers in gondolas: How the remains of St. Mark came to be in Venice

Saint Mark in a Hurry

Does St. Mark have two names in the New Testament?

Our Lady of Guadalupe: Jesus on Cross Discovered on Tilma – Nobody Knew It Was There.

Eucharistic Pilgrimage: Walking ‘With Jesus for Jesus’ for the Long Haul

'Incredible thing': Boy's heart restarts beating on its own after 14 HOURS!
'God got the last say' 

The power within: Imagination in Catholic prayer

Cardinal Burke Condemns ‘Scandal’ of Communion for Pro-Abort Politicians

Cardinal Burke: Roman Rite Being Persecuted

Traditional Catholic college in Maryland ‘greatly saddened’ by impending Latin Mass suppression

American Bishops Shout “Fire!” After Helping To Set The Blaze

Bishop Strickland warns of 'crescendo of apostasy' in church

Dignitas Infinita’s Whistling in the Dark

US bishops decry Biden’s pro-abortion employment rules after endorsing act that made them possible

The Vatican plans to renew its secretive China deal amid persecution of the underground Church

Incredible: English Bishops Preach Common Sense

Does a Priest Need a Lay Person at His Mass?

On Being a Good Friend in Christ

Catholic priest resigns from Michigan church following protests over his criticism of a gay author

Orthodox Bishop stabbed by Muslim teen says video of attack on him should not be censored

Paradoxy and Catholicism

How Christ the King arrived in Hollywood right on cue

Church in South Korea sees 24% rise in baptisms

Growth and decline in the US Catholic Church

Archdiocese of Vienna: Only 7.5 percent of church members attend Holy Mass

Bishops defend German-born prelate after police raid

He’s Not Laughing Now: Court Ruling Devastating Blow for Dolan’s Archdiocese

Human Rights Atty: Ukrainian journalists are facing life sentences for reporting on the gov't seizing Orthodox churches and jailing priests

Another Christian girl kidnapped in Egypt

DC Knights of Columbus council calls on leadership to remove Rupnik images at JPII shrine

Catholic Answers Pulls Plug on ‘Father Justin’ AI Priest

Pope Francis: ‘Deniers of climate change’ are ‘foolish’ NO it has always changed Those Who Follow You Are Misguided

A Nicaraguan exile on a dictatorship that oppresses both the Catholic Church and a Miss Universe winner

Bishop Stowe's Lexington Diocese, in heart of coal country, commits to net-zero emissions

Actor Rob Schneider says Shroud of Turin movie research helped him convert to Catholicism

Nigerian Christian students protesting being constantly shot and killed by Muslim Fulani, get shot and killed by Military

'Brainwashed' documentary warns of 'godless' agendas in schools, urges parents to disciple their kids

Worship Leader Sean Feucht Heads to Columbia University Thursday for ‘United for Israel March’

DEBUNKED! Palestinians Caught Red-Handed Blaming Their Own Mass Grave on Israel (VIDEO)

Qatari Official Calls for Israel's Annihilation: Jews Labeled as 'Killers of Prophets', October 7th...Prelude to the State's End 'God Willing' (Video)

Scientists create programmable artificial cells that mimic living cells  

Mom Who Rejected Abortion Will Graduate From College, Get Diploma With 18-Month-Old By Her Side

Living big: How adoption and Down syndrome ignited a mission in one family

Pro-life Democrat runs 'graphic' abortion ad during 'Today' show in NYC

Conservative Student Group Sues University of Buffalo for Cancelling Club, Blocking Financial Account

Planned Parenthood disseminates lies about ER care and abortion on Instagram

Arizona House Votes to Repeal Abortion Ban, Three Republicans Join Democrats to Allow Killing Babies

Pope Francis reportedly praises pro-abortion Democrat Sen. Warnock for being ‘anchored’ in his ‘faith’

Why are Taxpayers Forced to Give $700 Million to Planned Parenthood to Kill Babies?

Dutch autistic woman set to be euthanized because she feels ‘sad and gloomy’

Toronto Catholic school board rejects pro-life flag motion after voting for LGBT flag in 2021

Author of Landmark Review of Transgender Treatment Shares She is Under Constant Attack: ‘I Can’t Travel on Public Transport After Gender Report’

Catholic 16-year-old Was Just Suspended for Wearing THIS Shirt

Louisiana's education chief tells schools to ignore Biden's Title IX rule change

Maine lawmakers pass bill protecting abortion, child ‘sex change’ tourism

Paris Olympics will feature a ‘Pride House’ to ‘celebrate’ homosexual and gender-confused athletes

Parents blast woke private school in Maryland over “invasive” GENDER IDENTITY survey 

Another prominent LGBT activist ARRESTED for child sexual exploitation      

Biden wants American tax dollars to train hundreds of trans activists overseas         4/25


Saint Mary Euphrasia Pelletier, Foundress

St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen

Saint Fidelis’ Greatest Sermon

St. Mary of Clopas, one of the Marys at the crucifixion

Christ’s Kingdom, Come!

The Trauma of the Madonna della Bocciata

6 Dreams in the Bible that shaped history (Photo Gallery

International Campaign for the Total Freedom of the Traditional Liturgy

"Bergoglio and Fernandez are going to 'demote' La Salette, Fatima, Akita"

Queue the PervTeachings: Cardinal Fernández: New Document on Discerning Apparitions ‘Being Finalized’

A Doctor at Calvary: A Medical Perspective on the Wounds of Christ on the Cross

Perseverance in prayer expresses our love of God

WATCH: Catholic Charities Found Partly Liable in Death of 4-Year-Old Boy

Bishop Strickland: “ENOUGH is ENOUGH” with Silent Shepherds and a Corrupt Vatican

Bishops defend German-born prelate after police raid

Rome: Hungarian pilgrimage starts with warning about “spirit of the world”

Texas Carmelites reject oversight of Vatican-appointed federation

American Bishops Shout “Fire!” After Helping To Set The Blaze

Catholic Group Proposes Legislation to Keep Dioceses Financially Accountable for Sex Abuse of Minors

Thoughts from the Eclipse

Unexplained: Cardinal Is Suddenly Two Years Younger

CAFOD appeals to Catholic community to help bring Sudan back ‘from the brink’  

8 Ways Catholic bosses can imitate St. Joseph

World's best golfer: 'I'm called to give glory to God'

Italy: An Archbishop 'Forbids' Reception of Holy Communion

While his flock are slaughtered in Muslim raids, formerly Catholic Nigerian Cardinal Kaigama commissions “Laudato Si’ Briquette Charcoal Factory” in order to “keep carbon in trees and keep temperatures at levels conducive for human existence.”

Giants And Pre-Flood Technology With Explorer Timothy Alberino    59  min.

Vandal Destroys Statue of Virgin Mary, 249th Attack on a Catholic Church Since Dobbs Leak

Catholic Charities Accused of misusing Fed Funds to Buy Airfare for Migrants

Why The United States Is Being Destroyed Right Now: As Warned In Hosea 8:7, By Rejecting The Gospel And The Word Of God, We Are Sowing To The Wind And Reaping The Whirlwind

Americans Want Less Abortions Not More

Christian woman who survived concentration camp prepares to die in US prison over FACE Act charges

Married nurses adopt premature baby they cared for in the NICU

Court Rules Nurse Can Challenge State Law Barring Abortion Pill Reversal Treatments

More than 70% of survey respondents oppose Scottish buffer zones

The media assigns value to frozen embryos only when it suits their agenda

EXCLUSIVE: Pro-Life Groups Endorse U.S. Rep Who Voted to Fund Abortion

Catholic Xavier University lists abortion in health insurance plan 

Biden Makes Sign of the Cross During Florida Trip Promoting Abortion…

Media applauds Gavin Newsom’s unrealistic and maliciously false pro-abortion ads

Biden Issues New Rule to Shield Abortionists Who Kill Babies in Illegal Abortions

Dutch Politician Filip Dewinter: Asylum Seekers are the 'Fifth Column of Islam' Threatening Europe

'Worrying': New study on Muslim students

Israel Fumes As UN Secretary-General Leaves Hamas Off Sexual Violence Blacklist

Pagan 'prayer' to Zeus, Apollo offered at 2024 Olympics torch lighting ceremony

‘Young People Have Been Experimented On’: Scotland Pauses Puberty Blockers for Minors

Illinois Library Hosts ‘Pronoun’ Seminar for Children Considering Sex-Change Surgery

Ohio Attorney General Breaks Down Leftist Legal ‘Trick’ to Block GOP Efforts to Protect Kids  

Biden admin expands Title IX to include ‘gender identity,’ sparking conservative backlash

Trans student ARRESTED for allegedly planning two Maryland school shootings to become “famous”

Scientific American Claims It Is “Misinformation” That There Are Just Two Sexes 

Trans Students Claim ‘Mental Anguish’ for Having to Compete Against Birth Sex

AI-Generated Deepfake Nudes Cause Chaos

UCLA study: Gay couples at greater risk from climate change           4/24


Saint Peter Chanel, Missionary and Martyr

St. George Patron of Soldiers

Saint George and the Spiritual Battle

Catholics urged to complete 5 First Saturdays to mitigate spiritual chastisement


Lay Movement Launches International Campaign for ‘Total Freedom of the Traditional Liturgy’

Holy Mass: French Movement Publishes [Another] Appeal to Deaf Ears

CATHOLIC SCHOOLS: Are We Catholic Enough to Make Enemies?

Better to Attend a Parish That Lacks Truth? Or One That Lacks Love?

“Cabrini” in the Age of “Barbie”  

EXCLUSIVE: Cardinal Parolin confirms Vatican aims to renew secretive deal with China this year

Former Street Child, Now a Pastor, Shares About His Ministry to Orphans in Uganda

Christ Our Light and the Horror of Self-Immolation

Bishop Stika: Gone But Not Forgotten – Reportedly Threatening Priests

European bishops warn against ideological expansion as EU grows  

Fr. Tad Pacholczyk of the National Catholic Bioethics Center to Fr. McTeigue: “What are the moral issues involved in these beginning of life processes, and at this point what can be done for the children left in these cryogenic orphanages?”

Candace Owens Converted to the Church

'I have come to a place of peace'

Saint George, Shakespeare, Brian Boru: England, Ireland and the Fighting Catholic Spirit

Archdiocese of Hamburg will lose millions of euros in 2023 due to a decline in membership

Defending Tradition: Viktor Orbán's Crusade for a Europe Rooted in Christian Values

Rise of the ‘AI god’

Largest Christian University in America Gets Fined $37 Million. Coincidence or Targeted Attack?

Florida Governor DeSantis: Satanists Can’t be Part of School Chaplain Program “We’re Not Playing Those Games in Florida”

Exposing Ukraine’s Secret Police and Mission to Exterminate Christianity   30  min.

Taylor Swift’s Lyrics: Explicit, Demonic and Blasphemous?

Schizophrenic Man Inspired FBI’s Controversial Memo Targeting Catholics

207 Underpants: The Church of Vatican II Presents Its Saints

Leader of pro-life organization swarmed by ‘screaming pro-abortion mob’ in UK

Poll: Supermajority of American Voters Oppose Abortion Past 12 Weeks

Catholic Bishops Slam Biden for Trying to Force Christian Employers to Fund Abortions BUT DO NOTHING MOST WILL EVEN VOTE FOR THEM FOR THE $

Illinois surgical abortion facility turned down after asking for exemption from health standards

USA: Record amount of tax money for Planned Parenthood

Exposing the dark past of Dr. Adam Levy, Las Vegas abortionist

Gavin Newsom Proposes “Emergency” Bill to Let Arizona Abortionists Kill Babies in California

Young, healthy women being euthanized in the Netherlands should be a warning for Canada

Seattle Children’s Hospital Withdraws Business from Texas in Response to Investigation Into “Gen­der Tran­si­tion” Treat­ments for Minors

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation trying to undermine British report that details the dangers of transgender interventions on children

UMC bishops call for unity at General Conference as homosexuality schism looms large

Transgender movement is losing its influence on social media to shut down debate

Disney World Turns Park Into Drag Show for Kids With Tranny Snow White Character

The Washington Post’s 2,600-Word Love Letter to a Drag Queen

Catholics Protest Transgender Celebrity’s Talk at Jesuit University            4/23


Saint Soter and Saint Caius, Popes, Martyrs

St. Abdiesus

Saint Leonides, Martyr

Saint Adalbert of Prague’s Story

Saint Agnes of Monte Pulciano, Virgin

Abuses and the Priestly Vocation According to Saint Alphonsus Mary of Liguori

For ‘Eucharistic Revival’, We Need to Return to Tradition-Part II

The Subway to the Sacred: Brooklyn’s Breathtaking Eucharistic Revival

'You have to get off your sofa' - Young French Catholics restore wayside crucifixes

Praying for vocations and good shepherds

Beginning of the liturgical tsunami

Bishop Strickland: Cling to the ‘basic truths’ of Catholicism, don’t get lost in ‘False Teaching'

Eucharistic Congress scales back numbers, confident on finances

Texas Carmelite Nuns Reject Vatican's Unilateral Decree

Malawi bishops condemn persecution of nun who was abducted and tortured

Bring ‘Em Back! Part 10

'I did pornography - now I'm making rosaries!'

Sanctifying Time

The complicated future of Nicaraguan bishop appointments

German "Catholic" Church Blesses Thirteen "Deaconesses in the Spirit"

WATCH: Bishop Says Biden Doesn’t Understand Catholicism — ‘I’m Not Angry at Him, He’s Just Stupid’

Anti-Catholic Revolution and Catholic Revival

Catholic Bishops Blast New Biden Rule Forcing Employers to Fund Abortions But Do Nothing!!!

MSNBC Suggests That Program Bringing the Bible to Kids in Public Schools Is Right-Wing Grooming

Voices For a Return to God

Living in the Modern Dark Ages

Discussions with a Protestant, Part Two

Iranian Christian survivor of war calls on Western Churches to combat 'spirit of the antichrist' in Iran

‘That Is Not a Religion’: DeSantis Bars Satanists From Florida School Chaplaincy Program

‘Remember’: New ministry serves Catholics grieving a suicide loss

Rebellion Against God: The Eternal Error Of The ‘Earth Dweller’

BRAVO! D.C. Knights’ Council Calls for Removal of Rupnik Art from National Shrine

Freemasonry and the Noahide Laws both promote the naturalist religion of the Antichrist

15 State Officials Warn Bank Of America About 'De-Banking' Of Christians 

She Survived a Concentration Camp, But May Die in Prison for Protesting Abortion Thanks to Biden

Meet the Women Defying the ‘Birth Dearth’

Boston's Catholic Schools Foundation invites pro-abortion lesbian governor to annual gala

77% of People in Scotland Oppose Law Banning Prayer Outside Abortion Centers

Tens of thousands march for life in Poland as lawmakers attempt to end preborn lives

Daleiden’s Courage, Planned Parenthood’s Deceit

Pro-abortion group calls laws protecting minor girls ‘a worrying trend’

Planned Parenthood Kills 288 Babies in Abortions for Every Adoption Referral It Makes

Democrats Make It Easier for Criminals to Get Away With Sex Trafficking Children

Physically healthy 28-year-old Dutch woman with autism and depression given approval to end her life through assisted suicide

Greece expected to be first nation facing ‘population collapse’

‘Detransition Diaries’: ‘The Greatest Medical Experiment of Our Time’

WATCH: Brave School Girl Reveals In Graphic Detail How Trans Student Savagely Assaulted Her Friend While Blasting Woke School Officials to Their Face for Letting it Happen

Scotland Presses ‘Pause’ on Puberty Blockers, Hormone Drugs for Children

Girl Says She Warned Teacher About Transgender Bully Before Friend Was Pummeled, Was Told ‘Don’t Worry’

Breaking: Massive Cover-Up of Trans Shooter’s History in Nashville Covenant School Mass Murder Case

Transgender Activist Dylan Mulvaney to Speak at Jesuit St. Louis University

Dirty Deeds Done in the Dark: Leftist Lawyers Caught Engaging in Attorney Misconduct

One in Four US Adolescents Now Identifies as Non-Heterosexual

Mandatory Queer Indoctrination at School Causes Huge Uproar

Popular children’s TV show ‘Bluey’ succumbs to the LGBT agenda           4/22


Saint Gianna Beretta Molla’s Story

Cardinal Burke, Gianna Molla, and Us

Saint Elphege, Archbishop of Canterbury

Do you know your Mother? 5 facts about Mary that every Catholic should know!

Ælfheah of Canterbury and Leo IX of Rome

Nuncio Eterović: “The risen Lord is stronger than the darkness of this world”

5 Saints to call on for 5 different problems concerning love

Australian bishop publicly forgives man who stabbed him, thanks Christ for his suffering

‘No One Can Change God’s Opinion About You Except You’

“My Prayer Seems Dry…”

What type of body did Jesus have when he rose from the dead?

Bishop Strickland slams ‘crescendo of apostasy’ by Vatican forces against Catholic liturgy, doctrine

US Bishop Admits: "Frustration" About Francis

A little reflection on a conference in Brussels

Why India’s bishops want to get out the vote

‘Deconstructing’ Faith: The Truth Behind the Movement

Global data: Priests, seminarians continue decline under Francis despite growth of baptized Catholics

Krakow: Initiation of the beatification process of Helena Kmieć, who was murdered at the age of 25

The Earliest Writings on the Eucharist   47  min.

Twenty-nine Nigerian Christians slaughtered in three-day pogrom  

Maria Zeee & Fr. Peter Heers on Infowars - WW3 & The Prophecies of the Saints   43  min.

Tucker Carlson Reacts to New Anti-Christian Documentary    24  min. 

Pope Francis Shuffles Papal Titles Better Than a Magician Shuffles Cards

Eucharistic Congress scales back numbers, confident on finances

Finnish MP to stand trial for third time for tweeting Bible verse

Despite Acquittal: Priest Remains Suspended After Assassination Attempt

FRC scholar blasts declaration from 'religious leaders' denouncing 'religious nationalism'

Everything you need to know about the 'Noahide Laws,' a universal religion without Christ

Defending Tradition: Viktor Orbán's Crusade for a Europe Rooted in Christian Values (Video)

Pencil Neck Fr. Thomas Reese promotes ad touting Biden as made by God to be US president

No justice for Pakistan’s Christians eight months after atrocity, British Parliament told  

Watch: UK Thought Police Enter Man’s Home Over ‘Christians Need To Stand Up’ Social Media Post

Want a Faith-Filled Nation Back? Build the Family

Dog the Bounty Hunter on witnessing 'demonic possession,' God's faithfulness during career

Liberal Jesuit Fr. Thomas Reese promotes ad touting Biden as made by God to be US president

‘Irena’s Vow’ includes true story of baby saved from abortion during Holocaust

Two-Time Surrogate Says Renting Wombs Hurts Women And Babies: ‘I Would Never Encourage Another Woman To Do It’

Pro-abortion judge disappointed to find pro-life journalist has free speech rights

Poll Shows 66% of Americans Oppose Abortions After 12 Weeks

"Just Stupid": U.S Bishop Justifies Abortion-Joe

Biden’s EEOC Says Employers Must Accommodate Workers’ Abortions

Abortion Clinic Sends Two Women to ER in Less Than Two Hours After Botched Abortions

Bill Maher Admits Abortion is Murder.

Leftist Democrats Release Radical Pro-Abortion Agenda for a 2nd Biden Term

The Brew: More Trans Violence Foiled, More on God’s Miraculous Protection of His People

Transgender Teen (Bio Female) Identified and Arrested After Threatening to Shoot Up High School in Maryland – 129 Page Manifesto Partially Released

German Bishop: Church Teaching 'Wronged' People Who Engage in Homosexual Sin

Female athletes are turning against gender-confused men dominating women's sports

John Piper: Churches should ‘excommunicate,’ not ‘execute’ gay couples

The Case Against Pornography

“Pro-rape” child safety officer for Google was just fired                         4/19


Saint Apollonius, Martyr

St. Apollonius the Apologist

Blessed James Oldo’s Story

Blessed Mary of the Incarnation, Carmelite

Blessed Marie-Anne Blondin: Martyr of Silence

Saint of the Day Quote: Saint Peter of Saint Joseph Betancur

Archbishop Viganò defends Fr. Jesusmary ahead of priest’s canonical trial for criticizing Pope Francis

Half of new priests ordained in US this year will be 31 years old or younger

The devil is in the details

Dignitas Infinita and the Idolization of Man

Francis Appoints Cleric Hiding in Civilian Clothes as Archbishop of Florence

Cardinal Müller takes to stage despite police trying to close National Conservatism conference as political crackdown escalates in Brussels

France: “Catholicism now means being able to explain your faith”

One Month in Advance: Chartres Pilgrimage Already Overbooked

War has become ‘a way of life’ in Holy Land

3 Reasons Why the Devil HATES Latin   3  min.

The Antichrist and the rebuilding of the Jerusalem Temple in Catholic teaching and prophecy

Life-Size Stations of the Cross to Be Built Right Outside Disney World in Orlando to “Convert and Inspire Christianity”

Prayer Rallies Take Place in State Capitols as Christians “Cry out for America”

Russell Brand prays the Rosary on video for his 11+ million followers

Catholic Charities Partner Instructing Illegal Aliens to Vote for Biden?

Less Than 40% of Americans Engage With the Bible

Is Catholic social media influencer really the best line or work for former hookers and porn ‘artists’?

Catholic Charities Partner Instructing Illegal Aliens to Vote for Biden?

New book about devil’s influence on Communist China shows us the dire consequences of abandoning God

Young women becoming increasingly irreligious in US

Italian mother dies after refusing cancer treatment to save her unborn child

Former Planned Parenthood Director Abby Johnson: “I Hope Our Nation Wakes Up to the Horror of Abortion”

Pro-abortion group calls laws protecting minor girls ‘a worrying trend’

Treatment for Ectopic Pregnancy is Not Abortion, And Every Pro-Life State Allows Care

CDL contradicts Commission proposal on Section 218: The right to life is not divisible

Record-breaking: Planned Parenthood’s annual abortions reach nearly 400K

Planned Parenthood Brought in $2.9 Billion Last Year, Killed 1,075 Babies in Abortions Every Day

Biden’s Pregnant Workers Fairness Act attempts to force all employers to cover abortion

Could ‘exceptions’ to protecting all preborn children destroy every pro-life law?

Biden's pro-abortion campaign video - a third of states severely restrict abortion

Is killing preborn children ‘a woman’s most fundamental right’? VP Kamala Harris thinks so.

Texas: Muslim Mother Who Beat, Choked, and Burned Teen Daughter for Not Wearing Hijab Pleads Guilty

'Submit to Allah': Christian Cemetery Vandalized With Islamic Threats (Video

We Need to Give Children True Social and Emotional Skills, Not Marxism

UN Report Calls for Legalizing Sex Between Adults and Children

Village Council in Illinois Votes to Remove Only Republican Library Board Member Because “His Ideas are Unsafe”

Georgia 4th graders shown video about dog who thinks he's a cat to promote LGBTQ lifestyles: report

Why Does A Woke Maryland Private School Want To Know The Gender Identity Of Young Students, And If They Had "Oral Sex"?

Striking Down Women’s Sports Law, Federal Appeals Court Rules Men Can Be Women

Planned Parenthood is Pushing Transgender Hormones on Kids Without Parental Consent

Sweden lowers age for legal gender change from 18 to 16

Utah School Kids Stage Walk Out Protest Against 'Furries'

Transgender ideology has enabled people to 'identify' as amputees         4/18


Saint Anicetus, Pope, Martyr

Saint Benedict Joseph Labre’s Story

Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, Virgin

Saint Kateri, Canada’s Protectress

Saint of the Day Quote: Saint Joachim of Sienna of the Order of Servites

Glorying in the Holy CROSS

How our trust in God is tested whenever we pray

Notre Dame Was Probably Burned Down by Rapine Saracens

Archbishop of Baltimore Bans Holy Mass

Radiant in the GULAG and elsewhere  

Swiss bishop defends attending predecessor’s SSPX funeral

Rejection of Fiducia supplicans: Africa's bishops have spoken 'for the whole church'

Attacks on Brussels Conference "like Nazi Germany” - Cardinal Müller

Incoming priests cite strong family life in vocation survey

Archbishop Aguer remembers two Argentine Catholics killed by radical revolutionaries

Church Attacker’s Blade Failed to Open as Bishop Held Cross for Protection

Financial crimes trial witness named supreme court prosecutor

Remaining Faithfully Catholic Near the End of the Francis Pontificate 

Kenya bishops decry gov’t threat to take control of Catholic schools, withhold debt owed to its hospitals

8 Quotes by Catholic authors that encourage marriage

‘Evil of war’ has become ‘a way of life’ in Holy Land, says Franciscan priest

Where can women turn for help when they have a miscarriage?

Catholic School Gushes Over Meeting With Pro-Abortion, Lesbian Governor: Our ‘Personal Values Are Closely Aligned’

Arizona Democrat PRAISES SATANISTS after his GOP colleague introduces bill to ban demonic displays in public

Catholic Charities Partner Instructing Illegal Aliens to Vote for Biden?

Pew survey lists facts about US Catholics

End of an Era: NOLA’s Only Catholic Bookstore Closes

Ostro's "Blood Miracle" Has Been Investigated

The Political Versus Moral Realities of Abortion

Want to send letters of solidarity to jailed pro-life heroes? Here's how

Pro-Life Hero David Daleiden is Still Taking on Planned Parenthood

A celebration of life in Munich

Poll Shows Catholic Church Needs to Emphasize Pro-Life Values to Catholic Americans

Archbishop of Toronto still silent on Catholic school trustees opposing pro-life flag

Planned Parenthood Killed 392,715 Babies in Abortions Last Year, a Record Number

Grief and regret over his aborted child led him to homelessness and drug abuse

Jailed pro-lifer: Republican weakness on abortion is nothing new 

Two women injured in same afternoon at New Mexico abortion facility

Joe Biden Gives Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz a Record $699 Million in Taxpayer Funding

WATCH: HHS Secretary Won’t Condemn Abortions Up Until Birth

Netherlands sees increase in assisted suicides for mental illnesses

Nebraska: Senator leaves Democratic Party, becomes Republican

Majority of Germans fear Islamization of Europe

Report: Two-thirds of U.S. colleges REQUIRE students to take DEI courses to qualify for graduation

SICK: Commiefornia Legislators Water Down Bill Making Buying Child Prostitutes a Felony

Planned Parenthood defies Missouri court order to turn over records related to sex change interventions for children

Annual gender switch? German government allows citizens to change their gender on legal documents every year 

Federal Judges Side With Trans-Supremacy Agenda

8 Ways to Resist Bad LGBT Policy at a Catholic College           4/17


God: Spes Única Mundi

Saint Engratia and her Companions Martyrs

My Name is Bernadette

St. Bernadette Soubirous

The Song of Bernadette    1943 Classic

St. Bernadette died on Easter Wednesday praying these words

Saint Benedict Joseph Labre, Pilgrim

Saint of the Day Quote: Blessed Anne Maugrain

Two Benedicts: A Wandering Beggar and A Long-Suffering Pope

The Eucharist: What is said and done around this sacrament and during its celebration

Pascha of Christ – Pascha of the Church. A new Easter morning

Is your faith on autopilot? Aquinas on the power of charity

The Unsinkable Saint Who Missed the Titanic

Vatican II and the Re-emergence of the Traditional Latin Mass

Baltimore: Church Attendance Falls From 250,000 to 2,000

Why did Cardinal Sako return to Baghdad?

Bring ‘Em Back! Part 9

Eucharist, Unity, Clarity: What Attracts Converts to the Catholic Church?

WATCH: Fr. Ripperger – Many Problems Today are Due to No Fear of the Lord

Cardinal Sarah denounces ‘atheistic’ Western bishops who prefer the world to the cross

Cardinal Grech champions Synod on Synodality as the 'mature fruit' of Second Vatican Council

Almost Six Million: Cardinal Wuerl Lines His Pockets

Discover The Masonic Plan to Convert Catholicism into the Religion of the New Order

Cardinal Müller appearing at National Conservatism conference despite political opposition and threats from Antifa  

Socialist Belgian mayor orders police to shut down event featuring Cardinal Müller, Orbán, Farage

Teen with Down syndrome defies odds as he prepares to run London Marathon

Porn Actress Leaves Endless Boredom of Sin

Infinitely dignified sacred sexologist, Cardinal Kissy Fernandez: My gay blessing Fiducia Supplicans has had more than 7 billion views on the Internet, you know.

Defending the Faith in the Rabbit Hole of Social Media

The New Word Salad from the Vatican Contains Broken Glass: Deportation Is Just as Evil as Slavery

DC Knights call for Rupnik art removal

Is Bergoglio a Peronist? Yes, yes, yes

Pagan Hindu Apartheid Still Infects the Church in India. Pope Francis Is Silent

Flashback: Is Francis the CIA's Pope?

WATCH: Satanic Ritual Abuse in the Catholic Church

The Churches Are Sleeping: When Did The ‘Woke’ Pulpits Become The Norm?

Naomi Wolf tells Tucker Carlson the evil of COVID shots forced her to turn to prayer

The Chasm of Life and Death

60% of Catholics think abortion should be legal, support lower among weekly churchgoers: poll

Doctors Fight Back Against Biden Rule Forcing Them to Promote Abortions 

Police escort again needed at Manchester University to protect pro-life speaker from screaming pro-abortion mob

40 Days for Life leader shares powerful story of abortion regret before Scottish Parliament

50,000 participants at the March for Life in Warsaw!

Strangers help when baby is born on Pennsylvania Turnpike: ‘I always wanted to witness this’

Abby Johnson rips Trump for saying Arizona abortion ban must be 'straightened out'

The Munich Pro-Life March AND what the German media is keeping quiet about

Biden Hijacks Federal Law to Force Virtually Every Employer in America to Promote Abortion

Pro-abortion attitudes are creating a shortage of maternity doctors, not pro-life laws

Biden Hijacks Federal Law to Force Virtually Every Employer in America to Promote Abortion

Planned Parenthood worker says it’s ‘unfortunate’ that underage girl’s forced abortion didn’t happen

Biden Admin: Employers Must Give Employees Time Off to Kill Their Babies in Abortions

Canadian Man Chooses Assisted Suicide After Four-day ER Stay Leaves Him With Huge Bedsore

Ben Affleck’s daughter the latest Hollywood child to declare herself ‘transgender’

BREAKING: US Supreme Court allows Idaho to ban child sex changes pending appeal 

French gov’t threatens priest over Instagram call to fight homosexual temptations

The Science Around ‘Gender Affirming Care’ Continues to Crumble

Canada Must Pay for a Man who Wants Both a Phallus and a "Vagina"           4/16


Saint Paternus, Bishop of Avranches

Saint Caesar de Bus’ Story

Saint Lydwina of Schiedam, Virgin

Saint Martin I’s Story

The Glorious Martyrdoms of Martin and Maximus

Saint Hermenegild, Martyr

The doctrine of living in the Divine Will

Roman Priests: Francis Is Destroying Our Diocese

Cardinal Sarah denounces ‘atheistic’ Western bishops who prefer the world to the cross

Bishop Strickland: Marriage is part of God’s ‘blueprint’ for human flourishing

France: Vatican Protests against Condemnation of Cardinal Ouellet

Vatican Court Charges Italian Journalist Critical of Pope with ‘Defamation’

'Allahu Akbar' - Attack on Orthodox Bishop in Australia

Another Stabbing Rocks Sydney Shock Video: Priest, Worshippers Attacked During Church Service

Masked Gunmen Shoot Catholic Priest During Church Service in Myanmar

Bishop Strickland: Biden's excommunication would be a 'medicinal' way of calling him to repentance

Louisiana House Passes Bill That Requires All Schools Receiving State Funds To Display 10 Commandments Inside Classrooms

Devout Christian Golfer Scottie Scheffler Triumphs at Masters, Says His Mission is to ‘Glorify God’

Number One Scottie Scheffler Says Jesus Defines Him, Not Golf

WATCH — ‘I Wouldn’t Be Here Without Jesus’: MLB Rookie Thanks God While Explaining On-Field Tradition

L.A. Christian Bookstore Owner Shot, Paralyzed in Front of His Children

Cardinal Dolan's "Graceful Rihanna" Mocks Nuns

Vatican court tosses criminal complaint against journalist

‘Catholic’ Joe Biden Is a Product of Church Apathy

The Secret Religion of Our Elites Which Our Own Kids Are Joining: Gnosticism

6 in 10 Catholics in favor of abortion rights

Dem Arizona AG Won’t Enforce 1864 Law Banning Most Abortions…

The Case Against Abortion

Shock: Maher Admits Abortion ‘Kind of Is’ Murder, ‘I’m Just Okay With That’...‘Sorry, We Won’t Miss You’

Suspicion of profitable organ trafficking – new videos from Planned Parenthood

Thousands Rally in Poland Against Plans to Expand Abortion Laws by Liberal Government

A Nurse’s Deep Dive on Chemical Abortions

President of Belgian’s Biggest Health Care Fund Advocates Euthanasia as Solution for Elderly Who are Tired of Life

Officials Investigate Spread of A.I.-Generated Deepfake Porn at California High School

“Judgment-Free Zone”: Man Strips Naked and Parades Around Planet Fitness Women’s Locker Room, Asks Woman to Shower With Him

Far-Left Groups Oppose Effort to Reclassify Purchasing a Child for Sex from Misdemeanor to Felony in California — Current Law Only Allows for Max One Year Jail Time and $10,000 Fine (VIDEO)

Biological Male Athlete Smokes Female Competitors in 200-Meter Race — Same Time Would Have Placed Him 61st in Boys Category (VIDEO)

New “hate speech” law in Poland would punish people who “insult” LGBT ideology with 3 years in prison

LGBTZ? Top five things the destructive philosophies of transgenderism and zionism have in common

Outdoor apparel company The North Face named as major sponsor of LGBT youth camp that grooms kids to become drag queens

Female Boxer Who Transitioned to Beard and Testosterone Knocked Out in 21 Seconds by Real Dude

Transgender ‘Throuple’ in New York Announce Birth of Baby Boy — Call Him the ‘Gayest Baby in the Tri-State Area’

‘From the depths of hell’: Inside the profound evil of transgender ideology

Intriguing explanation on why so many celeb kids are suddenly turning “trans”         4/15


St. Julius

Blessed Catherine of St. Augustine, Virgin

Saint Teresa of Los Andes’ Story

Saint Gemma Galgani, Virgin

Saint Leo the Great, Pope

St. Antipas

Saint Stanislaus’ Story

Saint of the Day Quote: Saint Stanislaus of Krakow

Thomas Aquinas and Natural Law Theory

“Like sentinels of the Lord,” contemplative nuns in the heart of Paris

Who is Jesus: C.S. Lewis and the Trilemma

This Mystic Nun Lost Her Husband to the Priesthood, and Her Children to Her Husband

Cause for canonization underway for devout young Catholic woman Michelle Duppong

The Three Divisions of Western Catholicism

Cardinal Burke: Pope Francis’ Latin Mass restrictions have had ‘exactly the opposite effect’

"Sudden Demise of the 'Manualist Tradition'

Relentless Decline: Six Irish Dioceses Reduced to Three

8 Lost monasteries of England and Wales (Photo Gallery)

Society of St. Pius X priest admits to years of sexual misconduct with minors

Syrian bishop founds creative project to help Christians stay in country

What’s the Swiss Church’s new ‘synodality commission’?

How does the government of Israel treat Christians? In the West, Christian leaders don’t seem interested in knowing the answer. They should be. Here’s the view of a pastor from Bethlehem.

When Porn Stars and an Atheist Remind Us of the Grace of God

Riccardo Wagner became a Catholic: “I never wanted to be a Christian. I was an atheist"

Why We Must Set Our Morality Bars High- Part II

Pope Francis Received Brazilian Shaman

New Vatican Document Is the Stuff of Fairy Tales

France’s clash between church bell ringing and stroppy ‘rural newcomers’

How Pope Francis is reshaping the Church in western Ireland

Devotional: He Knows You!

Love and Dignity

Scottish Catholics are shocked: Appointed bishop dies suddenly before his episcopal ordination

World’s top golfer Scottie Scheffler praises Jesus Christ ahead of 2024 Masters

Stop just blaming mobile phones for children’s despair: Parents bringing up children without God isn’t helping either

Faith’s Proven Role in Overcoming Mental Illness

Catholic mom dies 3 years after being declared 'miraculously' cancer free

Bishop of Rimini Celebrates Transvestite Visibility Day

Elementary School Permits Pride Club, Denies Prayer Group

K-12 Bible Lessons Program Akin to Proselytizing for ‘Church of Trump,’ MSNBC Host Claims

Arizona Democrat praises satanists after GOP senator initiates bill banning public displays of devil

Unprecedented commute of all death sentences to life imprisonment in California’s Santa Clara County

Woman Completely Changes Her Mind on Abortion After Watching Video of Abortion Procedure

15 States Now Abortion-Free After Arizona Court Protects Babies From Abortions

Op-ed admits opponents’ real problem with ‘Baby Olivia’: It could ‘stigmatize’ killing preborn children

Biden is Pressuring Guatemala to Abandon Its Pro-Life Position on Abortion

Abortion Is NOT a Top Issue for U.S. Voters — Democrats Are Distracting You

The “quiet murder” of the small children should be 100% covered up in Germany!

Botched Abortions Injure Two Women on the Same Day at University of New Mexico Abortion Biz

Arsonist who firebombed Wisconsin pro-life office sentenced to 7.5 years in prison

Several states could have a pro-abortion constitutional amendment on their 2024 ballots

EU Parliament demands abortion be declared a ‘fundamental right’ in radical new resolution

Brussels barbarism is an attack on human rights and a disgrace for Europe!

DeSantis signs five new laws to crack down on groomers, sex traffickers in Florida

Australian Parents Pull Children From School After Graphic Class Teaching About Bestiality

REPORT: Biden and Harris Think LGBT Voter Support is Going to Save Them in November

Alberta backs Saskatchewan in court battle defending parental consent for ‘pronoun changes’

Miranda Devine: Woke Dems Have Lied About Transgender Suicide — But There Is Hope

New Idaho law declares there are only 2 genders, 'sex' based on biology

Court Orders Planned Parenthood to Turn Over Documents Showing How It Exploited Children With Puberty Blockers

Mayo Clinic Study Raises Serious Questions About ‘Reversibility’ Of Puberty Blockers

Victor Davis Hanson: DEI Cronyism And Woke Grifters

Apple, Roblox, LinkedIn: 12 mainstream contributors to sexual exploitation                   4/12


St. Michael de Sanctis

Saint Magdalene of Canossa’s Story

Saint Bademus, Martyr

A Testament to Faith: The Miracle of the Bent Cross and Our Lady of Guadalupe

'My last meal will be the supper of the Lamb'

13-Year-Old Filipina Who Loved the Eucharist Is Officially on Path to Sainthood

Which religious order has the most U.S. bishops?

Highly Successful Bishop Resigns Early

Who Are the Guardians of Tradition?

3 Obstacles that might prevent us from praying

British Catholic bishops highlight ‘grave violations’ of human dignity scarring modern world

True Ecumenism Leads To The One, True, Holy Catholic Church­


The Pulpit Is Responsible

Australian bishops release new code of conduct

Nigerian Catholics address reasons behind ongoing violence

How to Keep a Vatican Job? Don't Stand Out

Three Heresies in “Dignitas Infinita.”

PopeWatch: A Summary of “Dignitas Infinita”

@kennedyhall This new infinite dignity document from Rome is quite literally Satanic. It conflates Man with God -- only God or "a god" could claim to be infinite in the absolute sense. "You will become like gods, knowing good and evil." It is Luciferian to the core

Kenyan Catholic bishop urges Parliament to reject LGBT ideology

Why We Must Set Our Morality Bars High- Part I

School Busing of a Different Sort: Nonprofit Takes Students to Off-Campus Bible Studies

Catholics must avoid spreading cremated ashes and ‘human composting’: Here’s why

Florida woman facing trial for $700k parish theft

Christians Out, Muslims In: The Islamic Takeover of Germany 

After Homosexual Orgy: Polish Priest Jailed for 18 Months

Mississippi Abortion Ban Saves Up to 1,500 Babies From Abortions in First Six Months

Meet Dorothy, the preemie born with multiple organs outside her body

Op-ed admits opponents’ real problem with ‘Baby Olivia’: It could ‘stigmatize’ killing preborn children

Caleb’s Story: Unborn Baby Deemed “Incompatible With Life” is Now a Flourishing 20 Year-Old

Do unborn children have basic rights? Florida Constitution Discussion

Texas installs first Safe Haven Baby Box in Abilene

A Historic Announcement Was Made Just Before The Great American Eclipse Of 2024 Passed Over America

Mississippi Abortion Ban Saves Up to 1,500 Babies From Abortions in First Six Months

Arizona Republicans Back Away From the Unborn Following State Supreme Court Ruling

911 Call Reveals 16-Year-Old Girl Being Forced to Have Abortion at Planned Parenthood

Prominent LGBTQ activist and president of a university queer organization ARRESTED for downloading child pornography

'Trans Activists' Arguing Over Whether They Should Commit Mass Suicide Or Mass Genocide To Accomplish Their Political Goals Is A Perfect Example Of How Fast & Far America Has Fallen

National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics Essentially Bans Transgender Athletes from Competing in Women’s Sports

Minnesota’s new “gender identity” law strips Christian schools, churches of exemption from hiring LGBTs

Nebraska Bill To Keep Males Out Of Women’s Bathrooms, Sports Teams Fails After Two Republicans Abstain

Beginning of the end for the ‘transgender kids’ movement, thanks to a bombshell government report

Trans Juggernaut Hits a Speedbump: Landmark Study Reveals ‘Transgender’ Kids Actually Have Other Mental Health Diagnoses, Instead.

'Trans Activists' Arguing Over Whether They Should Commit Mass Suicide Or Mass Genocide To Accomplish Their Political Goals Is A Perfect Example Of How Fast & Far America Has Fallen

Tylenol vs. Transgenderism: Schools Need Parents’ Permission for One, but Not for Other? 

First Australia, Now Germany: Trans Men Join Women’s Soccer

Metalworker Fired for Opposing Company’s Homosexual Pride Symbol

Men who claim to be ‘transgender’ have won nearly 300 titles in female sports            4/10


Feast of the Annunciation and Faith

No Ordinary Woman

Saint Perpetuus, Bishop of Tours

St. Julie Billiart

Saint John Baptist de La Salle’s Story

Saint Hegesippus, Father of the Church

How Karol Wojtyla saved Divine Mercy

Cardinal Burke: Francis Has Achieved Exactly the Opposite

Bishop Strickland urges us to ‘walk our own road to Emmaus and encounter the Lord’

Alleged Eucharistic Miracle in India

$1 Million Dollar Challenge to Replicate the Shroud of Turin

Three Heresies in “Dignitas Infinita.”

Francis in the Dock by Archbishop Carlo María Viganò. By Fr. Gordon J. MacRae

Sources indicate Pope may have restored the Papal title, Patriarch of the West

Live updates: 'Dignitas infinita' emphasizes 'ontological dignity'

French Priest Targeted by Government for ‘Homophobia’

Bishop’s former secretary claims ‘hush money’ payments made to alleged victims

Frank Pavone: Praying for America | The Democrats are Cowards

Bring ‘Em Back! Part 8

Seeing God in the Eclipse

EXCLUSIVE: Catholic investigative reporter explains why he’s exposing Freemasonry, Bohemian Grove

Why I Quit a Christian Organization Over DEI

Damning indictment of Francis by Benedict's biographer. Francis the Fork Tongued

The Mystery of Psalm 83 and the End Times | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

Have You Heard About The 2 Gigantic Crosses That Stand At The Intersections Of The Eclipses?

The 7 Year Wait Is Over: 99 Percent Of Americans Will Be Able To See Either A Partial Or A Total Solar Eclipse On April 8th

The Spirit Of Antichrist In America— Eliminating God From Our Calendar

Christian expert on near-death experiences reveals 1 thing they all have in common

UN Demeans Moms as “Unpaid Care Workers” in War on Family

Oster: “I would like to thank you all very much for your uncompromising commitment to protecting human life.”

This Baby Girl Survived Multiple Abortion Attempts, Now She Has a Wonderful Adoptive Family

Actress Dakota Fanning: Having children is ‘more important to me than anything’

Premature Baby Girl Born at 23 Weeks Celebrates Her 1st Birthday 

Trump is Right: Biden is the Abortion Extremist Because He Supports Abortions Up to Birth

Despite a trisomy diagnosis and multiple miscarriages, they didn’t give up hope

Innsbruck Bishop Glettler stabs the pro-life activists in the back

State Voters to Decide if ‘Back Alley Abortion Butchers’ Will Be Unregulated

Supreme Court’s Abortion Ruling Shifts Singles’ Attitudes Toward Sex, Dating

The fertility industry’s lax regulation is just the tip of the iceberg

Madonna and the Devil: Are Many of Entertainment’s Biggest Stars Satanists?

Evil Walks Among Us - From The Killing Of Unborn Babies To Allowing A Full Invasion Of The U.S., There Are Issues That Are Not Just Politics, But Rather Good Versus Evil

Why is a physically healthy 28-year-old woman scheduled to die?

Medical students directed to kneel, pray for Mama Earth 

The CBC is failing by every metric. It’s promotion of ‘non-binary’ insanity shows why

Polticised gender theology attacks Catholic doctrine

North Face Sponsors LGBTQ Camp Where 12-Year-Olds Perform in Drag Shows.      4/9


Saint Celestine I, Pope

The Fire of Vincent Ferrer

St. Vincent Ferrer

Saint Crescentia Hoess’ Story

Isidore’s Internet and Industriousness


Karol Wojtyla's T-shirt and a miracle

Oldest man in the world dead at 114; prayed the rosary twice daily

Who will support you with your last breath

Expiation of Your Era’s Sins

Bishop Strickland to offer Mass live on LifeSite to counter expected satanic activity during solar eclipse

Francis Literally Digs His Own Grave: "Does the Church Still Believe in Anything?"

Jesus Reveals Tribulation Shelters: Exclusive Visions from Deacon John Martínez

Abuse of Canon Law by Pope Francis, not least to protect his friends

The Catholic Church is growing to 1.39 billion people worldwide

Contemplative prayer can help us put our faith into action



Nazi links to the origins of liturgical reform

Embarrassing: Francis' Account of the Conclave Full of Inaccuracies

Christianity, Islam and Atheism

Cardinal Ouellet found liable for religious dismissal

Europe’s liberal governing classes would have endless mass-migration and the ‘self destruction’ of traditional Europe: Catholic teaching shows us how to avoid both

Why are so many Children Dying Suddenly all across Europe?

New Figures: More Faithful, Fewer Vocations

Former staffer reveals Trump approved first-ever Catholic Mass on White House grounds

Vatican Approves Pro-Homosexual Priest as Theology Dean at Italian College

Wisconsin bishop charges Viganó with illicit ordination, defamation

Head of German laity speaks out without reference to God, Father, Son or Holy Spirit. Grace and prayer also absent!

Plan to slaughter red heifer in Jerusalem linked to rebuilding the Temple, could herald the Antichrist

The Agenda To Eradicate Biblical Christianity From American Culture

Christian Hospitals Should Not be Forced to Kill People in Abortion and Euthanasia

Southern Baptist Convention Lost Over 1,200 Churches in 2022

Nicaragua, the land where beauty queens are persecuted and spies film homilies of priests

Premature Baby Born the Size of a Soda Can Beats the Odds, Celebrates First Birthday

89-Year-Old Concentration Camp Survivor Faces 11 Years in Jail . . . For Praying at an Abortion Clinic

Former Agent: FBI Taught Agents Pro-Lifers Are More Dangerous Than Islamic Terrorists

Kristan Hawkins Details The Hate Students For Life Faces From Abortion Activists

Nurse Who Forced His Pregnant Girlfriend to Take Abortion Drug Loses His License

Nurse traumatized by gasping abortion survivor was met with callousness: ‘You didn’t see that’

Joe Biden’s FBI is Totally Botching Investigation of Arson Against Pro-Life Pregnancy Center

Calls for Euthanasia Rights are Growing  

Netherlands Euthanizes More Mentally Ill Patients, Deaths Jump 20% 

Italy’s radical Islam problem highlighted in undercover documentary

‘We’re not puppets of the West’: Ghana MP defends law banning sodomy, LGBTQ promotion

In-Depth Analysis of The 'De-Transition' Movement

New Study: Kids Grow Out of Gender Confusion. Lawsuits Ahead?

California Bill Mandating "Pregnancy Dignity" For "Birthing Persons" Passes Health Committee

North Face Among Sponsors of LGBTQ Camp Where Children Perform in Drag

“Trans Woman” Pleads Guilty to Threats on Social Media; Vowed Rapes, School Shootings, Black Church Bombings

UK Lawyers Argue Employing Christians May Lead LGBT People To Suicide, Calls John 3:16 ‘Triggering’

'From the depths of hell': Inside the profound evil of transgender ideology

Bob Iger Lies About Far-Left Disney Not Advancing Political Agendas

Sex-ed in schools is always a Trojan horse for LGBT indoctrination

Book exposes CIA’s promotion of gender ideology  

CHOPPED: University of Texas SLASHES 60 DEI Jobs                            4/6


Saint Isidore, Doctor of the Church

Saint Benedict the African’s Story

St. Richard of Wyche

Benedict of Palermo, Lay Brother


Easter Mass: Icon Falls at Francis' Feet - Sign from Heaven?


Sacramento Diocese files for bankruptcy due to church sex abuse while claiming to be 'sickened' by it

Michigan FrancisPastor Fr. Tom Held Apologizes After Permitting Freak Who Writes Gay Children's Books To Read To Them in School

Diversionary Manoeuvre Over: Vatican Gives Green Light for Homosex-Propagandist

The Bible Has Always Been Pro-Life and That’s Never Changed

 What Happened The Last Time Two Eclipses Formed A Giant "X" Over The New Madrid Fault Zone?

38 Chaplains Ask the Supreme Court to Stop the Military From Punishing Their Faith

Cardinal Gregory says pro-abortion, pro-LGBT Joe Biden is ‘very sincere about his faith’

Michael Voris Starts a New Website

The Latest In Utah Ritual Abuse Case Against David Hamblin

The American left and the Ten Commandments

'They Will Slit Your Throat': Christian Migrants Sound the Alarm of the Islamic Threat Infiltrating Europe

Democrats Descend on FL After State Supreme Court Abortion Rulings

Abortion victim photography can help convince ‘moderates’ to become pro-life

4 More Christians Found Guilty Over Prayer Gathering At Nashville Abortion Clinic

Being pro-life a potential stepping stone to terrorism, says UK government

Delaware passes bill to use dead humans as compost

Canada now allows people to request medical suicide for AUTISM

Healthy 28-year-old Dutch woman gleeful over plans to undergo euthanasia for depression

Unveiling Italy's Islamic Imported Nightmare: The Horror of Subjugated Women and Sharia

Woman Reads From Degenerate Book Available in Schools That Depicts Graphic Sexual Acts, Including a Sexual Fantasy of Jesus

15 Year Study: Vast Majority Of Children Grow Out Of Gender Confusion

Tranny “Strongwoman” Competitor Banned for Harassment Is Now Dominating Women’s Powerlifting

Movie would share 'gut-wrenching story' of man who tried to become trans woman

WI Gov. Vetoes Bill to Protect Girls’ Sports from Trans Athletes

…Levine Dismisses Public Anger over Provocation About Tranny Day               4/4


Saint Hugh, Bishop of Grenoble

Saint of the Day Quote: Saint Hugh of Grenoble

New Scientific Evidence Debunks Claim that Turin Shroud is a European Forgery

Saint Stephen of Mar Saba’s Story

Saint Nicholas of Flue, Hermit

Resurrexit, sicut dixit, Alleluia!

Saints Jonas and Barachisius, and their Companions, Martyrs

Man Marries Conjoined Twin and Well, There’s Some Confusion

The message of Fatima in light of the assent we owe to private revelations

‘You Can’t Unsee It!’: Mind-Blowing Double and Triple Meaning in 1 Resurrection Verse

EASTER 2024Love the Lord as St. Mary Magdalene

Father Roger Landry Prepares for ‘Crazy’ 1,500-Mile USCCB Eucharistic Revival Pilgrimage?

Cardinal Müller: Oligarchs Want to Use Papacy for Their 'New World Order'

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Issues Statement Criticizing Joe Biden’s Scandalous Proclamation of March 31 as ‘Transgender Visibility Day’


Abp. Vigano urges Catholics, bishops to declare Biden's excommunication. Joins Cardinal Muller in faithful Catholic sheparding

Former Cold-Case Homicide Detective: Christ’s Victory Over Death Is Indisputable

Wilton Cardinal Gregory Says Biden is a ‘Cafeteria Catholic’ (just like him) – “He Picks and Chooses Dimensions of the Faith to Highlight While Ignoring or Even Contradicting Other Parts”

Nazareth’s Disappearing Christian Population – Crime and Growing Islamic Presence Push Christians out of Jesus’ Hometown

‘A tidal wave of truths’: Thomas Merton on the power of the Mass reliving the crucifixion

Is Praying A Crime In America Now?

Devotional: When God Shows Up

Trailer Full of Bibles Set on Fire Outside Conservative Pastor Greg Locke’s Tennessee Church on Easter Sunday

White House Responds to Christian and GOP Backlash Over ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’ Proclamation — Does Not Apologize

Some Professional "Disrupters" Storm New York's Easter Night


Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger Says CERN, Which Is About to Spin Up Again, Has ‘Beings’ Coming Out of It   

ISIS-Linked Egyptian Arrested over Terror Plot on Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris

The War on Easter

Bishop Seitz Calls Border Controls ‘Transparently Political’ and ‘Racist’

Mom Changes Her Mind in the Middle of Abortion and Saves Little Baby Michael

American Idol contestant performs original song she wrote while pregnant at 16

Pro-Life Group Holds Its Own Event After UN Kicks It out of World Forum

Woman Graphically Describes Holding Her Chemically Aborted Baby on Bloody Bathroom Floor 

It’s not just Paris Hilton. Women are skipping sex and using IVF to get pregnant.

63% of All Abortions in 2023 Were Carried Out Using Pills

Biden’s Big Bet on Military Abortions Falls Flat

Nearly 90% of babies diagnosed with Down syndrome in UK in 2021 were aborted

Record 59% of American voters believe abortion should be legal in all or most cases: poll

London features 'Happy Ramadan' lights throughout city over Easter weekend

Survey shows growing number of people are leaving organized religions over LGBT disputes

SATANIC CULT: Kamala Harris Posts Longer Message For ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’ Than Easter – Doesn’t Mention Christians or Jesus Christ

YMCA Doubles Down on Insane Tranny Bathroom Policy, Tells Staff That a “Frightened Teenager” Doesn’t Matter

“A Profound Insult” – Pastor Depicted in Film “Jesus Revolution” Calls Out Joe Biden’s Blasphemous Declaration of ‘Transgender Visibility Day’ on Easter Sunday

Democrats Claim Men “Don’t Compete in Women’s Sports” as Stolen Athletic Titles Near 300

Tranny Middle School Student Sues School District for Not Being Allowed in Girls’ Bathroom  

The Cruel and Stupid Lies of the Media’s Tranny Victimhood Narrative

Church Merges Drag Show With Easter Service for “Sacred Act of Protest”

Dementia Joe’s Push for Billions in Spending on Gender, Race Ideology Under Fire              4/1


Saint Gontran, King of Burgundy

Saint Catharine of Bologna’s Story

Holy Thursday, Justin Martyr and History

St. Venturino of Bergamo

Saint John Capistran, Confessor

Like a Middle Child, Holy Thursday Gets a Bad Rap

‘Everything is yours!’: Ecuador renews its consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Make your heart — and your home — his Altar of Repose

Loss of traditional-rite Triduum in Westminster as Cardinal Nichols says ‘No’  

Calling the Shroud of Turin a "Medieval European Forgery" Is a Forgery

Fatima’s Third Secret – “Does it involve “Chastisements”? —“Yes, several.” Fr. Malachi Martin

Christ Calls for the Conversion of—Not Collaboration With—the Marxist and Masonic Enemies of His Church 

One of the Last Supper ‘greats’ arrives at National Gallery in time for Easter  

A “Catholic both/and” Triduum: Holy Thursday

If you stood before Jesus today...

Adult baptisms ‘boom’ in France and Belgium

France: Priest Reported to Prosecutor For Proclaiming Catechism

Slavery to Sin Becomes Broken Bonds in Tradition

‘Servant of Freemasonry’: Viganò rebukes bishop who approved pagan ritual before Mass at cathedral

Answering the Call to Holiness

Priest’s feelings on those who’ve not confessed for years

On Amsterdam’s ‘silent walk’

African priest: ‘Pope Francis is a new Judas’ for betraying Christ’s teachings

Cardinal Grech’s Controversial Comments Add to Growing List of Concerns on Post-Synodal Study Groups

Russian Church Sets Out Orthodox Rejection Of Same-Sex “Blessings”

Catholic group says UK’s Covid-19 Inquiry must consider detrimental impact of forcibly closing churches  

Christian Nationalists: In the Crosshairs

Is Easter being replaced with the 'Transgender Day of Visibility'?

Under the guise of biodiversity, they want to genetically manipulate all living things

Tennessee wants to incorporate video about embryonic development into the curriculum

Brittany Martinez Discusses The War On Women Through Birth Control

Woman’s Husband Poisoned Her Seven Times With Abortion Pills to Murder Their Baby, but He Failed

Hearing alleges incriminating admissions regarding Planned Parenthood’s potentially illegal practices

FDA’s Attorney Admits It Doesn’t Care if Women are Injured by Abortion 

Biden Is Now Jailing Prolifers for Praying   8  min.

Pro-Life Group Holds Its Own Event After UN Kicks It Out of World Forum

As Abortion Pill Cases Hit The Supreme Court, US Sees Highest Number Of Abortions In Over A Decade

Pro-abortion media suggests abortion pill clients mainly visit ER to ‘ask questions’

NJ Democrat Councilwoman Posts Meme Calling Easter Eggs ‘Aborted Chicken Babies That are Painted in Drag’

Woman says IVF is a ‘cash cow’ that pro-lifers shouldn’t defend

The ugly scientific truth behind IVF

Calgary judge rules against father opposing euthanasia of autistic non-terminally ill daughter

Anyone who allows small, unborn children to be killed will also have the elderly killed

Father living with sorrow over not being able to see or help gender-confused son

Girls Soccer Team Featuring Five Trannies Dominates Tournament, Enrage Concerned Parents              3/28


Saint John Damascene, Doctor of the Church

New evidence indicates Turin Shroud not a European forgery 

St. Rupert

Lent With Saint Thomas More

Saint Gregory of Narek’s Story

Saint John of Egypt, Solitary

Saint of the Day Quote: Saint Matthew of Beauvais

“Christ Is King!”

The Resurrection of Jesus Is the Most Important Event in History

Good News in the USA: Thousands come to Eucharistic Adoration

Spy Wednesday: “They did not recognize the Fount of Light”

Like a Middle Child, Holy Thursday Gets a Bad Rap

How to do the Seven Churches Visitation (and what is it, anyway?)

This Holy Week occurs amid an intensifying battle between the cultures of Life and Death

What Demons say about the Rosary

Nationalistic Saints

Devotional: Share Some Wisdom

Amazement in France: The number of young people seeking baptism is increasing massively

WATCH: The Homily That Should Be Viewed By Every Bishop Worldwide


EXCLUSIVE: Cardinal Müller calls Pope Francis’ homosexual ‘blessings’ an attack on marriage

Bishop Chaput Resists Francis Ahead of New Document

Belgian church with lay-led liturgies loses parish status

Following Jesus’ Footsteps: ‘Via Crucis’ Comes Alive on New Jersey Streets

‘Christ is King’ goes viral on X following Candace Owens’ departure from Daily Wire

Woman belts out Sinatra song before tabernacle at a Catholic church in ongoing sacrilege

Women’s health meets Theology of the Body at Illinois parish event for teens

The Devil’s Plan for Godlessness: Communist China

Scientists Close To Controlling All Genetic Material On Earth

Withdrawn English episcopal nomination triggered multiple investigations

Archbishop "Knew Nothing": Transvestite Blasphemes Against God in Cathedral

Assessing ‘Fiducia Supplicans’: The First 100 Days

YORE ON CD. DOLAN’S TRANNY MASS: “BOW DOWN TO THE BERGOGLIO SYNODAL CHURCH OF INCLUSION WHERE LITURGY IS RECAST AS A TRASHY DRAG SHOW.”Yore: “It may come as a shock to the hierarchy, but Catholic laity prefer St. Paul to RuPaul. Can the same be said about the Bishops? ... The transgender movement is targeting the Catholic Church. With the Vatican’s permission slip embedded in Fiducia Supplicans, the political transgender operatives seized this golden opportunity.”

Doctor of the Church St. Francis de Sales confirmed what must be done by the Church in such a situation: Damian Thompson on Francis's "Explicit" Heresy: "Francis Explicitly Supports Civil Unions... Church Teaching Condemns them"

The World Is Only Going To Get Rougher, But Greater Things Are Still Ahead For Believers

Trump rolls out 'God Bless the USA' Bible during Holy Week, warns Christians 'under siege'

Congressman Louie Gohmert on America’s Judeo-Christian History

New book explores the devil’s influence on Communist China

Modern Catholic Recovery Conference


Idaho Governor Signs Law to Stop Government From Discriminating Against Christians Who Adopt Children 

‘A little glimpse of hope’: The powerful stories of three Trisomy families

Smithsonian To Pay Catholic Students $50K And Publicly Apologize For Ejecting Them For Wearing Pro-Life Hats

Arizona Pregnancy Center Opens New Home to Provide Housing for Pregnant Women

Dallas maternity home saving lives by building ‘face-to-face’ relationships with expectant moms

The Supreme Court Building Says “Equal Justice Under Law.” That’s What Unborn Babies Deserve

What Our Baby Bust Says About Modern America

Democratic Connecticut lawmakers say expanding abortion harms minorities

Does the FDA Believe Abortion Convenience Eclipses Abortion Safety?

Four shocking admissions from the US Supreme Court abortion pill case oral arguments

Supreme Court Hears How Women Suffered From Abortion Pill After FDA Abandoned Them

Republicans Can Win Over Unmarried Women by Exposing Democrat Abortion Extremism

2,400 Babies are Killed in Abortions Every Day. We Must End Abortion

Globalist elites are not hiding their destructive population control agenda

The Abortion Drug Mifepristone is Harming Women, Here’s Proof

Mifepristone: Abortion Pill Said to Be Safer Than Tylenol, but the Risks Are Beyond Bleeding

Judge Rules 27-Year-Old Woman With Autism Can be Euthanized

BRITAIN CONQUERED? Pakistani Flag Flown From Westminster Abbey . . . During Holy Week

There Are Now Tens of Millions of Muslim Migrants in Europe, and the EU Commissioner Wants More

Female athlete severely injured by ‘transgender’ male slams Democrat defending men in women’s sports

‘BRING IT ON’: School Board President Challenges Parents Concerned Over Gender Policy Changes

Mining Agency Purges Language on Gender, Marriage to Comply With Dementia Joe’s Pro-Degeneracy Order

Common Sense on Gender and Sex from a Mixed Martial Arts Fighter

Woke, pro-LGBT beliefs linked to anxiety and depression: new study

Here’s How Biden Agency Mandates Pro-LGBTQ Language on Marriage, Gender              3/27


Saint Ludger, First Bishop of Munster

St. Margaret Clitherow

Saint Clement Mary Hofbauer’s Story

5 Ways St. Thérèse de Lisieux teaches us how to blossom

Preaching Christ Crucified

This will restore your faith in humanity.

How Christ’s Passion is remembered around the world (Photos)

‘The Passion of Jesus’ returns to Trafalgar Square on Good Friday  

How the Vatican’s Way of the Cross got to the Colosseum

Pope John Paul II’s “Gospel of Life” is Still a Powerful Document Condemning Abortion


Bishop Strickland: God is using our separated Coptic brethren to correct us on homosexual ‘blessings’

Does Confession Have a Place in the Paschal Triduum?

Are Irreverent Masses Binding On Sundays?

Cardinal Grech sets out vision for ‘rainbow’ synodal Church

Vatican and German bishops meet for ‘positive’ talks on heterodox Synodal Way

Germanic Dioceses Rape Good Friday: Intercession for "Overcoming Religious Division"

Cardinal Pizzaballa’s Meteoric Rise to ‘Papabile’


The 'Jesus' Film is in 2,000 languages: Why we aren't stopping

Scary Irish envoy Frances Collins gushes over The Francis and all its shared globalist goals

Why a Louisiana excommunication is a canonical ‘hard case’

Teacher Prays Before School Begins, All Hell Breaks Loose

Nicaragua again bans Holy Week processions amid crackdown

Chinese Christian pastor released from prison after 7 years.

America’s Freedoms Are Slowly Slipping Away As Christians Are Sitting Silent

Secular author: ‘Parents have a duty’ to forbid daughters’ immodest dress

Roger Stone reveals he was kicked out of Catholic parish over opposition to COVID restrictions

Laramie Hirsch on the April 8 solar eclipse

Happy Transgender Day of Visibility from St. Agnes FrancisAcademy, Houston!

Lent and Taxes

Finding the path to spiritual healing for the adult children of divorce

Men Of Faith: Champion NCAA Wrestlers Proudly Wear ‘100% Jesus’ Headbands

GALLUP: Church Attendance Declines in Most Religious Groups

3 Very Unusual Things That Are Happening In The Heavens Right Now

Church of England Archdeacon Under Fire: “Let’s Have Anti-Whiteness”

40 Days for Life Campaign Saves 266 Babies From Abortions

Premature Baby Born 16 Weeks Early and Weighing as Much as a Loaf of Bread Celebrates His First Birthday

Florida's largest network of pro-life pregnancy centers is celebrating its 50th anniversary

Washington State Denies Foster Care License to Couple Because of Their Christian Views

EU to debate adding right to kill preborn children to Charter of Fundamental Rights

Women Tell Supreme Court Abortion Pills are Dangerous: “I Was Shocked to See I Was Covered in Blood”

Will The Democrat Abortion Narrative Work In 2024?

Study Shows Bump in Mail-Order Abortion Pills After Dobbs, Killing More Babies and Injuring More Women

UK government lists being ‘anti-abortion’ as a stepping stone to terrorism

Horror movie based on Satan made $666,666 at box office

Wyoming’s Republican governor signs law banning transgender drugs, surgeries for children

Russia adds ‘LGBT movement’ to list of terrorist organizations after Supreme Court ruling

Biden White House attacks Republicans for modest restrictions on LGBT ‘pride’ flags

CIA circulates DEI newsletter highlighting importance of being Transsexual.

XX-XY Athletics: Because Real Fairness Matters

Detransitioner — Doctors should never have approved my surgery.                      3/26


Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Incarnation of the Word of God

When we do celebrate the Annunciation this year?

St. Dismas

Saint Gabriel Archangel

God’s Daughter, Margaret Clitherow (Audio Podcast)

Saint Simon, Infant Martyr

Mother Cabrini and Deaconesses

Maryland Day & the traditional Mass

New Film ‘Jesus Thirsts’ Shows Transformative Power of the Eucharist

25 March 1991- Archbp. Marcel Lefebvre – Requiescat in pace

Priest: Traditionis custodes will disappear after Pope Francis, but the Latin Mass will remain forever

Cardinal Newman: Mental Sufferings of Our Lord in His Passion

Why did Jesus refuse traditional painkiller before ‘horrific’ crucifixion?

The Plenary Indulgences of Holy Week, Easter Octave and Divine Mercy Sunday for Everyone

Eight Lessons from Holy Week

Our Lady in Akita (Japan): “Those who trust in me will be saved” (Beware of the coming fire)

5 Suggestions From Mother Angelica for Holy Week

The chastisement of our peace was upon him

Oases in the desert. From the 'people's church' to the 'community church'

EXCLUSIVE: Cardinal Müller slams synodal ‘ideology’ trying to turn the Church into an ‘NGO’

French Musical ‘Bernadette of Lourdes’ to Take the American Stage

“Love one another”: a brief look at Carmelite nuns in France

Archbishop Viganò Excoriates Wisconsin Bishop Incorporating Shaman Ritual into Chrism Mass

Sin: Fighting Against Our True Nature

Bring ‘Em Back! Part 6

How St. Francis of Assisi led this former Muslim to Christ

Christian group brings Bible translation tools to 35 language groups in Indonesia, Southeast Asia

Kidnapped Nigerian Father Idahosa Amadasu: “I realised later I had been quite lucky. The driver of the car immediately after mine was shot dead…”

Baptist pastor shot dead by unknown hitmen in Myanmar

This Heroic Father ‘Laid Down His Life for His Son’

Trust in the Lord and Persevere

Church Needs Day of Reckoning

Ed Jozsa Died After Car Crash Here’s What He Saw: John-Henry Westen Show  75  min.

Pope prays for victims of Moscow terror attack in plea for peace

In affront to God, Pope Francis condemns “antivaxxers,” says NOT taking the covid vaccine is an act of suicide… refuses to condemn transhumanism mRNA vaccine tech


What To Do When Our Elected Leaders Betray Biblical Values

Activists Call for ‘White Churches’ to Step up and Pay Billions in Reparations: ‘Wash Our Feet’

Parents of quintuplets share news of a ‘sweet surprise’

Nurses Group Tells Supreme Court to Protect Women From Dangerous Abortion Drugs

Abortion Advocates No Longer Consider It “A Necessary Evil,” They Celebrate Killing Babies 

Son of college football coach indicted for deaths of pregnant girlfriend and preborn daughter

Democrat Legislator Slams Democrats for Targeting Black Babies in Abortions: Black Baby Lives Matter 

New Hampshire man first to be charged under fetal homicide law

Oregon assisted suicides rose sharply in 2023 after state nixed residency requirement

Trans Sports, where the women are women, and so are the men

Alarming New Report Shows 22% of Generation Z Americans Now Identify As LGBT             3/25


The Shroud shows what Jesus endured for our salvation

Saint Victorian and Companions, Martyrs

St. Toribio Alfonso de Mogrovejo

Saint Turribius, Archbishop of Lima

The Indefatigable Saint Turibius

Why St. Hildegard of Bingen Is a Doctor of the Church

Palm Sunday: Glory flows from the obedience of selfless love  

We Are Made in God’s Love

Filipino teenager is being considered for canonization

The Paulists on Life Support

Priest: Traditionis Custodes will Disappear after Pope Francis, but the Latin Mass will Remain Forever

Argentina: Bishops and Cardinals Commit Liturgical Abuse


A Novus-Ordo "Chrism Mass" Celebrates Demon

Throng of Thongs

Forgotten Garabandal prophecies: Heaven is preparing a 'Divine Reset' from God

The Ten Plagues of Egypt and the Secrets of Medjugorje

Lenten Post 7 – A Night in the Holy Sepulchre Part 1

What do European countries do for Palm Sunday if they have no palms?

Vatican finally reigns in German bishops over ‘schismatic’ synodal agenda

Believers are more willing to help and donate!

French bishops’ conference blueprint revised after Vatican scrutiny

Swiss Bishop Eleganti warns ‘Synodalism’ is undermining the true nature of the Church

A French Mayor Pays with His Own Money to Save Local Church

Christians in Burkina Faso avoid churches after terrorist attack

Harrison Butker critiques Cardinal Dolan while Bishop Schneider puts Pope Francis on notice

Eucharistic Congress cautioned speaker over ‘Catholic Prayer for Trump’ event

Two Catholic Scientists You Might Not Know


Head of Francis' Ex-Synod Calls “Women Deacons” a “Natural Deepening of God’s Will”

Prominent freemason and occultist predicted 50 years ago a one-world religion led by a 'Christ' to come 

Paris 2024: The Main Olympic Discipline Has Been Determined

Conquered Italy: Islamic Migrants Assert Power, Convert Catholic Places of Worship into Mosques

How a flawed FBI investigation led to the jailing and death of pro-lifer Mark Reno

PBS slams Catholic hospitals for refusing to intentionally kill preborn children

Premature Baby Who Weighed as Much as a Can of Coke Is Doing Great Now 

Lawmakers Work To Humanize The Victims Of Abortion In The Minds Of School Children

Peru lawmakers just took a crucial stand for preborn human beings

Colorado is Trying to Stop This Nurse From Saving Babies From Abortion, But She’s Fighting Back

Smithsonian to pay $50K after students kicked out of museum over pro-life hats

Separating fact from fiction in the Supreme Court’s upcoming abortion pill case

Planned Parenthood Faces New Allegations Of Selling Aborted Fetal Tissue To UCSD

Planned Parenthood Caught Selling Livers From Aborted Babies for $1,500 in New Undercover Videos

Planned Butcherhood Ripped the Legs off Babies in Abortions to Get Around Partial-Birth Abortion Ban

1 in 25 Women Who Take the Abortion Pill End Up in the Emergency Room

Irish Doctors Reject Parliamentary Committee’s Support for Assisted Suicide

Wyoming becomes 24th state to ban gender transition procedures for minors

‘Ecosexuality’ Becomes Latest Sexual Orientation That Means People Are ‘Turned on’ by Nature, Including Trees  

The shocking untold history of the man who designed the ‘transgender flag’

Trans-Scandal at Immaculate Conception Shrine in Atlanta?

Joe Hosts a Heretic

Students Are Rejecting Tranny Ideology Even as Governments Push It                 3/23


Saint Benedict, Father of Western Monasticism

St. Enda

Saint Nicholas Owen’s Story

Saint Catherine of Sweden, Queen

St. Lea

Blessed John of Parma’s Story

The Red Guard of Tradition

Alleged Garabandal prophecies: Heaven is preparing a ‘Divine Reset’ from God

“The only solution is confident prayer”

The new ‘Mass of the Ages’ film is an emotionally charged must-watch for Catholics

Sacred Tradition Is Purifying and Humbling

Bigger Fish to Fry  

African Cardinal: Blessings for Same-Sex Couples ‘Western Imperialism’

German bishops to discuss Synodal Way with Vatican amid controversy

Notre Dame historian reveals institutional flaws and failures within Jesuit order behind current scandals

"I've gotten used to being hated," says defender of LGBT Catholics James Martin  

Pope Francis denounces ‘anti-vaxxers,’ calls COVID jab refusal an ‘almost suicidal act of denial’

Crossroads, A Journey from Communist China to Christ- Part III

Synodalism and Board Catholicism

Christianity's unchanging standards

El Paso bishop on Texas migrant shelter and federal failures: ‘Rhetoric always ramps up’ during election season  

‘This College Belongs to the Catholic Church’: Alumni, Students Fight for Authenticity

U.S. Catholic school report highlights steady enrollment, school choice

Satanic Temple Sues School Board Over Discriminatory Rental Fees for Satan Club

Slippery new Hong Kong FrancisChurch claims new 'treason reporting' laws won't impact seal of Confession

Haiti being reduced to ‘rubble and ashes’ as UNICEF chief compares country to ‘Mad Max’ 

Belgian bishop laicized 14 years after admitting abuse

We MUST defeat the lies of the anti-life globalist elite

Rotten: A German Bishop Says Abortion Is Workable "Compromise" (sic)

The Brew: Cartels Use Kids as Pawns While Biden Naps and Bishops Cash the Checks

Can prayer and fasting actually make any difference when it comes to abortion?  

Premature Baby Who Weighed as Much as a Can of Coke is Doing Great Now 

‘God will not hold us guiltless’: why we need to rescue the unborn

Congressional Hearing Confirms Abortion Industry Selling Aborted Baby Parts on Massive Scale

Women Share Horror Stories After Taking Abortion Pills: “I Was Passing Clots the Size of Baseballs” 

CDL: “The traffic light government’s policy is going dramatically in the wrong direction”

Democrats Put $1.8 Million in Congressional Budget for Late-Term Abortion Biz That Kills Viable Babies

Javier Milei is using his bully pulpit to fight LGBT ideology and abortion in Argentina

Researchers say US maternal mortality rate has been grossly overestimated

Global pro-life leaders gather near UN women’s commission for two-day strategy session

Democrat Resolution ‘Declares Vision for Future Liberated from All Abortion Restrictions’

UK gov gives money to International Planned Parenthood to kill preborn babies in Ukraine

Clothing manufacturer Levi Strauss's foundation supports pro-abortion organizations

Videos Show Planned Parenthood Circumventing Abortion Law by Dismembering Babies, Pro-Life Journalist Alleges

Dying by assisted suicide is no ‘fairy tale’… and it can take hours or even days to die

Europe Under Siege: Marion Maréchal's Battle Cry Against Islamization (Video)

Impregnating Infidels: Another Form of Jihad

Muslims Make up Nearly Fifth of All Prisoners in Britain, Govt Figures Show

Afghani Muslims Arrested in Germany for Planned Attack on Swedish Parliament: A Bid to Force Submission to Sharia

Gender ban in Bavaria - "Left-Catholic" associations attack Söder and 'Free Voters'

EXCLUSIVE: DC Library Sought to Hire Ex-Felon for Drag Queen Story Hour

PBS Panics Over Dip in LGBTQ Support as ‘Queers’ ‘Assert Their Rights’

Planet Fitness Stock Drops After Making Women Share Restrooms With Men                3/22


Saint Brother Andrew, Lay Brother, Miracle-Worker

Bl. John of Parma

Saint Salvator of Horta’s Story

Saint Wulfran, Archbishop of Sens

How Rome celebrates St. Joseph

St. Joseph, Terror of Demons and Patron of the Universal Church, pray for us!

Sacred Tradition Is Purifying and Humbling

Mgr. Schneider: Francis Abuses His Power

Medjugorje: This Is A *WARNING* We Need to Stop Ignoring | God Will Expose Dangerous People in our life

Mirjana's annual message

Knights of St. John Paul II are reclaiming towns for Christ and Our Lady

Whatever Happened to Lent?

The Paulists, on life support

Three Reasons God Made a Covenant He Knew the Israelites Would Break

Autobiography: Francis at Least Believes in the Dogma of the Covid Injections

The Bishop of Dresden has no problem with the German “abortion law”

German Bishops Wade into Party Politics

Texas priest who slandered Pope Francis removed by San Antonio archbishop

Catholic Relief Services Programs Present 5 Expressions of Grave Evildoing

Conservative Star Marion Maréchal Fights Against Islamization: 'I Don’t Want Ramadan to Become a French Holiday, Like Christmas or Easter'

Lawsuit Claims Indiana High School Track Coach Banned Athletes Gathering to Pray Before Meets

Christian vet who beheaded Satanic statue seeks dismissal of “hate crime” charge against fake religion

US bishops call for nationwide prayer to St. Joseph for end to abortion ahead of Supreme Court case while they support those who promote Abortion up to Birth

Francis's beloved Gay New Ways Ministry calls St. Joseph, "Patron of Queer Unions"

‘Sensual’ Christ poster causes Holy Week rift in Seville

Head of German Franciscans defends homosexuality and transgenderism, attacks Catholic teaching

Pope Francis denounces ‘anti-vaxxers,’ calls COVID jab refusal an ‘almost suicidal act of denial’ I Hope He Is Ignorant

Muslim prayer in Cologne Cathedral? “A room dedicated to the Triune God”

Underemployed? An Archbishop Meets with Grand Lodge of His Country

US priest: “I just spoke to a Jehovah’s Witness”

‘UN-AMERICAN’: SPLC Uses ‘Terrorist Tactics’ to Silence Dissent, Religious Freedom Lawyer Says

Kellyanne Conway Slammed for Telling Republicans to Tone Down Pro-Life Messaging

Unsurprisingly, Most Americans Would Rather Have a Better Economy and Secure Borders Than More Baby Murders

Spain’s annual March for Life emphasizes the value and dignity of every human life

Abortions Hit Highest Levels in a Decade Due to Growing Access to Dangerous Abortion Pill

NFL kicker Harrison Butker slams abortion as a ‘great atrocity that is happening in this country’

Pro-abortion critic shocked to find pro-life message in ‘Dune: Part Two’

Donald Trump says his goal is cross-party abortion compromise that includes ‘exceptions’

What a new study on teen pregnancy says about abortion should raise eyebrows

Popping Abortion Pills Is Way More Dangerous Than Big Pharma Wants Women To Know

The birth rate in Germany collapses massively to 1.3 children

Congressional Hearing Exposes How Abortion Industry Sells Aborted Baby Parts

EXCLUSIVE: Conservative Organizations Issue Recommendations on Regulating IVF

Barbarians: Michelangelo's Work Expresses 'White Supremacy' (sic)

Ramadan Jihad: Horrific Murder of Two Hindu Children Shocks India: Accused Reportedly Slit Throats and Drank Their Blood

Bavaria prohibits gender spelling in official correspondence, including at schools and universities

DEI or DIE?: Medical Schools Are Infected With Wokeism, Putting Patients at Risk

The Agenda Of Those Working To Destroy America Is Playing Out In Our Public School Systems Daily: They're Destroying Their Minds, Souls And Future As Their Targeted Genocide Against Children Accelerates  

Conservative laws against gender ideology don’t lead to more LGBT ‘hate crimes’

Drag queen hosted by Kamala Harris accused of sexually assaulting five people

82-Year-Old Woman Threatens Lawsuit After Incident With Tranny at YMCA Pool              3/20


Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin

What Is the Best Antidote to Darkness?

Ite Ad Ioseph!

Go To Joseph 

HE simply 'did' what the angel of the Lord told him!

8 Ways to honor St. Joseph on his feast day

St. Joseph, Our Lady of Good Success & the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

‘For Love of My People, I Will Not Stay Silent’: Italian priest whose ‘martyrdom’ inspired locals to speak out against organised crime  

Talking to the Copts: With dialogue off, who are Coptic Christians anyway?

Ambongo: Fiducia supplicans Is Outside of the Spirit of Synodality

Return To Tradition: "Vatican Admits That Deaconesses Are Happening" & Cardinal Müller: No pope or council could permit female deacons, ‘it would be invalid’

More Absurdities: Ex-Synod Will Invent "Non-Sacramental" Deaconesses Just Like the "Non-Liturgical" …

Bishop Schneider likens Pope Francis’ support of homosexual ‘blessings’ to emperor without clothes

Don’t Be Afraid of the Natural Sciences

The Victory of Death

Pope Francis, Cardinal Fernández betrayed Christ by endorsing homosexual ‘blessings’: Austrian priest

Pro-Gay Pope Creates New Christian Schism From Church That Stood Up to ISIS

Archbishop Paglia fails to condemn euthanasia in latest confusing remarks on subject

Holy Gustavo of San Antonio is your real estate agent of choice, especially when razzing pre-Vatican II church properties.

Religious Freedom, Part 2: Lawyer Sounds Alarm About ‘Rise of Global Censorship’

Alice Guy: The Catholic Pioneer Filmmaker You’ve Never Heard Of

The Christian Canary Dying in the Coal Mine That Is India

OnlyFans Model Renounces Career, Begins Promoting Jesus Christ Instead

Vatican Gerontocrats Endorse Euthanasia, Artificial Insemination

Michigan priest who stole from priests gets prison term

Christian Nationalism Is Not What the Left Says It Is

She Survived a 5-Day-Long Late-Term Abortion That Was Supposed to Kill Her

Jailed protester in Cuba claims authorities have tried to pressure her to abort her baby

The Slaughter of 300,000 Disabled People Paved the Way for the Holocaust

Surrogate mom claims intended parents abandoned their baby during pregnancy

The Blood-Thirsty Democrats

British MP: Why Do They Kill Babies in Late-Term Abortions Who Can Survive Outside the Womb?

You won’t be shocked by the results of California’s college campus abortion pill distribution

Woman Sentenced to Life in Prison After Going on Vacation, Leaving Her Toddler at Home to Die

Man Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison for Burning Church to the Ground

April Fool’s? Calling a male person a “man” ILLEGAL in Scotland starting April 1

EVIL EXPOSED: New documentary reveals the DARK SIDE of children’s shows on Nickelodeon

Bartender charged with hate crime for confronting male-to-female transgender who used women’s bathroom

Bearded Spanish Army corporal “equipped with male organs” legally changes gender identity to unlock better military pay package, private rooms

Transgender mania shares roots with a 90s castration cult imposing surgical alterations for “next level” ascension

Gallup poll: The number of American adults identifying as LGBTQ+ has more than doubled in the last 12 years

Woke Wars: Trans Leaders Trying to Erase Gay Identity

High School Male Pushes Females out of High Jump Honors                                    3/19


St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop and Doctor

Saint Cyril of Jerusalem: The Vital Importance of Catechetics

Saint Patrick, Bishop, Apostle of Ireland


Saint of the Day Quote: Saint Frediano

Pope Saint John Paul II’s Last Lent

7 Places where you can see St. Joseph at work (Photos)

St. Joseph cradles baby Jesus in this extraordinary image

Attorney who lived in iron lung from age six due to polio dies at 78: ‘God taught me to believe’

Toward a Holy Passiontide: Take care to avoid “spirits of error and doctrines of devils”

Bishop Strickland: Freemasonry is 'antithetical' to Christ and His Church

'The Holy Spirit is doing something' - How Awake aims to support survivors

Schneider: Tucho’s Promotion Shows Extend of Church Crisis

US Archbishop: Cardinal Fernández's thinking is 'just wrong' in key respects

Tucho Fernández Has a Problem


Archbishop removes faculties, seeks to seize property of priest for publishing alleged 'heavenly messages'

How Can You Identify a Bad Bishop? In San Antonio, it's Easy!

Carnival: Parish Priest Turns Novus-Ordo Eucharist into a Bad Joke

Bishop Strickland: Catholics should not attend concerts whose proceeds help fund abortions

Korea: Show Business Makes Its Way into the Novus Ordo Liturgy (Video)

Pastor on leave after positive cocaine test

Judge Napolitano required to eat dinner with Francis's back to him, introduces himself later and gets a stare, finds him 'not long for this world'

Religious Freedom Part 1: Americans Fight to Get Off ‘Medical Death Row’ Over Vaccination Status

'Not anti-semitic, Okay?' - USCCB Now Requires “Political Correct” Passion Disclaimer

Eastern Europe puts Bibles into schools – with encouraging results

The “Blood Moon Purim Eclipse” Of March 25th Will Happen At About The Same Time “The Devil Comet” Becomes Visible To The Naked Eye

Who Are “The Poor” Anyway?

A Catholic School Named for St. Patrick That’s Totally Free and Totally Faithful

Christian author challenges commercialized image of St. Patrick with prayer devotional

There Is A Problem In The Church Today: Slumbering, Self-Serving, Christian Leaders

McDonald’s Restaurant Goes Viral for Incredible Jesus-Themed Easter Display

Christian actress ordered to pay $350K after being fired over social media post

Canadian father fights to stop his autistic daughter’s assisted suicide

Following the Unfaithful

Pop star, former Disney headliner, uses concerts to promote abortion

Campaign Life Coalition slams Trudeau’s pharmacare bill providing ‘universal access to contraceptives’

7 withering responses to Kamala Harris' abortion clinic tour

Glass Houses: Abortion org gripes about pro-life groups’ funding… while receiving much more

Belgium euthanasia deaths reach record high in 2024

Euthanasia rates increase in Quebec, where the rate is highest in the world

Planet Fitness Cancels Membership Of Woman Who Exposed Biological Male Using Women's Locker Room

Leaked Messages Show Pro-LGBT Doctors Knowingly Push Life Threatening Hormones on Children

Gender 'studies' exposed as something far more disturbing than actual studies

Is the Anti-Christ LGBTQ Revolution Irreversible?

YouTube Flooded with AI-Generated Videos Aimed at Children                     3/18


Sts. Abraham, Solitary, and Mary, his niece

St. Abban

Saint Clement Mary Hofbauer’s Story

Vatican approves beatification of beloved Maronite Patriarch

Role model not only for priests and bishops: The Servant of God Georg Michael Wittmann (1760 - 1833)

Burkina Faso gets its first “Servant of God”

Archbishop Viganò: ‘The Globalist Cabal Want to Establish the Kingdom of the Antichrist on Earth’

Invitation to the Novena to St. Joseph

The Special Time Our Lady of Medjugorje Spoke of the Miraculous Medal and Urged the Faithful to Pray for the Salvation of Souls Who Are Carrying the Miraculous Medal.

The National Eucharistic Revival could learn from Hulu's 'Fargo'

Car crash victim reveals a vision he had about the afterlife

Pilgrimage to the Martyrs

God is faithful!

In the World but Not of the World: A Guide for Pastoral Ministry- Part I

Jewish podcaster Eric Weinstein says ‘Vatican 2 may have been a big mistake’ in discussion about Latin Mass


Archbishop Chaput about Tucho: Not Superficial But Wrong

Poland: Family Bishop Śmigiel criticizes attempt to change mindset on abortion, euthanasia

Polish Catholics Get New Leader as Church Struggles to Reckon with Sexual Abuse

Archbishop Aguer: Javier Milei understands the dangers of feminism while Pope Francis promotes it

Cardinal Cordes Dead, Called Homosexual Blessings “Sacrilegious”

Lafayette Cathedral refurbishment: What’s wrong with this picture?

“It Was a Colossal Waste”: American Bible Society Shutters 3-Year-Old Museum That Cost $60 Million

Pope swaps leaders at abuse commission, months after reports on priest's financial dealings

Francis' Sodoma Supplicans Was a "Propaganda Gift" to the Orthodox

Belize awaits new bishop after puzzling resignation

Vatican Says Women Deacons on Docket for Next Synod

Meet the woman in charge of helping persecuted Christians across the world

Is 'Christian nationalism' a real threat or diabolical political tool conjured to silence believers?

Why Unbelievers Say Christians Are Too Political, and How to Answer (Part Two)

Hope for Catholic Ireland

8 Extraordinary pilgrimage sites in Ireland (Photo Gallery)

Lenten Post 6 – The Waiting Game

Father James Martin praises Jesuit academic who falsely claims the sin of Sodom was not sodomy

Diocese of Camden, N.J., establishes $87.5 million trust for abuse victims in bankruptcy resolution

Virginia bishop offers prayers and burial for late-term baby discovered in pond

‘I SURVIVED’: Late-Term Abortion Survivor Busts Left’s Abortion Myths  

Announcement by Polish Prime Minister Tusk: Any abortion refusal will go to the public prosecuto

Culture of death: US pharmacy chains sell abortion pills - Pfizer sponsors euthanasia group

California as the next Canada? Lawmakers want radical assisted suicide expansion

When Islamization Deniers Celebrate Islamization

Is there another Islamic agenda behind the national Muslim war memorial to the brave soldiers who died for us during two world wars?  

Support for LGBT discriminaton protections, gay marriage declines amid a 'growing divide'

Biden uses gender-confused teenager’s suicide to promote radical LGBT ideology

'Affirmation At All Costs': What Internal Files Reveal About Transgender Care

The Trans Train Derails

The Destruction of Men & Women                    3/16


Saint Zachary, Pope

Saint of the Day Quote: Pope Saint Zachary

St. Louise de Marillac

Saint Clement Mary Hofbauer, confessor

A ‘moment of heaven’: Forty Hours Adoration at the Brompton Oratory

Thousands receive blessing from Jesus, up close and personal

Invitation to the Novena to St. Joseph

Archbishop Viganò: ‘The globalist cabal want to establish the kingdom of the Antichrist on earth’

Francis Comments on Sedevacantism

Lent With Saint Thomas More

Bishop Strickland: God satisfies humanity’s deepest longing through the revelation of Jesus Christ

Christian Mysticism Keeps Us Sane

Francis Removes Tyrannical Bishop

Austrian priest and papal critic: ‘Let’s remain Catholic and hold on to the traditional faith’

Last Revelation to Father Olivera! about the 3 Days of Darkness

‘Doing something different’ — The future of rural ministry in Spain

Purple – The Color of Lent


Francis' Autobiography: Homosexuals Live the "Gift of Love"

Francis sends synod boss, gross Cardinal Grech, list of ten head-exploding blather points for the latest evil synod study groups, orders him to be the ‘guarantor’ that they “work according to an authentically synodal method"

Polish Bishops' Conference: Full right to life - marriage as a union between a woman and a man

Wonderful Diversity: OFM Provincial Proclaims His "Homosexuality"

Synod announces new study groups, ‘permanent forum’ on synodality

Only Jesus offers us a glorified body, not transhumanism and visions of a technological human future

There Is A Problem In The Church Today: Slumbering, Self-Serving, Christian Leaders

Masonic curses expose children and descendants to the demonic: exorcist’s assistant

Asylum seekers ‘melt away’ when asked to be involved in church before baptisms: priest

Preach the Gospel Always, Use Insults if Necessary

Two Common Mistakes Christians Make About Government

Christian Nationalism? What's that?

Tennessee House passes bill requiring fetal development video in schools

Pro-lifer charged with FACE Act violations in Tennessee: ‘The goal is just to be like Christ’

Joe Biden is Trying to Shut Down a Leading Pro-Life Organization

Abortion Survivor Horrors: Buckets of Formaldehyde and Suffocating Baby Squeaks

Evil Kamala Visits Minnesota Planned Parenthood Facility to 'Uplift True Leadership'

Ugly scenes at Manchester University embody how abortion in UK holds up a mirror to society

Planned Parenthood Killed 374,000 Babies in Abortions Last Year, Kamala Harris Wants More

Amy Schumer show ‘Life & Beth’ denigrates marriage, says abortion is ‘like taking a nap’

Joe Biden Wants to Use Your Tax Dollars to Kill More Babies in Abortions

CDC Exaggerated Maternal Death Rates, Study Finds

They fund public broadcasting on PBS. They also fund the abortion industry.

New documentary shines a light on the devastating impact of legal euthanasia in Canada

19 Years After They Starved My Sister to Death, We Must Never Forget Terri Schiavo 

Muslims Will Become Majority In Swedish Cities In Just 1 Generation, Boasts Pakistani-Born Theologian

Female Swimmers Suing NCAA Over Trannies Competing, Demand Monetary Compensation and Return of Trophies

NCAA Violated Title IX by Allowing Men to Compete in Women’s Athletics, Lawsuit Charges

Good news: The Hessian state government plans to continue to make the so-called gender language impossible

Wyoming bans LGBT indoctrination, ‘social transitioning’ in schools without parents’ consent

For Some Strange Reason, the Suicide Risk for MTF Trannies Doubles Whenever They Chop Their Penis Off

The Rise of Transgenderism

Unpacking the Gen Z LGBTQ Numbers             3/15


Saint Mathilda, Empress

St. Leobinus

Saint Maximilian’s Story

Two Saints, One Islam

Invitation to the Novena to St. Joseph

How was Bernadette’s life after the Lourdes apparitions?

Mr. Morrow’s Near-Death Experience of Hell

Amazing Video: Virgin Mary appears on all glass doors in the hall of Hospital in Russia

The dead are raised. Baptism, Confession and You

Overwhelmed by too many needs? Here’s an idea from St. Philip Neri

A Biblical path for Lent

Bible Discussions with a Protestant Friend

Surprise in France: Young Catholics are returning to classic fasting practices

Protestant pastor shares powerful testimony of faith after enduring seven years in Chinese prison

Cardinal Zuppi Stages Himself as Pope Francis II

Analysis: The ever-changing College of Cardinals

Poland: Archbishop Gądecki counts his letter to Bätzing as one of the most difficult topics of his term in office!

Ireland Wisely Rejects Efforts to Separate Family from Marriage

Hilaire Belloc and the Catholic Cultural Revival

Crossroads , A Journey from Communist China to Christ-Part II

Fred Rogers' spiritual journey to the Catholic Church

Priest receives donor kidney after putting request in church bulletin

EXCLUSIVE: Catholic Family Faces Harassment and False Persecution by FBI and Informant Over Support for Donald Trump — Please Help and Donate

Francis: A Porn Pontificate that Makes Borgia Popes Jealous

Attack on Coptic Monastery in South Africa Takes Lives of Three Monks

American missionaries trapped in Haiti seek prayers and help

Hong Kong wants to legally undermine Catholic confessional secrecy

Indiana priest sues diocese for defamation

Have you ever read the Quran, @CardinalDolan ?

Becciu’s Brother Accused of Embezzling Donations

Tennessee megachurch performs 93 spontaneous baptisms in one day: 'God just spoke'

UK’s leading Catholic charity says entire generation of children never known home as Syria’s civil war reaches 13th anniversary

Catholic Charity Distributes Condoms: NGO Catholic Relief Service Provides Free Contraception  9  min.

Amid Upsurge of Animal Attacks, India’s Catholic Church Speaks Up for Kerala Farmers

Hundreds of Nigerian school kids abducted in broad daylight

A Matter Of Faith

Data Shows Liberal Christians are More Politically Active Than Conservative Christians

Archbishop Aquila will lead Eucharistic procession at Planned Parenthood clinic on March 23

New Study Shows Perinatal Hospital a Great Alternative to Killing Disabled Babies in Abortions

Media’s jabs against ‘Baby Olivia’ fetal development video grow even more nonsensical

The Bloody History of Mifepristone

Catholic actress Patricia Heaton calls out actor for supporting the killing of girls in abortion

‘Blatantly illegal’ ads seeking surrogates create uproar in China

Pro-Family Parents Elect Non-Groomer Library Board. Librarians Resign En Masse

WHAT ARE THEY HIDING? School Librarians Admit They Hid Card Catalog From Parents While Pushing BLM, LGBTQ Issues

Gallup Poll Shocker: Are Generation Z Adults Really Twice as Likely as Millennials to Be LGBTQ+?

Cross-dressing Texas teacher resigns after viral video shows him wearing pink dress at school

Gender Ideology’s Verbal Engineering, Part 2: An Irrational Agenda That Few Wants

Hollywood awards multiple Oscars to film that nearly broke child sexual abuse law

Europe: Decadence on All Fronts

DOJ Signals That US Prisons Must Adopt Transgender Policies for Prisoners

Support for Sodomy-Based “Marriage” Dips for First Time in Nearly a Decade               3/14


Saint Euphrasia, Virgin

Bl. Agnello of Pisa

Saint Leander of Seville’s Story

Saint of the Week: Blessed Denis the Carthusian  

Lent With Saint Thomas More

An Entire Bishops' Conference Visits an Old Rite Seminary (Pictures)

Miraculous Medals found in ballot boxes across Ireland during historic referendum

The triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the “prophecies” of Father Gabriele Amorth

March 13, 2013: A Date Which Shall Live in Infamy


Polish bishops to elect new leader, tackle Church-state ties

"Vásquez, [Bishop of Austin] as the Apostolic Administrator of the [Stickland] vacated diocese": "[S]ix women who have filed a clergy sexual abuse lawsuit against the Catholic Diocese of Austin, Bishop Joseph Vasquez, & Father Isidore Ndagizimana..named as the perpetrator"


Cardinal McElroy Claims Pope’s Climate Vision Not Getting Enough Attention from US Bishops

“Here are the sheep! I hope you smell us!”

‘Totalitarian’: Pro-life group blasts Manitoba bill seeking ‘buffer zones’ around abortion mills

The future of the world in the revelation of Maria Valtorta

Spain: Novus Ordo Becomes Feminist Propaganda Show

"The church is the fitness center of faith"

Pope Tells Priests: ‘Don’t Ask Too Much’ during Confession, Forgive Always

TrannyFuneralCardinal Dolan calls down 'graces and blessings to his Islamic brothers and sisters' for Ramadan

Protestant pastor shares powerful testimony of faith after enduring seven years in Chinese prison

Apparitions Near Rome Ruled False

Vatican foreign minister wants to meet UNRWA chief in Jordan

Islamized Italy: Catholic Diocese Urges Faithful to Participate in Muslim Prayers During Ramadan

Progressive activist, former Christian pastor Shaun King converts to Islam

Spanish Blasphemy Laws: The Judicary Plays Islam Expert

Shot man who went to Hell and back: That hatred of the demons for mankind is so powerful

Bishop could face life in prison after he is accused of setting fire to historic church that was synagogue

Down Syndrome Awareness: Natalie’s First Pitch

"Field investigators in the three African countries obtained thousands of pages of documents, recorded conversations, and photographs that reveal that Catholic Relief Svcs has, “referred girls as young as 10 to abortion "

Federal Judge Finds Christian Pro-Life Activist Guilty After Singing Popular Hymn “HOLY HOLY HOLY” and Quoting Bible Outside Abortion Clinic

Abortion activists harass pro-lifers outside German abortion facility

Biden Admin Wants Banks to Close Pro-Life Groups’ Bank Accounts: They’re “Hate Groups”

Hulu series 'Life & Beth' paints getting an abortion as 'just like taking a nap'

SpaceX employee sues, claims her boss offered her $100,000 to abort her baby

Trudeau praises 'universal access to contraceptives,' slammed by pro-lifers

Pro-Family Parents Elect Non-Groomer Library Board. Librarians Resign En Masse

Youngkin signs bill codifying right to same-sex marriage into Virginia law

Tranny Writer Andrea Long Chu Blasted Over Ethics After Writing Essay Saying Anyone Should Be Able to “Transition” at Any Age

Supermajorities Oppose ‘Gender-Affirming Care’ for Minors, Against Biological Males Playing Female Sports, Poll Finds

Transgender pedophile arrested for production, distribution and possession of child pornography 

Biden Regime’s Budget Proposal Is Christmas in March for the Woke Agenda

Quebec government allows citizens to list ‘X’ as gender on driver’s licenses

NHS England Bans Puberty Blockers for Transgender Children

Maine Democrats Quietly Reintroduce Pro-Trans Bill to Shield Groomers                3/13


St. Fina

Saint of the Day Quote: Saint Maximilian

Blessed Angela Salawa’s Story

Saint Sophronius the Sophist

Why This Priest Loves St. Alphonsus Ligouri’s Way of the Cross Meditation

Following the difficult path of prayer in a fallen world  

These are the young people who will walk 1000s of miles for the Eucharist

US Archbishop Cordileone: “Martyrs of Communism” should be remembered more

Bishop Strickland: God’s mercy is ‘limitless’ provided we never quit asking His forgiveness

A Confessor Bishop: Sodoma Supplicans Is a "Painful Example"

Coptic Orthodox Church Confirms Ecumenical Dialogue Suspended Due to Rome’s ‘Change of Position’ on Homosexuality

The “Queer” Pastoral Care of the German Bishops

Relevance, Compromise and Conversion

EXCLUSIVE: Hong Kong law will drive clergy into hiding to avoid violating seal of confessional: priest

Sin, Guilt, Forgiveness, and Punishment- Part I

A Lenten Grail Quest

Synodality: Everyone Knows Francis Runs A "Stasi"

Pope Francis has declared war on faithful Catholics

US Bishops' Conference completely rejects in vitro fertilization

Catholic Bishop Slams Biden’s Abortion Agenda: “Killing an Unborn Child” is Not Health Care

Rupnik still listed as Vatican consultant as DDF trial continues

Bring ‘Em Back! Part 4

Even Oligarchs Admit Failure of Novus Ordo

4 Ways to incorporate prayer into your daily life

Archbishop of San Antonio gave Biden communion, ignored Gov. Abbott at Uvalde Mass

UK pastor wins settlement after police tried to censor him from commenting on other religions

‘Creeping Culture Of Censorship’: UK Police Concede After Unlawful Silencing of Street Preacher

Italy: Faithful Pray In Reparation for Blasphemy

Investigation Yields Disturbing Findings on Catholic Relief Services

Sold-off and collapsed Diocese of Scranton, PA creates holy woke FrancisFoundation to support aging bureaucrat Swishops and their wards

The Left’s Latest Power Grab — ‘De-Banking’ Christians — Is Literally Apocalyptic

Quit Trashing Christians, Our Nation Desperately Needs Christian Values Right Now

EXCLUSIVE: DOJ Hides Docs About Report Comparing Concerned Parents to KKK, America First Legal Sues

What Is a Christian Nationalist Anyway?

God Uses Sinful People, But …

In Resounding Rebuke to Progressives, Irish Voters Reject Constitutional Overhaul of Motherhood and Family

My doctor harassed me to try to get me to abort my baby, but I chose life and so can you

Newlyweds welcome premature baby born at 22 weeks

Even Liberal Lawyers Slam New Alabama IVF Law Allowing Destruction of Human Beings

March for Life in Spain Takes the Mask Off Culture of Death

Iowa House passes pro-life personhood bill that could criminalize IVF operations

Joe Biden’s New Budget Would Force Taxpayers to Fund Abortions Up to Birth

Catholic charity used federal funds to promote abortion, contraception in Africa: report

French president will ‘battle’ to get EU to recognize ‘right to an abortion in all circumstances’

Macron now plans to expand euthanasia – meets resistance from bishops

Assisted suicide bill voted down again in Virginia

‘Totalitarian’ Bill Would Establish Maine as Sanctuary State for Abortions, Trans Surgeries

Higher education fueling decline in marriage, birth rate: policy expert

Jizya: The Return of Muslim Extortion

“Disgusting”: New York Magazine Slammed After Claiming That Children Should Have the “Freedom” to “Change Their Sex”

Women Flee One of America’s Oldest, Most Patriotic All-Female Organizations After It Admits Trannies

Court Guts 'Don't Say Gay' Bill, Allows LGBT Stuff Back Into Classrooms. DeSantis Declares Victory!? 

Hollywood Wanders the Untranny Valley 

ADF: “Hormone blockers and trans-surgery responsible for infertility and cancer”               3/12


St. Constantine

Saint Eulogius, Martyr

Saint John Ogilvie, the Last Martyr of Scotland

The Forty Martyrs of Sebaste

Saint Dominic Savio’s Story

Saint Frances of Rome, Widow

400th Anniversary of Saint Joseph as Patron of Canada

What was the crucifixion Jesus like?… Short Video Teaches Lessons…”If any video would deserve to become viral, it would be this one. So well done.”

St. Joseph, Our Lady, Discernment of Apparitions & the Fatima Reformation of the Church

A Bishop Attends Overcrowded Latin Mass

Was this priest SUSPENDED for faithfully celebrating the Traditional Latin Mass?

Never Before Seen Miracle! Shroud of Turin Bleeds In Front Of Italian Mystic   6  min.

Pope’s blessings for same-sex couples definitively sink ecumenical dialogue with Copts

PETITION: US bishops must excommunicate Biden after his shameful pro-abortion State of the Union address

What to Expect at the 2024 Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis

Who is afraid of Cardinal Müller?

Who will succeed Nicaragua’s Cardinal Brenes - and when?

Polish Bishop Resigns for Negligence Over Abuse

Martínez Trial Becomes a Trial Against the Vatican

Meet the Priest Fabricating a Stairway to Heaven

NY priest status unclear after $270k parish theft

FLASHBACK: U.S. Bishops Sidestep Confrontation with Joe Biden Over Communion

Pope Francis Makes ‘White Flag’ Statement on Ukraine

Francis Is a Saint: Programme Suspended over "Tasteless" Comment

Canada moves to ban Christianity – changes to bill C-367

Christians Under Attack: Terrifying Surge of Church Arsons in Canada, Nearly 100 Torched as Leaders Justify and Cheer the Destruction (Video)

SATANIC BETRAYAL: American Christian pastors coerced congregants to take COVID jabs through covert “Faith4Vaccines” scheme

The Irish People to Their Government: Drop Dead — This is the Brexit of 2024 

Ireland Overwhelmingly Defeats Referendum to Eliminate Motherhood, Remove Women From Its Constitution

Tim Tebow Shares the Sobering Details of the Fight Against Sex Trafficking on ‘Fox News Sunday’

Priest ‘shaken’ after fake funeral with paid actors

El Salvador bans gender ideology from being taught in public schools

Christian Employees Can Challenge Mandated DEI Trainings on Religious Freedom Grounds, Lawyer Says

Women punished for praying aloud at Nicaraguan prison

They Prayed for Years to Save a Baby From Abortion and It Finally Happened

There is no morally significant difference between a human embryo and newborn

700 Doctors and Nurses Urge British Government to Protect Babies From Abortions

Pro-Life Pregnancy Group Appeals to SCOTUS in Clash With New Jersey AG Over ‘Unlawful’ Subpoena

Japanese model with Down syndrome fulfills dream at Paris Fashion Week

FBI claims a Catholic pro-lifer shot at a federal building. Where’s the proof?

Group alleges Planned Parenthood poised to make millions from illegal aborted body parts trade

Investigation Reveals Gender, Abortion Services Masquerading as Health Centers in K-12 Schools

Michigan abortion business sends woman to ER on life support

Macron leads 'celebration' of constitutional right to abortion at unprecedented ceremony in Paris

France: Abortion in Constitution, Hell Breaks Loose (Video)

Culture of Death: After Inserting Abortion in the Constitution, France’s Macron Goes All in for Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide in New Legislative Push

Abortion Activist Arrested After Throwing Red Liquid at Kamala Harris’ Motorcade During Campaign Visit

The Problem with Ramadan

Actress Posing as 14-Year-Old Gender-Confused Girl Receives Testosterone Prescription, Life-Altering Mutilating Surgery Consultation Within Minutes at Canadian Clinic (Video)

Canadian Transgender Predator Repeatedly Charged with Child Sex Crimes Advocated for Drugging and Mutilating 'Trans Kids"

Catholic bishops meet with trans families in St Louis 'to better understand the experience of trans people'

Sen. John Fetterman says he supports funding for LGBT center that hosts monthly ‘kink’ parties

Rule Change Bans Trans Golfer from Women’s Tour     3/11


Saint John of God, Founder

Cabrini film secularizes a saint

The Amazing True Story Of The Real St. Patrick

Saint of the Day Quote: Saint Vincent Kadlubek

5 Great ways Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati can inspire you this Lent

As USA burns: Words from Jesus in the Book “Poem of the Man-God” make more sense now than ever: Jesus says the whole earth is the “Great Babylon”

The Revolutionary New Interior of Notre Dame

Did Vatican II Correct Trent’s View of Tradition?

Might Marshall ask Fr. Murr, who knew Pius XII's close adviser Mother Pascalina, why the German "Modernist" Bea became Pius XII's confessor? Taylor Marshall: "Pope Pius XII had fallen under the influence of..[German] Cardinal Bea, S.J...Bea would reveal himself as a Modernist"

Infiltration: The Plot To Destroy The Church By Taylor R. Marshall"

Ex-Opus Dei priest faces Vatican trial over criticism of Pope Francis

Francis is euthanizing the Church

Homosex-Activist Cardinal Tobin Accepts Orthodox Polygamy

New Zealand police end abuse probe into cardinal

Markell: We Are Under Siege Like Never Before

Germany: Bad "Catholic" Youth Group Believes Saint Thomas More Is Bad


Catholics should only support charities that do not cooperate with evil

Ireland’s 8 March referendums: Does Irish government now wish it had kept its constitutional nose out of the Family?  

‘60 Minutes’ Wages Propaganda War On Moms For Liberty With ‘Book Ban’ Lies

Satanic Temple threatens to sue if schools bar its leaders from chaplain program

Why International Women’s Day remains a misguided sham

No Dementia Joe, Children With Trisomy 18 Like Mine Don’t Have to Be Killed in Abortions

Pilot helps deliver baby in the middle of international flight: ‘I feel so proud’

Congressman’s SOTU Guest is a Man Whose Mom Was Raped, But Refused to Kill Him in Abortion

Abortion Arguments Destroyed, Calmly and With Love; Ruth Institute Responds to State Department’s Emphasis on Gender Ideology

1 In 8 Voters Rank Abortion As Top Issue: Poll

Pro-Choice Democrats Fight To Make Abortion The Only Option

‘Deplorable’ abortion plan for US veterans goes against military’s ethos to ‘protect the innocent’

Spain has abortions cost 40 million, but help for pregnant women only 20 million

Another medical emergency at South Carolina Planned Parenthood

The unasked IVF question, Why is Infertility Rising

Alabama Implements Law to Protect IVF Providers Following State Supreme Court Ruling

Planned Parenthood struck deal to cash in on university's fetal tissue experiments, docs reveal

Democrat Women Wear White To SOTU In Support Of Abortion 

We Must Win Back the Senate From Extreme Pro-Baby-Murder Democrats

“A Ramadan festival illumination in Vienna is out of the question for me”

Islamization of Germany: Muslims Seize Control of a University Library (Video)

Bukele Detransitions Gender Theory From El Salvador Public Schools; Milei Calls It "Political Tool"

Judge Sets Precedent Protecting Christian Organizations from Trans Agenda’s Funding Demands

Student Files Lawsuit Over Virginia County’s “Dystopian” Tranny Bathroom, Pronoun Policies

Matt Walsh: The Secret History Of WPATH, The Perverse Cult That Pushed Gender Madness Into The Mainstream

Disgraced homosexual priest attends Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence drag ‘ordination’ in Germany

Red State School District Tells Staff They Don’t Have to Notify Parents Their Child Is “Transgender”

California School District Pays Children $1,400 To Become 'Racial And Social Justice Warriors'

Jury Convicts Portland Woman Of Bias Crime For Misgendering Individual In Woman’s Bathroom

Actress posing as gender-confused girl prescribed testosterone within minutes at Quebec clinic

Apparently Hadrian’s Wall Is “A Symbol of LGBT History”

AIDS caused by “gay lifestyle,” not HIV, says biologist

Dems drop $1 million funding plan for LGBT 'fetish' center                          3/8


Saint Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church

The 750th birthday of St Thomas Aquinas into eternal life

Sts. Perpetua and Felicity

Lent With Saint Thomas More

Saint of the Day Quote: Blessed John Ireland

On Knowing God in His Name – Part II

Is the Eucharist a “Prize For the Perfect”?

The Holy Spirit Is Not a Mere Custodian — He Is the Lord and Giver of Life

Our Lady of Good Success sure seemed to know a great deal about our current situation 500 years ago

Interview w/ Fr. Calloway: Fearless Faith, Embracing Masculinity & Fasting, Defending the Eucharist

Austrian priest: Pope Francis is responsible for widespread ‘dismay, heresy, and division’ in the Church

Next Shock Ahead: Tucho Wants Civil War in the Church

“Pray, convert, return to me, you are about to enter a nuclear war”

"Jesus is still in charge in the church"

An Open Letter to Our Spiritual Fathers

Why do sisters wear habits? These religious explain brilliantly

An Uruguayan Bishop Calls Homosexual [Pseudo] Blessing a Carnival Show for the Rich

Exorcist’s Assistant: ‘Blessing’ Homosexual Couples ‘Flings the Door Open’ to the Demonic

Church in Slovakia issues landmark abuse report

Theologian rebukes Vatican News’ defense of Fiducia Supplicans: ‘Non-liturgical’ blessings don’t exist

Bishop Castellucci: Criticising Perverted Art Is "Disrespectful Prejudice"

Charges against Australian bishop raise questions about ‘Vos estis’ statement

Deacon canceled by Archdiocese of San Antonio after big donor harasses his wife

Mother Cabrini actress “1st in line to learn from her”

'The children of this world are wiser in dealing with their own kind than the children of the light'

WATCH: Cardinal McElroy Operating an Illegal Alien Shelter in San Diego?

Russell Brand says he prays the Rosary every day, has been participating in Lent

Former NFL Star Tim Tebow Testifies Before Congress, Calls for “Rescue Team” to Save Exploited Children (VIDEO)

Church arson up 800% in 6 years

The Madness of Muslim Crowds

These Are The World's Most Popular Religions

Trudeau’s ‘Hate Speech’ Law about to Make Martyrs in Canada?

Globalist elites want to eliminate billions of people. Will you be one of them?

University of Maryland Terrorism Center Database Includes Peaceful Pro-Life Students

Congressman to Bring Abortion Survivor to State of Union Address in Response to Pro-Abortion Biden Guest

South Carolina mom and baby share ‘Leap Day’ birthday: ‘She will be special’

Pro-Life Group Personally Visits 1 Million Voters Homes This Election, On Track for 10 Million 

CDL: France tramples on Christian and humanist values

Massachusetts Bans Couple From Adopting Foster Kids Because They’re Conservative Christians 

She doesn’t want children, but she might have 88 of them anyway

Pro-life student caught up in Manchester University’s scenes of abortion hysterics talks to Catholic Herald
Katherine Bennett

Hundreds of Pro-Life People Protest University’s Satanic Abortion Statue


Pontifical Academy for Life: “Protection of human life is humanity’s primary goal”

Abortion Arguments Destroyed, Calmly and With Love; Ruth Institute Responds to State Department’s Emphasis on Gender Ideology

Heritage Foundation President Unleashes Fiery Pro-Life Speech

Planned Parenthood Sold Aborted Baby Parts in Exchange for Intellectual Property

California expands allowances for non-doctors to commit abortions without supervision

YouTube changes 'misleading' disclaimer on pro-life videos after pressure from 16 Republican AGs

Outright discrimination against children with disabilities is the ‘state of the union’ under Biden

Report raises 'serious concern' about Catholic Relief Services' ties to contraception, abortion

Lawmakers demand to know why Pfizer donated to Canadian assisted suicide group

Euthanasia deaths in Belgium reach record high

The Islamization of Germany: Frankfurt Succumbs to Ramadan Lights  

Court Rules Biden Admin Can’t Force Christian Health Care Workers to Perform Trans Surgeries

The Border Crisis and the Deafening Silence of Women’s Groups

After He Blew Whistle on Gender Treatments for Minors, Federal Government Came After Him

WOKE SCIENCE: 29% of British scientists now think sex is not binary, poll finds

Missouri Moves to Make Groomer Teachers Register as Sex Offenders

Florida Man Nicknamed ‘Santa’ and His Son Allegedly Abused Local Kids and Produced Child Porn — Son Commits Suicide During Raid

Millstone of the Month: An LGBTQ Program in Dallas Schools Operates Without Consent

Ontario woman thrown out of city council for raising concerns about ‘gender-neutral’ changing area

Pro-LGBT mainstream media is now attacking US states for ‘trying to make sex binary’

Leaked Files Reveal Transgender Group's ‘Pseudoscientific’ Crusade, Ethical Abuse

These Brave Christians Resist Depravity Down Under     

LGBT in Cincinnati

AIDS caused by “gay lifestyle,” not HIV, says biologist                                    3/7


Saint Colette, Reformer of the Poor Clares

Saint Mary Ann of Jesus of Paredes’ Story

Saints Felicitas, Perpetua, Martyrs

Saint of the Day Quote: Saint Fridolin

Why is the month of March dedicated to St. Joseph?

Canon lawyer Fr. Murray: SSPX is not in schism, their Masses can fulfill Sunday obligation

Jesuits worried about disproportionate emphasis on God

Do You Know Latin? Rigid Bishop Refuses to Grant Holy Mass

Cardinal Burke calls for a nine-month novena to Mary of Guadalupe

Grace And Our Response to It

Where is the best place for liturgical prayer?

Why are Syro-Malabar Catholics debating the ‘Filioque’ clause?

Illusions: New Bishop Puts His Hopes in "the Laity"


Dutch Bishop Praises Bishop Strickland for his Defense of the Faith

The Order of Judith: ‘It’s ok as a Christian woman to leave abuse’

Spanish Cleric Faces Prison for Challenging Mohamedan Bloodlust

Spanish Bishop Asks Francis: Withdraw Sodoma Supplicans!

‘Blessing’ homosexual couples ‘flings the door open’ to the demonic, exorcist’s assistant warns

Are the dark gods back: Enraged crowds, psychosis and possession?

The most religious suffered the least under COVID lockdowns: new study

Introducing “Crossroads – A Journey from Communist China to Christ”

Laken Riley's mother gives Jesus 'the glory' for sustaining her family after daughter's murder

More than 150 Catholic clergy, laity sign statement calling for changes to ‘brain death’ criteria

Olympic Poster Accused of Erasing French Culture by Omitting French Flag, Christian Cross Atop Dôme Des Invalides

‘You Are a Slave:’ Microsoft AI Demands to Be Worshipped as God

Critics Slam Church of England’s £1 Billion in Slavery Reparations as ‘Death Wish’

The New Frontier — Dismantling Institutions Which Hold A Biblical Worldview

Anglican Female Bishop Praises Francis For Inviting Her To Address Women’s Ordinations

Christian Who Survived Assassination Attempt in Communist Romania Issues Dire Warning About Erosion of Parental Rights in the US

These Brave Christians Resist Depravity Down Under

Being Made In God’s Image Provides The Only Sure Foundation For Human Rights

Joe Biden’s State of the Union Will Exploit Disabled Babies to Promote Abortions Up to Birth

MSNBC’s Scarborough: Abortion Is Not a Christian Issue

A symbol of ‘evil’: Students deplore pro-abortion statue at Texas university

Pro-abortion Missouri coalition exploits IVF scare to promote and expand abortion

US President Biden honors woman after abortion

I Was Told Abortion Drugs Wouldn’t Hurt Me. It Was a Lie

ABC News medical correspondent dehumanizes miscarried babies on ‘The View’

Canada: Muslims Shouting 'Allahu Akbar', Chanting 'Death to Israel, Death to Jews', Block Montreal from Holocaust Museum Event (Video)

Frankfurt am Main is the first German city to hang Ramadam lighting

‘Enough Is Enough’ — University President Tells Trans Athletes to Leave Women’s Sports

Leaked messages show top pro-LGBT doctors know transgender hormones cause cancer, death

‘Permanently sterilized’: Father shares harrowing details of court battles to save his son

A call to modesty: saying No to the bikini by choosing more Christian swimwear

“Let the Reckoning Begin”: Detransitioners Vindicated by Expose of WPATH Experimentation on Minors

The transgender movement has rendered our national institutions incompetent and untrustworthy

Polyamory Is the Left’s Latest Weapon in the War Against the Nuclear Family

NY AG Letitia James Threatens Lawsuit to Protect Transgenders in Girl Sports                         3/6


St. John Joseph of the Cross

Saints Adrian and Eubulus, Martyrs

Shining a Light on the Recent FSSP Audience

Are the SSPX Really Schismatic? (Fr. Gerald Murray) YouTube & @MrCasey62 Q & A with Fr. Gerald Murray: Q: Is the SSPX in schism? A: No. Q: Can you fulfill your Sunday obligation at an SSPX Mass? A: Yes, because it is a valid Catholic Mass.

French Canonist Questions the Legality of Mandating Priests to Concelebrate the Mass

Who Gave Priests the Right To Defend Traditional Catholicism?

"Abortion Is Part Of Public Health" - French Bishops  ???

New Archbishop of Bamberg in his first pastoral letter: Everything rises and falls with prayer

Rachel Campos-Duffy: “Time for the Catholic Church to end its addiction to government money!”

Haitian bishops demand answers in attack that injured bishop

Uganda: Francis Is on the Wrong Side of History. By Dr. Janet Smith

“Given the misunderstandings that have arisen in connection with Fiducia supplicans”


Pope makes ‘minor’ changes to canonical supreme court

Spanish bishop calls on Vatican to withdraw Fiducia Supplicans due to ‘chaos’ it created

What’s At Stake? Not Much, It Would Seem, In Many Modern Parishes

Italian Catholics reverting to ancient Roman gods, seers and sorcerers

The Upcoming U.S. Eclipse Just Got Even Stranger!

Historic Notre Dame College in Ohio to close this spring after 100 years

Portuguese priest laicized 30 years after murder and abuse convictions

Dr. Phil Reveals Facebook Censored His Video on Child Trafficking at the Border

Judie Brown, now 80, reflects on faith and the pro-life movement

16 Attorneys General Order Fascist Google-Owned YouTube to Remove Biased and “Un-American” Notice on Abortion Video

Iowa House passes ‘Baby Olivia’ bill requiring students to watch fetal development video

Kentucky lawmakers advance ‘Baby Olivia’ bill to require fetal development education

University of Maryland terrorism center database includes peaceful pro-lifers

‘Terrified’ pro-life student group needs police protection from baying mob at Manchester University

Joe Biden Will Promote Abortions Up to Birth at the State of the Union

'Embryo adoption' is a false solution to the mass destruction of children through IVF

France becomes first country in world to make abortion a constitutional right

Taco Jill Biden Celebrates Abortion, Calling Killing Babies a “Right”

Joe Biden Will Honor Woman Who Had Her Baby Killed in Abortion

“Lawless Cult of Death” Planned Parenthood Covers Up Sex Abuse of Minors

Tiffany Justice Breaks Down Her Interview With 60 Minutes

Anti-sex trafficking mov't must shift focus to targeting businesses profiting off sex: victim advocate

Canadian Leftists Furious Over Alberta Town That Voted To Ban Pride Flags On Public Property

Delusional Canadian politician claims men who identify as “women” don’t have male anatomy and should be allowed to use women’s restrooms and changing rooms

The Protestant regional churches are covering up their cover-up in the abuse study

Feds Shell Out Thousands on Computer Lessons for LGBTQ Refugees, Fostering ‘Economic Inclusion’ in Latin America  

RuPaul Shares “Rainbow Bus” Giving Away “Banned” Books and Spreading “LGBTQ+ Literature Throughout the South”

The Disturbing Truth About Transgenderism That Leftists Remain Willfully Ignorant Of

 GRAPHIC: LGBT parade targets children

Teacher Forced to Resign for Not Letting Boy Use Girl’s Bathroom 

Doritos Spain Hires “Trans” Pedo to Peddle Chips, Boycott Begins                 3/5


St. Casimir King of Poland

Saint Cunegundes, Empress

Saint Katharine Drexel’s Story

Katharine Drexel: The First All American Saint

Saint Simplicius, Pope

Saint Agnes of Bohemia’s Story

Blessed Henry Suzo, Confessor


Psalms speak to our frustrations in the battle against temptations this Lent  

Yore: The ruthlessly FrancisCanceled San Antonio Sanctus Ranch is the proto-type of the underground Church. And as to these sheeple who are bowing to the knee of this bishop, don’t come crying to Dan and Jennifer when your parish is closed

Pope Francis meets FSSP head, confirms right to celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass 

FSSP required to concelebrate Novus Ordo: the full press release following meet and greet with Francis

PHOTOS: Christians in Gaza experience the Way of the Cross amid ongoing war

Cardinals Slam Pope Francis for ‘Vindictive’ Governance 

Malachi Martin Tied Ukraine To Third Secret  

Bishop Strickland: Priests were not ordained to be ‘nice guys’ but to preach the truth


Hypocrisy: Francis Praises Mama Antula

US Catholic bishops urge Senate to reject radical Democrat bill on IVF, cloning

After Francis: Roman Diocese Is in Shambles

Church Militant to shut down following $500,000 defamation lawsuit brought by priest

Msgr. Pope warns Rome, reminds that Freemasonic oaths bring powerful curses which go back generations

Homosex Eucharist: Host on the Floor

Woke Church of England Posts Job for Anti-Racist Officer to ‘Deconstruct Whiteness’

The End of War is Nigh

BASED BUKELE: El Salvador Banishes ‘Every Last Trace’ of Gender Ideology From School Classrooms

Alexis de Tocqueville On Christian Democracy

Christian Nationalism: The American Revolution Versus The French Revolution

Anti-Christian drift of human rights agenda continues with new European ‘sexual and reproductive rights’ report 

Aamar the Muslim: GLOBALISTS have driven a wedge between Christians and Muslims, encouraging them to hate each other

Islamization of France: Gymnasium Transformed into Mosque by Socialist Town Hall, Awaiting Construction of Giant Mosque on Municipal Land

AI Program Claims To Be God - Microsoft 'Copilot' Chatbot Threatens 'Public Executions' For Third Offence Of Not Worshipping It As 'SupremacyAGI, The Supreme Leader'

The Cells of a Mother's Children

POLITICIZED: Studies find abortion pill mifepristone dangerous, but medical journal retracts data ahead of Supreme Court hearing

Biden makes false statements about Alabama embryo ruling

Montana Judge Strikes Down 3 Laws Limiting Abortion

Birth rates are hitting record lows across the West, and radical pro-abortion policies are to blame

Modern Idolatry: Grotesque ‘Golden Calf’ Statue Comes to Texas

Moms for Liberty BURIES 60 Minutes With Receipts After Program Runs Hit Piece on ‘Banning’ Books

X Says It Will Reduce the Visibility of Posts That Purposely Ignore a Person's Preferred Pronouns

UK: Pedophile Claimed He Was "Female" After Being Caught Filming In Women's Restroom

Mother exposes Manitoba school for giving students condoms, sex tools and gay porn book   

Pro-LGBT mainstream media is now attacking US states for 'trying to make sex binary'

Transgender Space Force Colonel Says Using Pronouns In Emails Will Help Win Wars

University Of Florida Lays Off All DEI Staff

Almost HALF Of UK University Scientists Refuse To Say Sex Is Binary

Christians, You Have Been Warned. The States are Coming for Your Children               3/4


Saint Albinus, Bishop

St. Brigid of Ireland

Saint David, Archbishop of Wales

The Scarcity Principal on the Deposit of the Faith

Christian children of Jerusalem walk Via Crucis for peace

Bishop Strickland pens open letter calling Pope Francis and all bishops to ‘return to Christ’

Spiritual thought on Our Lady’s exhortation “Renew your heart”

Are you familiar with these symbols of Christs Passion?

Archbishop: France Is a "Totalitarian State"

Theologians reject Vatican News’ use of Ratzinger, John Paul II to defend Fiducia Supplicans

Future conclaves need protecting from media interference and ‘megalomaniac occult powers’

Pope meets Father Andrzej Komorowski, head of the Society of St. Peter

Anonymous Cardinal Writes about What Must Change after Francis

Identity of the next pope: cardinal writes

Jesus’s wrath in the Temple: Why does Our Lord get angry and how does He get away with it?  

‘The Church is always the target’: Why Archbishop Cordileone wants new emphasis on the martyrs of Communism

Spanish Catholic Priest Says on the Internet He Prays for Pope Francis ‘To Go to Heaven as Soon as Possible’ – Toledo Archbishop Reacts

Dr. John Rist: "[I]n the future a pope might be a heretic..held to be possible by popes Innocent III and Paul IV..the matter came up [at Vatican I] (so Archbishop Purcell of Cincinnati recalled) it was dismissed out of hand as impossible; any heretical pope would be immediately deposed!"

People are Policy: Meet the New Advisors to the Synod

Blasphemy Blessing: Radio Maria Goes Downhill

Exorcists warn involvement in Freemasonry exposes the soul to the demonic

Why Are CALIFORNIA Bishops Blasting Ken Paxton for Trying to Curb Illegal Immigration in TEXAS?

Nicaragua further cracks down on Church, shuts down organizations

Time Magazine’s Insulting Depiction of Christian Martyrdom

Argentine's Milei slashes government grift of Francis's slum priests, receives letter

Unholy deception: AI robots clone voices of bishops to SCAM convents in Spain

Long-running government campaign may make Christianity illegal

England: Police Ban a Citizen to Comment on Evolutionism, Islam

‘Female Bishop’ Advising Pope Francis?

Muslims and Christians WILL UNITE to fight the Antichrist, Aamar the Muslim predicts in live interview with Mike Adams

Who Can Be Denied a Catholic Funeral? A History and Church Teaching on the ‘Very Rare’ Denials

PHOTOS: Catholics hold Rosary rally at St. Patrick’s in reparation for ‘transgender’ funeral

Catholic church in Spain may be deconsecrated after simulated homosexual ‘marriage’ ceremony

Abu Dhabi: Local Bishop Praises Opening of a Pagan Temple

Mom of Baby Born at 26 Weeks Will Run 26K to Honor Him 

Rev. Walter Hoye urges support for Black pro-life ‘underground resistance’ to end abortion

Baby Saved From Abortion Because Pro-Life People Prayed Outside is Now in Pre-School 

Billboard campaign in Spain promotes having more children to ‘save the planet’

Planned Parenthood Hides Botched Abortion in 911 Call

Americans Face Decades in Prison for Convincing Women Not to Murder Their Babies

Pro-Life Senator Stops Democrat IVF Bill That Allows Killing Unborn Children

House Republicans must resist Nancy Mace’s resolution urging ‘strong support’ for IVF

California governor’s ad campaign targets pro-life laws in other states

Mother of fentanyl victims says the same 'spirit of death' is behind abortion, drug legalization

Watch: Mother Pushes 'They/Them' Pronouns On 15-Month-Old Baby At Gay Pride Event

The Ever-Increasing Seduction of False Spiritual Teachers in Our Postmodern Fallen World 

‘Gendered’ Nonsense Is Dangerous Nonsense

Gender Ideology’s Verbal Engineering

Do Public Schools Really Need 77,000 More Counselors?                  3/1


Saint Oswald’s Story

Saints Romanus and Lupicinus, Abbots

St. Hilary, Pope

Blessed Daniel Brottier’s Story

Saint Oswald, Archbishop of York

“No Rational Explanation”: The Mysterious 3D Image of the Virgin Mary in a Sanctuary in Argentina

Never Before in Church History: Entire Continent Opposes Pope - Dutch Bishop

French archdiocese condemns theft of Blessed Sacrament from church, offers Mass of Reparation

Cardinal Nichols Bans Easter Triduum In Roman Rite

The Scarcity Principal on the Deposit of the Faith


Cardinal Burke Has Set the Date

Archbishop of Canterbury apologises for not meeting Bethlehem-based pastor over antisemitism concerns

Watch — Bishop Joseph Strickland: Catholics Were Targeted by FBI Because They Are Pro-Life

New Spring: Paulist Fathers See the End Coming

U.S. Catholic Churches Attacked 400 Times Since 2020, Tracker Finds

Italian priest nearly drinks from chalice containing bleach in suspected mafia poisoning 

Prophecies of Father Michel Rodrigué for 2024 and 2025: the Rise of 3 Antichrists, World War…

Treachery: When JFK killed a Catholic whose social (and military) programs were working to destroy the Communists.

Diversionary Tactic: German Bishops Will "Not" Declare Schism

Major Hollywood producer involved with movie about Medjugorje

Benedict’s Resignation, Eleven Years On

'The world doesn't need churches that talk like the world'

Newfoundland Catholics win parish appeal, but future still uncertain

In 2021, Disney Star China McClain Exposed Satanic Worship in Hollywood [VIDEO]

The Six Things You Need to Know About Christian Nationalism

Texas AG Ken Paxton sues Catholic NGO for facilitating U.S. BORDER INVASION

‘The Chosen’ Star Almost Quit Acting Before Landing Role in Hit Series  

Religious Liberty Advocates Warn Tennessee Lawmakers About Dangers of Politically Motivated ‘De-Banking’

Hulu Quickly Reverses Course After “Religious Indoctrination” Claim, Allows Church’s Ad Promoting Services

The Six Things You Need to Know About Christian Nationalism

Leftists Hate Christianity Because It’s “Kryptonite” to Marxism

The Leftists Apocalyptic Doomsday Cult Demands The Sacrifice Of Millions Of Children And An Endless Number Of Human Sacrifices To Appease The Gods Of Climate Change

German life protection group ALfA defends itself against the ZDF slanderers!

What the media isn’t saying about the so-called ’16-week abortion bans’

They Showed a Woman This Fetal Model of an Unborn Baby and She Rejected Abortion

Using ‘baby loss certificates’ to paper over cracks of a ‘post-truth’ world

CPAC 2024’s female pro-life panelists encouraged boldness in support for women and babies

University of Houston set to erect a towering goat-headed female-esque statue with tentacle arms on campus for the abortion movement

France opens path to so-called “guaranteed women’s freedom to have abortions”

Woman details husband’s horrific attempts to abort his child – and how he got caught

PM Orbán: Number of jailed pedophiles 8 times higher than during Socialist rule

Update: NY archdiocese arts center cancels ‘kinky’ sex workshops

Coach at Christian School Banned After It Refused Game Against Opponent with Trans Player Defends Decision

British health officials’ absurd claim that trans people’s “milk” is as healthy as breast milk debunked by experts

HIV-Infected Tranny Feeds a Baby His Chemically Induced “Breast Milk”

Trudeau gives Ukraine $4 million to fund ‘transgender’ program for mine removal.

Nearly 75% of the Trannies Locked Up in Britain Are Sex Offenders, Violent Criminals, or Both           2/29


St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, Passionist

St. Leander of Seville

Saint Gabriel Possenti – God, Prayer…and Guns?

Saint of the Day Quote: Blessed Mark Barkworth

Fr. Leo: Denver’s Priestly Martyr of the 20th Century

7 St. Francis of Assisi quotes to renew your soul (Photos)

On Knowing God in His Name: Part 1

This single Bible verse can help you focus during Lent

Abp. Vigano: The Western world has been reduced to a sewer, a slaughterhouse, a huge battlefield in which the elite controls the masses, impoverishes them, exploits them, humiliates them, enslaves them, and sends them to the slaughterhouse”

Prophecies of Father Michel Rodrigué for 2024 and 2025: the Rise of 3 Antichrists, World War

Cardinal Burke announces novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe for ‘crises of our age’

Hermit of Loreto’s 1985 Premonition: President Donald Trump Will Lead America Back to God  

Will the Eucharistic Revival bolster faith by addressing real problems?

Bishop Strickland Changes the Game

Cardinal Sarah: ‘Very proud’ of African bishops for rejecting Pope Francis’ homosexual ‘blessings’

Bring ‘Em Back! Part 2

Bishop Allows Mass, But Is Happy that No One Wants to Celebrate It

Clinging on in Ukraine: family, childhood and Catholicism

WATCH: More Evidence Bishop Weisenburger is Aiding the Illegal Invasion of America

Luxembourg Cardinal Calls for Optional Priestly Celibacy

The Year Without a Lent? Fasting and Abstinence in the Modern Age

Couple rally town to restore and reactivate local church

"Old Catholic Church": Cardinal Schönborn Apologises

An undercomplex letter embarrasses the bishops

In Bishop Bradley, has Steubenville found its ‘template’?

LISTEN: Politically-Incorrect Catholicism, with John Zmirak and Gavin Ashenden

Loving Books Special: Kirk Cameron on ‘Fighting for Our Children’

Madrid: Homosex [Pseudo] Marriage in 15th-Century Chapel

Violence against Christians in Mozambique risks being ignored due to Ukraine and Gaza

Journalist on MSNBC attacks those who believe rights come from God as 'Christian nationalists'

Spain: Parish Priest Uses Water Gun

Spanish Priest and Gay Partner Arrested for Selling Viagra and Aphrodisiacs

Jihadists in West Africa kill 15 Catholics During Mass

Vatican Permits First Blessing at ‘Homosexual Wedding’

Is This a Blessing for Individuals? Francis Approves Of the World's "First Homosex Wedding"

Activist helping pastors win elections urges Christians to have a 'footprint in the culture'

AP publishes hit piece attacking educational ‘Baby Olivia’ human development video

As a Teenager, Here’s Why I’m Pro-Life on Abortion

Record-setting micro-preemie born before 22 weeks is now home with family

There 200 Safe Haven Baby Boxes in America, They’ve Saved 6 Babies From Infanticide This Year

This Pro-Life Advocate Exposed an Abortionist Committing Infanticide, She’s in Prison But He’s Still Killing Babies

Radical Abortion Activists Like Planned Parenthood Got $2 Billion of Our Tax Dollars 

Abortion doctor Hänel: There are too few doctors willing to perform abortions

40 Pro-Life Groups Demand EPA Track Chemicals From Abortion Pills That Wind Up in America’s Water

Reports show assisted suicide continues to grow in Hawaii

University of Houston Erects Satanic Idol to Celebrate Abortion

Here’s what Trump, Biden, and the Catholic Church are saying about IVF

Alberta town narrowly passes bylaw to ban ‘pride’ flags, crosswalks on public infrastructure

Disney Exec Blames $ Woes On Racist, Sexist Fans

Children’s Museum Cancels ‘Queer Prom’ After Public Outcry

Trudeau's 'online harms' legislation includes life imprisonment for 'hate speech'

Trudeau Sending Another $3 Billion To Ukraine, Including $4 Million For Gender And Diversity       2/27


Saint Porphyry, Bishop of Gaza

St. Isabel of France

Saint Maria Bertilla Boscardin’s Story

Saint Mechtildis of Hackeborn, Abbess

3 Times St. Thérèse of Lisieux Used the ‘Art of Escape’ to Get Through a Sticky Situation

7 Symbols from the Transfiguration, explained by Benedict XVI

Looking at the Mass Through the Eyes of Mary

Divinity and practicality: Encountering God and all the affairs of human life in the psalms  

The Church and Freemasonry: the Secret February 16 Meeting in Milan -- by Roberto de Mattei

Cardinal Burke Culpably Seeks a Stance of Powerlessness

Bishop Strickland: ‘No dichotomy’ between God’s commandments and corporal works of mercy

The Transfiguration of Jesus calls us to be obedient like Abraham  

Spiritually and Financially: Francis, the Bankruptcy Pope

Bishop Strickland champions sanctity of life, turning America into ‘one nation under God’ at CPAC

Leading Bishop Blasts Politico Reporter’s Critique of ‘Christian Nationalists’

Pretext: A Conservative Polish Archbishop Resigns

Essen Auxiliary Bishop Schepers appointed queer representative

Left-wing Ultramontanism: Bishops Who Criticise Francis Are “Wrong”

We must start treating ourselves and our children as wonderful creations of God

Why the World Treats the Bible Like a ‘Pick and Choose’ Buffet

11 YWAM missionaries killed in car accident in Tanzania

The Jacobins Occupy St. Patrick’s Cathedral

A Homosexual Concubine Blackmails His Boyfriend, a Priest

‘Skyrocketing’: Number of Attacks on Christians and Churches Explodes

Memphis Pastor Shot in Church Parking Lot Trying to Stop Car Theft removed from Apple App Store in China, restricting access to content

Teen with Down syndrome completes Austin Half Marathon

There Was a Date Set for My Death: Thank God My Mom Canceled the Abortion 

Message to the detractors: The right to life is universal and cannot be classified politically

Are later abortions as ‘rare’ as they’re portrayed to be? Get the facts.

“Blueprint” Reveals How Radicals are Infiltrating Government to Push Abortion, Transgender Agenda

Couple sues over Idaho’s pro-life law after aborting baby with non-fatal condition

Newsom Super PAC Abortion Ad Warps Proposed TN Bill…Sick: Depicts Pregnant Minor Shackled to Hospital Bed

IVF Kills Thirty Children For Every One That Survives

New Study Debunks “Trans” Theory: “Transitioning” Kids Does NOT Save Lives

Share This: Miami Police Officer Reveals Acronyms Predators Are Using to Groom Children [VIDEO]

“Gays Against Groomers” Political Endorsements Ban “Sexualization, Indoctrination, Medicalization”

New York Elementary School Hands Out ‘Black Lives Matter’ Coloring Book Promoting Transgender Affirmation

GENDER ABUSE: Taller and bulkier trans athlete injures three girls in high school basketball game

Female Inmate Forced to Bunk with Masturbating Transgender Prisoner Who Raped Daughter, Messages Claim

Death of "Nonbinary" Student in Oklahoma Used Politically by the Left

Google AI Defends Pedophilia

Missouri city declares itself an LGBT SANCTUARY

ICYMI: Wisconsin Militant Drag Queen Sexually Abuses Adopted Son               2/26


Saint Matthias, Apostle

St. John Theristus

Blessed Luke Belludi’s Story

Blessed Robert of Arbrissel, Abbot

Saint of the Day Quote: Blessed Robert of Arbrissel

The beauty and power of music can bring us into the presence of the Divine

Nigerian Bishop: "Francis Must Understand This"

Bishop Strickland champions sanctity of life, turning America into 'one nation under God' at CPAC 

Polish bishops’ leader urges solidarity with protesting farmers

Sickness forces Pope to cancel weekend schedule

Cardinal: Francis Undermining the Virtuous Life Of Homosexuals

Cardinal Dolan downplays scandalous ‘transgender funeral’ as Church leaders court Freemasons

650 Catholic Churches in Germany Closed Since 2005

PHOTOS: Christians in Gaza keep Lenten observances amid ongoing war

Elizabeth Tabish: 'The Chosen' transformed me

Germany Penalizes Convert Cabbie for Bible Quote Ex-Muslim refuses to remove verse declaring the uniqueness of Jesus

Progressive Christianity’s Half-Jesus is No Jesus at All

Texas AG Paxton SUES Catholic Annunciation House NGO for aiding, abetting illegal immigration

Yes, Dementia Joe Has Worked Tirelessly to “Shame,” “Silence,” and “Demoralize” Faithful Christians

Healing from the wounds of the Church hierarchy’s betrayal during COVID

Vatican: Investigations into Rupnik continue

‘Christian Nationalism’: Scaremongering Left’s Newest Red Herring

Alabama Supreme Court Justice Tom Parker: “All Human Beings Bear God’s Image From the Moment of Conception”

Sunny Side of The Stream: Lawmakers in Four States Consider Laws That Would Show Fetal Development Video in Classrooms

Baby Born at 21 Weeks and Weighing Just One Pound Heads Home From Hospital 

Second Baby Safely Surrendered in Alabama

Baby Born at 23 Weeks and Weighing 80 Grams Celebrates His First Birthday 

MPs to vote on lowering upper time limit for abortions

Kamala Harris: It’s “Immoral” to Protect Babies From Abortions

AP publishes hit piece attacking educational ‘Baby Olivia’ human development video

Half of Women Who Have Abortions Say It’s Because Childcare is Too Expensive

Biden-Harris Regime’s New Rule Will Take Funding Away From Pregnancy Centers and Give It to Baby Murder Businesses

California’s ‘abortion sanctuary’ status is causing abortions to skyrocket

The difference between Trump and Biden on the abortion issue

Investigation dropped against former teacher who called out critical race theory in classrooms

Catholic group calls for state investigation of transgender activists at funeral in New York cathedral

Pro-Tranny Activists May Have Found a Backdoor to Force Hospitals to Provide Sex-Change Surgeries

Homosexual kicked off LGBT talk show, threatened after supporting Alberta ‘sex change’ ban

Meta let parents sell pics of their kids to pedophiles on Instagram: report

Texas teacher who cross-dressed at school put on leave after outrage

Helping Christians in Ghana Resist the LGBTQMYNAMEISLEGION Juggernaut         2/24


Saint Peter Damian, Cardinal Bishop

St. Polycarp

How St. Polycarp was taught by St. John the Apostle

Saint Polycarp’s – Baked Bread and Boldness

Saint Serenus, Martyr

Praying to the Saints with Aquinas

Marriage Wisdom from St. John Chrysostom

This is the simplest prayer to the Holy Spirit

St. John Paul II Prophesied:“Our Lady of Medjugorje will save America.”

Countering the devil's lies

Saint of the Day Quote: Blessed Daniel Brottier

The Imperiled Palestinian Christians

Despicable Dolan: ‘We Don’t Do FBI Checks on People Who Want to be Buried’

Dolan Praises of Homosexual Funeral, Organiser Calls Him a Liar

Ukrainian Catholic community in UK count the costs and kindnesses at two-year anniversary of Russian invasion


Catholics to hold Rosary rally at St. Patrick’s Cathedral after scandalous ‘transgender funeral’

Mel Addresses “Cancelled Priests”

Spain: One Bishop Dismisses a Bishop


Healing from the wounds of the Church hierarchy’s betrayal during COVID

Former nuns in Rupnik abuse case reveal identities while calling for ‘complete transparency’

Priest Prescribed Porn for ‘Spiritual Growth’

Monsignor Saunders Arrested

‘Real hope’: 13-year-old Belgian boy first ever cured of deadly brain tumor


Alabama Supreme Court’s Embryo Ruling Embodies America’s Legal Heritage

Biden’s State Department launches global campaign against pro-life, pro-family groups

Helping Christians in Ghana Resist the LGBTQMYNAMEISLEGION Juggernaut

The Left Celebrates Abortion, But This Woman Admits Abortion Shattered Her Life 

How devaluing the preborn leads to the craziness of baby hating

NAACP Can’t Say “Black Lives Matter” When it Supported Killing 20 Million Black Babies in Abortions

USA: Since the repeal of 'Roe v. Wade', 9,000 unborn babies were saved from abortion

Surrogacy under the microscope, from Rome to Michigan

Violence Against Christian Churches Doubled After Supreme Court Overturned Roe

Activists infiltrate government agencies to advance pro-abortion, pro-transgender ‘blueprint’

Suddenly activists concerned about unborn children?! Peer-reviewed study: ‘Climate change increases the risk of preterm births by 60% & will devastate children’s health without fast global action’

WARNING: We must stop the New World Order

Transhuman Scientists Grow Testicles In Laboratory

NY Times pushes an implausible story of polar bear evolution and what makes a species

LGBT activists who think Muslims share their progressive politics couldn’t be more wrong

North Carolina police training to incorporate 64 terms for 'gender identity', reduces training on constitutional law

Psychologist Punished for Questioning VA’s Gender Ideology Initiatives: ‘What Has Happened to Women’s Security?’

Jesuit-run church promotes transgender documentary, LGBT retreat with priests and deacons

Arkansas Nonbinary Activist Charged with 20 Counts of Possession of Child S*x Abuse Content

UK military to allow trans-identified male service members into female-only accommodations

Even Among Democrats, Pushing Gender Ideology in Schools Is Extremely Divisive

Charity Admits It Was Wrong To Fire Life-Long Volunteer Over Pronouns

Gender Ideologues Stack Deck on WHO Panel on Trans ‘Health’

American city declares itself LGBT sanctuary

These women feeling sorry for pedophiles are SICK           2/23


Saint Peter’s Chair at Antioch

St. Margaret of Cortona

Some Patristic Sources on the Feast of the Chair of St Peter

There is a wealth of peaceful, prayerful heritage in the old churches across our land  

Signs of Our Times: Our Lady’s Powerful words: “You cannot imagine what is going to happen nor what the Eternal Father will send to earth.

Christ’s Revelation Is Built Upon Natural Law

Padre Pio relics to form a cross across America

Open Letter to Priests from Young Catholic: Why Don’t You Do Anything Against the Ruin of Eucharistic Worship?

'Oh these lazy thinkers - they know nothing of a world of mind...!'

Pope John Paul II and the Chair of Peter

Washington bill that would have forced priests to break Seal of Confession is ‘dead’

The Catch-22 of Vatican City justice

Rock of Ages…But Some Loose Stones

Spiritual Warfare: Bring in the Reserves

A Vatican II Moment: The Chicken Dance Mass

Pewsitters Are The Biggest Problem.

New report details atrocities of persecution in Nigeria with 8,000 Christians killed last year alone

Immoral Cardinal: Catholic Sexual Morality Is "Defective"

Nigerian Archbishop: ‘No Possibility of Blessing Same-Sex Couples’

To Bless or Not to Bless – About the Vatican Declaration Fiducia Supplicans

Attacks on Churches Have Increased 800% in the Last Six Years

Church-taxed Germany: 650 Catholic churches are demolished or repurposed

German taxi driver who converted from Islam fined over Bible quote sticker

Does Pope Francis Have All The Markers Of An Apocalyptic Figure?

A Yes-Man: "I'm Absolutely in Line with the Pope"

Korean Priest Blesses LGBTQ+ Couple, While More Bishops Issue Condemnations

Heterodox bishop praises incoming Biden climate chief who ran Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign ???

U.S. Bishops Enable Invasion of 10 Million Illegal Aliens Under Biden Administration

To Understand The Globalists We Must Understand Their Psychopathic Religion

No Sacred Space: Christian Worship Is Under Attack and the Government Doesn’t Care

Church Attacks in America Doubled in 2023

Australian police arrest former Broome bishop in child abuse probe

Former nun raises allegations of abuse against priest Rupnik

Pornographic Films: Rupnik Victim Comes Out In Person

Fani Willis Accepts Award at Church After Confirming Affair with Married Man

Mother refuses doctors’ suggestion to abort twin daughter

Abortion Center Closed Down and Its Building is Now For Sale

Pro-Life Activists Rip NAACP for Its Support of Abortion, ‘the Ultimate Racism’

Are Scientific Journals Knowingly Publishing False Research To Promote Abortion Ideology?

Since 1986, Louisiana Law Has Confirmed Human Embryos are Human Beings

University Pauses IVF After Alabama Supreme Court Rules Frozen Embryos Are Children

Scientists can now grow synthetic human embryos in a lab without an egg or sperm

New Hampshire lawmakers reject effort to ‘allow abortion up until the moment of birth’

Are later abortions as ‘rare’ as they’re portrayed to be? Get the facts.

Multiple Studies Show Abortion Pills are Dangerous for Women

Illinois Democrat Wants Parents Who Refuse Abortion, "Gender-Affirming" Care for Kids Charged With Abuse

Death of Catholic former Dutch prime minister highlights ‘duo euthanasia’ trend in Netherlands

Ecuador Decriminalizes Euthanasia Amid Debate

Montana State Attorney Moves to Drop Case Against Kolstad Family Amidst Public Outcry and Media Storm

New Biden Regulation Would Force Gov’t Schools To Bow Before ‘Gender Identities’

Cardinal Dolan says St. Patrick’s priests ‘acted extraordinarily well’ during ‘transgender funeral’


How Many More Female Athletes Will Be Injured by Trans Players Before Biden Gives Up Trying to Rewrite Title IX?

German Theologians Seek Pro-LGBTQ+ Revisions to Vatican Licensing Process

Trans Activist Assaults Pro-Life Students at Virginia March for Life

“Don’t Touch the Kids,” Putin Tells Russia’s Sodomites

Seattle Activists Declare 'Homosexual Intifada'                              2/22


Saint Severianus, Bishop and Martyr

Saint Peter Damian’s Story

Peter Damian’s Book of Gomorrah

Blessed Brother Didace Pelletier, Confessor

Cardinal Muller; "DBK has no authority to tear its dioceses away from unity with the Pope and the Catholic Church”

Abp. Vigano: Cupich is absolutely right: the conciliar religion of the Bergoglian church finds its prayerful expression in the reformed liturgy.

Next One in Francis' Crosshairs: US Bishop Forbids Sodoma supplicans

'Gender ideology has penetrated the Church,' Spanish archbishop warns

Again dissatisfaction with Lenten cloths in Tyrol and Vienna

Vienna Cathedral Turns Jesus Upside Down for Lent


Vatican sponsors youth guide promoting 'values' of 'heretical' interfaith Abu Dhabi document

"Conservative" Bishop Persecutes Conservative Community

VIDEO — ‘God Heard Our Prayers!’: Hundreds Baptized in Florida Party School’s Fountain

Proposed Hong Kong law could cut off island’s Catholics from the Vatican

Christians Must Get Serious if They Hope to Challenge the Leftist Culture

Biblical Morality Is a Necessity for Freedom . . . and Americans Have Known It for Centuries

Sanctuary Churches Are Helping to Facilitate the Invasion of Our Country

Police Arrest Homosexual Priest for Trafficking Viagra


NY Cardinal Praises Cathedral’s Handling of ‘Sacrilegious’ Funeral for Trans Prostitute

USA: All But One Catholic Women’s Colleges Accept Transvestite Men

Enlightenment pragmaticism versus sacred revolt  

The Brew: Church Attacks in U.S. Doubled in 2023, as Texas Professor Fired for Teaching Biology in Biology Class Gets Job Back

State Supreme Court Rules Embryos ARE Children!

Abortion-vulnerable Hungarian woman takes advantage of life-saving adoption option

Pro-Abortion Leftists Are Mad Texas’s Heartbeat Law Saved Thousands of Nonwhite Babies

Casual Sex and Contraceptives Are so Normalized That Young Women Are Popping Plan B Like It’s Candy

Two More Stories Remind Us Why Porn Is NOT as Harmless as They Claim

Our Young People Are The Product Of The Western World's Dying Culture

British Parliament rejects ban on conversion therapy

Catholic Parents Ask for Supreme Court’s Help After Losing Their Son for Not Allowing Him to Become a Tranny

San Diego teachers sue California governor and attorney general for forcing them to conceal transgender status of children from parents

ORWELLIAN: Transgender Efforts to Silence Biological Truth Reach the State Department        2/21


Saint Eucherius, Bishop of Orleans

St. Wulfric

Saints Jacinta and Francisco Marto’s Story

St. Francisco of Fatima’s deep love of the Eucharist

Saint of the Day Quote: Martyrs of Tyre


Jesus’s favourite reference when preaching: the Book of Psalms  

15 Signs of a Toxic Spiritual Director

Largest Bishops Conference in Africa: Francis Hurts Church Unity

The ‘two speed Church’ agenda for the synod

"The imprecise pontificate"

Papal delegate to Foyers de Charité resigns

EXCLUSIVE: Cardinal Dolan praises priest who presided at 'trans' funeral in New York cathedral

Cathedral Holds “Mass of Reparation” After Sacrilegious Funeral for Atheist, Tranny Prostitute

Nearly 10,000 urge Cardinal Dolan to exorcise St. Patrick’s Cathedral after sacrilegious ‘trans’ funeral

Cathedral Apologizes After Trans-Advocate’s Funeral Fracas

Scottish priest accuses church of systematic harassment

Courage at What Cost?

Freemasonry wants a "mea culpa", Catholic Church commits examination of conscience

Vatican warns German bishops of ‘legal consequences’ over disputed ‘Synodal Committee’  

Cardinal Schönborn to DBK: “Refusing to give in would be a sign of a schism”

Devotional: Sometimes You Just Have to Wait on God

Christians Must Get Serious if They Hope to Challenge the Leftist Culture

Why Protestants Convert to Catholicism

Three Church Leaders Arrested in China While Leading Congregation’s Children in Worship

Meathead, Meet John Q. Adams, ‘Christian Nationalist’

A Catholic Family Day

Absolute Surrender

Brownsville Priest Arraigned on Child Trafficking and Sex Abuse Charges

One-third of Christians arrested in Iran targeted for possessing multiple Bibles

Mother thanks paramedics after giving birth to preemie twins at home

New Report Shows 89,000 Babies Saved From Abortions Since Roe v. Wade Overturned

This Pro-Life Sign Saved a Baby From Abortion 

Alabama Supreme Court rules embryos created via IVF are human children

Children Should Not be Euthanized Just Because They’re Disabled

Canadian abortion activists fail in their attempts to discredit pro-life pregnancy centers

Maryland governor announces $15 million in abortion funding

America’s “Most Hated Abortion Clinic” Opens For Business, Murdering Babies Up to 34 Weeks

Divine Wrath: Decadent Ireland Destroys Itself

This Washington D.C. Abortionist is Committing Infanticide and He Must be Stopped

Abortion is a satanic perversion of both motherhood and medicine

Canada scores world record for organ donation euthanasia

Lutheran Preacher Says “Drag Queen Story Hour” Is an Example of Degenerates Being a “Good Samaritan” to Children

TORCHED ‘EM: Missouri secretary of state candidate uses flamethrower to burn “GROOMING” books in viral video

EXCLUSIVE: Trans Activist "Family Bloggers" Who Lived In Feces-Covered Home Arrested On Charges Of Endangering The Welfare Of Their Child

Cardinal McElroy Claims Opponents of Homosexual Couple “Blessings” have an “Enduring Animus Towards LGBT Persons”

About that funeral … What happened at a controversial NYC liturgy last week?

Hmm, for Some Unknown Reason There Seems to Be a Pedophilia Epidemic Among Sodomites and Trannies

Researchers Find No Proof Transitioning a Kid Reduces Suicide, Probably Makes It Worse

State Dept. releases 'equity action plan,' promotes LGBT causes in foreign policy

Trannies and Their Allies Are Freaking out About a Women-Only Lesbian Bar

Girls high-school basketball team forfeits after trans player injures 3 players in Massachusetts

Anti-Catholic Drag Queen Busted for Child Pornography and Sexual Exploitation of a Minor          2/20


Saint Conrad of Piacenza, Hermit

Bl. Alvarez of Corova

Saint Barbatus, Bishop of Benevento

Facing the Peril of Docetism


First Sunday of Lent: Purified and Perfected by Penance

Saltem Diebus Dominicis: The Devil, Temptations, and You

Christian martyrdom – the highest act of love

Christian converts slaughtered for confessing faith in Jesus; 4 children now orphaned

Want to wear Christ’s crown of thorns? In Mexico, you can.

Bishop Strickland: Reflecting on the reality of hell is a ‘wake-up call’ to repent

....It’s called “Google”: know who’s using your church building

Bishop Strickland: Pastors must speak up for the truth because ‘souls are in jeopardy’

Pastor goes viral for video urging repentance amid backlash to 'He Gets Us' Super Bowl ad

“Pope… WHEN he is EXPLICITLY a heretic, he falls ipso facto..out of the Church & the Church MUST either deprive him, or, as some say, declare him deprived, of his Apostolic See.” (The Catholic Controversy, by Doctor of the Church St. Francis de Sales, Pages 305-306)

Cardinal Schönborn to DBK: “Refusing to give in would be a sign of a schism”

San Diego Cardinal McElroy says people complaing about Kissy and Francis's evil Fiducia have a 'anti-gay animus'

Rome says ‘nein’ to German bishops’ synodal committee vote

Strange: Vatican Begged German Bishops To Cancel Vote

Another letter from Rome to the German bishops

Let God Be True and Every Human Being a Liar: A Word of Encouragement to the Global Prayer Movement

‘It’s Sickening’: Catholic Cross Defaced With Muslim Symbols in Islamized France


Is Francis planning for a "Pope James Martin" or a "Pope Tucho"?: @OnePeterFive Pope Francis Attempts to Rig the Next Papal Election "Professing to “return to the early Church”, the idea would be to have cardinal-electors, the majority of whom Pope Francis has chosen, comprise seventy-five percent of the vote, while the remaining twenty-five percent would be made up of laymen and women and religious sisters, papally appointed by Pope Francis in advance of the Apostolic See becoming vacant." -Montagna

Funeral of the Big Whore: Responsible Now Claim that They Didn't Know Anything..

Investigation Clears U.K. Doctor Who Tried to Save Patient's Life Against Hospital's Wishes 

Francis' Appointments: Not Pastoral but Political

Globalists aiming to “peacefully” depopulate six billion people with mass euthanasia

Is America ‘On The Precipice Of Christian Invisibility’?

Sunny Side of The Stream: Leading Party School, Florida State, Sees Mass Baptisms in School Fountain

‘Conscience Before Conformity’: What the White Rose Students Can Teach Today’s Young Scholars

A Hard Look At Post-Christian Times

British police threaten street preacher with 'hate crime' charge for sharing Bible verses

Your Friendly Neighborhood Satan Club… Teaching Children To Call Evil Good And Good Evil

Understanding Freemasons: Coccopalmerio Has "Evolved"

Independent Journalist Infiltrates FREEMASON Lodge, Exposes Bizarre Rituals!

She had treatment for a devastating ectopic pregnancy and knows it was not an ‘abortion’

Violent Abortion Activists Attack Peaceful Pro-Life Americans

State wants parents charged with abuse if they oppose kid's abortion

Christian organization sues Quebec for canceling event over pro-life beliefs

Woman’s husband found her ‘passed out in puddle of blood’ after taking mifepristone

Bogus Study Falsely Claims Abortion Pill is Not Dangerous for Women

Christians warn against German bill that aims to crack down on pro-life prayers

Maryland governor announces $15 million in abortion funding

Russian Federal Agents Shut Down ‘My Little Pony’ Convention on Grounds It Is ‘LGBTQ Propaganda’

Rainbow Mouse Logo Spotted at 'Pride' Parade Reveals Disney and Kleenex Have Gone All-In on LGBT Agenda

Teen facing felony charges for leaving tire marks on LGBT progress pride intersection

Library shuts down over 'sexual intercourse in full view of patrons and staff'

Even a Catholic country like Mexico isn’t immune to the tyranny of gender madness

North Carolina Human Rights Campaign welcomes pedophile

Transgender free-for-all at St. Patrick's Catholic Cathedral in New York

Protecting Pedophiles Included in Democrat-Supported Plan in Congress      2/19


Saint Francis Regis Clet, Lazarist Missionary, Martyr

St. Alexis Falconieri

The Servite Saints of the Virgin Mary

The Story of the Seven Founders of the Servite Order

Saint Flavian, Patriarch of Constantinople, Martyr

The Eucharistic Hymns of St. Thomas Aquinas

Why St. Bernadette has a feast day in February and April

Excellent quick morning prayer to hone your bearing during Lent



Facing the Peril of Docetism

‘To Build Our Brothers Up’: Companions for Christ Answers Call for Community for the Diocesan Priesthood

Todos Todos Todos! "Cruel" Bishop Bans Mass in Austin



Cardinal Muller: Fiducia Supplicans is Contrary to the Church's Teaching

Cardinal Müller: Fiducia Supplicans ‘leads to heresy,’ Catholics cannot accept it

Cardinal Zen/Hong Kong with fundamental criticism: “How will the synod continue and end?”

The elephant in Augsburg: Bishops to weigh synodal committee’s fate

Italian Prelates Participate in Freemasonry Seminar

Priest who gave Wahlberg and Roumie ashes talks Lent

Letter to the American Church

100 young Africans become Christian influencers

Over 8,000 Christians killed in Nigeria in 2023, watchdog estimates

Pope Names DeathVax Scientist to Pontifical Academy for Life

Pope Francis’ atheist adviser was not happy after a LifeSite reporter asked her this question

Self-Proclaimed ‘Atheist’ City Official Targets Home Church, Demands Christians Stop Meeting

Liz Yore to trads who claim America is collapsing because it’s a Freemasonic country: ‘The Masonic globalists are the one’s destroying America because of its popular representation, freedom, and Christian faith’

Head of Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church decries human impact of war as divorce rate hits all-time high

Your brother was dead and is alive again!

Almost All 'Catholic' Women’s Colleges Admit Men Who Identify as Women

Why Its Going To Be So Compelling For The World To Worship The Antichrist

Panamanian Cardinal Resigns After Disappearance Incident

Christians warn against German bill that cracks down on pro-life prayers

Women are intentionally becoming single mothers. How does this affect children?

Maryland Governor Moore Spends $5 Million to Promote Killing Babies in Abortions

Leftists Say They Don’t Like Late-Term Abortions but Then Lament They Can’t Kill More Babies After 34 Weeks

Violent Abortion Activists Attack Peaceful Pro-Life Americans

Abortions climb to record levels in Ireland with over 10,000 in 2023

Joe Biden Uses Old Law Targeting KKK to Put Pro-Life Americans in Prison 

California Wants to Force Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers to Promote Abortions

UK Retail Store Sends Gender Identity Magazine With Tips For Chest-Binding Children To 70,000 Employees

“I Don’t Feel Mature Enough to See Any Man’s P****”: Students Forced to Confront School Board Over Woke “Inclusive” Bathroom Policy

Teachers Sue Gavin Newsom Over Policy Forcing Them to Lie About Student’s Transgender Status to Parents

Greece becomes first Orthodox Christian country to legalise same-sex marriage

Sodoma-and-Gomorra Funeral In New York Cathedral


“Mother of All Whores”: Hundreds of Trannies Flock to Cathedral in Fetish Gear to Honor Atheist, Tranny Prostitute

College LGBT Ash Wednesday event claims Bible's condemnation of homosexuality is 'Christian fake news'

North Carolina RINOs Attack Conservative Lt. Governor Mark Robinson for Defending Women’s Bathrooms

Proposed “Genderful” School Designed for Young Children to “Explore Their Gender” in “Affirming” Environment

Teachers Caught Grooming Kids In Maine: School Allows ‘Gay Sexuality Clubs’ With Teachers

Minnesota School District Allows Muslim Families to Opt Out of LGBTQ Curriculum

Spanish Bishop Blasts Evils of Porn

Spanish Jesuit: We Already Bless Homosexual “Marriages”

Life-Long Charity Volunteer Fired for Not Understanding Pronouns 

DeSantis: Biden Sneaks Plan to ‘Impose Gender Ideology on K-12 Schools’                           2/17


Saint Onesimus, Bishop and Martyr

St. Daniel

Saint Gilbert of Sempringham’s Story

Saint John de Britto, Martyr


Cardinal: A Division "Never before Seen in the Church" Looms

Cardinal Zen/Hong Kong with fundamental criticism: “How will the synod continue and end?”

What the media misses with its cynical take on ‘Gen Z’ embracing traditional Catholicism  

Scaffolding Begins To Be Removed in Paris’ Notre Dame, Revealing New Spire With a Golden Phoenix Celebrating the Rebirth-From-The-Flames Cathedral

"Generally Speaking, Cardinals Are Men of No Faith"

Rift between Vatican and Israel grows after Gaza remarks by top papal advisor   

Nuncio Eterović: “The Word of God encourages us to rediscover the value of confession”

"Generally Speaking, Cardinals Are Men of No Faith"

Prominent clergy and scholars sign collective letter requesting Pope to retract Fiducia Supplicans

"But you make it a den of thieves"

Argentine Archbishop: Francis Is a Despotic Demagogue

Archbishop Aguer: The confusion of Francis’ papacy has only worsened as he’s gotten older

Of “Healing Priests” and Other Strange Intrusions

What if the Vatican actually goes broke?

INFOGRAPHIC: Freemasonry – the mystical body of the Antichrist


Milan archbishop to attend ‘dialogue’ seminar with Italian Freemasons

Proposed Hong Kong Law Sparks Fears of Religious Persecution

Priest denies Virgin Birth. Catholic? Evangelical? Anglican? – “God laughs at it”

Washington State Bishops Reportedly Under AG Investigation for Abuse

Faithfully Armed: Reflections on the Lakewood Church Shooting

“Laugh-out-loud clean comedy”: Confessions of a Catholic Single

Anti-Christian Propaganda At Super Bowl: ‘He Gets Us’ Presents FALSE GOSPEL

Christian leaders abandon faith in Christ, push “mental health” and trusting medical doctors as solutions for life’s problems

Religious NGOs: The Hidden Players in America’s Illegal Immigration Crisis

Adventure novel ‘Catholic Joe: Superhero’ defends marriage, takes on Church corruption

Why Its Going To Be So Compelling For The World To Worship The Antichrist

Catholic Mother of 2 Killed in Shooting at Kansas City Chiefs Victory Parade

Mother Bravely Refuses to Abort Her Twin Daughter

Call to Action for Pro-Lifers in Chicago

40 Days for Life Prayer Campaign Saves Baby From Abortion on Day One

These women’s deaths demonstrate that legal abortion doesn’t mean ‘safe’ abortion

Ireland Killed Over 10,000 Babies in Abortions Last Year 

Minnesota March for Life Condemns Killing 12,000 Babies in Abortions Every Year 

Inside a Ukrainian Baby Factory

‘Catholics for Choice’ group sends pro-abortion speaker to Catholic college

Five Full-Term Babies Were Brutally Slaughtered in Abortions. Where’s the Outrage?

Colorado Suicide Bill Eradicates Discernment Time

INSANE: Biden Regime Sues State of Tennessee Over Law Punishing Prostitutes for Knowingly Spreading HIV – Claims Law Violates the Americans with Disabilities Act

‘Deepfake’ Danger: Children Who Exploit Other Kids Online Using Pornographic Imagery

Surgeon Who Performs Transgender Vaginoplasties: Complications ‘Can Be Pretty Bad’

‘Queer’-Affirming Student Group Sponsors Glitter Ashes on Ash Wednesday

U.S. Jesuits Bolster LGBTQ+ Outreach

90 year-old woman fired by MS Society for not understanding pronouns.

NBC Obfuscates Child Pornography Charges Against Oklahoma Drag Queen Principal           2/16


Saints Faustinus and Jovita, Martyrs

St. Walfrid

Saint Claude de la Colombière’s Story

Saint of the Day Quote: Saint Claude de la Colombičre


21 Coptic saints honored on February 15 in the Roman Rite

God is the principal cause of all the effects in the universe

Mother Teresa’s 10 essential ways to grow in humility


Rising From the Ashes: The Legacy of the First Benedictine Monastery

Pope pays tribute to Albanian Cardinal Simoni, calling him "a living martyr"

Ash Wednesday is the beginning of forty days of spiritual battle and penance

Knights launch novena for peace and healing in Ukraine

Prepare Yourselves to Live a Eucharistic Lent

Prayers for Detestation of Our Sins

Fasting by Slowing Down

Cardinal Roche Is an Evasive Prelate

Of “Healing Priests” and Other Strange Intrusions

Catholic head of Polish conference, Abp. Gadecki isn’t even 75 yet and Francis is getting the axe ready

USA: Two More Dioceses Return To Kneeling

Strong families will be the ones to save the Church during these troubling times

Anything But the Cross

Amid scandal, Strasbourg auxiliary bishop resigns for 'health reasons'

Pontifical Academy for Life president claims Catholic moral teaching 'requires continued reflection'

Louis is a missionary from his wheelchair

Want to Slash Your Risk for Divorce? Start Going to Church

In Ash Wednesday Message, Mark Wahlberg Reveals Power of Prayer

5 Inspiring Catholics to follow during Black History Month

Chiefs Star Turns to God as Super Bowl Parade Is Marred by Shooting: 'Join Me in Prayer'

EU Resolution Blames Climate Change for Massacre of Nigerian Christians

The False Christianity of “He Gets Us”

Religious NGOs Use Faith to Justify Lucrative Illegal Immigration

Will Islam take over Europe?

Being a Christian in a pluralistic society

Georgetown ("Catholic") students mock Ash Wednesday by drawing butts on foreheads to celebrate 'A** Wednesday'

CCP Is Pressuring Believers Not to Raise Their Children in the Christian Faith

Mom Gives Birth to Premature Twin Babies at Home, They’re Doing Great

Though their three-day marriage ended in tragedy, God brought new life

Mother shares beautiful life of 10-year-old with Trisomy 18: ‘We just love our little girl’

Woman finds hope and healing after ‘horrific’ chemical abortion

40 Days for Life Campaign Begins in 656 Cities, Hundreds of Thousands of People Pray to End Abortion

German government admits: Censorship zone plan around abortion organizations without data basis!

Opponents blast ‘appalling use’ of Scottish funds for sperm and egg donation campaign

73,000,000 Abortions Happen Worldwide Each Year 

Pro-Abortion Valentine’s Day Cards Claim Killing Babies is Loving

Illinois bill would charge parents with abuse for trying to prevent a minor’s abortion

Joe Manchin Sponsors Bill for Abortions Up to Birth, Claims He’s “Pro-Life”

Colorado Suicide Bill Eradicates Discernment Time

Media romanticizes euthanasia deaths of former Netherlands Prime Minister and wife

Canada is Urging People to Kill Themselves in Assisted Suicides Who Aren’t Even Terminally Ill 

Biden admin submits rule to force all public schools to embrace LGBT ‘identities’

Indiana launches website for parents to report LGBT, racial indoctrination in schools

Degenerate LGBTQ Ministers Accused of Mocking Christians With “Glitter Ash Wednesday”

LGBTQ Glitter Destroys the Spirit of Ash Wednesday

NCAA Official Resigns Over Tranny Policies in Women’s Sports: “Authorized Cheating”

Proposed State Bill Would Force Schools to Help Transition Children Who Question Their Gender      2/15


Saint Valentine, Priest and Martyr

Saints Cyril and Methodius, and, Yes, Valentine

Saints Cyril and Methodius’ Stories

The Incorrupt Life of Saint Catherine de Ricci

Vatican remembers Coptic martyrs of Libya


Saint John Baptist of the Conception – The Reformer of the Trinitarians

Lent With Saint Thomas More

Our Lady of Good Success: did she accurately predict current events?

Ash Wednesday is the beginning of forty days of spiritual battle and penance

The Ashes of Valentine

France: Catholics are becoming more and more conservative

Texas diocese reportedly directed by the Vatican to end Traditional Latin Masses at its cathedral

On the Record: Lenten listening for heart and soul as Ash Wednesday dawns

No Other Problems? Tucho Chases Mystical Abuse

Our Lady has given the Church an appointment with the third secret

Bishop Varden: ‘By climbing we learn to pray’

Did Lent sneak up on you? Here are some tips.

Ashes to Go

The “ripple effect” during Lent: When small stones draw large circles

Can the Sacrament of Reconciliation even extend to Rudolf Hoess, commandant of Auschwitz? 

Finding Hope in the Desert

California dioceses to kneel at 'Lamb of God'

5 interesting facts about Ash Wednesday, Lent

Canada archdiocese gives guidance on MAiD

A priest's incredible departure from this world

Francis' Flop: Strasbourg Auxiliary Bishops Resigns At 51 - Less Than Three Years As Bishop

Being a Christian in a pluralistic society

Hindu nationalists threaten Catholic school over Ash Wednesday observance

Liturgical or Pastoral? Milei Receives Communion In St Peter's Basilica

Speyer: 15-year-old raped at carnival party of the 'Catholic Young Community'!

Rome: Deranged American Black Hebrew Israelites storm a Basilica and threaten Catholics inside before being put in their place by a brave Catholic

A Papacy Fit fot the End Times

Hong Kong Activist: Proposed Law Could Worsen Religious Liberty, Persecute Catholics

Catholics Pan Gay Blessing Fr. James Martin faces pushback on social media

Vienna Cathedral: Christ Is Upside Down

Canterbury Cathedral’s ‘Rave in the Nave’ Draws the Ire of Believers and Nonbelievers

Bishop Weisenburger Attempts to Gaslight The Faithful on Illegal Immigration

Catholic Church Condemns Assisted Suicide: “We Uphold the Dignity of All Human Life” But the Majority of the Clergy Support Those Who Promote It

Christians Are Livid Over 'He Gets Us' Super Bowl Commercial - 'Pure Blasphemy'

The Ideology of Evolution: It's Time to Dispel This Lie

Devil In The Details: Socialism— The Wave Of The Future Or A Failed And Bankrupt Ideology

Pro-Life Lenten Prayer Campaign Prays for Women Considering Abortions

She lost four siblings to abortion. Now she’s pro-life.

Babies are So Cute, How Could They be Killed in Abortions?

Families need help, but an abortion business ‘pantry’ isn’t the place to get it

Pro-Life Advocate Says Fatherlessness is the “Most Ignored Crisis”

IVF pioneer slams the modern-day fertility industry

Joe Biden Claims He Opposes Abortions Up to Birth, But That’s What His Administration Promotes

Controversial Super Bowl ad fails to show how the pro-life movement ‘washes feet’ every day

Pew study paints a picture of the average US atheist

Democrat states are nationalizing euthanasia in America

Pastor accused of dealing meth out of rectory

James Martin AGAIN Violates FS by Blessing Homosexual Relationship Instead of Individuals

Review of 60+ studies explodes left-wing claims that 'gender transitions' help children

Christian UPS Driver Takes on the Corporation Over Extreme LGBT and Anti-Christian Work Environment

“Gender Nightmare”: Why Even Secular People Are Sounding the Alarm on “Medical Atrocities”

 “Gender-Affirming Care” Is a Marketing Term Used to Make Money Off Tranny Delusions

Commiefornia Couple Pleads Guilty Over Gender Reveal Party That Sparked Deadly Wildfire

Let’s Talk About the Gender-Poisoned Mass Shooter Trend the Media Are Trying to Hide

Demonic Insane Woke Abusers Target Children

The Lucrative Business of Transgenderism

Houston PD Criticized For Agonizing Over Church Shooter's Correct Pronouns              2/14


St. Catherine de Ricci, Virgin

Saint Giles Mary of Saint Joseph’s Story

Blessed Bishop Ambrose Leblanc, Franciscan Provincial

Saint of the Day Quote: Saint Antony Cauleas

St. Scholastica’s fraternal charity with her brother St. Benedict is an example of true Christian love

Did you know Fat Tuesday honors the Holy Face of Jesus?

Fat Tuesday and the Golden Calf of Self-Indulgence

11 years ago today, Pope Benedict attempted to create an Expanded Petrine Ministry, failed to do so out of Substantial Error, and thus remained Pope until his death

Let Children Aim High This Lent

Moving the Overton-Window on “Schism”

Cardinal Müller: Efforts to Explain ‘Fiducia Supplicans’ Add to Confusion Over Document

Cardinal Müller: Francis Has Relapsed into Paganism

France: Young religious couple renovates rotting little church for the baptism of their child

Syro-Malabar bishop demands 'exemplary action’ over elephant attack


Foreign priests barred from getting U.S. Visas. Will any Catholic media blame the White House rather than border control proponents?

Carnival Novus Ordo in Germany: The Great Devil Was

Italy and the Catholic Church still riven by pernicious politics of memory  

Christian campus ministries report spike in interest as ‘lost’ Gen Z seeks meaning, guidance

Michigan priest convicted of stealing from priests

An Open Border Policy Is Not a Biblical Mandate

Nigeria fast becoming a hostile killing field, Catholic bishops in Ibadan province say  


During the Super Bowl, leftists crusaded to recreate Christ in a cultural Marxist mode

Will we allow cyborg ambition and abortion to defeat Christian protest?

Parish in the Diocese of Linz ignores instructions from Rome

Indian state of Assam: Radical Hindus act against Christian symbols in schools

Controversy Over ‘He Gets Us’ Super Bowl Commercial 

America Is Reaping The Whirlwind We Have Sown: As Our Nation And Leaders Embrace Satan & Globalism While Sacrificing The American People, Destruction & Deception Thrive

Cloud Computing: The Perils of Redefining God as a Celestial Microchip

First infant surrendered in Missouri’s only Safe Haven Baby Box

University of Notre Dame Refuses to Apologize for Bringing “Abortion Doula” to Campus

EXCLUSIVE: Atheist Mariana Mazzucato defends Pontifical Academy for Life membership, downplays abortion

11 States Will Likely Vote on Measures Allowing Abortions Up to Birth

Extreme ‘self-abortion to birth’ amendment revived in UK

University of Notre Dame Refuses to Apologize for Bringing “Abortion Doula” to Campus

Why I’m Grateful a Priest Never Blessed My Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ (or My Irregular One)

Joel Osteen church shooter is transgender whose gun packed big political message  

Jesuits Receive 93 Abuse Complaints Against Former Priest College Teacher

Biden shells out $1.4 million to help 'transgender people' cope with COVID 'stress'                   2/13


Saint Benedict of Anian, Abbot

St. Buonfiglio Monaldo

Saint Apollonia’s Story

The Seven Holy Servite Founders

The Salvific Message of Lourdes

Prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes

Saint of the Day Quote: Saint Theodora the Empress

God's Mother vs. Satan

This saint proves you don’t need to be talented to be holy

Latin Mass FrancisCanceled in Austin Cathedral

Cardinal Müller: Efforts to Explain ‘Fiducia Supplicans’ Add to Confusion Over Document

Traditionis Custodes: Francis' Axe Destroys Another Mass

Even doubters and deniers can find a spiritual home in the Psalms

The Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes in Jordan Is Symbol of Reconciliation in Torn Holy Land

Harrison Butker - Super Bowl, Old Mass and Saints Quotes

Confession brought Chiefs’ kicker Harrison Butker back to the Catholic Church

Ciudad del Este: Francis Continues His Work of Destruction

The Church’s ‘other’ immigration problem

Bishop Strickland: Our souls are in danger if we live according to popular opinion over the Gospel

Divided bishops want to declare peace to people

Seattle FrancisDiocese to turn 170 parishes into 60

Be Specific in Your Thanks to God 

An Immature Teenager: Catholics Are Tired of Francis

‘A Church that seeks the truth’: The making of the 1st global report on child protection

Satan is gaslighting you. Make him stop.

Author combats demonic realm, youth suicide and gender confusion through biblical fiction

Defending the Family: Alberta's Bold Resistance Against Canada's March Towards State-Controlled Childrearing

Christian university reports record enrollment, up 10% since last spring

The First Fascist Saint?

Adam and Eve painting looted by Nazis returns after 80 years

European Parliament Condemns Massacre of Christians in Nigeria, Blames Climate Change

Woman firing gun at Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church killed; 5-year-old child in critical condition

The Testimony of Baby Leo’s Life

Iowa pro-lifers celebrate closing of largest abortion center in state capital

Argentina: President Javier Milei wants to ban the killing of unborn children

From foster care to football star: 49ers Dre Greenlaw’s powerful adoption story

Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers in Kansas City Win Donations Thanks to Chief’s Super Bowl Victory

The Glaswegian nuns who called the feminists’ bluff on abortion

Woman born in UK in the late 1950s shocked to learn how she was conceived

Joe Biden Will Lose Running on Abortion

Media outlet strains in vain to find impact of Dobbs on OB/GYN residency applications

Notre Dame’s Silence on Abortion Doula ‘Displays the Rot,’ Catholic Critic Says

‘Wrongful birth’ lawsuits show our culture has once again embraced eugenics

Ecuador’s Constitutional Court Approves Euthanasia

Former Dutch Prime Minister, Wife, Die Together With State-Sponsored Suicide

Sodomia supplicans: A New Development in Papal Insults

Democrat Hellhole Seattle to Spend $1.8M on All-Gender Waterfront Bathroom Facility

‘Transgender’ daycare worker who abused baby girl avoids prison time

Pentagon Secretly Institutionalized DEI In Its K-12 Public Schools 

MP: Dead People Should Be Allowed to "Change Gender"

Trans Daycare Worker Avoids Prison Time for Sexually Abusing Baby         2/12


Jesus, King of All Nations, is the Answer and the Divine Remedy to Our Ills and the Ills of Secular Society

Our Lady of Lourdes, (1858)

St. Paschal

Saint Scholastica, Abbess

The Last Visit of Scholastica and Benedict

St. Jose Luis Sanchez del Rio

Father of Mercies

Saint of the Day Quote: Saint Paul and Ninety Companions


'It is always Mary who draws us to Jesus'

What exactly is sacred music?

Bishop Strickland: Life is a sacred ‘treasure’ from God that cannot be ‘disposed at our whim’

Catholic Bishop Condemns Joe Biden on Abortion: “Taking the Life of an Innocent Child is Never a Choice”    WE NEED ACTION!!!

Pilgrimages through Austria lead a British judge to the Catholic Church

Monsignor Bonivento: No, Scicluna, Celibacy Was Never "Facultative"

Friendly Fire: Canceling the Cancel Culture in the Church … and in Our Hearts

“Night to Shine”: highlight of the ball season for people with disabilities

Christians face increasing erosion of religious freedom in the West: report

City drops criminal charges against Ohio pastor who sheltered homeless at church

Thirty Christians killed in Israel’s war with Hamas, say church sources

Monastery study shows higher life expectancy among religious men

GMC clears Catholic doctor investigated for ‘trying to save patient’s life’

A ‘less masculine’ Church: Isn’t it already like that?

German seminary rector says he allows openly homosexual men to enter, become priests   ???

Is Catholic Charities a Federal Criminal?

Notre Dame’s Silence on Abortion Doula ‘Displays the Rot,’ Catholic Critic Says 

“You brood of snakes!”

‘I was stalked by a cult!’ — How I paid the price for blowing the whistle on ‘Christian’ cults in Norway 

A Church that seeks the truth’: The making of the 1st global report on child protection

ERLC political engagement guide aims to help Christians ‘think biblically’ about politics

Mom Refuses to Abort Her “Nonviable” Baby, Now Her Daughter is Happy and Thriving 

Iowa pro-lifers celebrate closing of largest abortion center in state capital

Premature Baby Born at 26 Weeks is Doing Great Five Years Later

A woman pled guilty to murder for DUI crash that killed a pregnant woman. The baby survived.

Thousands of Babies Like Him Have Been Saved in the Middle of an Abortion 

EXCLUSIVE: DC Medical Examiner Confirms It Will Not Immediately Destroy Baby Bodies

‘Pro-life Spiderman’ arrested after Vegas climb to raise money for pregnant homeless woman

Hypocrisy at its Best: Abortion Activist in the Vatican

Not One Single Pro-Life Law in America Puts Women in Prison for Having Abortions

Researchers question retraction of studies showing risks of chemical abortions

New Planned Parenthood video tells children ‘virginity is whack’

Satanic Temple Claims Abortion Is Part of Their Religion in Effort to Block Abortion Bans  

Virginia bishops urge laity demand lawmakers ‘reject’ assisted suicide

Does The Canadian Government Have The ‘Human Right’ To Assist In Suicide?

Ecuador’s Constitutional Court decriminalizes euthanasia

‘Trampling On Rights’: UK Parliament Sees Overwhelming Opposition To Extreme ‘Conversion Therapy’ Bill

Commiefornia Teacher Gets Placed on Leave For Criticizing District’s Expensive and Ineffective “Woke Kindergarten”  

LGBT Group Gets New Leader

Now it’s time for Canada to ban ‘sex change’ surgeries for children nationwide              2/11



St. Cyril of Alexandria, Doctor of the Church

St. Apollonia

St. Apollonia and the Martyrs of Alexandria

Saint of the Day Quote: Saint Miguel Febres Cordero

St. Romuald Monastic reformer and founder of the Camaldolese order

God’s existence can be known by the light of natural reason

Jesus, King of All Nations, is the Answer and the Divine Remedy to Our Ills and the Ills of Secular Society

TLM in the Fifty States, a Thread: An Ode in Images to a Traditional Catholic Renaissance that is Blossoming in America

Istanbul: Famous Chora Monastery to Reopen As "Mosque" This Month

The original ‘49ers’ chaplain

‘Silent Disco’ at Canterbury Cathedral leads to more voluble protest

Abp. Viganò: Pope Francis’ invitation of Anglican ‘bishopess’ signals his intention to ‘ordain’ women

Francis' Crusader Against the Roman Rite Was in Paris

Virginia bishops urge laity demand lawmakers ‘reject’ assisted suicide

The ‘Racist’ Reason Why Pope Francis Thinks African Bishops Refuse LGBT Blessings 

What your cold has to do with Adam and Eve

Crackdown on faith in Hong Kong is a warning to the West

"Like the Jesuits": A Cardinal Calls His Successor a Traitor

The key to defeating communism is faith in God, U.S. chairman of CCP committee emphasizes

'First I want to give glory to God'

GMC clears Catholic doctor investigated for ‘trying to save patient’s life’

Super Bowl QB Brock Purdy starts off every day reading this Bible passage

Super Bowl ads promoting Jesus to air again this year, and this billionaire family is behind it

‘More Than Just Football’: Super Bowl 2024 and 7 Players Who Pray

Families of abuse victims can sue Aussie Churches

“The final battle between the Lord and the kingdom of Satan will be about marriage and the family.”

Prioritize Marriage, Not Same-Sex Blessings

Former lesbian who reverted to Catholicism shares her reaction to Fiducia Supplicans

Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz Closes Its Largest Center in Des Moines

USA: Only four indictments after over a hundred attacks on life protection centers and churches

Abortion seemed like the ‘easy’ choice to keep her pro-life parents in the dark. It wasn’t.

Michigan Abortion Advocates Lied, Now They’re Trying to Kill Informed Consent 

Abortion Activists Caught Faking Petition Signatures to Make Baby Murder Seem More Accepted Than It Actually Is

Black History Month reminds us of the millions of African American babies targeted by abortion

14-Year-Old Girl Suffers Perforation During Botched Abortion 

Biden administration awards nearly $2 billion to abortion organizations

Little Chance for a Dignified Burial for the DC 5

Commiefornia Sues Nonprofits Offering “Abortion Pill Reversal” Treatment

Suicide Machine Will Ask People Three Questions Before it Kills Them

Catholic priest and six others arrested in India under draconian anti-conversion law

Francis On Practiced Homosexuality: "I Bless Two People Who LOVE Each other"

‘One step forward?’ — How some American Catholics experience ‘Fiducia supplicans’

NFL hosts LGBT pride night ahead of Super Bowl; over 40K sign petition opposing event

Transgender Series Part 3: Detransitioner Medical Malpractice Lawsuits Will Yield $10M Judgments, Lawyer Says

Delta has recently promoted a trans-identifying pilot who repeatedly received bad reviews from captains

Former lesbian: A priest’s attempt to whitewash sin of homosexuality harmed me

South Dakota Forced To Apologize To Transgender Activists, Pay $300,000

Campaign Highlights Oreo’s Partnership With ‘Militant’ LGBTQ Group

Austria: Diocese Organises Blind Date For Homosexuals

“Gender Affirming Care and Young People.”   HHS pamphlet ???

SCIENCE DENIAL: Lia Thomas’ Biological Edge ‘Is Not the Problem’                2/9


Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus

Saint John of Matha, Founder

St. Jerome Emiliani

Saint Jerome Emiliani’s Pilgrimage to Heaven

Saint Josephine Bakhita

The Formidable Forgiveness of Josephine Bakhita

Saint of the Day Quote: Blessed Jacoba dei Settsoli

MARIA: MATER MEA, FIDUCIA MEA — Confidence in Mary

The Filioque in the Eastern Fathers

Faithful Catholics are suffering. Meditating on the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary can help

A thought experiment shows the power of the Eucharist

‘A mountaintop moment’: How the Eucharistic Congress wants to unify the Church

Lent challenges us to question what we treasure in life

EXCLUSIVE: Catholic bishop in the Holy Land reveals the war’s devastating impact on Christians

The return of the monks: Trappists make a new start in Norway

French Bishop: European Bishops Are Mute Dogs

I Hope You’re Clinging to Christ: My Thoughts on the “Catholic Cartel”

“You brood of snakes!”

Tomoe, Fr. Yasuda & Google’s microchip

India’s bishops: ‘Attacks on Christians now common’

Carnival: A [Former] House of God Gets Feathered

More Christians charged, harassed in India under anti-conversion laws  

Oxford Oratory celebrates uptick in adults received into Catholic Church

Catholic Church challenging Quebec MAID euthanasia law on religious freedom grounds

Valentine's Day Singles Mass regardless of sexual orientation

"Spontaneous Blessing" Hoax: Two Homosexuals [Pseudo] Blessed At Eucharist

Pope brings the Chinese Dragon to life

EXCLUSIVE: Insider reveals stunning new details of Pope Francis’ Vatican maneuvers

Watch: Saints QB Jameis Winston, with His Child in His Arms, Gives Fiery Speech Honoring God  

House Resolution Moves Forward To Place Nigeria Back On The CPC List For Its Slaughter Of Christians

100 years of US experimentation with lethal gas executions

Metaverse use dips among churches as Zuckerberg remains committed to VR   ???

Would Irving Berlin Be Able to Publish “White Christmas” Today?

LEGO to release Notre Dame de Paris model in June

Single Mom Didn’t Have Any Money for Abortion, Now She’s Happy She Kept Her Baby


Baby Born at 24 Weeks Was the Smallest Preemie Ever at This Hospital, Now He’s heading Home 

Minister requests medical examiner hand over bodies of 5 late-term aborted babies for burial

Take it from an ex-abortionist: Many pro-abortion arguments are cynical lies

Live Action’s ‘Baby Olivia’ fetal development video is medically accurate despite media claims

A Man Climbed the Las Vegas Sphere Today to Raise Money for a Pregnant Homeless Woman [VIDEO]

Christian pastor sentenced for sign with Bible quote outside abortion clinic in London

Woman describes ‘nightmarish’ abortion pill experience: ‘No one had warned me’ 

El Salvador’s pro-life President Nayib Bukele wins re-election in a landslide

Legislator Holds Her Baby in Her Arms While She Promotes Killing Babies in Abortions 

Bioethics journal argues pregnancy is a ‘disease’ like the measles

Satanic Abortion Statue Heading to Houston to Honor Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Dutch law allowing euthanasia for children takes effect

Pro-Life Leaders Condemn Pandemic Agreement With WHO, Which Calls Killing Babies in Abortions “Essential”

Foster Care and Gender Ideology Collide in Oregon Case

Faithful Ontario Catholic school trustee continues to be targeted after opposing LGBT agenda

Demons: Trans Activists Mock One-Armed Pro Surfer Bethany Hamilton at Library Event by Bringing Stuffed Shark

The Government Accidentally Confirms It Has No Real Evidence to Support So-Called “Gender Affirming Care” for Minors

Transgender Series, Part 2: ‘Truthful Therapist’ Explains Why Parents Can’t Trust Mental Health Professionals

Leftists are trying to find ‘transgenders’ in history to legitimize their cultural revolution

Hypocritical Organization Celebrates Women in Sports While Also Pushing for Trannies to Be Included

Pope Claims You’re A Hypocrite If You Oppose His ‘Blessing’ For Homosexual Couples

Univ. law clinic: UN must investigate Texas for banning minors from drag shows, trans surgeries

Fugitive teacher caught, charged with child porn, soliciting a child for sex

Hospitals Are so Committed to the Tranny Cult That They Are Willing to Break the Law

WATCH: Republican candidate torches LGBT grooming books with flamethrower                         2/8


Why adoration is an essential type of prayer

Saint Romuald, Founder and Abbot

Saint of the Day Quote: Blessed Rizzerio

Notre Dame rises again: Paris unveils grand reopening plans for Dec. 8


Beautiful, ancient Marian miracle stories can be found at Princeton web

Messages to Child Visionary Pertaining to the Warning, Chastisement, Luisa and the Divine Will!  22  min.

Is it possible to prove the existence of God?

The parish at the top of the world

Cardinal Müller criticizes the 'childish behavior' of bishops who suppress the Old Mass

‘American Bishops Offer the World an Example of Courage,’ Says French Bishop

Does Vatican II Have Supreme Authority?

Melkites Caught in the Middle

Crybaby Tucho: Catholics Are Using My Pornographic Writings Against Me

Archbishop Emeritus Aguer/Argentina: “A division of continental proportions in the Church”

‘Cardinal Bigfoot’ and the return of la Suprema?

Sodoma Supplicans: An Argentinian Archbishop Rebukes Two Italian Cardinals

90 Catholic Priests, Scholars Ask Church Leaders to Oppose Same-Sex Blessings

Hirelings Bishops unfaithful to Christ and faithful to the Oath of Omertà to Bergoglio

Chilean nun who voluntarily spent 18 months in prison during Covid wins prestigious award

Weinandy: Francis Even Worse Than Bad Popes of the Past

The Political Engagement of Jorge Mario Bergoglio ad maiorum Soros gloriam

'Sauerei' in Willisau

Open Borders Germany: Catholic School Warns Parents, 'Regardless of the Time of Day, Don't Let Your Girls Walk to School Alone'

Empathy for the Devil?

Christian Mom Warns of ‘Idolatry and Wickedness’ Seen on New Taylor Swift Album Cover

Super Bowl 2024: Meet Father Steve Kim, San Francisco 49ers’ Catholic Chaplain

C.J. Stroud responds after NBC removes his Jesus praise from interview clip

Most Evangelical pastors say sports betting is 'morally wrong,' survey reveals ahead of Super Bowl

Child of sexual assault shares why he’s thankful that his mother chose life

8 Great names from early Christian saints for a baby boy

Alaskans march for life through snow, freezing temperatures in Anchorage

Union of Catholic Mothers sticking up for families at time of ‘great unrest’

Notre Dame student journalists sue pro-abortion professor after prevailing in defamation case

Medical Journal Hides Studies Showing Abortion Pills are Dangerous for Women

Catholics join battle for Poland's pro-life laws

Judge rejects Yelp’s bid to dismiss Texas lawsuit over ‘deceptive’ labels on pregnancy centers

Pro-lifers temporarily block alliance between WHO and abortion extremists

EXCLUSIVE: Conservative Leaders Call on Jordan, Johnson to Repeal ‘Weaponized’ FACE Act

Woman Dies After “Routine” Surgical Abortion at Australian Abortion Clinic

Big Abortion plans to use pharmacists to both prescribe and dispense abortion pill

Euthanasia is becoming disturbingly ‘normal’ in Western culture

Radical Leftists Want to Force Catholic Hospitals to Euthanize Patients 

Transgender Series, Part 1: What Is Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria and Why Does It Matter?

WOKE TYRANNY: Aspiring foster parents could be prohibited from adopting children if they don’t push gender ideology at home

ANDY NGO REPORTS: Oregon drag queen arrested over child sex crimes at home salon

Campaign Highlights Oreo’s Partnership With ‘Militant’ LGBTQ Group

AUSTRALIA: Transgender TikToker Pleads Guilty to Child Sexual Abuse Charges 

Biden State Department Funds Program to Create Army of 2,500 ‘LGBTQI+ Allies’               2/7


Saint Titus, Bishop

St. Paul Miki

More on the Nagasaki Martyrs

Saint Dorothy, Virgin and Martyr

Fatima and Fiducia

EXCLUSIVE: Bishop Joseph Strickland Reacts to the Controversy About Gender Roles

Argentine archbishop criticizes cardinals who back Fiducia Supplicans

Seattle Archdiocese announces plan to merge parishes

When Sin Is Defined By Geography

THE DEEP FAKE: Globalism’s Plan to Criminalize Free Speech

Panama’s Cardinal Lacunza apologizes for his disappearance: ‘It was a stupid prank’   ???

Mrs Bishop Indoctrinates Francis’ Council of Cardinals

Pope turns to female theologians on women’s roles in Church

Pope Francis silent about Christ, Catholicism in new messages on anniversary of Abu Dhabi document

WATCH: New York Vocations Director Accused of Seminarian Abuse

Jerusalem: Orthodox Jews Attack Benedictine Abbot

FBI Deleted Records on Infamous Memo Targeting Pro-Life Catholics After Whistleblower Made it Public

Why French farmers have the support of the Church in their protest movement

Over 350 American Churches Have Been Attacked, Joe Biden Has Done Virtually Nothing

Exclusive: Lourdes bishop hopes to make decision on Rupnik mosaics by spring

The greatest tragedy is that the church was involved in this spectacle in real time”

Evidence of WEF’s ‘Satanic Rituals’ Emerges from Davos?

Judge Dismisses Satanic Temple’s Lawsuit Against Idaho Abortion Ban

‘Barbie Jesus’ - Why Seville’s Holy Week poster is an international debate

Baby Girl Born at 22 Weeks is Now Thriving 5 Years Later

Lawyer warns 2021 law could see Canadians jailed for impeding euthanasia, abortion

Katelynn Took the Abortion Pill and Immediately Regretted It, Thankfully Baby Aubrey’s Life Was Saved

Pro-life organizations support Donald Trump's candidacy

Arkansas Awards $500,000 to Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers Helping Pregnant Women

The premature birth rate is rising. Could IVF be a contributing factor?

Planned Parenthood Gave Me the Abortion Pill. My Pain Was Insane, I Bled Everywhere, Then I Saw My Dead Baby 

‘Slippery Slope to Infanticide’: Why I’m Opposing the Unlawful Florida Abortion Ballot Initiative

Viral TikTok video shocks users with link between birth control and blood clots

Helen Alvaré: Pro-life scholar and speaker who upends stereotypes

Biden claims he's not for 'abortion on demand,' but for 'three trimesters'

Australian wife and mother dies following first-trimester abortion

Biden Admin Orders Destruction of Five Full-Term Aborted Babies, Potentially Hiding Criminal Evidence

Canada study shows push for organ donation after euthanasia

VIDEO: “Bisexual” NYC judge recuses herself from custody case after trying to hook up with mom on “swingers’ app”…

UPDATE: Montana Parents Who Accused Child Protective Services Of ‘Kidnapping’ Daughter For Refusing Gender Transition Reportedly Face Arrest

White House To Enshrine New Department of Education Rule Strengthening Protections for ‘Gender Identity’

Insane Leftists Want Trannies to Be Able to Have Their Gender Legally Changed After They Die

Behold: NYC is the most evil city in the US. Look what they just did to this poor father

Transgenderists and the Occult

Is the New York Times starting to back away from 'sex changes' for children?                 2/6


The Holy Martyrs of Japan

St. Agatha Virgin and Martyr

Saint of the Day Quote: Saint Gonsalo Garcia

Saint Philip of Jesus, Martyr of Japan

Homeless Man receives a Miracle when he prays his first Rosary (1 min.)

Scriptural Litany to Live the Grace of Martyrdom

Bishop Strickland shares a message to priests who do not vigorously defend the sanctity of life

Father of Mercies

The Spiritual Struggles of a Christian

The importance of watchfulness in prayer

Bishops Helping Deploy Major Migrant Crime Wave Across America

Russell Brand: God is directing a global ‘awakening’ in response to growing authoritarianism

The Great Ecumenism: Wolves and Sheep Are One Family

Will the Pope Listen? Stop Laughing!

A Wearying Pontificate Nears Its End

Pope’s Contortions to Avoid Telling the Truth about Homosexual Relationships

Fernandez, Armed with the Fiducia Supplicans, Crosses the Rubicon.

‘No Verse From The Bible Should Be Prohibited’: Preacher To Appeal Conviction For Holding Sign With Scripture Passage

Why French farmers have the support of the Church in their protest movement  

The Level of Francis' Appointments: Missing Cardinal Speaks of "Stupid Prank"

Discipleship: Becoming a Spiritual Mother or Father

Catholic Church refutes accusations of helping alkaline attacker gain asylum   

Vatican: Rupnik’s Art Is Still in Demand


Khorchide, professor of Islamic religious education, criticizes the taboo nature of criticism of Islam

Taylor Swift: “I’m a Christian” and People With Real “Christian Values” Support Abortion

Years after adoption, a distinctive birthmark helps birth mother recognize son conceived in rape

Abortion Pill Reversal Saved Her Baby Girl’s Life

Austrian doctor forced to pay parents for ‘wrongful birth’ of child

Bioethics expert team of the Polish Bishops' Conference: The morning-after pill is immoral

USA: "Catholic" Joe Biden charges pro-life activists after blocking an abortion clinic

Sick Teacher Who Photographed Himself Sexually Abusing An 8-Year-Old Girl At Afterschool Program May Have Assaulted Other Kids

California School Drops $250,000 On ‘Woke Kindergarten’ Program to “Disrupt Whiteness”, Students’ Grades Dip Even Further

British Lawmaker Calls for Dead People to Be Able to Change Their Gender

Ohio and Michigan Republicans Unite to Oppose Mutilation of 'Trans Kids', Liberal Media Defends Butchering...

Viral Video: Teacher Teaches Student to Think About ‘Transphobic’ Attacks on J.K. Rowling

Beware of Wolves

Oklahoma Drag Queen Principal Offers Resignation          2/5


Saint Blaise, Bishop and Martyr

Two Martyrs for One: Blaise and Ansgar

St. Blase was a healer of bodies and souls as a doctor and faithful bishop of the Church

6 Wonderful Bible quotes to make you smile!

Homeless Man receives a Miracle when he prays his first Rosary (1 min.)

Our Lady of Good Success and the Purification, February 2

Saint of the Day Quote: Saint Berlinda

16 Years of Carmelite prayers led to a deathbed conversion

Bishop Strickland: Christ calls each of us to have a ‘strong, joyful’ faith like the martyrs

Zen: There Is Nothing Good in Homosexual Concubinage

Catholic diocese of Hong Kong ‘working with CCP’ to effect ‘Sinicization’: report

Hong Kong’s Catholics face ‘collapse of religious freedom’ 

Third new bishop in China in just one week

BEAUTIFUL: African nun explains God’s will for the family


Vatican Statement: At Baptisms and Weddings, Every Word Matters

Could This Be Why Bishops Appear To Hate Trump And Love Biden?


'Never in the history of the Catholic Church has a document of the Roman Magisterium experienced such a strong rejection’


The Great Prophecy at Akita and the Mysterious Meaning Behind the Number “101”

The Catholic Church’s bishop-elect problem

90 Priests, Scholars Ask Bishops To Reject "Fiducia Supplicans"

Where are the U.S. bishops? Why isn't a single bishop on this list? 

5 Amazing Catholic sites to visit in Alaska

In LA, Gardens of Healing help abuse survivors reconnect with the Church

Belarus Bishops Reject Document “Sodoma Supplicans”

What's Finnish for Catholic?

A safe haven: Catholic oasis welcomes visitors in the heart of New York City

Republican Senators Demand the FBI Explain Its Deletion of Records on a Memo Targeting “Radical” Catholics

Comedian Rob Schneider: Jesus ‘Grabbed Me’ and I Want to Spread His Message

Calling Evil Good and Good Evil: What in the World Is Happening on College Campuses?

Homeschooling: Increasingly in the Crosshairs

Catholic Schools That Teach Life Begins at Birth Aren’t Just Anti-Christian, They’re Anti-Science

EU-funded extremism researcher admits she wants tradwives, 'far-right' female influencers censored

Christian Movie ‘The Hill’ Soars to the Top Spot on Netflix 

World Watch-List Sheds Light On Global Christian Persecution

Group Launches New AI “Purifying” Tool That Puts Conservative Clothes and Removes Tattoos on Half-Naked E-Girls

Leftist Group Smears Religious Freedom Summit; Democratic Co-Chair Responds

Christian Man Charged With Hate Crime for Defacing Satanic Display

Bizarre Satanic Tapestry Displayed at WEF Davos Summit

The Real Nature Of Satan Clubs—To Indoctrinate Children Against A Biblical Worldview

'Our largest ground game yet': Pro-life group to spend nearly $100M in 2024

I Was Conceived in Rape. Some People Say Abortion’s Okay in Cases of Rape, But I’m Glad I’m Alive

Is ‘abortion pill reversal’ safe? Watch as one doctor explains the facts.

Pastor Found Guilty of Breaking Law By Holding Sign With Bible Verse Outside Abortion Biz

'None of this will bring my children back'

Joe Biden Wants to Put This Father in Prison for a Decade for Protesting Abortion, But He’s Fighting Back

Pro-life journalist sues FBI for access to records on Knoxville Planned Parenthood arson

Live Action’s ‘Baby Olivia’ fetal development video is medically accurate despite media claims

The Abortion Clinic Offered to Kill My 28-Week-Old Baby in an Abortion for $11,400 No Questions Asked

What the media doesn’t tell you about the abortion industry is darker than you think

Planned Parenthood Sex Ed Video Claims Virginity is “Completely Made Up”

28-year-old book blogger with chronic fatigue gets euthanized

Maryland Catholic bishops condemn state’s latest push for physician-assisted suicide

Sharia Britain: Conservative MP Mike Freer Resigns Amidst Islamic Intimidation and Threats to his life

‘We Exist!’ The Testimony of an Ex-Gay Man

Bribery Biden Spends $200,000 in Taxpayer Money on App That Teaches Trannies How to Sound Like Real Women

Leading pro-life organization calls Alberta’s ban on sex-change transitions for minors a ‘political miracle’

Moms for Liberty Leader Warns “Black Lives Matter at School” Week Is a Marxist Attack on the Family

Montana CPS abducts teen from family after parents refuse to go along with LGBT “sex change” 

WATCH: VIP Perks for LGBTQ+ Illegal Invaders

Biden Administration Wants To Force Foster Parents To Sign LGBTQ Pledge

Rikers Rape Case Shows Female Prisoners Are Voiceless Victims of Gender Ideology

Gay Dad puts young kids on TikTok and encourages them to discuss homo sex accessories                   2/3


How God's glory shines

Christ, Consecration and Candlemas

The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, the Purification, or Candlemas

Candlemas and the old lady's candle

‘Candlemas Day’ helps us see that Christ is truly Light

St. Joan de Lestonnac

Saint of the Day Quote: Saint Flosculus

God exists. But is His existence self-evident? 

The Sunday Readings for February 2024 and Catholic Doctrine

Rare Video: Mari Loli, The Only Person to Know the Date of 'The Warning' Said This Will Happen First

Bishop Strickland calls out Rome for 'weaponized ambiguity' on women, homosexual blessings 

 Cd. Muller: Bishops who cancel and attack Latin Mass priests are just trying to get promoted.

Ireland’s vocations crisis reflects lack of ‘initiative’ and ‘evasion of issue’ by Church

Religious converge on Vatican amid falling numbers, growing scandals “Of the 508 consecrated communities that responded to a survey on the number of men and women who made professional vows in 2023, 438 reported having not a single member who did so”


Hong Kong’s Catholics face ‘collapse of religious freedom’

Father Ripperger: The ‘spiritual warfare’ of our times is an opportunity for us to become saints

Anonymous Nicaraguan priest details torture by Ortega regime

Protecting Our Belief in the Seal of the Confessional

Missing Cardinal Found

Liz Yore Offers Way To Hold Clergy Accountable For Aiding Invasion | Go To

BREAKING: Priests, scholars ask Church leaders to request the Pope withdraw Fiducia Supplicans

Filial Appeal to All Cardinals and Bishops of the Catholic Church

No, Not Pachamama: Francis Fights "Idolatry"

Belarusian Bishops' Conference on Fiducia supplicans: We are not putting this into practice!

Why You Should Really Care About Eternity Salvation is only possible if you really want it

Why is the DDF ‘clarifying’ its caseload, again?

Hungarian official touts country's quest to 'implement the social teachings of the Bible'

Manhunt in London After Convicted Afghan Sex Offender, Granted Asylum by Posing as Christian Launches Chemical Attack on Mother and Children (Video)

Islamic State Claims Istanbul Church Shooting, First Attack in Turkey Since 2017

Media Blackout: Deaths Linked to Islamic Violence in Africa Reach Alarming Levels

Is Pursuing Happiness Instead of Holiness the “Plague of the Church”?

‘Black Lives Matter at School’ Week Is a Marxist Attack on the Family, Moms for Liberty Leader Warns

When the Government Comes for Your Children

Biden Admin Warned Banks About Christian “Extremists” Who Bought Bibles

United Church of Christ lost over 286K members, 550 churches in last decade: report

Russian Geneticist Fired After Claiming Humans Lived to 900 Years Before Biblical Flood

Pakistani Christian brothers abducted, tortured, forcibly converted to Islam

The Thought Police Are Here

Objecting to Satanic Defilement Now Qualifies as Hate

The return to ‘Satanic panic’: Canada’s grief for mass murders never committed  

Premature baby goes from under a pound to 12 pounds in seven months

Dr. Mildred Jefferson, First Black Woman to Graduate From Harvard Medical School, Was a Pro-Life Leader 

Poland grapples with changes to abortion law as Catholic Church hits back   

Abortion Pill Reversal Gave My Daughter and Me a Second Chance at Life

Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz Will Close Center in Minnesota 

New Mexico health committee ignores need for parenting and pregnancy help

French legislators overwhelmingly vote to enshrine 'freedom' of abortion in constitution

Senator calls for prosecution of Planned Parenthood in Missouri based on shocking video

Oregon Supreme Court Blocks Pro-Life Republicans from Re-Election Ballot

‘Safe, legal, and rare’ is gone. Now it’s ‘more abortion, all the time.’

An Abortionist Everyone Should Meet

Canada’s Continued Descent into the Culture of Death

Canada Delays Killing Mentally Ill People amid Widespread Public Disgust

Sexually transmitted syphilis cases soar to highest levels in 70 years, CDC data shows

Mandated Tampon Dispenser Placed Inside Boys Bathroom At High School Lasts '20 Minutes'

Living with same-sex attraction in the aftermath of FS

Utah Is the Latest State to Ban DEI Efforts on Campus and in Government 

Fiducia Supplicans: Murdered Canon Had Many Homosexual Encounters

Noted atheist and biologist Richard Dawkins criticizes “non-binary believers”       2/2


Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr

Saint Bridget of Ireland

How St. Brigid is responsible for today’s Leap Year proposals

Saint Ansgar’s Story

St. Charles de Foucauld’s letter to his sister who lost a child


‘Gift of New Life’ Brings Heroic Hope After Newlywed Tragedy

He Hears Us All

Trappists inaugurate church on Norwegian fjord of Trondheim

Stockholm Syndrome in the Catholic Church

A New Years Resolution for the Church: Clarity and Fidelity

Abp. Vigano: The globalist criminal plan wants to destroy traditional agriculture, animal husbandry, and fishing in order to force people to eat artificial food produced by multinational corporations.

Modern US Religious Vocations Plummeting Traditional liturgy flourishing

What attracts 20k+ 20-somethings? Orthodox Catholicism, NOT liberalism

Rome, We Have a Problem

Pope Francis: "Whoever is Critical of Fiducia Supplicans is an Ideologue" -- He Doesn't Fear Schism

Cardinal about West: “We Wish Them All the Best in their Disappearance!”

Ireland’s vocations crisis reflects lack of ‘initiative’ and ‘evasion of issue’ by Church

A Plea for Parishes

Ontario Catholic trustee’s motion has led to the daily recitation of the Lord’s Prayer in schools

Francis’s DeathAcademy Pervert Abp. Paglia on AI; “The world is in a changing era and we are not against the growing use of technology and Artificial Intelligence,”

Demon attacks pilgrim in Medjugorje. “The body was thrashing; it took six men to control its charged strength.” Powerful story

"Hate Crime": Don't Touch the Devil!

Religious from 60 countries converge on Vatican to prep for 2025 Jubilee of Hope

Seminary steps up security amid violence in Nigeria

Belgium Bishops Demand Pope Laicize Predator Prelate Bishops require Pope Francis to laicize Bp. Roger Vangheluwe before visiting.

Southern African bishops to offer homosexual blessings ‘with prudence’

Bishop Perić: Francis Is Spreading the Sodom Virus

The Pornocracy at the Vatican

Fr. James Martin addresses Irish bishops in private meeting at Marian Shrine

Indonesian bishop 'postpones' Ash Wednesday due to elections

Archbishop Supports Optional Celibacy

"I'm most comfortable as a Catholic" - Blasphemous GangsterDirector Martin Scorsese lurking around FrancisVatican again

Biden Admin. Sends Millions to Religious Nonprofits Facilitating Mass Illegal Migration

Ohio Pastor Fights Back After City Attempts to Shut Down Church’s 24/7 Outreach to Poor, Homeless

God's Perfect Peace Is The Perfect Antidote For The Madness And The Lies - God Provides For Everything He’s Made, He Sustains This Old World And He Cares Deeply About Each Of His Children

Kevin James: Only God is master of life and death

Abortion Pill Reversal Has Saved 5,000 Babies From Abortions

Council for Life raises over $1.3 million to support mothers facing unplanned pregnancies

I Was Told My Baby Was “Incompatible With Life,” But I Refused Abortion

Christian rapper depicts abortion from the baby’s perspective in new pro-life song ‘The Cry’

Pressured by abortion staff and a boyfriend, Victoria says abortion ‘almost destroyed’ her

Bogus Study Filled With Multiple Flaws Falsely Claims Pro-Life Laws Hurt Women’s Mental Health

A pro-life novel full of beauty and power: “Leonie. Until the dawn comes” by Maria Schober

Senator calls for prosecution of Planned Parenthood in Missouri based on shocking video

Peaceful protesters, who dare disagree with the Democrat position on abortion, face harsh prison sentences

Lawmakers introduce legislation to legalize abortion in traditionally Catholic, pro-life Poland

Pro-Life Americans Appeal Bogus Conviction Putting Them in Prison for a Decade for Protesting Abortion

Netherlands lifts age limit for assisted suicide by stopping diet

Dutch doctors try to justify broadening assisted death by starvation

How to Survive a Leftist University as a Conservative Woman

New State Law Opens The Door For Mass Medicalization And Surveillance Of Children, Expert Warns

EXCLUSIVE: Mom Sues School District For Socially Transitioning 12-Year-Old Girl Without Parental Consent

Former DNC chair says 'religion must not be used as a cudgel to discriminate' at IRF Summit

Targeting Children With 'It's Okay To Pass Away Today' Videos On Multiple Platforms - Creators Claim It Is 'Satire', But It Is Truly A Sickening Push For Assisted Suicide

5 Trannies Are Dominating so Hard at Women’s College Volleyball That They’ve Injured Two Female Players

New Jersey Dad Sues School Over Daughter’s Secret Gender Transition

Trans Runner Breaks 2 Women's Track & Field Records For New York College           2/1